This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 567: Two clues

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The drum-like explosions and gunshots stopped at some point. Not long after, black smoke floated in the direction of Dust Town.

The residents walking on the mountain path stopped involuntarily, took off their burdens, and crawled toward the town.

“My God, the big-antlered deer…”

“I hope Lord Horned Rat is safe and sound.”

“The Emperor’s blessing.”

From the messy prayers, it is not difficult to see how ridiculous their beliefs are.

However, the heart that prays for peace for the warriors is not at all false.

Seeing the wisp of black smoke, Zhang Zhengyang, who was tied to the bullock cart with his hands tied by ropes, felt relieved, with a hint of secret joy.

The distinguished bishop did not give up on him!

Their allies sent someone to rescue him!

However, he did not write his thoughts on his face, he just shrank his head submissively, for fear of being noticed by the survivors and venting their anger on him.

Looking at the residents lying on the ground praying, Lao Bai, who was walking in front of the team, stopped and tapped his helmet with his index finger.

“Ten minutes of rest.”

“We’ll wait for them for a while.”

This place is more than 20 kilometers away from Chenchen Town. There are forests and hills that are difficult for vehicles to traverse, so there is basically no need to worry about being caught up.

Thanks to the time the brothers of the Jungle Corps bought for them, they had enough time to move to a safe area.

After about three to five minutes, the residents of Dust Town stood up from the ground, patted the dust on their bodies, and picked up their luggage on the ground again.

People’s mood was low and there wasn’t much communication.

But Lao Bai could see something other than sadness and hesitation in their eyes.

He has seen those things in the eyes of the residents of Dawn City…

“Continue on the road.” Lao Bai waved his right fist.

The transferred team formed a long snake in the mountains, winding forward towards the resettlement point hidden in the mountains.

At the same time, a small silver fixed-wing drone ended its hovering and glided along a predetermined trajectory to the side of an abandoned farm in the north.

The two Guards Regiment scouts waiting there quickly stepped forward, folded the drone and recovered it

It was folded and recovered and put on the “Viper” transport plane parked near the farm.

Two hours later.

The drone’s memory was sent to the Monolith, and the battle videos and weapon data were recovered and uploaded to the server.

The office on the highest floor of the Boulder Building.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, Yin Bosi watched the battle video from beginning to end.

After about two or three seconds, he pressed the close button with a sigh and said to himself.

“I have to admit that even ugly organisms will occasionally show highlights other than death…”

“So beautiful.”

According to computer simulation results, the “Iron Wall” exoskeleton plus the “Roarer” bolter can at most bring a human soldier’s combat effectiveness to the same level as a mutant.

That is, when both sides use infantry armor and thermal weapons, and the difference in tactics and numbers is not large, the one-for-one battle loss ratio is a data that is relatively close to the deduction results.

After all, mutants themselves are the by-products of the singularity technology of “Gestalt Life Forms”, and their existence itself is the crystallization of biological technology.

Even if the soldiers of the Jungle Corps are all Awakened, it is not easy to achieve a one-for-three record without additional support.

However, the final battle loss ratio reached one to ten!

Yin Bosi has no doubt that any regiment in Boulder City, even at its peak, cannot have such a high combat effectiveness.

Twenty versus more than five hundred…

Even a team composed of X-16 would probably be overwhelmed in a matter of minutes.

“The data is so beautiful that it loses its reference value…but your bravery deserves to be collected by the server forever.”

Gently swipe your index finger on the floor-to-ceiling window,

Yin Bosi dragged the battle records and various data into the folder and archived them.

This is the first battlefield for the XB-1 “Roarer” bolter. It was also the most shocking new weapon experiment in a century.

Thinking that those guys were dead, a rare trace of regret appeared on Yin Bosi’s face.

“Although you may not have a chance to hear it, I still want to tell you.”

“Your death is worth far more than most organisms.”

However, he didn’t expect that Alliance soldiers were so good at close combat. His original suggestion was to retreat when they got close to a safe distance of 10 meters.

How about equipping them with melee equipment such as chainsaws….

[Branch: “First test of bolt gun” mission completed! 】

[Requirement: Fight with a mutant team of more than 100 people. 】

[Yin Bosi: “Most of your dead organisms are much more valuable. I look forward to our next cooperation with you!”]

【Rating: S+】


At the same time that the players of the Jungle Corps were receiving mission rewards, the official website of “Wasteland OL” was bustling with activity.

The trash man who was gloriously offline was scratching words on the keyboard, vividly describing the dangerous situation at that time.

Including how he launched an unparalleled killing spree among those green-skinned and muscular old men, including how he took the head of the giant mutant in the crowd.

Listening to his abstract description of “picking out a head with his left hand, and another head with his right hand”, people who didn’t know thought he had destroyed an army of 100 people.

Finally someone couldn’t help but ask how many people had been killed in total, and Mr. Garbage told the truth quite honestly.

After hearing “only twenty”, a long line of boos immediately started under the post.

What do you mean to me, Ye Ao: “Haha, I can brag about only twenty of them. When my brother went to Southeast Asia to do business, he accidentally met a group of drug dealers with hundreds of them. Those guys were all tall. The big guy was carrying an AK and a big pineapple, but he was shot through with a dagger by my brother. Later I found out he was a local warlord.”

Trash picking up level 99: “Oh, your hundred drug dealers are just a chicken in the wasteland, and even the predators may not be able to defeat them!”

Yin Leina: “I think you lost the moment you discussed it with Brother Yeao. (Funny)”

Elf King Fugui: “Did I remember it wrong? Isn’t his brother a special soldier who went to the south to perform a secret mission? (Funny)”

Makabazi: “Hahahaha! I remember it too!”

Yin Leina: “Then the question is, what did the ancestors of Brother Yeao do. (Funny)”

As usual, Brother Ye Ao still ran away without saying a word, giving no chance for him to catch the line. People can’t help but wonder if this guy is secretly playing with his mobile phone under the table.

Back to the post itself, unlike cloud players, most players have seen how powerful mutants are.

Especially the veteran players of A beta.

The impression of mutants’ terrifying resilience is almost etched in their minds.

So when the trash guy said that he got 20 heads, even his teammates didn’t believe this KD.

I wanted to call him out for being fake, but I even yelled that this guy had to take the two heads he had taken from me, which made the trash man’s nose crooked with anger.

It wasn’t until the chickens came down at midnight that his name was corrected. This guy really wasn’t bragging.

If it weren’t for the big old lady at the end who could knock down a tree with one kick, I’m afraid he could have killed more.

That guy has a name, and he can be considered a purple elite monster.

Trash picking up level 99: ….. Hey, when it comes to misfortune, it is still miserable for you. Twenty sets of ‘iron wall’ exoskeletons, not counting those bolt guns, add up to three hundred thousand silver coins, right? ”

Although he also lost a set of “Hunter” exoskeleton, that thing is just a mount equipment, which is not very expensive, so just lose it.

Aren’t games just for fun?

Anyway, he felt good, and his followers were saved, let alone someone who lost more money than he did.

This life value


It’s gone!

Midnight Killing Chicken: “Oh, you said that exoskeleton and rifle…those things are mission props. If they break, they will break. We didn’t buy them with money anyway.”

Pic City Paratrooper: “+1, have you forgotten, we usually wear the KV-1 and Miner I with steel plates welded on them.”

Worker: “Goblin technology is the best in the world! (Funny)” Trash picking up level 99: “???”

Task? What the hell? ! The garbage man is stupid.

Seeing those three question marks, I typed the question at midnight. “Didn’t you receive the mission?”

Trash picking up level 99: “…What kind of mission. (Confused)”

Midnight Killing Chicken: “This is the mission of Jushi Military Industry. Didn’t I say it from the beginning, we are here to die.”

Trash Picking Level 99: “What the fuck?! Are you serious!?” Midnight Killer: “That’s right.”

Seeing this “Yes”, Jun Jun almost spit a mouthful of old blood onto the screen.

Brother Ji did say this at that time, but he only thought that the guy was showing off and didn’t take it to heart at all.

Having been engaged in such an outrageous mission for so long? !

Thinking that the trash guy didn’t believe it, Midnight Killer continued typing.

“The branch line of Jushi Military Industry, let’s challenge ’20VS100′ and see how many we can kill. There are mission props that can be used for free. I originally planned to save it for later, but I just caught up with the opportunity… Anyway The rating is S+, and the silver coins given are quite a lot.”

Makabazi: “Hahahaha!”

Yin Leina: “Garbage Man: I am the wronged one. (Funny)”

Elf King Fugui: “I feel bad, if I were a trash man, I would have fainted in the toilet from crying. (Funny)”

Trash picking up level 99: “I won %?#@!” Killing chickens at midnight: “(silly laugh)”

The Mole on the run in the canyon: “One thing to say, the loss of this equipment is really uncomfortable, and it makes me feel sad to see it. I think we can have an insurance function, similar to EVE, where a certain percentage of isk will be returned when the ship explodes, and a certain percentage of isk will be returned if the exoskeleton explodes. 60% or 70% of silver coins, and there is no need to insure some weapons such as automatic rifles.”

Yin Leina: “Then the question is, based on the probability of the player’s equipment being damaged, what percentage of the total price of the equipment should the premium account for? (Funny)”

Running Mole in the Canyon: “Well, this is indeed a problem.”

If the premium is too high, insurance becomes meaningless. And if the premium is too low, with the almost realistic economic system of “Wasteland OL”, the alliance may go bankrupt on the spot.

He has always been interested in doing private insurance business.

But in this kind of business of gambling with obvious risks, he will end up bankrupt in the end.

After all, he is a player himself, so he knows best how promiscuous a player is…

While there was a lot of chatter on the forum, nearly three hundred residents of Chenchen Town and the Burning Corps finally arrived at the mountainous area at the junction of the River Valley Province and the Jinchuan Province.

The terrain here is difficult, with only a winding mountain road to the south and a 50-60 meter wide river to the north. Steep rock walls stand in the water, and in the middle is a bridge built during the People’s League era.

Although the roads on both sides have been basically erased by time, this unknown bridge still stands structurally intact, but the overall structure is slightly tilted.

It is estimated that the ground beneath the bridge pier collapsed.

But in the wasteland, this dangerous bridge is not in the way. This is already a road rarely traveled.

The alliance’s supply truck is parked at the bridgehead, and the players of the Burning Corps are busy unloading the supplies and cooperating with the accompanying logistics personnel to construct the operational base.

Before the guard tower and machine gun position, they need to widen the road at the bridge head so that ammunition and weapons can be sent in smoothly.

With the current situation, it is difficult for the truck to turn around.

Just looking at the road conditions across the bridge, Ye Shi really didn’t know whether to admire these guys’ driving skills or the alliance’s factory.

I can drive the car here, and if I get back to reality and get an A, I’m afraid it won’t be a problem.

“Long time no see! Where’s Mr. Trash? Are you on the street again?”

Seeing Lao Bai and his party, Murderous Dagger walked up and said hello with a playful smile, and then saw them

The dark crowd behind them suddenly showed a surprised expression on their faces.

He wasn’t the only one surprised.

The survivors in Dust Town were also shocked when they saw his hands as big as iron pots. A few timid children hid nervously behind their parents, and some of the younger ones even cried.

The murderous dagger looked embarrassed.

He couldn’t figure it out anyway. He was not as scary as Jun Jun, but when he saw each and every one of his NPCs, it was as if he had seen a ghost.

However, in order not to frighten the children, he still pretended to hide his two big fists behind his back, looked at Lao Bai and asked in a low voice.

“Why are there so many people here?”

Lao Bai shrugged helplessly and was about to explain, but Ye Shi who was following him answered first.

“They are all followers of Jun Jun.” Murderous Dagger: “Pfft…” Kidney Fighter: “Believers are okay.”

“In short, it’s basically like what Ye Shi said, Brother Junk asked us to take good care of them.” Lao Baiyan continued concisely, “What’s more, there are mutants on the other side. Even without Brother Junk’s request, we can’t let them go. They don’t care.”

“That’s true…” Murderous Dagger nodded in agreement. Mutants are not human beings.

Although this is nonsense, it is very suitable to describe what they do. Comparing the tribe of predators to the tribe of mutants, they pale into insignificance.

Lao Bai has already reported to the manager about the matter in Dust Town.

Although the alliance does not have the spare capacity to take care of a group of refugees 700 kilometers away, especially Dawn City and Boulder City are preparing for the spring wave, the benevolent Lord still said that he would let the Refugee Home send some people over. , place these people in place.

At this time, the mayor of Chenchen Town came over.

The old man was followed by a young man, both of whom looked like they had something to say.

Looking at the old man and the young man, Lao Bai asked in a gentle tone. “What’s the matter?”

Qin Baitian did not speak, but first nodded respectfully and saluted. When Lao Bai was surprised, he raised his head and spoke seriously.

“Thank you for saving us again and again. I know that we will never be able to repay your kindness in our lifetime, but at least we don’t want to be a burden to you, let the big horned deer god

The Horned Rat is ashamed of us… If there is anything that people like us can do to help, please don’t hesitate to tell me and I will pass it on to the residents of the town. ”

The young man following Qin Baitian also nodded vigorously and said firmly.

“Please give us a chance…we want to help you do something!”

A few months ago, he accidentally ate Naguo and almost caused the entire village to fall into the green plague.

It was the deer **** who forgave and saved him.

The adult not only pardoned the sins he committed due to ignorance, but also gave him precious medicines to help him get through the most difficult period.

Until now, he finally fully recovered.

From then on, he vowed to serve that adult throughout his life.

Seeing the determination in their eyes, Lao Bai was silent for a while, swallowed the words on his lips, and changed his words.

“We plan to build a supply outpost here, and in the future we will build a railway from Qingquan City to here.”

“If you want to help us do something, first count the young adults between the ages of 16 and 40 who are willing to help. I will send the list to the logistics office and let them give it to you. Arrange the work, and then you can get a salary, although it is usually not a lot, it is just the minimum standard.”

“How can you be so embarrassed? You have helped us so much, how can we ask for your money…” Qin Baitian looked embarrassed and wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Lao Bai raising his hand.

“The Alliance will not let anyone work for free. As long as you work, you must be paid. This is a law that everyone must abide by. I hope you understand. Just like you want to do something for us, we also don’t I hope you will bring your own dry food to work for us.”

Qin Baitian was stunned for a moment.

It wasn’t because of the reward that the man in front of me insisted on saying, but because of the first sentence at the beginning.

“The alliance is…”

“It’s the alliance in the southern part of the Vale Province. I never had the chance to tell you that in fact we don’t have an emperor, only one administrator. That lizard is one of us, so is the mouse, and the person who is with them Yes, we are all residents of Vault 404…”

Looking at the confused expressions on the two people’s faces, Lao Bai guessed that they couldn’t even find where the Valley Province was, so he stopped talking with a wry smile.

“Is it too difficult to understand? Then just understand…it is a collective of many large settlements.”

Before Qin Baitian could react, the young man asked blankly. “Is it the kind like Pinecone Farm?”

“Pinecone Farm? It’s definitely not as big as a farm…” Lao Bai roughly understood it as a place similar to Brown Farm, and shook his head with a smile.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the young man showed a shocked expression after hearing it.

“It’s actually bigger than Pinecone Wood Farm…” Ye Shi interjected curiously and asked. “What is that place?” “Qin Baitian said slowly.

“A settlement of more than 50,000 people is located some east of the ruins of the city. It is quite far away from us, but it is also within the boundaries of Jinhe City… The farmers there seem to Why call him Zhao? He has many soldiers under his command.”

Ye Shi and Bang Feng exchanged glances, and Fang Chang, who had been silent until now, touched his chin, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Dust Town is the last settlement that has not been contaminated by Naguo… In other words, that pine cone wood farm should now be the territory of the Torch Church?”

With a slight movement in his heart, Fang Chang looked at Qin Baitian and asked.

“Is there a larger settlement in Jinhe City than Pinecone Wood Farm?”

Qin Baitian thought for a while and shook his head.

“Probably not anymore. I remember that the farm itself was the merger of several settlements. If I remember correctly, when I was a child, there seemed to be three or four farms there… …”

Fang Chang asked immediately.

“Have you been there?”

Qin Baitian shook his head and said with a hint of fear in his eyes. “I don’t dare to go there… I heard that some of the slave-catching teams in this area are actually the guards of the Zhao village owner. Except for scavenging and hunting, we usually don’t dare to go too far away from the settlement. In the past It is said that the old mayor had some friendship with Pinecone Wood Farm, but a lot of things happened later… If you are curious about the situation there, I can help you ask the hunters in the town.”

Fang Chang nodded. “Well, that’s troublesome.”

They themselves are the vanguard troops sent by the Alliance to the south. Not long after arriving here, they still have too little grasp of local intelligence.

He needs more information.

Whether it is for the secrets hidden in the “Champion” biopharmaceutical research institute, or to find the “sacred territory” and the bishop hidden inside.

As the largest local survivor settlement, Pine Cone Wood Farm may be a good breakthrough point.

There is also the “Iron Tower” organization. Fang Chang looked at Lao Bai.

“Speaking of which, what is the manager’s opinion of that ‘Iron Tower’ organization?” Lao Bai ended his meditation and said.

“His suggestion is that we can cooperate with local resistance groups, but we must be wary of the possibility that such loosely structured resistance groups themselves may be infiltrated. Those we come into contact with may be safe, but others must Put a question mark.”

Fang Chang glanced at Lao Bai in surprise. To be honest, he thought so too.

Last night’s attack was no different than sending someone to death. It didn’t feel like consuming the opponent at all, but rather like consuming yourself.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The prosthetic mutant sent from the opposite side is not an ordinary monster.

If Ye Shi hadn’t drawn away the hatred, the guy named Li Jinrong and his brothers would definitely be dead.

What surprised Fang Chang was that he could think of this because he was at the scene and he was the one who saved the guy.

You can take this into account just by looking at the battle report from 800 kilometers away. There is something about this NPC…

“…Indeed, there may be informants from the Torch Church within the Iron Tower organization. We cannot completely trust them, but in turn we can also take advantage of this and pass some false information to our enemies through them. , let our enemies reveal their flaws.”

“This is a good idea…” Lao Bai nodded approvingly and continued, “But these are just our speculations for the time being. Maybe last night was just an accident. This possibility also exists. “Fang Chang continued.

“So we need to conduct two lines at the same time. On one side, we will contact the people of the Iron Tower Organization to find out who among them can be trusted and those who are not trustworthy. On the other side, we can use the clue of Pinecone Wood Farm , follow the clues to collect information about the “Sanctuary”. ”

Lao Bai nodded and said seriously.

“Okay, then I’ll find a way to contact the tower first.”


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