This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 511: A unanimous decision

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Where is this? who I am?

In the hazy fog, Jiang Xuezhou opened his eyes and looked blankly at the surrounding haze.

Suddenly, there was a slight tingling between her eyebrows. She raised her index finger and pressed it on her eyebrows. The moment her fingertips touched, Mohu’s memory gradually began to become clearer.

The first thing that came to mind was his name, followed by the day of his birth, and the surrounding environment changed accordingly. The blanket of haze turned into a vast expanse of snow.

“It’s a girl…”

“·······The brain cell activity is good, the physical fitness is good, and the hormone levels are normal. He is a good seedling.” “Thank you, doctor!”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do.” “She looks like you.”

“Then… let’s call her Snow Island.” “It would be great if she can pass the exam.”

The silhouettes of memories flash by like a slideshow.

She saw two kind smiles, and saw the outline of the lake stained with white frost, and then watched the voice gradually turn into a sad look.

“Mom…Dad…” 2 she whispered in her mouth.

I seem to have returned to my childhood.

The conditions at home were very difficult at that time. Her father was on the scavenger team and her mother worked in a garment factory. Their staple food was potatoes raised in the cold zone, but those were livestock entrusted to local management by the Science and Technology Commission. For most people, even a week may not be enough

A path in life.

As long as any family can train an apprentice, they can receive huge subsidies from the Science and Technology Commission… That is a wealth that everyone will envy. Her parents can live there

If her brother and sister can change to a more relaxed position, they will all be envious of wealth. Her parents can live in a bigger house, and her brother and sister can also change to a more relaxed position and strive to become a member of the Science and Technology Committee. Will contribute two more good seedlings.

And for the lucky person who becomes an apprentice, he will live a prosperous and comfortable life from now on, without having to worry about trivial matters unrelated to scientific research.


Didn’t I pass the assessment?

And he also became the researcher that countless apprentices dreamed of… Jiang Xuezhou suddenly had a trace of panic in his eyes.

How did I… come back?

Except for everything she saw in front of her, she seemed to be unable to remember anything. An unknown force froze a certain part of her memory, limiting its flow rate, only allowing it to be released bit by bit, and studying it in detail.

“Answer me.”

The mysterious voice sounded again, with a power that confuses people’s hearts. “Remember carefully…

“Aside from your closest relatives, who is the most important person in your life?”

The most important person besides close relatives?

There was a moment of confusion in her eyes. There seems to be no such thing…

After joining the exploration team, someone would leave every now and then. She was used to jumping from one step to another, moving

The people she met in different life stages are slowly forgotten…including her father, mother, brothers and sisters who she has not seen for many years and who may still regard her as an honor.

Think about it this way…

Her life seems meaningless, just a program that was designed just right and has been running pretty well so far.

It’s just like…”NPC”.

It was beyond her expectation.

She thought that the voice in the dark would be as disappointed with her life as she was, but what she didn’t expect was that the voice seemed to be very satisfied with her slowness.

A person on the fringes of society is undoubtedly easier to replace than a person standing in the center of the stage.

People don’t have much memory about her, and they won’t be surprised by the sense of disobedience and changes in her. It would be too easy to replace it.

It’s easy to make people wonder whether there is any need to do this.

At this time, the scenery in front of her changed again. The cold wind passing through her neck made her tighten her neck, hugged her almost frostbitten arms, and squatted on the ground.

It was only then that she realized that she was squatting naked in the heavy snow, and the boundless wind and snow seemed to completely submerge her.

5 And in the distance, there are clusters of faint green light, like the eyes of alien species, or like the underworld fire that leads to hell.

Perhaps… this is my ending.

Like most of the explorers who entered the ruins in confusion and died silently with confusion and regret, they still couldn’t get rid of that boring fate.

Just when she was about to close her eyes and accept her fate, a figure suddenly walked out of the goose-feather snow.

He was wearing a jet black exoskeleton, and the bulletproof plate on his chest was dented by the impact. The howling wind seemed to have a great impact on him, and every step forward was difficult.

Who is this guy?

The mysterious voice seemed confused and did not answer her question. The man called her.


A trace of panic appeared on her face, and she even forgot that her whole body was frozen, and she slumped backwards on the cold snow. “

“Stop talking nonsense, how long do you plan to sleep here.” The man walked up to her step by step, ignored her reaction, and grabbed her arm.

Jiang Xuezhou instinctively wanted to struggle, but the man didn’t want to pay attention at all and pulled him back hard without any explanation. “Gone.”

The last words she heard there.

The surrounding scenery changes rapidly like the window of a train, and the world built by the fragments of memory collapses in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, she seemed to have entered another world, and blocked memories flooded into her mind.

I was pulled back to the shore under the deep sea, and the incomplete five senses returned with the big breath. Just like that, a hand took off the glasses on her head.


Jiang Xuezhou let out a frightened cry and quickly shrank to the wall

Bian crossed his arms tightly, only then did he realize that he was fully clothed.

The fair face gradually turned into the color of a lantern.

Fortunately, the person who took off the neural connection device on her head did not look at her at this moment.

“Is this okay? I’ll do my best whether it’s okay or not.” Ye Shi looked at Yun You aside and said.

Yun You, who put away the tablet, nodded, smiled and said.

“Well, we have successfully escaped. You did a good job.”

“Really or not?” Ye Shi glanced suspiciously at the red-faced girl sitting in the corner and mumbled, “But I feel like there is something wrong with this guy’s head.”

Yun You was stunned for a moment.

“Maybe…it will be fine after a while?”

According to Zhuang Lan, if your xinxing is not strong enough, you will easily suffer from schizophrenia if you take off the glasses unless they are closed through normal means.

That is, putting on the neural connection device and connecting it to the memory retrieval device, entering the dreamland constructed by her memory fragments, allowing her to voluntarily wake up from the dreamland.

Ye Shi didn’t want to go to such trouble, but the “Madonna” from Ideal City said she couldn’t leave the little girl alone.

In order not to affect the subsequent plot, he had no choice but to go to the entertainment room in the living area to find a neural connection device with a universal interface, and then made a copy online with classmate Jiang.

Speaking of which, this guy seems to have had a long nightmare, in which there are alien species, mutants, predators, etc.

He counted and found that he had cleared at least six dungeons just now.

But the final pass was surprisingly simple, so much so that he felt like he had done nothing at all, just give her a hand.

Then she woke up.

Thankfully, he waited for a few seconds.

Before the real-life equipment was connected to play the copy, the time bomb stuck on the floor-to-ceiling window had been defused by him and Yun You.

That thing turned out to be a miniature nuclear bomb with a yield of 10,000 tons.

Choose to detonate near the reactor. It seems that the people from the Enlightenment Society intend to completely destroy the place after taking away the data. Gradually recalling the whole story, Jiang Xuezhou slowly loosened his grip on his collar. , blushed and lowered his head and whispered.

“······Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, I just helped you out. If you want to thank me, just thank that person.” 2

Ye Shi pointed to Yun You next to him with his chin, “A lot of the work was done by her, but I can’t understand those codes.” Jiang Xuezhou blushed and nodded, and whispered to her. A word of thanks.

Looking at this polite little girl, Yun smiled with her arms folded and said in a relaxed tone. “You’re welcome. Although we have only been together for a short time, we can be considered partners who have experienced life and death together.” Partner…

Jiang Xuezhou silently glanced at Wali lying on the ground and Xiao Wang who was scrapped beside him. He bit his lips lightly, wanting to say something but not knowing how to say it.

Ye Shi walked over, took up Walli’s arm, and lifted the Wilante man from the ground.

Although he is already cold, he still has to give an explanation to the army.

“Let’s go, don’t keep everyone waiting too long.” Living area.

Su Ming, Meng Liang and Pangolin, who had previously gone to the manager’s office, were already here and were sitting silently at a dusty table.

Especially Su Ming.

After watching the previous video of Lu Yang, he seemed to have changed. He didn’t say a word all the way from the manager’s office to here.

Sitting between the two people, Meng Liang smiled bitterly, silently praying in his heart that his partner would come back quickly… At this moment, the door next to him opened.

Three people came in from outside.

“I’ve kept you waiting for a long time.” Sitting in front of the table, Yun You glanced at the three people at the table apologetically, and then looked at Jiang Xuezhou, “Sit down too… Next we are going to What you say is important.”

Having learned the whole story on the way here, Jiang Xuezhou didn’t say a word and silently pulled out a chair to sit on.

Ye Shi temporarily placed Wall-E in the corner, hey, clapped his hands, and returned to the table to find an empty chair. “.·····Let’s discuss about Project Torch and this “Vault 0″.”

Su Ming coughed lightly and was the first to break the silence in the room. He looked around at everyone present and spoke.

“I can’t represent the position of the company, but… as a citizen of Ideal City, I think we should destroy this place. After a pause, he continued.

“Destroyed in a physical sense.” The air was quiet for a while. “I vote yes.”

Pushing up his glasses, Yun You looked at everyone sitting here seriously and continued.

“…With the current level of mutual trust between the various forces in the wasteland, there is no communication channel. Once this evil weapon is unearthed, even if it is just a blueprint… everyone will Trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma.”

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment.

“.······What does it mean?”

Yun smiled and was about to explain to this stupid kid who was confused but had good intentions. Jiang Xuezhou on the side took half a step ahead of her and spoke with a complicated expression.

“This means that the first person to “press the button” will get the maximum benefit, so even people who are not interested in this weapon at all have to join this competition, because no one can guarantee that others are not behind the scenes. carry out this plan. ”

Seeing that someone had already spoken for him, Yun You coughed slightly and said.

“·Just like she said.”

In reality, the prisoner’s dilemma is not absolutely unsolvable.

The reason why prisoners become prisoners is because there are no channels for information exchange. If the channels for information exchange are opened, many problems will naturally be solved.

However, this is the difference between the wasteland and real society.

There is not even a phone line between the highest level of the company and the college, and all parties have gone from the collective social form to

Even an organization like the Alliance, which has a relatively small management scale, is troubled by who to contact when meeting with companies for the first time.

Not to mention that the academy and the legion focus on one route and develop one independently

It has been a huge organization for half a century. Once you enter the prisoner’s dilemma, there is almost no solution.

Jiang Xuezhou stared at Yun You intently.

“But how can we ensure that you didn’t get those research data? You just proposed destroying this shelter because you didn’t want others to get it.”

Su Ming frowned, stared at Jiang Xuezhou and stood up. “Are you doubting us?”

“It’s just a reasonable question, but your reaction now makes me feel even more suspicious.” Being stared at by that murderous gaze, Jiang Xuezhou’s face didn’t look good, but he didn’t give in at all.

This is no longer about herself. But the fate of many people…

Ye Shi glanced at her unexpectedly.

I always feel that this guy seems to have become different after coming out of that dream.

Looking at the angry Su Ming, Yun You coughed lightly and said in a calm tone.

“Su Ming, Ms. Jiang from the academy is indispensable. There is at least one person from all parties involved here…so sit down.”

“”After hearing the unquestionable order, Su Ming didn’t speak and sat back silently.

He didn’t really think about doing anything to a girl, he just wanted to scare this guy, but it didn’t work. If people from the academy died inside, the conditions for blowing up the shelter without any diplomatic risk would be broken.

Even if they could blame the female researcher’s death on the Enlightenment Society, no matter whether they believed it or not, they were forced to prepare for the worst.

After all, the results of the two gestures are completely different between someone dying inside without knowing anything and walking out of it openly.

Yun You looked at Jiang Xuezhou.

“What can we do to make you believe it.” It was beyond everyone’s expectations.

No awkward conditions were imposed on the opportunity.

Looked at Yun You’s eyes for a while

I believe in you. Yun You was stunned.

Just when she subconsciously wanted to ask why, Jiang Xuezhou looked away as if embarrassed and whispered to himself.

“··If you want to keep it to yourself, there’s no need to go to such trouble to save me, right? I’m just an insignificant person anyway.”

“So I believe you.”

“I also hope… I won’t regret my decision.”

“I told you earlier, it made us so nervous.” Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on his chair. Jiang Xuezhou stared at him angrily.

“Is it too much for me to think about such an important decision for a while?”

Ignoring this “ungrateful” guy, Ye Shi simply raised his hand. “I vote in favor.”

The reason is simple, the Alliance cannot win this competition. This is an objective difference.

Even if the Legion’s research and development capabilities and scientific research personnel reserves are superior to them, the advantages accumulated over time cannot be filled up in just a few days and months.

Just like there is only a wall between confidence and arrogance, but the results are thousands of miles apart, he is still self-aware of this.

Not to mention being dragged into a scene to watch

Race for revenue does the league no good.

It is foreseeable that, except for the final weapon that restarts the world, the plan will most likely not produce any phased results that have a positive effect on society.

Also considering this issue, Meng Liang nodded. “Ye Shi and I have the same position.”

Except for Ye Shi, everyone looked at the pangolin who didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

Only one person remained who did not express his position.

However, the latter’s answer did not surprise many people. “Vote yes.”

The tense expression finally relaxed a little, and a happy smile appeared on Yun You’s face, looking gratefully

In just that moment, they had almost accomplished a miracle that was impossible in this land.

People from four different places, the legion, the enterprise, the academy, and the alliance, at this moment, unanimously cast the same vote on the issue of the future destiny of civilization.

Just like those brave and ordinary people a few months ago, two hundred years ago, or even more distant past… They made ordinary but not simple choices.

Bomb timing restarts. The group evacuated the shelter.

Before leaving, they spent some time to move the twelve dormant pods in Area X-13 to the entrance of the shelter. The crew of the Pioneer had perished.

The people lying inside at the moment are all disciples of the Enlightenment Society. According to Zhuang Lan’s confession, there is also a “guide” among them. In the organizational structure of the Enlightenment Society, the “guide” is between the elders and the disciples, and is equivalent to the mentor of many disciples.

Although it is easier for these guys to let them die silently like this, as relevant personnel who have come into contact with those deleted data, let them carry the secrets in their stomachs and this place that they should never have come to from the beginning. The world’s sanctuaries were buried together, the best option for those still alive on the surface.

As for Zhuang Lan.

Logically, it should be left to those Weirant people to deal with it. After all, she killed one of their captains, but Su Ming and Yun You were both resistant to doing so.

“…We will not extradite anyone to the Legion. This is equivalent to selling criminals to slave traders.” The pangolin was stunned for a moment.

“That’s not good.”

Before the alliance was established, they seemed to have sold captured raiders to the mines in Red River Town. This was nothing to be ashamed of. He called it efficient.

But soon he remembered his role as an undercover agent, his expression suddenly changed, and he glared at Su Ming viciously. “What do you mean?”

How dare you make me angry? Damn East Coasters

Su Ming ignored him, looked at Ye Shi who was holding back a smile for some reason, and continued. This is ours

I think it is the management of the Enlightenment Society who should be punished.

Even if she killed the Legionnaires, I would still feel sick when I think of what the Velantians did to the prisoners. They were not just sending people to work in the mines… Want to hear it? I have heard some about it from Hongshang. ”

Ye Shi coughed.

“No way.”

Happy Xiang’s games should not be so heavy. He is not the kind of person who has a bad taste. Besides, does this kind of thing still need to be guessed at?

When they captured the Heart of Steel before, they saved many poor people who were abused by those big noses.

A warlord collective that adopts a feudal system can become a small closed kingdom as small as an airship or a manor, and the only thing that can restrain the behavior of these Weirant people is the moral sense of their immediate superiors.

This happens to be the least reliable.

Even if the Legion conquers half of the Middle-Continent, the most civilized place may only be the Triumph City under the rule of their Marshal. And even the Triumph City is only relatively civilized.

It is foreseeable that she will not be tried, and will only end up being tortured to death by the governor named Cohen.

“So let’s leave it to you. Anyway, we won’t hand her over to the legion. You can do whatever you want.” Su Ming shrugged and decided that person’s fate with these words.

Ye Shi felt that this guy talked so much nonsense because he just wanted to throw the trouble to the alliance. However, this result is not harmful to the alliance.

Even if she is just a disciple, with the power and speed of three-stage awakening and is sent to participate in this kind of mission, she is at least an “elite monster”.

If you put some thought into it, you might be able to get something out of her mouth.

With so many shelters and a treasure trove of geomantic omen in the great desert, the Enlightenment Society must have a lot of good stuff. Thinking of the wrong memory retrieval device he saw before, Ye Shi couldn’t help but reveal a sinister smile on his face. 3 How about just using that one?

He thinks it’s reasonable to repay one person’s behavior to the other person. It is necessary to make some suggestions to the managers.


The voice coming from the side interrupted Ye Shi’s thoughts.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a certain D-class researcher from the college standing there, looking like he had something to say

This guy never gave him a good look, and Ye Shi had no interest in her, so he asked casually impatiently. “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Xuezhou didn’t speak for a long time.

Just when he was getting impatient with waiting, she said in a small voice. “·.··Did you see it?”

“Huh?” Ye Shi replied casually without understanding what she wanted to ask.

Seeing this guy pretending to be stupid, Jiang Xuezhou blushed, gritted his teeth, and finally suppressed the words that came to his lips

··Nothing. “Ye Shi:”? “Fuck!

You have cat cakes!

Hurrying away from the previous topic, Jiang Xuezhou continued. “Right…”

Ye Shi rolled his eyes impatiently. “What’s wrong?” Jiang Xuezhou asked softly.

“That person…is pretending to be me, right?” Ye Shi: “Yes.”

Jiang Xuezhou asked immediately.

“How did you recognize me?”

She had wanted to ask this question before she came out of the shelter, but she had never figured out how to ask it. Seeing that “adoring” look, Ye Shi smiled sheepishly.


It’s embarrassing to say that he is also a good player after all, but there are too many good people in the group, so he can’t usually show it.

Especially in terms of intuition.

It’s not that he’s bragging, no one in the entire server is more awesome than him. Even the old lady who had lived for more than two hundred years was frightened, and he came out.

·It doesn’t look like it at all. ”

Jiang Xuezhou was stunned for a moment.

“Completely… unlike?” Ye Shi said simply.

“Well, maybe my intuition is keener. The moment that person stood at the door, I knew she was not you.

····Say it as if I know you very well. ”

Ye Shi waved his hand.

“You don’t have to be familiar with each other, it’s just that you are you and she is her… They are not the same person, how can they be the same.”

The fair face was gradually stained with a hint of red. Jiang Xuezhou stared at him and gritted his teeth, and finally snorted coldly and walked away.

Ye Shi stared at the guy’s back inexplicably as he turned and left.


That’s really weird.

I originally thought I could trigger a hidden mission, or maybe I could get some gold coins because I was so grateful, but I turned around and left

When did I provoke this guy?

Shortly after Ye Shi, Su Ming and their group evacuated from the industrial building, a deafening explosion engulfed the No. 0 shelter. The 10,000-ton equivalent released internally is enough to completely blow up the entire unfinished shelter, at least enough to completely physically destroy parts of the server.

The “plan” brought out from the shelter and the video left by Captain Lu are enough to explain everything that happened here.

Although it is a pity that no treasure was taken away from it, this can still be regarded as a barely satisfactory result for all parties.

But to everyone’s surprise, the chain reaction caused by the explosion caused the ground to collapse. As luck would have it, the location of the power room was right below where the Arbitrator landed.

Before those people in the Velante who escaped by hiding in the buffer cabin could recover from their shock, fire broke out again under their buttocks.

The shelter itself absorbed most of the blast.

If the force had been larger, not many people would have survived… in the camp.

Adria found Chu Guang and said angrily. “What happened with the explosion just now?” Chu Guang looked at this guy with a strange expression.

What does it have to do with me?

However, considering the other party’s eagerness, he coughed lightly and comforted him without any pain.

“I heard that there was originally an unfinished shelter there. Maybe it was in disrepair…the reactor exploded.” After hearing this, Adria immediately burst into tears.

“How could third-generation controllable fusion explode? The critical temperature of that thing is several billion degrees!” It could be tens of billions of degrees, he couldn’t remember clearly.

But one thing he knew was that it was not a gasoline barrel that could be ignited by throwing a lighter. Chu Guang shrugged, with a look of no comment


“I don’t know, I’m very confused now… I just hope that my people have come back from below, they may know something.”

Unlike the confused representatives of the legions, companies, and colleges, he actually knew a little bit about what was going on below. Pangolin couldn’t wait to go offline and report the latest plot to him.

Although he was surprised by the players’ choices, he still expressed respect. The league really doesn’t need that.

He said. He will stay with his residents until the end.

Looking at the furious Adria, Chu Guang smiled and continued. “By the way, if your airship really can’t be repaired -” “No need!

Before Adria could react, McClun, who had rushed to answer in advance, pulled him aside and stared at Chu Guang warily before answering

“We can fix it ourselves, we don’t need your help!”

General McClun, Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then said in a dumbfounded voice.

“We can fix it ourselves, we don’t need your help!”

Looking at the suspicious General McClun, Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then said in a dumbfounded voice. “I haven’t said anything yet.”

McCron said with a dark face. “I don’t want to know.”

Several Weirant people rushed towards the industrial building.

Chu Guang guessed that they should have gone to find Wali to understand the situation, but it was a pity that that man had been killed by the disciples of the Enlightenment Society.

At this time, his personal guard captain Lu Bei came from the side. Putting his right fist against his chest, the young man said solemnly.

“…Sir, the Wolf Cavalry of the Death Corps has locked onto the phaser cannon that attacked us, but has not found the enemy’s headquarters.”

Chu Guang frowned. “Not found?”

Lu Bei nodded in shame.

“Well…according to a Wolf Cavalry report, the local headquarters should not be nearby. He found a signal tower in the area near the signal source, and the signal tower seemed to be connected by wire. way to connect to other terminals, and seems to be connected to a very far place

Remember in 1 second:


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