This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 468: Are you looking for this?

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Jot had no doubts.

Even the Deathclaw, which has made countless wastelanders fearful, has to move around when faced with the strafing fire from the quadruple 10mm cannon.


When a quadruple anti-aircraft gun faces “thousands” of Deathclaws, the positions of both sides are completely opposite.


The soldier crouched behind the anti-aircraft gun, holding the trigger tightly, emitted streaks of orange tracer towards the foot of the mountain, trying to prevent our group of animals from rushing up the mountain.

However, in the face of the death claws coming like a tide, the tongue of fire spurting from the muzzle was like a flickering candle in the darkness.

It seems that it will disappear in the silent storm at any time.

And this is indeed the case——

The roar of the cannon didn’t even last two seconds. A drone closed its wings and suddenly fell from the sky.

Before the three soldiers guarding the anti-aircraft gun could recover, the burst of fire engulfed them and the anti-aircraft cannon.

The flames of the explosion bloomed on the high ground.

Looking at the cannon that turned into a ball of twisted steel, the soldiers in the trench next to it were dumbfounded, and then a feeling of fear arose in their hearts.

“What is that?!” a captain of ten men exclaimed, twisting the muzzle of his gun back and forth toward the sky.

“Suicide drone!” Yot’s eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes for a moment, and he yelled and ordered, “Be careful of those buzzing things! Don’t let them get close to the anti-aircraft guns!”

The remaining three quadruple anti-aircraft guns began to fire into the sky, trying to shoot down the roaring drones.

However, my unorganized and random firing is obviously in vain for a drone that is “immersed in operation” by intelligence players.

Not long after, two more anti-aircraft guns were sent away, leaving only the last one on the entire high ground.

Just when Yot didn’t know what to do, Commander Simond on the side yelled at his subordinates.

“Use EMP bombs!”

Yote was shocked and said quickly.

“But your radar——”

“I can’t control that much anymore!” Simond pushed Zai away and shouted in the direction of the mortar position, “Go!”

After receiving the order from the commander, a captain of ten had rushed to the edge of the mortar position and quickly took out a blue-coated one from the box

Color-marked cannonballs.

Grabbing the cannonball’s buttocks, he banged it on the ground, then threw it into the air with all his strength, and then lay down on the ground.

The whole set of actions is done in one go.

The dust from the explosion quickly rushed upward, and the cracked shrapnel whizzed among the sandbags.

The energy detonated by the explosive is converted into pulse microwaves with a peak power of thousands of megawatts through microwave devices!

A short buzz penetrated the entire battlefield, forming transient voltages of tens or even hundreds of thousands of volts on the surfaces of countless protected or unprotected conductors.

A small flame jumped out of the distribution box in the center of the camp, and then the entire highland fell into darkness, but it was soon relit by flares.

At the same time, the four-rotor drones that had approached low altitude but had not yet detonated fell to the ground like dumplings.

The insulation layer was broken down, the fuse was blown, the radar screen failed, the electrical components were burned out, and the electronic system storage melted… everything happened in an instant.

The entire battlefield instantly regressed from the post-Cold War era to World War II and even World War I. All communication equipment had lost its function, and communication relied entirely on roaring.

On the mountain col five hundred meters away, I rolled my eyes and almost lost the connection. I cursed and took off the headphones on my head.

“Fuck! I helped the guy play hard enough!”

Looking at VM.

“For the Alliance!!!”

The high **** of hundreds of meters disappears in an instant.

Using his mount to rush forward, he paddled the edge of the water close to the back of the Deathclaw, rushed to the front, aimed at the trench closest to the hillside, and then threw it hard towards the position in front. Prepared wooden handle grenade in advance.

“Drop a bomb!”

Hearing the order to drop bombs, the Wolf Cavalry in the front row threw out the grenades in their hands, and some also took out the “Tornado” grenade launcher.

That is a weapon produced by Goblin Technology. It imitates the wheel design of the MGL grenade launcher. It can empty all six grenades within three seconds and instantly unleash a wave of mid-range suppressive firepower.

The flames of the explosion lit up the trench.

More than a dozen Wilant soldiers were killed on the spot, and the remaining one retreated in horror, trying to retreat to the rear defense line. However, before he could climb out of the half-dug trench, he was killed by a gallop. The incoming wolf cavalry used an engineer shovel to open up the skull.

Looking at the death claws rushing towards the position from the southwest, the Valantian soldiers squatting in the trenches widened their eyes.

“What kind of monster is that?!”

“Death Claw! It’s the Death Claw!”

That lives in a swamp or

The Devil in the Rainforest

We never dreamed that we would see them in the desert, let alone that our alien species at the top of the food chain would be used as mounts by barbarians!

But there is no time for us to think at this moment. The bright bayonets and flickering gun flames are already comforting our faces!

A ten-man team was instantly submerged under the iron hooves of the Wolf Cavalry.

A whole trench followed!

Our monsters running rampant on the battlefield ignore the terrain at all. They are like cuirassiers flying over the walls. Every swing of their claws can take away a living life.

With the protection of the exoskeleton, it is extremely difficult to kill it!

As the wolf cavalry rushed to the position, the battle quickly turned into a stalemate in the middle distance, turning into a hand-to-hand fight.

The troops originally responsible for the feint attack also launched a charge towards the chaotic position after hearing the charge whistle.

Both sides were so close to each other that they could clearly see each other’s nostrils, fighting for every trench, every rock, and even every sandbag bunker on the rugged terrain…

The tracers were like sparks flying on a campfire, flying automatically in the night sky without wind, and almost every wisp of extinguished fire was stained with scorched blood.


Highland 330, shrouded in darkness, was lit by burning flames.

At the same time, in the night sky in the northern part of the highland, fifty “Eagle” fighter jets appeared below the clouds.

“The exchange of fire on Highland 330 is fierce. The two sides have begun to fight. The frontline troops did not respond to your signal…” Staring at the position where the exchange of fire continued, Akante picked up the walkie-talkie and reported to the rear through the airborne radio. status.

Zai is the captain of the Falcon Kingdom’s First Flying Squadron. The task assigned to Zai by the Army Aviation Command Center is to lead the First Flying Squadron to support the friendly forces at Highland 330.

No matter what, Highland 330 cannot be lost!

Otherwise the entire 40,000 team will be in crisis!

Akante naturally understands the importance of my mission, but the position is in chaos and nothing can be seen clearly. The ground troops are more like deaf and have no response to Zai’s call.

The command headquarters also could not contact those armies, so they could only order them to make their own judgments to support friendly forces based on the situation.

But I was in the dark and couldn’t see anything clearly, even more

Stop talking about support.


After hanging up the communication, Arcante was about to give the order to lower the altitude when he suddenly saw looming black spots from under the clouds in the south.

It’s an alliance aircraft!

Arkant’s pupils contracted violently.

The scene before him reminded Zai of the fierce battle that broke out over the Capital of Plenty that day.

To be honest, the Alliance aircraft did not leave a deep impression on me.

Although they are also propeller aircraft, in terms of maneuverability and shooting accuracy, those aircraft are more than a little bit behind the “Eagle” fighter jets provided by the legion.

To put it bluntly, those planes are just like things that have been pieced together at random, and they are useless except for being cheap.

However, the pilots who flew the planes left a deep impression on Zai.

The pilots of the Alliance are like evil ghosts who are not afraid of death. They will replace their opponents even if they destroy their aircraft and kill people.


We no longer have the Heart of Steel to provide us with cover!

Without any hesitation, Arcant switched the airborne radio to the formation channel and shouted an order into the intercom.

“An enemy aircraft group was discovered due south!”

“Get ready to attack!”

We must not let our planes get close to Hill 330!

Before supporting friendly forces, we need to solve some troubles first!

At the same time, opposite the Falcon Kingdom’s first flight formation.

Looking at the fleet of planes heading straight towards him, Mosquito’s eyes not only showed no fear, but instead shone with excitement.

Previously, the legion’s “Saber” fighter jets came to visit the Heart of Steel and then returned. The two sides were unable to do anything to each other.

The prudent manager deliberately waited until the other party was far away and the fuel was almost exhausted before letting the carrier-based aircraft on the airship take off.

Mosquito thought that my **** mission would be boring. After all, the mobile radar station deployed by the Legion in Oasis No. 3 could not search us beyond visual distance.


Dog Planning did not disappoint!

While pushing down the afterburner valve, Mosquito grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted excitedly.

“Attention, all teams, an enemy fighter group has been spotted due north! Formation A continues to perform **** missions! Formation B is following you! Brothers, charge ahead!”

Responses from each squad leader came quickly in the communication channel.


Forty W-2 “Mosquito” attack aircraft immediately broke away from the flight formation and headed towards the Falcon Kingdom’s first flight formation without hesitation.

The two sides were like lancers with spears, aiming at each other’s vital points. No one gave in, and no one turned around to avoid it.

If anyone is timid, even if it is just a moment of hesitation, he will shift the joystick in his hand——

It’s like leaving your tail to the other side to bite!

Close to effective range.

Both sides pulled the trigger to fire almost at the same time!

The hot and long gun flames boiled the originally gentle evening wind, and thick and long tracers filled the night sky, tearing the tranquility of the night into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, black smoke and even flames erupted from dozens of planes. The fight between the two sides quickly turned from a queuing-to-shoot fight to a chase and chase.

For a moment, burning iron rain fell from the sky, and the flames of war seemed to extend from the ground to the sky.

The forty W-2 “Mosquitoes” that broke away from the formation soon suffered more than half of their casualties. However, the Falcon Kingdom’s first flying formation did not get any benefits. The fifty “Eagle”s were forcibly replaced. Fifteen.

Looking at the dozen or so bullet holes in the wings and hatch cover, Arcante gritted his teeth and used all his strength to pull back the out-of-control nose of the plane.

Looking back at the night sky behind him, Zai was about to find his next target when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the flying formation that continued to move forward.

The other side did not send all the planes up. Some of them had already flown behind us and continued to fly north.

Isn’t our goal No. 330?

“Something’s wrong…there’s something weird about some of our planes.”

Arcante frowned, looking through the thin clouds

In the moonlight, I could barely see clearly the several planes guarded in the center of the fleet.

That outline…

Is it a transport plane? !

He was slightly startled, and then a trace of fear was written on his face.

Without any hesitation, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

“Report to headquarters! Enemy transport plane found!”

“…The enemy aircraft group has crossed Hill 330 and is heading towards the command post of the 40,000th Army!”

Then he switched to the formation channel and roared an order.

“Enemy’s Luck

The transport is breaking through your defense zone! ”

“Stop us!”

I finally realized something.

The Falcon Kingdom flight formation suddenly gave up the fight with the Goblin Corps and frantically pursued the Alliance’s transport fleet.

But it was obviously too late.

With Mosquito’s order, the escorting Formation B turned around and rushed towards the pursuing “Eagle” fighter jets.

At the same time, the transport planes flattened their fuselages and opened their doors.

The red alarm bell sounded, and players wearing exoskeletons got up from the seats on both sides of the cabin one after another, carrying umbrella bags and walked to the door of the cabin to form a neat queue.

The airflow drawn into the cabin made the sharp-edged armor whistle loudly, and the flames of machine guns and long traces of light flashed outside the cabin.

There is no trace of fear in his eyes.

Only burning fighting spirit!

I am the stage that belongs to you.

Standing at the door of the cabin, Lao Bai, wearing “Dragoon” power armor, shouted loudly on the communication channel with a loud voice.

“Watch your map and watch your steps!”

“Your target is the command post of the 40,000th Army. Remember not to get hung up on the anti-aircraft guns, let alone step on the heads of the brothers of the Death Corps!”

“You can help us after we have solved the trouble below!”


The clean roar blended into the howling night wind. Lao Bai took the lead and stepped out of the cabin, jumping into the hail of bullets with a group of team members armed to the teeth.

Compared with the evening when the Heart of Steel landed——

My firepower is nothing.

Parachutes bloomed in the sky, like dandelions floating in the fire, falling towards the ground under the cover of night.

Below us, the dimly lit camp was like a beacon in the storm, guiding us in the direction.

Aware of the situation in the air.

The only remaining anti-aircraft gun on Highland 330 tried to fire at the Burning Corps. However, within two seconds of firing, it was sent away with rifle grenades by the Wolf Cavalry who rushed up.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away in the sky, a jet plane was speeding towards us.

The model of the aircraft was the “Saber” that returned earlier.

Just now

After completing supplies at the airport, I barely got off the plane when I received the order to take off again.

Looking at the twinkling stars in the night sky in the distance, Yukar, who was sitting in the cabin, curled up into a sneer.

Propeller aircraft…

Just me slow and mosquito-like little guys, press the cannon more often

0.1 seconds is a waste of ammunition!

It’s a pity that we didn’t see the ornithopter.

The five little flies just showed their faces during the day and immediately hid back on the airship.

But it doesn’t matter.

No matter what the pilots of the alliance are flying, they will be asked to use their bodies to remember how to write the word “die”!

Yukar calmly pushed down the throttle, and the flames emitted by the tail engine suddenly enlarged. The speed quickly exceeded Mach 3. He accelerated towards the battlefield a hundred kilometers away.

However, just for a moment, Yukar’s heart suddenly became alarmed, and he tilted the joystick almost instinctively.

The flames flashed from below the clouds, and Zai didn’t even see what the plane looked like. The explosion that broke through the sound barrier almost penetrated Zai’s eardrums.

Good to go!

Yukal’s heart was beating wildly as he survived the disaster. He glanced at the unresponsive airborne radar, and then looked behind him sharply, but could not see anything.

Just at that moment, a plane “swooshed” almost right next to me. The air compressed by the wings violently pulled Zai to the left, and even almost shattered Zai’s hatch cover!

That speed must be at least Mach 3!

The relative speed of Mach 6 is two kilometers per second!

Zai can be sure that the other party was rushing to die with Zai just now. And in order not to expose the target in advance, he didn’t even fire!

What is my strategy? !

“My guy… is he so crazy!”

There is no doubt that the same jet plane is on the opposite side as on the other side.

Through the cabin glass, I could vaguely see the looming blue flames below the clouds – that was the engine’s tail flame!

Suppressing his frantic heartbeat, Yukar tilted the control stick to the right, trying to see the position of the fighter clearly, and trying to cut into the rear hemisphere of the enemy plane from the right.

However, the other party is obviously a veteran!

While performing a high-G turn maneuver, the opponent reacted almost at the same time, opening the speed brake and performing a sharp turn to defend, pulling the nose of the aircraft toward the center of the bend at a lower speed. Cut to the inside of Zai



The machine gun bullets whizzed past, almost grazing Zai’s wingtips. Hearing the sound of machine guns coming from far away, Yukar broke out in a cold sweat behind his back.


Just a little bit…

The car that was almost there turned into a pile of scrap metal!

In the past eight years, the opponents I have encountered are basically propeller aircraft.

Even if we occasionally come across some oddities that burn coal or oil, it is rare to see supersonic fighters that can break the sound barrier.

You can feel that the performance of that aircraft is not outstanding, but it is better in terms of maneuverability and maximum speed.


The other side’s pilot used his superb driving skills to make up for one of my shortcomings, accurately seizing the flaw in an instant.

Different from me, who has always targeted the natives for air raids, that person clearly knows better how to fight against opponents who are more mobile.

Unexpectedly, he encountered a well-matched opponent in our desolate desert, and Yukar couldn’t help but feel a surge of fighting spirit in his heart.

“Come on! Let me show you what you are capable of!”

Muttering in his mouth, while putting down the fuel and opening the speed brake, he punched the control stick in the opposite direction with both hands, preparing to bite the rear hemisphere of the enemy plane.

The Falcon Kingdom’s squadrons can only rely on themselves.

I hope you can live up to your expectations…

At the same time, Luo Yu, who was driving the “Ling Yun” fighter jet, clicked his tongue.

“10G acceleration… Is my guy also an awakened person?”

Not just pilots…

The performance of that aircraft is also outrageous!

Originally, considering that the performance gap was too big, there was no chance of winning in a dog fight, so I planned to exchange it with one that was obviously more expensive and send it away.

Unexpectedly, my “Powerful Flying Brick” move was dodged!

More than that, with two useless TV bombs attached and the back hemisphere bitten by himself, Yiran from the opposite side made a sharp turn to dodge a barrage of cannons fired after activating his talent!

Based on my mobility alone, if I put it into reality, I am afraid that even the F-22 will not be its opponent.

However, it is outrageous that our powerful aircraft is equipped with such powerful airborne radar and stealth materials that it cannot even take out air-to-air missiles.

Watching the opponent completely abandon the supporting friendly fighter group

Fantasy, turning the plane around to kill himself first, Luo Yu took a deep breath, and the will to fight was also ignited in his chest.

Just right!

Clenching the joystick with both hands, staring at the looming black spot outside the cabin, he squeezed out half a sentence through his teeth.

“Looking directly at you – bastard!”

Two jet fighters entered into a battle on the horizontal plane. The engines of both sides drew a scissor-shaped trajectory in the air, and the cannons bit each other and competed for each other’s rear hemisphere.

Not far away.

The alliance’s fighter group and the Falcon Kingdom’s fighter group have not yet decided the winner, and the remaining ten or so fighter jets are still fighting fiercely.

Highland No. 330 has turned into a **** meat grinder. The wolf cavalry charging up the high ground wantonly killed the fleeing infantry.

Although Simond still led a thousand men directly under the 40,000th Army to resist stubbornly, due to the delay in waiting for effective reinforcements from the Air Force, the balance of victory was clearly in the hands of the Alliance.

However, the alliance seems not to be satisfied with the three ongoing battles, and soon opened up four more battlefields tonight!

Above the sky lit by tracers, a sky-soaked parachute fell from the sky, reflecting in every eye on the ground.

The guards stationed in the camp raised their rifles and pointed at the sky and fired. However, facing the dark night sky and the parachutes gliding and falling, they could not effectively hit. Even if they got a lucky shot, it would be difficult to penetrate the exoskeleton. Armor.

The distance of hundreds of meters flies by in an instant.

A powered armor with three parachutes was the first to land in the center of the camp.

I saw that the man actually ignored the hail of bullets fired at him, skillfully wielded the combat knife to cut the parachute rope, and then smoothly took off the light machine gun hanging on the armor, and fired a burst of fire at the camp. Straf.

“Get down if you don’t want to die!” While venting his firepower, he turned on the speaker and pushed forward.

As the deployment of power armor was completed, hundreds of soldiers wearing exoskeletons also landed across the camp.

In addition, following our group of airborne troops, there were more than fifty Y-“Butterfly Knife” four-rotor drones with muzzles hanging.

The guards who had almost no chance to go to the front line were no match for our monsters. They were killed with almost just one contact and were completely routed.

Standing at the door of the camp, General Soft stared blankly at the camp where gunfire was boiling.

Airborne troops…

The alliance’s ace unit…

The cloudy pupils flashed with confusion for a moment, and as soon as my confusion faded away, it turned into deep despair.

There are only six centurions in the entire camp.

Among my six hundred-man teams, I also include more than half of the logistics units such as communications, transportation, engineers, etc. The only ones with real combat effectiveness are probably a guard team and an officer team.

Whether it is the guard or the officer corps, they are not direct combat troops, and they cannot be opponents of the alliance’s elite troops.

What are you guarding against? !

Shoulders and lips were shaking uncontrollably. Soft’s old face turned red, he clenched his fists, and finally couldn’t hold back his emotions and cursed loudly.

“…my **** skunk!”

If that skunk hadn’t overstepped his command and transferred his own thousand-man team, how could I be in this situation now!

“That idiot must take full responsibility for my battle! When I return to Triumph City… I must join forces like a legion commander!”

Looking at General Soft, who was blowing his beard and staring in anger, the adjutant on the side was so anxious that he didn’t know where his hat was. He grabbed Zai’s arm and begged.

“General, now is not the time to talk about me! The alliance has invested at least five hundred – no, more than a thousand people on me. You should withdraw quickly!”

Soft’s face was stiff and his Adam’s apple moved.

Although he was unwilling to leave his men and escape alone, he knew that if he fell into the hands of the Alliance, the situation would only get worse.

Listening to the gunfire one after another in the camp, I lowered my trembling voice.

“Have the maps and documents…been burned?”

The adjutant nodded quickly.

“It’s all burned! You blew up the table where the radio station is placed!” “Very good… you have taken note of my grudge, and I will repay it every day!” After gritting his teeth and squeezing out a sentence, Soft turned his head to look. He turned to his adjutant, “You retreat!”

“I want it from you!”

With Soft trotting all the way, the adjutant quickly got into the jeep parked at the door of the barracks. However, just as he was about to start it, he saw that the key could not be found.

“The key… strange, where did the key go?”

Are you still having **** with me just now?

The adjutant was sweating profusely and rummaging around in the driver’s seat.

Soft stared wide-eyed at me, a guy who has achieved nothing but failed. He was about to call me an idiot when a slight cough suddenly came from behind the two of them.

The two quickly turned to look behind the jeep.

I saw a soldier wearing an exoskeleton standing by the road.

Zai was holding a sniper rifle on his right shoulder and a bunch of car keys in his left hand. He was looking at the two people in the jeep with a playful smile.

The couplets on the feet seemed to be mocking their funny performance.

“Are you looking for me?”


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