This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 338: Even the European Emperor has his faults

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

“Holy crap! Why the **** is this a second-hand product?!”

The military camp near Dawn City, next to the arsenal.

Commander Quanshui finally saw the “first prize” he had drawn, and was simply dumbfounded on the spot.

The thick barrel exudes a cold light.

However, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it has been repainted.

Not just the barrel, but also other parts of the exoskeleton. Although it has been repaired, obvious bullet marks can still be seen on the dark exoskeleton.

The battery module and ammunition rack have obviously been replaced, and the helmet is completely incorrect. It is estimated that it was remade from aluminum alloy.

Good guy!

Not just second-hand goods.

It’s still a battle-damaged version that has been overhauled!

Realizing this, Quan Shui’s good mood disappeared instantly.

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that the 120mm mortar and the automatic loading system were still working. Fortunately, otherwise he would have had to bring a follower beside him to help load the ammunition.

That’s like taking off your pants and farting.

Seeing the tearless expression on Mr. Quan Shui’s face, the little players who were following him and were about to take a breath of European air burst into laughter.


“Laugh to death!”

“I feel sorry for Brother Shui, I still didn’t dodge the knife that was coming towards me in the end.”

“Wow, thank you for planning! I finally cut this piece of shit!”


Brother Quan Shui’s face turned red with anger and he cursed. He took the Battlefield Atmosphere Team and Lao Hei, who were both laughing and suffering from internal injuries, and went to the forest to test the cannon.

Although the predators in Xizhou City have been eliminated, there are still a large number of alien species wandering in the forest.

These alien species reproduce extremely quickly and may spread from other areas.

When there are many people, these alien species will hardly come close, and will even take the initiative to hide away.

However, once they find a lone person, they will approach eagerly, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

The First Corps and the Second Corps will patrol regularly to prevent aliens from attacking survivors on the construction site, as well as lumberjacks cutting down trees.

But it is obviously not enough to rely on two corps to protect the safety of five to six thousand people.

Early this morning, the quartermaster issued a large number of hunting missions, including almost all the alien species that may exist in the areas around Dawn City.

Including monsters, many-legged beasts, mutated brown bears, death claws, split-claw crabs, warship shrimps, black water snakes, etc.

On the one hand, their populations are weakened through hunting.

On the one hand, you can also prepare some game to improve everyone’s food.

One of the greatest contributions of the New Alliance to the wasteland is probably the way it brought cooking methods from another world.

Many alien species that were inedible or unpalatable in the past have now become delicious.

You can also catch some game near Dawn City.

Going over to Dawn City, the larger alien species are almost invisible.

The three of us walked in the woods for a while. I suddenly stopped and raised my right hand to signal for my teammates to stop.

Commander Quan Shui said excitedly when he saw this.

“What’s going on?”

I closed my eyes and frowned, and after waiting for a while, I whispered.

“It should be about 500 meters away from us and a little east. It should be a monster.”

Commander Quanshui couldn’t help but complain.

“What do you mean it should be? You are already awake. Can’t you be more accurate in reporting the point?”

“Gan! I’m not a radar!” I complained in a low voice.

Commander Quan Shui looked at the battlefield atmosphere team next to him.

“Warlord, go take a look, remember not to make a move yet, I’ll cover you with the barrage for one round and then I’ll do it.”

The battlefield atmosphere team was speechless.

“It’s still covered by barrage, but it’s just a monster. Does it need to be cannoned?”

Can the money from the mission be used to earn back the cannonballs?

120mm mortar shells are more expensive than 88mm.

“You don’t understand! This is called caution!” Commander Quanshui said plausibly.

The battlefield atmosphere team rolled their eyes and headed forward with their rifles in hand to explore the way.

Commander Quan Shui put his hands on the ground, drove the support column into the ground, pushed his **** back, and raised the gun barrel high.

I was watching from the side with a weird expression on my face.

I don’t know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that this thing looked like a water arrow turtle.

It doesn’t matter if he thinks about it. He has a low point of laughter and almost didn’t laugh out loud.


Commander Quanshui ignored him and kept staring at the VM on the ground.

Wait for a moment, and a line of text will appear on the screen.

Battlefield atmosphere group: It’s a monster, and it’s an adult. It looks like it weighs six to seven hundred kilograms.

At the same time as the message was sent, the coordinates of the monster were also marked on the map.

Seeing the news coming, Commander Quanshui immediately became energetic, moved the barrel behind his back, and talked to himself excitedly.

“32 degrees north by east, straight line distance 671 meters – fire!”

After the words fell, the thick and long barrel made a bang, and the thick cannonballs shot up high and fell heavily again.

One shot was not finished, and before the explosion could be heard, Brother Quanshui fired two more shots.


The shells fell to the ground, three heavy cannons boomed, and the roaring fire bloomed in the forest.

Before the monster could realize what happened, it was swallowed up by the explosion fragments and flames.

I am the darkest person next to “Fuck”, with a surprised expression on my face.

Although he couldn’t see the explosion from a distance of 500 meters, he could clearly feel that the entire forest nearby was disturbed by the explosion

Feeling the tremors of the earth and the hot wind blowing slowly, the spring commander felt excited.

This power!

It’s absolutely amazing!

“It would be nice to have drones all over the place! By the way, I am an intelligence type, why the **** did I forget to bring a drone out!”

There were curses coming from the communication channel.

“Fuck! Can you say something before you **** fire? Fortunately, I hid quickly and almost died with him!”

Commander Quanshui: “Hahahaha! Good brother, is this equipment awesome? Wait for me for a while, I will come over and check the killing radius.”

Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “???Did you listen to me?”

The fixed stakes driven into the ground were put away.

Quanshui Guy picked up the vm on the ground and walked towards the bombardment coordinates with excitement on his face.

Judging from the shrapnel stuck in the surrounding trees, the killing radius of this shell is nearly 30 meters!

The monster near the center of the explosion not only had one of its arms blown off, but was also shot into a sieve by shrapnel. It was too dead to die!

The battlefield atmosphere team walked up and took a look, and found that even the last hit was omitted.

Taking his tongue, he was surprised, but also felt a trace of envy.

This power is truly incredible!

While the three young players were testing new equipment in the forest, a delegation from Camp 101, which was leaving the southern suburbs of Xizhou City, happened to hear an explosion coming from the forest.

“What was that sound just now?”

The old man over fifty raised his head with a hint of surprise on his face.

His name is Butan, he is an environmental engineer, and water conservancy facilities are also within his professional scope.

After hearing that the New Alliance planned to build a dam in the Fourth New District to control the flooding of Xizhou Lake, he immediately applied to join the delegation.

If the flooding problem of Xizhou Lake can be solved, the large black land on the northeast side of Xizhou Lake can be reclaimed into fertile farmland.

He had this idea a long time ago.

However, it is a pity that at that time, there were hundreds of survivor communities of various sizes in Xizhou City, and they could not unite together at all.

Later, the Bone Chewing Tribe came here and the matter was completely shelved.

Now that Xizhou finally has a visionary leader, and the hero has the same vision and sets his sights on the flooded Xizhou Lake, he is extremely happy.

“It sounds like an explosion.” Another electrical engineer named Yuan Feng frowned.


“Isn’t the war over?”

There was a commotion among the delegation members, and they exchanged surprised glances.

Seeing this, Lu Bei quickly stepped forward to appease everyone.

“Please don’t worry, it may be our soldiers or hunters hunting. Although the predators have been eliminated, there are still a large number of alien species active nearby! But please don’t worry, our soldiers will do their best to protect you Safety! ”

Looking southward as he stretched his neck, Pai asked curiously.

“Why do we use cannons for hunting? Shouldn’t we use shotguns?”

Lu Bei scratched his head, not knowing how to answer this question.

Pai continued excitedly.

“Can I go take a look?”

“No,” before Lu Bei could say anything, Butan, who was standing next to him, immediately scolded him in a low voice, “It’s too dangerous in the forest, and we’re not here for an outing.”

“Okay, I understand.” Pai stuck out his tongue and replied in a long voice.

The man in a white cloak standing aside did not speak from the beginning to the end. The shadow under the brim of the hat obscures its facial features, and there are no undulating lines to tell its gender.

Fang Chang, who was walking beside the team, had been observing this special NPC.

This NPC gave him a very abnormal feeling.

Unlike the rest of the delegation.

He saw with his own eyes that this guy came out of that door.

At this time, Ye Shi, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke.

“I feel like it might not be human.”

Bangfeng: “Thankfully it doesn’t understand what you are saying.”

Lao Bai nodded in deep agreement: “I used to think that the language barrier was a trouble, but now I think about it, it’s better to set up the language barrier, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble.”

Fang Chang: “Indeed.”

The more real the AI, the smaller the mind. However, most players have no idea how much they can express themselves.

Culture is like a photo. There’s nothing wrong with putting some filters on it. It’s good for you and good for me. It’s good for everyone.

Ye Shi: “Gan, I just casually said that you are too careful about your attitude towards NPCs!”

“There is no way,” Fang Chang sighed and said with a sad expression, “Who wants this game to be so real? Our happiness for the rest of our lives depends on it.”

Lao Bai made a helpless expression: “Let’s not talk about whether we are happy or not. It is uncomfortable enough that the favorability will be lost if the hidden mission fails.”

Sequence level means combat power, and contribution level means social status. However, old players who have played for a while know that both are just appearances. The biggest variable in this game is actually the hidden “favorability”.

This favorability can be understood as a kind of “recognition”.

Especially for camp leaders, if their favorability is high, they can always trigger some tasks involving the main plot.

The benefits of these tasks often far exceed those of regular tasks.

So why do so many people give managers a bunch of titles? Flattery in different ways? Is it because of leisure?

Of course not!

It’s a game, it’s not a real person, let alone making money, it’s not shabby!

While the group was talking, a group of people came forward.

I saw a blue powered armor, surrounded by a dozen Guards Corps soldiers, walking towards them.

Seeing the manager, Lu Bei’s eyes suddenly lit up and he excitedly greeted him.

“Master Manager!”

Since participating in the airborne operation, he has been training the recruits of the Third Corps behind enemy lines. After the war, he took Wang Zhong to Camp 101 non-stop.

Now that the mission is over, he can finally return to the adults.

Looking at this young man with loyalty written all over his face, Chu Guang, who took off his helmet visor, smiled and nodded, then looked at the representatives of No. 101.

The visiting delegation consisted of six people.

For a survivor gathering place with a total population of only two to three hundred, these are already a lot of people.

It can be seen that the other party attaches great importance to the relationship with them.

Of course, what really pleased Chu Guang was the knowledge these people had.

This excited him even more than the black box.

The old man walking at the front was about to speak, and Pai next to him stepped forward, raised his index finger and saluted.

“Dear Mr. Administrator, we are from Camp 101. My name is Pai, the representative of the visiting delegation.”

This is the line she came up with all night long yesterday.

It would be a shame not to speak out.

Looking at her actions, Chu Guang was slightly surprised.

He has seen this military salute before, in the collection of books in Vault 117.

If I remember correctly

Is it a military salute from the People’s United Fleet?

Thinking of this, Chu Guang joked.

“It’s nice to see you, a new recruit in the fleet, but our ship is gone. The last task assigned to you by the organization is to rebuild our home and wait for the day we can set sail again.”

Every day he sees players performing various performance arts, and he is no longer surprised by all kinds of extravagant behaviors.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the girl in front of him puffed up her chest and said crisply.

“Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!”


The radio waves actually matched?

Looking at Pai who was “mucking around” there, Butan looked at Chu Guang and said with fear.

“Dear Mr. Manager, please forgive her for being rude.”

Chu Guang laughed.

“Don’t be so nervous. You are not my soldiers, and we are not fighting a war now. There is no need to salute me.”

As he spoke, he stopped his joking expression and solemnly extended his right hand.

“My name is Chu Guang, and my friends often call me Shu Guang. You can do whatever you want.”

Looking at the big steel hand in front of him, the old man was slightly startled, then stretched out his right hand and shook it gently.

“Butan, the environmental engineer of Camp 101. I heard that you planned to control the lake water, so I took the initiative to come here. This person next to me is Pai, she is the student of the most knowledgeable person in our camp”

It’s not just Pai.

Butan introduced all the people accompanying him, including the cloaked, taciturn bodyguard.

However, he did not introduce much about that person, only mentioning that its name was Tian Qin and that its duty was to be responsible for everyone’s safety.

Chu Guang didn’t care at all. After listening to the old man’s introduction, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“So, you are an expert in water conservancy?”

Butan said with a smile.

“I dare not say that I am an expert, but water conservancy engineering is indeed within my professional scope. I have looked up relevant information about Xizhou Lake before. This lake is the product of the Central Continent Environmental Transformation Plan in the era of the People’s Federation”

When he talked about his professional field, Butan couldn’t stop and talked a lot, from the origin of the plan to the origin of Xizhou City.

Seeing that he was talking endlessly, Chu Guang quickly found an opportunity to bring the topic back.

“You can expand on this! But this is not a place for chatting. Please come back to the camp with me first!”

“We have prepared a temporary resting place for you. I will go to Dawn City with you tomorrow. We can discuss it in detail on the way!”

Butan nodded excitedly.

“No problem!”

The group continued on the road.

On the way back, Pai kept hanging around Chu Guang, his big eyes full of curiosity.

Or to be more precise, it was the powered armor surrounding him.

“Is this the legendary power armor?”

“Yes.” Chu Guang replied in a gentle tone.

“Wouldn’t it be tiring to wear such a big iron knot all the time?” Bu Chu Guang replied, Pai said excitedly, “Can you touch it for me when you are not wearing it?”

This guy seemed to have endless energy and was full of curiosity about everything he saw.

Chu Guangdao didn’t feel annoyed at all, but instead became interested in the fields she was good at.

“I heard your teacher is very good?”

“Of course! My master manages the files of the entire camp! He knows everything!” Pai puffed up his chest proudly.

Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully and continued.

“What about you?”

“Of course I’m super awesome too! But I’m different from the master, I mainly study machinery”

While she was talking, she suddenly thought of something and immediately ran to the cloaked bodyguard and took out a doll from the backpack behind it.

The doll was very small, only as big as two palms, and was wearing a white jumpsuit with blue stripes.

The golden hair and blue eyes are probably based on her own, but the facial features are completely different and delicate, giving people a soft feeling.

Handing it out generously, Pai said in a sweet voice.

“For you! This is a gift from Ambassador Pai. I hope our peaceful and friendly coexistence will continue!”

Butan, who was listening on the sidelines, had black lines on his forehead and pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

Although there is indeed a gift exchange, now is obviously not the occasion to do this.

Looking at Pai’s serious look and the doll in her hand, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and curled his lips. He was about to smile and say a good intention, and he understood it.

However, at this moment, Xiao Qi’s whisper suddenly came to his ears.

‘Woo woo woo, master’

This unexpected act of coquettishness made Chu Guang’s skin crawl.


Where did this guy download the voice pack from?

Just when I was about to ask what it wanted to do, Xiao Qi continued pitifully.

‘Can you give it to me! ’

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment.

What do you want this thing for?

Looking at Pai’s expectant eyes, Chu Guang couldn’t resist Xiao Qi’s begging, and finally reached out and took the doll.

“Thank you.”

A happy smile appeared on Pai’s face.

“You’re welcome! Time is short and I don’t have time to prepare other gifts. Don’t be offended.”

It is rude to come and not reciprocate.

It can be seen that this doll must be very important to her.

Chu Guang thought for a while and waved to the sky.

A fist-sized Hummingbird drone floated down, stopped steadily in his hand, and folded its propellers as thin as cicada wings.

Looking at the silver-white metal ball, Pai’s eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise.

“Is this a hummingbird?!”

Products from Renlian Times!

Because it is small and lightweight, it can move freely in small spaces and shoot in all directions without blind spots. I heard that many people in that era would use this thing for live broadcasts.

“Looks like I met someone who knows the goods.”

Chu Guang smiled and placed the silver-white metal ball in her hand.

In the advanced blind box, the Hummingbird drone is one of the few prizes that has nothing to do with weapons.

As for this Hummingbird, it was the prize he drew from the blind box last night, and he also drew two at once.

It’s okay to give it as a gift.

Every Hummingbird flying over the New Alliance is equipped with defensive plug-ins to prevent it from being controlled by hostile forces even if it is hijacked and forced to land.

These security codes are written into the underlying logic of the operating system, which is enough to ensure that these things are within the signal coverage of the New Alliance, will not fly to places they should not go, and will not be used against the New Alliance Unfavorable things.

Sending drones is better than sending weapons.

After taking the hummingbird, Pai felt like he had found a treasure. He said thank you several times and then went to play with the drone.

Looking at the doll in his hand, Chu Guang had a weird expression on his face, and finally stuffed it into his backpack.

This scene was seen by the young players nearby, and they started to communicate in whispers.

“What is that doll?”


“Holy crap, managers still have this hobby!”

“This must be passed on!”

Bang Feng, who was not involved in the topic, coughed dryly.

“I think it’s better for you to lower your voice. Other NPCs can’t understand us, but the camp leaders seem to understand.”

Ye Shi immediately shut his mouth and stopped talking.

After returning to the camp, the two parties exchanged gifts.

The gift from Camp 101 is a holographic computer pen.

After powering on, the holographic imaging device of the port will release a blue light beam, and a light blue holographic screen will appear in the light beam.

Butan personally demonstrated the specific operation method to Chu Guang.

Even Chu Guang, who had seen a lot of high technology, couldn’t help but have his eyes opened and happily accepted this gift.

When the Pioneer first arrived, he wanted to get a portable holographic computer, but unfortunately he never had the chance.

Now this wish is finally fulfilled.

Camp 101 demonstrated its skills to the new alliance, and Chu Guang was not stingy and gave a generous gift in return.

This return gift includes 100 crab cakes, 100 Nuka-Cola sodas, ten bags of coffee beans, various pastries and delicacies, as well as ten rolls of devil’s silk and ten pieces of devil’s cloth, etc.

Anyway, in addition to spiritual leaves and nutritional ointments, Chu Guang stuffed all the representative specialties into a gift bag, which was enough to fill a truck.

For a survivor settlement of two to three hundred people, this is undoubtedly a great gift.

When they saw the gifts loaded on the truck, everyone in the visiting group had surprised expressions on their faces.

“Isn’t this too expensive?” Butan said with some embarrassment.

Chu Guang smiled and said.

“These are common objects in the New Alliance and are not as valuable as you think. Please accept them.”

When we meet for the first time, it’s natural to give more.

How about producing a shocking effect?

As for the significance, it is naturally to show the new alliance’s prosperous culture and rich products!

What’s the use?

That is of great use!

How can you make others work willingly without giving you some benefits?

In order to facilitate communication, Chu Guang gave Butan 100 hundred-yuan notes at the end of the meeting.

Looking at the old man with confusion written on his face, he explained patiently.

“In the new alliance, anyone who buys something needs to pay, even managers. You can use these silver coins as activity funds.”

Although he was confused about how to use this thing, Butan still nodded respectfully.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

After settling the visiting group, Chu Guang returned to his camp.

Yin Fang also followed.

Seeing that there was no one else around, he took a step forward and spoke in a low voice.

“That Tianqin is a bionic person.”

Hearing these words, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

“Bionic man?”

Yin Fang nodded seriously.

“Believe me, I won’t be wrong.”

As the academy’s front-line prospector, he has absolute confidence in his vision and intuition. From the moment they met, he had his eye on that guy.

Chu Guang had a surprised expression on his face.

Having been in the wasteland for so long, he has heard rumors about androids, but this is the first time he has seen them in reality.

“What’s wrong with androids?”

“There is no problem, but you need to be careful,” Yin Fang said seriously. “If it is a companion bionic person, it is basically harmless, but it is obviously not this type.”

“But if it is a combat android designed as a weapon, depending on its abilities, it may be more dangerous than the death claw!”

Regardless of the variety and model, the combat effectiveness of the Death Claws and the power armor probably belong to the same echelon in the wasteland.

The former is better at single combat and more adaptable to complex jungle terrain, while the latter has stronger comprehensive capabilities and has good adaptability to any battlefield environment.

Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully and wrote down this advice.

He didn’t think there was any reason for Camp 101 to offend him, but it would never go amiss to be careful.

After explaining this matter, Yin Fang went back to repair the fuel rod.

After removing the power armor, Chu Guang was about to open the vm to see how his currency recycling plan was going.

However, at this moment, the backpack he threw aside suddenly trembled, and a doll crawled out of it.

Seeing this, Chu Guang was startled and took out the pistol in his pocket.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Master,” the puppet pointed at the gun showed an aggrieved expression on its face, “Are you going to kill Xiaoqi?”

Hearing the familiar voice packet, Chu Guang lowered his gun in confusion, stared at it and said.

“What the hell?!”

“I’m not a ghost, I’m Xiaoqi.” The doll sitting on the table blinked.

Chu Guang: “”

Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak for a long time, Xiao Qi said cautiously.

“Master, are you angry?”


Chu Guang sighed and put away the gun in his hand.

Pinching his brows and sorting out his thoughts for a moment, he decided to start with the question he was most concerned about.

“What’s going on with this doll?”

“It is a bionic robot. It is equipped with precision motor components and rare bionic control components. Except that it is a little smaller, it is almost the same as a real person!”

The puppet sitting on the table looked at Chu Guang happily and said with shining eyes.

The vivid facial expressions, if you don’t look carefully, they really look like real people.

“Of course, its control program is much rougher than that of peripherals. It even uses the template of the most basic universal version of AI. Even facial expressions cannot be restored. Xiaoqi simply reset its operating system. Done.”

“From now on! This body already belongs to Xiao Qi, and the owner can treat it as Xiao Qi! Hehe.”

Looking at the triumphant Xiao Qi, Chu Guang showed a surprised expression.

Speaking of which, Yin Fang didn’t realize that this doll was a bionic robot just now?

There is something about that little girl named Pai

Of course, it may also be because Yin Fang’s attention was all on Tian Qin at that time.

Chu Guang stared at Xiao Qi seriously and asked.

“Are you sure it’s safe?”

Hearing this question, Xiao Qi said proudly.

“Don’t worry, Master! Xiaoqi not only checked it twice carefully, but also rewritten the underlying logic of controlling the motor! You can always trust Xiaoqi!”

Chu Guang was slightly relieved, but soon blushed because he was worried that a girl was plotting against him.

Coughing lightly, he changed the topic.

“What’s the use of this thing?”

Xiao Qi put her hands on her hips proudly.

“Hmph, it’s very useful. From now on, the master can take Xiaoqi with him when he travels far away!”

The most important thing is that it finally has its own legs!

You no longer have to go to the next level and have to trouble Boss Xia!

“Even without this thing, wouldn’t you still be by my side?” Chu Guang looked at the doll sitting on the table strangely.

His vm is always connected to the shelter and almost never leaves the shelter’s signal coverage.

As long as he needs it, it will appear next to him at any time.

“That’s different!” Xiaoqi shook her head like a rattle and said with determination.

Although he didn’t know what the difference was, Chu Guang still believed it.

Anyway, it’s just a palm-sized thing, so it doesn’t hurt to wear it on your body. It might even be used as a trump card at critical moments.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door, followed by the sound of horse racing.

“Sir, a group of people are coming outside our camp!”

Chu Guang frowned slightly.

Getting up and coming to the door, he opened the tent curtain and looked at Ma Ban and asked.


Maban continued speaking quickly.

“They claim to be from the Bugla Free State in the north and are employed by the ‘Firestone’ Group!”


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