This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 336: The dog planner is here to cut leeks again!

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

“We met the people from Vault 404.”

In the middle of a pure white room, Horn’s face was full of piety.


As if floating from somewhere in the dark, a gentle voice sounded in his ears.

“What kind of people are they?”

Horn replied respectfully.

“They are a very special group of people, and my experience cannot help me make a more specific judgment. They have extended an invitation, and I would like to send a few people to visit them.”

“This is a good idea. You need to keep communicating with other survivors. Have you decided on the candidate?”

There was a hint of approval in that voice.

The old face couldn’t help but show a hint of joy, and Horn continued in a respectful tone.

“Not yet, but we plan to select one student and two engineers to come.”

The voice that came to mind seemed to be lost in thought.

After about two or three minutes, it continued.

“Let Pai go.”

Horn was a little surprised by his mentor’s words, but didn’t say anything.

“I am willing to follow your teachings.”

The old man said respectfully, and after a moment of pause, he continued to express his thoughts.

“The capital of the new alliance is more than 100 kilometers away from us. For security reasons, I would like to apply for a bodyguard.”

“Approved, the door will open at 6 o’clock tomorrow.” The mysterious voice replied readily.

Horn shook his head slightly.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, go and get ready,” the voice continued, “I also have to choose a suitable gift for our neighbor.”

The communication is over.

After the voice left, Horn slowly raised his hands, fumbled around his temples with his index finger for a while, and took off the VR glasses on his head.

The pure white light faded from the surroundings.

At this moment, he is standing in the management center of the camp.

The door to the shelter will not open easily.

Usually when there are important things to discuss, he sits in the office like this and uses VR equipment to communicate with managers.

After pondering for a moment, Horn reached out and pressed on the touch screen on the desktop.

Looking at the communication connection icon, he slowly spoke.

“Let Alvin come to the management center.”

“I have something important to discuss with him.”

Wasteland OL official website.

The settlement of the “Knives Out” expansion pack is in full swing.

This battle has been going on for two months, and almost all players have gained a lot. They have accumulated a lot of points and are waiting to spend them.

The settlement has not yet started, but many people have already posted screenshots on the official website to show off their points balance.

Brother Ice and Fire: “Holy shit, 100,000 points?!”

I will fight with you: “Did you open something?!”

Luo Yu: “Are you envious? You paid for it with your life. (Proud)”

100,000 points is not the most exaggerated, a certain fat mouse even scored 120,000 points.

The most eye-catching one is probably the Burning Legion, with an average score of nearly 80,000.

Even third-tier corps such as the Silver Corps, which has little presence, has an average score of over 30,000.

It can only be said that the corps system is indeed the father of the version. If individual players want to get high scores, they can only find another way to “force others to do what is difficult”.

But in the Corps system, basically as long as there is a eldest brother in the regiment, and the rest of the group doesn’t go too far and don’t obey orders and get kicked out of the regiment, the income will basically not be bad.

Although points cannot be exchanged for silver coins, tasks with points will generally reward silver coins or contributions.

This shows how much “war wealth” they have made!

Stop talking nonsense: “Maybe the average points this time can reach 20,000.”

There are really mosquitoes in wc: “Be more confident, I think it is at least 40,000. (Proud)”

The mole on the run in the canyon: “Suddenly panicked”

Makabazi: “Why are you panicking? Isn’t it bad to have too many points?”

The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “It’s not that you can’t just look at the surface. More points means more people will draw. According to the design of the lottery system of this game, what is fixed is not the explosion rate but the prizes in the reward pool.”

Stop talking nonsense: “Stop, stop, stop, can you speak human language?”

The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “To put it bluntly, the reward pool may be diluted.”

The construction site boy and Brick: “What the hell?!”

Debt-minded: “It’s not such a bitch, is it?!”

Fang Chang: “You look surprised, as if it’s your first day playing this game. (Squints and smiles)”

Just as the players were talking about it, Aguang’s ID suddenly appeared on the forum.

Seeing Gou’s ID, not only the players perked up, but also the cloud players, spies from various companies in various countries, and netizens sat up straight.

“Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner Aguang. First of all, please allow me to represent all developers and wish you all a happy Children’s Day!”

“In order to celebrate the festival and to make our programmers no longer anxious, our Siege Lion designed an automatic banana feeding machine. But unfortunately, the company’s AA batteries are out of stock, and there are no supermarkets here. We can only solve the problem ourselves.”

“Fortunately, our Siege Lion is reliable enough. Not only did we successfully make a battery, but we also solved some interesting problems along the way. Tip: That is a layer of film. Everyone unanimously decided not to use it to make some money to buy it The snack was such a shame that we decided to sell it to the highest bidder!”

“That’s it, the auction will start in three days, and the starting price is 1 million silver coins!”

“Getting back to the subject, with the arrival of June, the Wasteland OL closed beta server is about to enter the hot summer. Rainfall will be more frequent, urban areas and forests will be more dangerous, and reptiles and arthropods will usher in a strong period. There should be no players to explore it yet. To the Southern Hemisphere, so there is nothing wrong with this sentence.”

“In addition, I would like to thank everyone for your continued support. The expansion pack has been successfully completed and we have obtained valuable experimental data! Thanks to these data, we have taken a big step forward from the open beta!”

“The boss said we won the pot. I believe it’s not just us, but everyone is the same! Are you excited to see the string of 0’s in your account? Are you very happy? Haha, I am as happy as you are!”

“In order to give back to everyone for your continued support, we have prepared generous prizes! From now on, the points lottery and achievement redemption activities are officially launched!”

“Let’s party, let’s celebrate this victory!”

At the same time as the post was posted, the official website unlocked the lottery system, and the forum instantly went into a carnival.

100 points are drawn once, 10,000 points are 100 draws in a row!

Although this game is very stingy and does not have a setting of 20 draws for 100 draws in a row, everyone has saved an average of 40,000 points, and it is quite satisfying to finish the draw in one go!

While the players are busy scratching prizes and the cloud players are happily eating melons, the intelligence systems of various countries are also not idle. They are peeking at the screen and holding meetings. They are in a hurry at the moment.

A Guang, who had not posted a post for more than two months, re-entered their field of vision.

For them, who have been busy for several months and still have no progress, there is nothing more exciting than this!

“AA-sized batteries are out of stock. An organization that masters mature quantum computer technology will be short of AA-sized batteries?”

“This is not nonsense!”

“What hidden clues should be hidden here? What is Aguang hinting at us?”

“Lock all areas without supermarkets within 5 kilometers!”

“Is it global? That’s too much”


Listening to the discussion of his colleagues, the man with a Chinese character sighed and closed the notebook in his hand.

“Is there a possibility that this person is talking nonsense?”

Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment.

The man in police uniform was the first to come to his senses and tapped his index finger on the table.

“This possibility cannot be ruled out!”

Without enough evidence, any possibility exists.

There are various signs that the man whose existence was erased does not seem to be aware of the fact that he was abducted by extraterrestrial civilization, or he is aware of it but does not care, and has fully accepted the new job.

At this time, the old man sitting at the table suddenly spoke.

“What do you think that membrane could be?”

The man with the Chinese character face was slightly stunned.


The old man nodded.

“Didn’t they say they solved some interesting problems?”

As he spoke, he looked at the other people in the room and continued to ask.

“Do we have any battery experts here?”

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

The man in the green shirt frowned and said.

“Battery Our unit purchases batteries from cooperative units. I don’t know much about this part.”

At this moment, the consultant from the chemical industry suddenly spoke.

“Could he be talking about vaginal membranes?”

The man with a Chinese character asked immediately.

“What is that?”

The consultant spoke.

“It’s not a rare thing. Simply put, it is the solid electrolyte phase interface, which is equivalent to a passivation layer covering the surface of the electrode material. The thickness is about 100 nanometers. Take lithium batteries as an example, okay The sei film can prevent solvent molecules from co-intercalating, allowing lithium ions to pass through and intercalate smoothly, thereby inhibiting the formation of lithium dendrites. ”

The old man sitting next to the conference table said with a blank expression.

“Lithium what?”

He didn’t hear it clearly.

As if expecting this reaction, the consultant sighed and continued.

“Simply put, it is a technical difficulty faced by lithium batteries. The dendritic metal lithium formed when lithium ions are reduced will continue to consume the electrolyte during the charge and discharge process and lead to irreversible deposition of metal lithium. This will form ‘dead lithium’, reduce the Coulombic efficiency and may even cause safety hazards in connecting the positive and negative electrodes.”

The Moli company went bankrupt in the 1980s and was eventually acquired by the electrical giant Nec at the time. However, it has still not been able to overcome the technical difficulties of metallic lithium anode batteries.

The current mainstream method in the industry is to use carbon-based materials as electrodes, sacrificing battery capacity to ensure safety.

Although the energy density of lithium anode materials is attractive, no one wants to carry a bomb on their body or sit with a rocket under their butt.

The old man was still thinking about it. The man with the Chinese character face probably understood and nodded thoughtfully.

“I probably understand what you mean. If you solve the membrane problem, can you increase the energy density of the battery?”

A wry smile appeared on the consultant’s face.

“That’s it for your understanding. But I still have to emphasize that lithium dendrites are only a technical difficulty in studying lithium batteries, and artificial SEI films are only one of the solutions to the lithium dendrite problem currently proposed by the academic community. One kind.”

“As for whether they are useful or not, how to use them is controversial. The current mainstream research directions are to build houses and to build walls. Maybe both are right, maybe neither is right.”

A colleague sitting next to me asked curiously, “What do you mean it’s all wrong?”

The consultant answered concisely and concisely.

“This means that not all questions can be answered.”

The old man suddenly spoke.

“How much can this membrane increase the energy density of the battery?”

The consultant took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued.

“Look at what batteries we compare with. According to the development plan for power batteries in the white paper we released, the goal in 2025 is to reach 400wh/kg, and the goal in 2030 is 500wh/kg. I don’t know much about batteries, but this The data should be based on the opinions of experts in academia and industry.”

“If the graphite negative electrode of the lithium battery can be replaced with pure lithium, the energy density should theoretically be an order of magnitude higher.”

“An order of magnitude?!” The man in police uniform had a surprised expression on his face.

Not just him, everyone in the conference room had surprised expressions on their faces.

Just listening to the numbers doesn’t make any sense.

But once they had a reference for comparison, they immediately understood the value of this technology.

The consultant continued.

“It’s about one or two thousand, which is an order of magnitude higher. As for the specific number, it’s more reliable to ask an expert in the industry.”

The man in the green shirt suddenly stood up.

“I’ll give my work a call.”

The old man sitting at the conference table nodded and said seriously.

“Go ahead.”

At the same time, scenes similar to this were also happening around the world in the real world.

This developer log of less than a thousand words has been studied over and over again by the intelligence agencies of major organizations no less than 1,000 times, even the punctuation marks are not missed.

In the end, most intelligence agencies came to the same guess – this may be an enlightenment signal released by extraterrestrial civilization.

As we all know, one of the three pillars of modern technology is energy.

If this mysterious website really comes up with technology that is far ahead of the current era, it will undoubtedly provide favorable evidence for the conjecture of “Third Kind of Contact”.

After all, any technology is inseparable from the support of the scientific research system and cannot appear out of thin air.

While players are busy scratching prizes, the silver coin consignment platform has quietly become busy.

Although I don’t know what Wasteland OL’s official website plans to auction in three days, it’s always good to prepare in advance.

For things like “foreign exchange”, you can’t wait until you need to use it before figuring out how to do it.

There are only so many transactions on the platform every day. This is not a question of a buyer’s market or a seller’s market, but that there are simply not that many silver coins in the pool to buy.

Players need silver coins to update equipment, eat, sleep and even take a bath.


According to the information they collected from snooping on the official website, breaking the game even costs money to take a shower.

“Do these lucky people like Shet know what they are doing?”

Staring at the string of numbers on the computer screen and crossing his arms, Fick couldn’t help but curse with envy.

Just half an hour ago, their project team received a batch of funds.

Although the money is not in their pockets, it is still okay to improve their working environment and life “within a reasonable range.”

Part of the money comes from grants from official agencies.

But most of them come from giants who are consistent with the official position.

After all, the government itself does not produce anything, and it is useless to obtain the technology. In the end, it must be handed over to companies or individuals, allowing them to register patents, expand production, form monopolies, and grab other people’s cakes.

This is also the rule of the game in the real world.

“They’d better never know!”

“Indeed, of course, the fewer people who know the truth, the better. Where can we get such cheap silver coins?” The intelligence officer standing aside smiled and teased.

The colleagues on the side clenched their fists and stared at the computer screen to encourage them.

“Buy quickly! Damn it, why can’t this trading volume keep increasing? You can’t even sell a silver coin for 8 US dollars?!”

The trader sitting in front of the computer looked solemn and analyzed.

“I’m afraid it’s not a matter of price. The proportion of players holding USD and cryptocurrency accounts is too small! There is a certain threshold for foreign exchange transactions. Many people may simply screen out uncommon currencies out of fear of trouble. ”

“More than that, some intensive small orders obviously don’t behave like players but more like speculators who are not directly involved in the game.”

“In other words, we didn’t get those big orders worth more than 1,000 silver coins at all!”

Not only players can participate in the silver coin trading platform, cloud players can not only trade, but can even indirectly participate in in-game investments through agreement holdings.

When the silver coin trading platform first came out, many people hoarded a bunch of silver coins.

Now someone suddenly bought a large amount of money, and these retail investors who were confused about the situation immediately cashed out and left the market.

Thanks to the cheap chips these people contributed.

The real auction will be held in three days. The further you get to the back, the more intense the competition will be, and the price of silver coins will probably be even more exaggerated

The intelligence officer standing nearby said solemnly.

“We still have to find a way to open an RMB account with clean funding sources!”

Damn, why is it so troublesome? !

Fick couldn’t help but kick the table.


On one thing, Fick’s colleagues did get it right.

Most of the accounts currently sold on the silver coin trading platform are indeed cloud players.

As for why players did not participate, it was not entirely due to account issues.

The bottom line is that everyone is busy scratching prizes at the moment and didn’t even notice that piece.

Many big players drew 10 100s in a row, and the computer screen was filled with golden light.

Each prize has a corresponding card.

Even if you skip the lottery animation and go through each prize, it still takes a lot of time.

Not to mention taking a screenshot of the big prize and showing it off on the forum, or scolding the mastermind in a small group after drawing garbage.

Communication section for closed beta players.

Many people have taken screenshots and posted them, starting to share the joy of winning with everyone.

“Wait a minute, what the **** is the arms gift package? Which of you got it?”

“The introduction says that they are weapons and supplies of varying amounts that can be used for trade with other NPC forces, sold to newbies, or used by oneself. Isn’t this actually a trophy?”

“I understand the truth, but why do I have to draw again after drawing a prize once?”

“I also got a Ripper rifle?”

“What kind of Russian matryoshka doll is this!”

“Hahaha, I drew ten!”


The Ripper rifle is the standard weapon of the Legion’s cannon fodder. It is characterized by a long and hard barrel, with a total length of nearly two meters with a bayonet attached.

This thing also has a name on the forum, called Salted Fish Spike.

In addition to saving bullets and not jamming, this equipment basically has no other advantages.

When it comes to bayonet fighting in the trenches, an assault rifle with a relatively compact design like the ld-47 is more handy. Long weapons may not be easy to use.

However, due to the large enough quantity, the bullets of the Ripper rifle are much easier to find than the company’s “Black Swan”, so this weapon is very popular in many survivor gathering places.

After all, not all survivor settlements can equip automatic rifles on a large scale.

Although these arms cannot be sold for much in the new alliance, if they are dragged to a distant survivor settlement and sold, and then the local specialties are dragged back to the new alliance, a lot of money should be made.

In general, this “arms gift package” is much better than the consolation prize.

Of course, the new tricks planned by the dog are just an appetizer. What the players really care about is the top prize in the reward pool.

Although not everyone has the opportunity to become the European Emperor, it is good to be able to breathe European energy.

It’s a closed beta test.

It’s mainly for testing, so it’s normal for the equipment to be a bit lacking.

When the public beta begins, everyone will be able to play it sooner or later!

Under the spotlight, the first European Emperor of this expansion pack lottery was finally born.

Commander Quan Shui: “Holy shit! The Destroyer I-type exoskeleton! There is a 120 mm caliber mortar on the back of the mortar?! This equipment explodes!”

Perhaps he was so excited that he forgot to keep a low profile this time.

I just didn’t stop showing off, and I also posted the screenshots and acceptance speech together, sharing the joy of becoming the European Emperor with everyone.


Everyone was not happy.

The post exploded instantly.

Edge stroke: “Fuck! Why the **** is it you again!”

The mole on the run in the canyon: “The European Emperor like a dog! Go to hell!”

Quiting smoking: “A shady story! Absolutely a shady story!”

Commander Quan Shui: “What a shady person! I have 120,000 points, why can’t I win! 1,200 points in a row, brother!”

However, this statement obviously cannot convince the public.

The salted fish don’t care about that much.

Silver’s father: “Stop it, this old man can get 120,000 points for his coin, why the **** do I only get 30,000 points?”

Trash picking up level 99: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Lao Wang next door: “Support! Raise your hands to support!”

Commander Quanshui suddenly panicked and quickly deleted the post, but it was too late.

Screens of equipment are uploaded everywhere on the official website.

According to the information shown in the screenshot, the Destroyer I-type exoskeleton is larger than the Type 6 “Heavy Cavalry” exoskeleton, almost catching up with the power armor.

Different from the Type 6 exoskeleton, the Destroyer I-type armor does not focus on the protection of small weapons, but focuses more on the protection of explosion fragments and shock waves.

Specifically, the inside of the exoskeleton’s armor is filled with a thick layer of cushioning material, so it looks quite bloated.

The 120mm mortar behind the back needs to support the ground with both hands like a run-up when deployed, and cannot move.

Since it is equipped with an automatic loading system, in theory, as long as there are enough artillery shells, only one can be deployed to project a large amount of firepower to the target area in a short period of time.

It is equivalent to an “all-terrain” self-propelled mortar that can drive into small alleys.

It can be called an artifact for street fighting!

However, because the equipment is too bulky, the chemical energy battery is bulky, and the ammunition rack is external, it is not suitable for frontal battlefields.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is full of flaws and would be quite embarrassing if someone touches it.

The players of the Storm Corps all said that if they let this old Gou coin get this kind of Gou coin equipment, they would probably have to go out of their way to survive.

But there is one thing to say.

It would be great to have a round of close fire support before attacking.

This is not the only new equipment in the reward pool.

There are ten jackpots officially prepared for this game, and half of them have never appeared before.

As for the exoskeleton carrying the mortar, it’s not the most awesome.

After all, this kind of equipment is only useful in certain situations, and ammunition is also a problem.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, it may not be better than the “Five Type” light cavalry.

“Plasma Knife! Awesome! I will change my profession to a Force Warrior now!”

“Is this magnetic slingshot useful? Is it useful for hunting birds?”

“If you don’t understand the portable jetpack, just ask, are you going to let me go up to the sky and be used as a target?”

“Hahahaha, you can discuss it with the guy upstairs, you are just a bird.”


The school computer room.

Browsing through the posts on the official website forum, Ye Wei was filled with envy.


He has also accumulated hundreds of thousands of points, but why can’t he win the SSSR!

The absolute balance was planned by the dog!

But it doesn’t really matter.

One cannot be too greedy.

His income in the expansion pack is far more than the points. Even if it is really balanced, there is nothing to complain about.

The construction of the new map Dawn City has just started, and Niuma Brick Factory’s orders have been scheduled until the end of the year, and it is now expanding production frantically.

Not only bricks, but also cement are within their business scope.

Although many competitors have emerged in Dawn City recently to grab business, they are not comparable in scale to “refuge holding” companies like them.

Cut out from the beta test player section, Ye Wei browsed the chat section for a while, wanting to see what the cloud players were chatting about.

When he saw the first post, he laughed.

“The price of silver coins has increased?”

Are you kidding me?

It is not that the price of silver has never risen before, but it usually rises when expansion packs or new gameplay are first launched, and it is impossible to rise when expansion packs end.

The remaining profits from the expansion pack have just been settled. Now everyone’s pockets are filled with silver coins. There is no need to change equipment for the time being. Even the rich will not spend money at this time.

It makes no sense at all!

Not to mention the past few battles, the expansion packs have spent money like crazy, and a few big players are shipping goods every day to “improve life.” The transaction price of silver coins has dropped to single digits in the past few days.

“Haha, I want to see how high it can go.”

Out of curiosity, Ye Wei opened the silver coin trading platform and took a look.

It didn’t matter what he saw, he was stunned on the spot.

“What the hell?!”

Eight dollars a silver coin? !

He confirmed several times that the order hanging above was a buy order, not a sell order.

And there’s not just one.

There are exactly ten buying orders, each buying one hundred thousand silver coins, lined up in a row with a price difference of one dollar!

40% of the orders at the top of the list have been filled, and the buy orders listed at US$7 and US$6 have not yet started to be sold. After all, the buy order with the highest listed price has not yet been filled.

Not only the US dollar, but also the RMB, Euro, and other currencies have buy orders on it.

The bids are more outrageous than the last!

As if overnight, I am back to the time when the silver coin trading platform was first launched.

“Are these people crazy?!”

Looking at the 52rmb pending order, Ye Wei felt his heart beat faster and sweat oozed from the palm of his hand holding the mouse.

His first reaction was to take advantage of the situation and smash the market!

Hurry up and ship now!

After passing this village, there is no such shop!

However, this idea only stayed in his mind for half a minute before he calmed down.

This is a bit strange!

The entire trading platform was completely blocked by buy orders, and not even a single sell order could be seen.

Who is spreading the money?

Taking a deep breath, Ye Wei resisted the urge to ship, grabbed the mobile phone on the table, tapped the screen with his fingers at the speed of light, and sent a message to the brothers in the cattle and horse group.


“Look at the silver coin trading platform!!!”


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