This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 319: Why not just cooperate more thoroughly?

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The real world.


Following the footsteps of the staff, Gao Jianhui came to a spacious room. The decoration here is a bit monotonous, like a temporarily tidied up room. The only furniture is a bookshelf, a coffee table and two sofas.

The young man wearing glasses was sitting on the sofa. After seeing him, he immediately stood up from the sofa and spoke to him politely.

“Hello, Academician Gao! Please take a seat.”

Gao Jianhui did not refuse and sat down on the sofa opposite the young man. He looked the man up and down. He had no impression in his memory. He thought he was not in the same system as him. .

At around eight o’clock last night, he received an invitation letter from a well-known domestic academic institution. However, when he arrived at his destination early in the morning, he did not see any admission instructions for academic lectures. Please get in a special car.

“We have learned through various investigations that you are an expert in the fields related to rock mechanics and mining engineering. We take the liberty of inviting you here——”

“Why is it so mysterious? It’s a private car transfer and a confidentiality agreement.” A slight cough interrupted the lengthy opening remarks. Academician Gao said concisely, “If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. .”

The man said politely.

“It’s just a routine procedure, please understand.”

“Can I have a cigarette?”

“Of course, it’s up to you.”

Gao Jianhui took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette for himself, stared at the laptop on the coffee table, and squinted slightly.

Just when he was about to ask what this was about, the young man wearing glasses stood up, held the mouse, opened the photo in the folder, and then said politely.

“Please take a look at this.”

“This is”

As soon as the two words came out of his mouth, his brows furrowed slightly and he let out a soft moan. Holding the cigarette in his right hand, he held the mouse and turned it down unconsciously, his eyes becoming more and more surprised.

Joined development of shaft + ramp?

This was the first time he had seen the main transportation system designed like this.

Of course, it wasn’t just the main transportation system that surprised him.

The longitudinal structure diagram of the entire mine does not look like a mine at all, but like an instrument with a precise structure. Each block has a clear division of labor and can collaborate closely.


The problem with this design plan is also obvious, that is, it is too idealistic!

Many design ideas cannot be realized at all with current technical conditions.

24-hour cycle mining is not difficult, and unmanned mining is not impossible, but the mining surface moves downward simultaneously with the mining system and is completely separated from manual intelligent mining

He dared to assert that no mine in the world could do this.

After a long time, Academician Gao looked up at the man sitting opposite, with a hint of seriousness in his interested eyes.

“Where did you get these photos?”

The young man did not answer the question immediately.

“Before I answer this question, I’d like to hear what you think of these photos.”

Gao Jianhui thought for a moment and gave his evaluation.

“A very special design. If I read it correctly, the entire mine should use a complete set of intelligent mining systems. It is similar in design concept to the Kiruna Iron Mine in Sweden, but it can’t be seen just by looking at the appearance. What’s going on? Do you have more photos? ”

The man wearing glasses had a helpless expression on his face.

“Sorry, these are the only photos we have for now. Can you tell me about the similarities and where they are specifically reflected?”

“Intelligent.” Gao Jianhui said immediately.

The man asked immediately.

“Intelligent? Can you be more specific?”

Gao Jianhui thought for a while and replied.

“The Kiruna mine is famous not only for its high-grade iron ore, but also for its intelligent mining system, including drilling, charging, loading, transportation, and lifting. All operating processes can be controlled remotely. Realization. The entire mine only requires a very small number of workers to complete all production processes. ”

“In addition, it is not just about intelligence, but also their research in the field of deep mining under one thousand meters, as well as in dealing with the increase in ground pressure, increase in rock temperature, mine lifting, drainage, support, ventilation, filling, Our experience in environmental protection and other issues is also worth learning from. ”

The man listened very carefully and kept taking notes.

After the old academician finished speaking, he then asked about the part he was most concerned about.

“What about the mine in this photo?”

Gao Jianhui leaned on the sofa and said calmly.

“I can only talk about the fields I know. I can’t talk about the things in your photo. It’s not the same field as what I’m studying. I assume that for this kind of equipment to operate successfully, at least a hundred problems must be solved. We haven’t found a solution yet, do you know what that means?”

The man wearing glasses swallowed.

“What does it mean?”

“This means that this photo is likely to be synthesized, or CG produced using film technology.”

Hearing Academician Gao’s answer, the man was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

“Indeed we cannot rule out this possibility.”

Gao Jianhui paused for a moment and continued.

“I don’t know much about your work, but as far as I’m concerned, many of the assumptions here are unrealistic. Let’s put it this way, the whole building is built on unresolved ‘hypotheses’, like It’s the pattern carved on the gold bracelet. It’s not the pattern that’s valuable, but the gold, so I asked you if you have any more photos or information.”

“If we can know how to solve those unresolved problems, we can come up with something similar even if we don’t use this design plan at all. And even if we solve one of the technical difficulties, our existing mining technology will be improved. greatly improved.”

“For example, in the deep backfill mining project my students are working on recently, one of the difficulties is how to reduce the frictional resistance of the filling material transportation pipeline. If it can be solved, the energy consumption and efficiency of our backfill mining can be greatly improved. .”

“As for what you mean by this? I can’t answer it, but boldly imagine that if our mining depth can go down one kilometer, the mining cost can be further discounted by 50 to 60%. All ore deposits that are not suitable for mining should be utilized.”

“Guess whether we can find iron ore with a higher grade than Australia and South America under our feet? Guess how much impact this will have on the local economy, national finance, and industrial structure?”

“Don’t say you use it yourself. If you can really build this mining system, I think the reverse export is more than enough!”

Resource reserves are a relative concept. With the development of mining and surveying technology, more and more resource reserves may be mined.

The higher the density, the easier it is for materials to accumulate downward during magma activity and diagenesis. Therefore, the closer to the center of the earth, the more abundant resources can be utilized. In comparison, the resources on the planet’s surface are just a scratch.

Looking at the increasingly excited young man, Gao Jianhui flicked the ashes in the ashtray and joked with a smile.

“Since when have you been so free? Daydream with me, an old man.”

He had probably guessed the identity and position of the person in front of him, but he didn’t expect that they would actually find him to consult on issues in his professional field.

After all, what I study is still far from national security.

The person next door is engaged in geology and geographical information, maybe you can get some connections.

Suppressing his excited expression, the man wearing glasses coughed slightly, did not answer the question, and reached out to gently close the laptop.

“I’m sorry that I can’t say too much about the case we are responsible for. It involves top secrets. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to cooperate with our work. Please let me take you back.”


Gao Jianhui put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray and waved his hand.

“Next time if you have any questions, just call me. It makes people really nervous.”

The man wearing glasses nodded and was about to get up and open the door for the old academician.

However, at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, so he tore a piece of paper from the notebook next to him, wrote a string of letters and handed it to the old man.

Gao Jianhui reached out to take it and glanced at it.

“This is?”

“A URL.”

The man wearing glasses smiled and said, “Although I can’t reveal more details to you about our case, these photos were all found on the discussion section of this website.”

The key is that you can’t stop it even if you want to.

The entire website is like a black box. Any information leaked from it is what the black box wants them to know. Any attempt to open the black box has proven ineffective, and blocking the website requires blocking the entire Internet.

The most likely speculation now is that the website and the Wasteland OL game should be the enlightenment or investigation of human civilization by a certain advanced civilization.

Considering that many of the technologies displayed in the game have far exceeded or even deviated from the current level of civilization on earth, the entire case has been characterized as “the third kind of contact.”

As for the motivation of this civilization “codenamed x” to contact humans in the solar system, further research remains.

But for now, at least the contact is neutral or above.

Considering to avoid causing wider panic, they decided to temporarily block news about extraterrestrial civilizations and keep a cautious attitude.



Academician Gao raised his eyebrows and stuffed the note into his pocket.

Please take a look when you have time.


Xizhou City.

Wu Chengyi put down his communicator and sat back on the chair, his expression a little heavy.

Just a few minutes ago, he made contact with the managers of the New Alliance through the communication equipment provided by the Burning Corps.

The other party did not beat around the bush with him, but bluntly stated the position of the new alliance——

The new alliance will include Xizhou City in the recovery area and build a survivor settlement near Xizhou Lake to accommodate slaves liberated from the looters and survivors who are willing to join the new alliance.

This is more like a notification than a discussion.

Thinking of the man’s words on the phone, Wu Chengyi looked at the notebook in his hand.

Those lines of scrawled words were what he had just written down.

Xizhou City Industrial Zone Development Plan, and Draft Reconstruction of New Recovery Area and Survivor Settlement Area

In his opinion.

This is like a big pie.

I don’t know how long it will take for the war with the Ya clan to end. The people of the new alliance have already begun to think about the future with them.

But Wu Chengyi admitted.

This cake smells really good.

“Call my deputy and other senior leaders of the resistance organization for me.” Wu Chengyi threw the notebook on the table and looked at his assistant and said.

The assistant nodded, immediately turned around and left the office.

After a while, a dozen people walked in from outside.

Standing here are administrative officials from Hope Town and guerrilla officers.

Everyone present exchanged glances and whispered to each other, wondering why the mayor called them here.

After looking around at everyone present, Wu Chengyi slowly spoke.

“Ten minutes ago, I got in touch with the manager of the new alliance.”

This sentence was like a bomb dropped in the crowd. Everyone who heard this sentence had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Wu Chengyi continued without waiting for his subordinates to ask questions.

“Overall, this call went smoothly. The New Alliance extended an olive branch to us and promised to provide us with aid worth 500,000 silver coins, including food, medicine and even weapons that we urgently needed. These supplies will be delivered by airdrop.”

He didn’t know what half a million silver coins meant.

But an automatic rifle costs 200 silver coins, and a kilogram of green wheat only costs 12 silver coins. This is the reference provided to him by the manager named Chu Guang.

With this aid, they will undoubtedly be able to weather the current difficulties more smoothly, and the food shortages and disease problems caused by the plague will also be solved.

At least to some extent.

This condition can be said to be quite generous, even incredibly generous. However, it is really because of this that people feel abnormal.

“I want to know if this is free?” the adjutant standing next to Wu Chengyi asked cautiously.

“Of course not.”

Wu Chengyi paused for a moment and continued.

“After the war is over, the new alliance will include Xizhou City in the recovery area.”

The room was silent for a while.

Everyone looked at each other.

Although they don’t know what the recovery zone is, this sentence means that the new alliance intends to include this place into their territory?

Or to put it more closely like Chiguo, it is annexation.

Wu Chengyi continued.

“The New Alliance plans to build Xizhou City into their heavy industry base in the future. He promised me that after the war is over, any survivor who is willing to join them can obtain the status of a New Alliance resident and be equal to the residents of Dawn City. Their legitimate rights include receiving education, participating in the selection of municipal personnel, etc. If they are unwilling to join the new alliance, they will not interfere in any way as long as we do not hinder their work.”

The adjutant standing next to him continued to ask.

“What about us?”

Wu Chengyi replied.

“They recognize the heroic performance of the guerrillas in resisting the Ya clan, and if we are willing, they will incorporate us into their ranks. Of course, if we want to change our way of life, they will also give us a sum at their discretion The severance pay is up to us to decide whether to stay or not.”

Hearing these words, many senior leaders of the guerrillas breathed a sigh of relief, and the expressions on their faces became slightly more relaxed.

The new alliance is willing to accept them into its own team instead of confiscating their weapons, which at least shows that the other party regards them as their own.

If you don’t want to continue fighting, you can still get a severance package. This is an explanation for the team members who have worked hard for them.

However, not everyone is so optimistic.

A senior member of the resistance organization frowned slightly.

“That sounds like a handout.”

Wu Chengyi smiled.

“Does this still sound good?”

In fact, it is not a bad thing if someone is willing to give charity.

Wu Chengyi knows very well that people like him are no different from beggars now, and there is no point in being too entangled in those insignificant things.

The adjutant looked at him and asked.

“What are you going to do?”

Wu Chengyi said nothing and lit a homemade cigarette.

“I haven’t thought about it yet”

“I called you here just to ask you what you think.”

At this time, the logistics manager, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

“I don’t think joining the new alliance is a bad thing, or rather, it’s our only choice.”

Everyone looked at him.

Including Wu Chengyi.

The logistics director paused for a moment and continued.

“There are at least tens of thousands of survivors captured by the Ya clan. Among them are not only our compatriots, but also the people plundered by the looters from the central area of ​​​​the River Valley Province. If the new alliance brings with it after the war, If we go home with our trophies, the situation we face may be even worse than now.”

A huge number of hungry people.

Coupled with the raging plague.

If we take over the rescued compatriots, they will be overwhelmed by the food crisis.

And if those people are left alone, no matter what reasons they use to explain to the survivors who support them, they will lose the legitimacy of the regime

Staring at the burned out cigarette in his hand, Wu Chengyi fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he spoke.

“You’re right.”

Chu Guang originally thought that the guerrilla captain named Wu Chengyi would have to struggle for a week before accepting his proposal.

What he didn’t expect was that he received a reply call that night.

“I have a better proposal.” This was Wu Chengyi’s first sentence after the call was connected.

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Chu Guang, who was reviewing documents, stopped what he was doing and raised his eyebrows with interest.


“I have discussed with other members of the resistance organization, and we all agree that Xizhou City will have a brighter future under the leadership of the New Alliance. You need population and space, and we want to live with dignity, since you are willing to accept us , why don’t we just cooperate more thoroughly?”

After a moment of pause, Wu Chengyi said solemnly in a serious tone.

“This is our unanimous decision.”

“Please allow us to join your cause!”

Hearing these words, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

Honestly, he was a little surprised.

Before, he considered the various problems that might be faced by annexing Xizhou City by force, so he came up with a relatively mild plan, intending to copy the development model of Shuguang City and let the local survivors be civilized. The aura attracts and willingly contributes to the unbreakable alliance.

The result is great guys.

How dare the other person be more anxious to come in than you are, and you are the one who pretends to be reserved?

Suppressing his intriguing expression, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa, cleared his throat and answered the resistance leader’s proposal in two words.

Or request.


The next morning.

Xizhou City, an abandoned underground shopping mall connected to a subway tunnel.

The survivors in ragged clothes and numb expressions returned one after another from the secret door of the subway tunnel carrying shriveled handbags.

The daytime in Xizhou City belongs to the predators.

Only when it gets completely dark can they go out to scavenge safely.

Before going back to sleep, the scavengers need to go to the warehouse to exchange supplies, exchange the garbage they picked up last night for nutritional paste, or exchange the prey they killed for a few daily necessities and medicines.

It is said to be prey, but it is actually a mouse.

For these scavengers, this is almost the only source of meat.

As for why it is said to be almost

In special times, it is better not to inquire too deeply.

As usual, today’s harvest is still pitiful. The exchanges between the New Alliance and the Bone-Chewing Tribe patrols are getting less and less, which means that it is difficult for them to recover the shell casings dropped by both sides.

Most of the Marauder tanks have also moved to the front line. Trucks with machine guns welded on have set off in a mighty manner, and group after group of Marauders went to the south.

It seems that this war is about to be decided.

Under the continuous strategic bombardment of the New Alliance, the Bone Chewing Tribe has reached its limits both mentally and physically.

Even the scavengers who picked up the garbage could feel that the looters were being tortured crazy

However, it is still not easy for the new alliance to win this war.

The number of those predators is simply too great.

Discussing when the war will end is the most popular topic in Hope Town. People lined up in a long queue at the entrance of the warehouse are talking about when the new alliance will drive away the marauders and their plans after the war is over. Do something.

Whenever these things are mentioned, even the most confused person can’t help but feel a little more courage to persevere.

Apart from family members, this is probably the only belief that supports them to continue on.

At this moment, a broadcast sound suddenly came from above everyone’s heads.

“After the high-level research and decision of the Xizhou City Survivor Resistance Movement Organization, starting from the date of this announcement, Hope Town will be officially incorporated into the United Front for the Rejuvenation of Human Civilization and become part of the new alliance collective

The announcement is very long.

Including the date of the formal handover of management rights, as well as the resident status of the new alliance, future arrangements for the guerrillas, etc.

The mayor named Wu spoke for half an hour before he stopped.

However, the scavengers standing at the door of the warehouse and the residents huddled in the shacks suffering from hunger did not listen to what he said next.

They didn’t even have time to digest the amount of information in the first sentence of the broadcast.

People stopped talking and exchanged looks and expressions with surprise, joy, surprise, doubt and disbelief on their faces.

Join a new alliance?

This does sound like a happy event.

But has this guy really woke up? !


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