This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 300: If it doesn’t work, just imagine yourself as a missile

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

North of Shuguang City.

A group of refugees appeared in the sight of the patrol.

In fact, the sentries on duty discovered these people as early as when they passed through Yuanxi Town. It was impossible for so many people to cross through the forest and could only walk along the road.

Although there are usually refugees joining Dawn City one after another, it is rare for more than 300 people to leave together like this.

Not daring to take it lightly, the patrol leader carrying the Arbiter rifle and five team members came forward and shouted from a distance of fifty meters.

“Who are you?”

While shouting, he carefully observed the group of people opposite.

There are men and women in the team, old people and children… They don’t look like predators, but they can’t completely relax their vigilance.

The leader of the team took a few steps forward. .

“We are survivors in Xizhou City. The looters destroyed our home… You said on the radio that you would take in the homeless. We have no place to go. I beg you to take them in.” us.”

“Xizhou City? Are there any living people there other than predators?” a patrol guard whispered.

Another guard whispered.

“It does sound strange. Maybe the Ya clan doesn’t have enough manpower to control the entire city… isn’t there a resistance organization there?”

The captain of the patrol team was also confused, but he still reported the situation truthfully to his superiors through the communicator hanging on his ear.

Didn’t have to wait long.

The superiors quickly issued instructions to take them in.

After receiving the order, the patrol leader raised his voice and continued.

“We are willing to take you in, but only if you are willing to hand over your weapons.”

There was a commotion among the refugee group.

There was obvious hesitation in some people’s eyes.

Giving up weapons means putting your life in the hands of others.

However, the man in the lead was very straightforward and agreed without even a second of hesitation.

“No problem!”

“As long as you can ensure our safety.”

The equipment of these guards is much better than theirs. Compared with theirs, the iron tube rifle on their side is like a fire stick, and it is of no use even if it is kept.

The patrol captain nodded.

“That’s for sure.”

“The new alliance will protect every resident who abides by order.”

“Please follow me.”


The “Refugee Home” is located on the northwest side of Shuguang City, close to the resettlement village on the west side of the farm, and not far from the trading station and commercial street on the north side of the farm.

As a dormitory-style apartment for refugees, the living area per person here is not large, with four beds crammed into one room.

But no one is finding fault.

A house that can be protected from wind and rain, with clean beds and quilts, and every room even has a window.

For homeless refugees, this is a paradise!

In most cases, it is not easy to borrow a straw-covered barn, and having a room to sleep in is beyond the imagination of them.

The staff at the refugee home also did not expect that the patrol team would actually bring back so many people.

There are more than 300 hungry refugees, and several staff members are busy with counting, cooking, and dividing them into dormitories.

Due to a shortage of manpower, the staff of the trading post, which also belongs to the logistics department, was temporarily transferred to help take care of the elderly, women and children.

“Be good.”

Looking at the sleeping child curled up in his mother’s arms, Shuanghe touched his head, stuffed a bottle of double-ended milk into his mother’s hand, and said softly.

“Take it.”

This was originally her dinner.

But it doesn’t matter if she drinks one less bottle.

The woman’s eyes flashed with tears, and she tremblingly stretched out her hand to accept them.

“Thank you.”

Shuanghe curled his lips.

“You’re welcome, this is how we were taken in by the managers.”

But the conditions at that time were not as good as they are now.

Without disturbing the sleeping child, Shuanghe planned to take care of the others, but the woman suddenly stretched out her skinny hand and grabbed her arm.

“Wait, wait a minute, we just met a group of people on the road. They were wearing black armor, eight of them. I don’t know if they are your people, but they gave me a very strange feeling. OK.”

Black armor?

Shuanghe looked at her in surprise and said seriously.

“I will report the situation to the Guard.”

The refugees quickly received the promised hot water and food. Although it was just a bowl of green wheat porridge, it was much better than the roots and bark they ate on the road.

There is even a meaty flavor in the soup!

Everyone was devouring the food.

When they finish eating, Luca will take someone to register their identities, and introduce or arrange suitable jobs for them based on their abilities.

The police station next to the apartment.

The leader of the refugees was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, with a worried expression on his face.

Just ten minutes ago, he was invited here and learned from the guards on duty that the managers of the new alliance wanted to talk to him.

At this time, the door opened.

A blue power armor walked in.

At a glance, he recognized this person as the manager of the new alliance. The man was surprised and stood up quickly. He even wanted to kneel down and salute, but Chu Guang raised his hand to stop him.

“No need to be polite, just sit down. I’m just here to understand the situation.”

Just after the meeting to determine the Northern Expedition plan, Chu Guang heard about the refugees, so he came over to take a look.


After seeing their situation, Chu Guang became more determined in the Northern Expedition.

Not entirely because of kindness or soft-heartedness.

From a strategic perspective, there is Boulder City in the south, and the resistance to southward expansion is too great. The new alliance can only increase its strategic depth northward.

If the looters are allowed to continue burning, killing and looting, the entire central part of the valley province may become a no man’s land.

No matter how fertile the land is, someone must cultivate it.

The guard on duty brought an iron stool for Chu Guang. Chu Guang nodded and thanked him, sat down opposite the man, and spoke openly.

“The guard should have told you my identity, so I won’t introduce myself. What’s your name?”

The man said with a respectful expression.

“My name is Zebra, my lord.”

Chu Guang twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, with a strange expression.

Keeping aware of the subtlety in the manager’s expression, the man quickly continued.

“Please give me your name!”

Chu Guang said casually.

“Well… then let’s go to Maban.”

This man didn’t have any special appearance, neither tall nor short, he was the kind of person who couldn’t be found in a crowd. Chu Guangshi didn’t know what to name him, so he just gave him a lucky name.

However, what surprised Chu Guang was that this guy quite liked the new name and said with joy.

“Thank you, sir!”

Chu Guang coughed lightly.

“Let’s stop talking here, tell me about the situation in Xizhou City.”

Maban sat upright on the sofa, his expression becoming serious.

“What do you want to know about?”

Chu Guang asked.

“As many marauders as there are survivors.”

“The predators…are you talking about the Ya clan? I’m afraid there are a lot of them,” Maban said with a heavy expression. “At the beginning of the year, they only had ten thousand-man teams, but then the snow melted. There are probably 20,000 to 30,000 looters from Shaolin Province who have defected to them.”

Chu Guang nodded.

This number is similar to what he learned from “Brother Nan”.

Able to raise an army of tens of thousands in the wasteland, the strength of the Bone Chewing Tribe cannot be underestimated.

In particular, these people not only took over the equipment and command personnel of the Legion Expeditionary Force, but also received the support of the Torch Church.

This battle will not be easy.

Maban paused and continued.

“As for the survivors… there should be quite a few. I know of four to five thousand people. In fact, there should be more.”

“So many?” Chu Guang looked at him in surprise, “How did you, so many of you, escape being hunted by the predators?”

Maban explained.

“Xizhou City’s underground transportation network connects underground commercial streets and residential areas. We are familiar with the terrain there and use the subway to deal with the predators. Although the firepower of those predators was much stronger than ours, they only destroyed us Our home on the surface, the underground world is still under our control…”

Only then did Chu Guang remember that Xizhou City was just a small city surrounded by mountains and rivers. There were no ultra-high-density residences there, and there were no mother nests that released mutant slime molds.

In other words, there are no nibblers there.

Replaced by other alien species.

“Since you can deal with the predators, why did you suddenly choose to leave.”

A bitter expression appeared on Maban’s face.

“Because of the plague… no one wanted to leave their hometown, but the plague broke out there. We had no food to eat, and our neighbors had no extra food to lend us, so we had no choice but to leave.”


Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

Is this forcing someone to hide something from him?

If I remembered correctly, I should have asked him to attack the looters’ granary, but I never said to ask him to harass the local survivors.

Of course, it is also possible that I am overthinking.

The accumulation of corpses itself is prone to rodent infestation, insect infestation and plague. Even if there is not a fat rat forcing people to suffer, there will be no shortage of rats and cockroaches in Xizhou City.

The number of little brothers it can develop is limited, so we cannot arbitrarily blame all bad things done by mice on him.

It’s just that this guy didn’t mention this at all on the forum…

At this moment, Chu Guang’s heart moved and he suddenly thought of something.

“Did you hear our broadcast?”

When the New Alliance was established, he had people set up a radio station to promote the New Alliance’s refugee resettlement policy, but there has been no movement.

Not many survivor settlements have radios, and even if they do, not everyone can hear them.

For example, there is a radio in Old Leech’s castle, but he will never plug it into a speaker and play it for all the survivors to listen to.

This must be the first time for a large number of immigrants to be attracted by “Voice of the Alliance”.

“Yes,” Maban nodded and said gratefully, “Your broadcast made us determined. Although everyone initially doubted whether it was a smoke bomb released by looters, we have already There was no other choice…thank you for delivering on your promise.”

“You’re welcome, I will definitely do what I promised,” Chu Guang paused and continued, “Do you know radio?”

Maban said immediately.

“Know a little.”

Chu Guang asked next.


Mabaan: “Can read and write.”


A happy smile appeared on Chu Guang’s face, and he nodded approvingly.

“Very good!”

Chu Guang is now in need of a local person with sufficient abilities to unite the members of the resistance organization in Xizhou City on his behalf to cooperate with the new alliance’s military operation to be launched next month.

However, the Northern Expedition cannot be discussed with outsiders yet.

Chu Guang thought for a moment and decided to test his ability first, so he spoke.

“I will have the staff of the logistics department contact you in a moment, and you will cooperate with them to complete the registration of the new resident identity information.”

Hearing these words, Ma Ban felt excited for a moment.

Good guy.

Is this to promote yourself? !

Excited in his heart, Ma Ban nodded quickly.

“I will do my best to cooperate!”

Chu Guang stood up from the chair, smiled and said.

“Well, I’m looking forward to your performance!”


Official forum:

[Update landmark:

Eastern District Plantation (Specialties: Brain Fungus, Dali Pills): The Psychic Interference Tower has been restarted. Hunting of iron-backed apes within three kilometers of the Third Ecological Protection Park is prohibited. Violators will be fined 100 silver coins per animal.

Shelter No. 401: (Recommended monsters for novices: gnawers, wild boars, gray monkeys) (Prohibited hunting: iron-backed apes within three kilometers, violators will be fined 100 silver coins.)

[Alliance Trends:

The “Refugee Home” accepted 397 refugees from Xizhou City.

The New Alliance has seized “variable temperature jacket” production equipment, which can now be purchased in the NPC store.

The “Northern Expedition Plan” will be launched within 30 days! Target Xizhou!

[Today’s recommended recipes: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, grilled bird wings with salt]

Tail: “Hey! Did you update the map as soon as Tails’ front legs left?!!! ∑(?Д?ノ)ノ”

Sisi: “Northern Expedition Plan…is this another new expansion pack?”

Luo Yu: “I just got the VM! This is so exciting!”

Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Hahahahaha, it’s gone up! (Excited)”

Stop talking nonsense: “What, what, what, what has gone up?”

Professor Yang, King of Lightning: “Silver coins! As we all know, when new maps are released and expansion packs are released, the trading price of game coins will rise accordingly! The variable temperature jacket sounds awesome! And there is a war soon, so the silver coins The price will definitely go up (satisfied)”

Don’t be ridiculous: “Hey, I thought the water was rising, so I was so scared that I read the announcement again. (expletive)”

Makabazi: “Don’t worry, it won’t affect my farming!”

Bangfeng: “I don’t know how to complain, but the temperature-controlled jacket… is actually a blue jacket.”

Irena: “I understand, I no longer have to worry about wearing a novice outfit when going out, so I am taking advantage of the Vineyard House? (Funny)”

Elf King Fugui: “Sell the Tengteng stocks! (Funny)”

Teng Teng: “Wait a minute, are you buying the clothes I make just because you have no choice? QAQ”

Ye Shi: “How is that possible! The clothes made by Teng Teng are so beautiful! Last time I went to Boulder City, Elder Brother Fang stared at it for a long time. (Funny)”

Irena: “I think there is something wrong with you all, but I have no evidence. (Funny)”

Fuji: “(*?ω?)?╰ひ╯”

Fang Chang: “(Too scared to speak.jpg)”

Although it is not an update announcement, it still aroused discussion among many players after the announcement was issued.

The blue jacket is now available for purchase!

As one of the novice benefits, the blue jacket that adaptively adjusts temperature and breathability can be said to be the only black technology that players can have access to in the novice stage.

Unless it is extremely cold or hot, a blue coat is enough to meet the newbie’s clothing needs.

However, this thing has always been limited before, with an average of three sets per person. Equipment that is damaged cannot be repaired or repurchased.

Therefore, most players are reluctant to wear blue coats when traveling far away, and will change their clothes before fighting.

When there was no cotton cloth in the past, everyone was covered in animal skins, and they were dressed more like plunderers than plunderers.

As for the Mind Interference Tower, it is even more interesting.

Looking at the description of the facility, it seems that it can exert psychic suggestions on alien species of specific mental frequencies and transmit negative emotions to them to achieve the effect of driving them away. The aliens with lower minds are more strongly affected, and the aliens with higher minds can understand more emotions.

If you think about it carefully, this thing is an artifact!

Since we can drive wild monsters out of the safe zone through the emotion of fear, can we also gather them into specific areas through the emotion of joy?

Good guy.

As long as the psychic interference tower is opened in reverse, wouldn’t it be more convenient to spawn monsters in the future?

Maybe it can also instill impure psychological hints into the alien species, allowing specific populations in the area to accelerate their reproduction!

Except for the two big news items: “Blue coats are available for purchase” and “Psychic Interference Tower”, the topics discussed by players are mainly focused on the Northern Expedition.

Anyone with a clear eye can see it.

New expansion pack is coming!

Commander Quanshui: “Hahaha! I really guessed it right! The overhaul of the corps system is really paving the way for the new expansion pack! (Proud)”

I am the worst: “The cows criticize, the cows criticize, the cows criticize.”

The Mole on the run in the canyon: “Speaking of which, Lao Bai, what theory did you order?”

Lao Bai: “Light infantry.”

The mole on the run in the canyon: “Damn, I thought you would choose motorization! (Surprised)”

Fang Chang: “You don’t understand the version well enough. The corps system regulates alliance equipment and does not restrict private equipment. In other words, we can buy rifles with silver coins and buy ammunition with our own money.”

Edge: “Gan, is your logistics point useless?”

Fang Chang: “It’s useful, who says it’s useless! For example, if you point to the ‘Special Operations’ branch under the light infantry doctrine, the cost of light infantry equipment will be -50%. What’s the concept of a half discount? You can redeem it with 25 logistics points A ‘Light Cavalry’ suit containing a Type 5 exoskeleton! Although it can only be used in wartime or special missions, there is no contribution level limit, and equipment losses are borne by the alliance.”

Of course, there is a time to replenish equipment when it breaks down. The more high-end equipment, the slower it will be replenished, so you should take care of it if you can.

It doesn’t matter if a person dies, it’s only three days anyway.

But if the equipment is broken, the battle score will be lost.

In other words, money is deducted.

Lao Bai: “In addition to the light cavalry suit, the ‘heavy cavalry’ suit also has the label of light infantry equipment. The original price is 200 logistics points. After discount, it only costs 100 points. If you buy a senior citizen in the store, you will get an extra 100,000 silver! Use the logistics points to redeem , much cheaper than buying it with silver coins! (Baring teeth)”

Each corps level up adds 1 scale and 1 logistics, which is equivalent to 10 points for 10 people. You can get a set of light cavalry exoskeleton as soon as you reach LV3.

Every ten levels is a stage. Upgrading from level F to level E will award an additional 10 skill points. Throwing all of them into logistics is equivalent to 100 more logistics points, which can be directly exchanged for a set of “heavy cavalry”.

The corps level is much easier to upgrade than the individual sequence level. Fang Chang has studied the experience curve and the threshold is basically at the time of upgrading.

Before the start of the Northern Expedition, it was not difficult to reach LV10 and advance to the E-level corps as long as you were not too aggressive.

In short, “Special Operations” under the light infantry doctrine, compared to “Human Sea Assault”, is specially designed for small-scale corps that intend to take an elite route.

But if you are willing to raise part of your own military expenses, buy your own ammunition and basic equipment, and force the scale to increase, the game officials will not interfere.

As long as you can reduce battle losses, achieve greater results, and use high profits to cover the out-of-pocket costs, players who choose this path may not necessarily make less.

The mole on the run in the canyon: “Hey, you can’t afford to offend rich people… I’ll just do mobile warfare.”

Debts with big eyes: “Yyds on the right line of the crowd! Twenty-five steps to the devil! A real man should fight with a bayonet! (Funny)”

The edge of the water: “Ganggun, don’t make noises, I will think about it before I decide.”

WC is really a mosquito: “Hahaha! Do you even need to think about this? You want me to definitely blindly pick the ‘firepower advantage’! Lao Bai, apply to leave the team, I want to fly solo!”

Lao Bai: “That’s right.”

WC is really a mosquito: “Damn! How heartless! You won’t even try to stay!”

Lao Bai: “What’s the point of retaining me? You’re not going to the front line, so we’re limiting your performance. It’s good to support you from behind. (Squints and smiles)”

Bangfeng: “I agree!”

WC is really full of mosquitoes: “The Goblin Corps is recruiting pilots and gunners! Pilots with agility are preferred, there are no restrictions on artillery, please send a private message to sign up!”

Luo Yu: “Me, me, me! Is this okay for the newbie at LV3?”

There are really mosquitoes in WC: “No problem! Teaching and skills are guaranteed! (Baring teeth)”


Mosquitoes really aren’t kidding.

The next day, there were about a hundred newbies standing on the runway of the airport near the military camp. Although many people walked around anxiously and then left, most of them still stayed.

Mosquitoes counted people.

A total of 71 people.

50 of them are newcomers to the agility department who are here to fly planes, and the rest are here to shoot guns.

Not bad!

Very energetic!

Mosquito looked at these rookies happily, cleared his throat and shouted.

“The station that has passed by the plane is on the left, and the station that has not been on the plane is on the right.”

A newbie raised his hand.

“Coach! Does the glider count?”

“I skydive!”

“I have played War Thunder!”

I am very satisfied with what these newcomers call me, Mosquito said with a smile.

“Then let me say it again, the stations that have been opened are on the left, the stations that have not been opened are on the right, and the stations that have been opened in the game are in the middle!”

The crowd took sides again.

It was a sparse crowd, with a few people still standing on the left, but no one at all on the right.

The mosquito nodded with satisfaction.

Having played it in the game counts as having played it before. No matter how hard it is, 0.1 basic level is better than 0 basic level. It can at least avoid some common sense mistakes.

For example, overloading will cause you to “go offline”.

For example, to save ammunition, land with aerial bombs attached.


Can I drive it back?

Is this important to the Goblin Corps?

He will naturally prepare the most complete equipment for those “experts” who can fly airplanes, and try to “cut corners” on the planes of the rookies as much as possible, striving to minimize the loss of crashing the plane.

If that doesn’t work, you can also put a parachute on the battery and motor.

When I’m done, I beg the Army to go and pick it up.

“Whether you know it or not, I will teach you from the beginning. This thing is not a jet plane. It is not difficult to fly. The difficulty is just to fly the plane back.”

“But it’s not a big problem!”

“If you are really stupid, just imagine yourself as a missile! I believe if you die a few more times, even if the dog is tied to the joystick, it will learn how to open it!”

Excitement flashed on the faces of the newbies.

Think of yourself as a missile?

This is so exciting!

Su Ming, standing aside, reminded in a low voice.

“The maximum size of the new corps can only be 10 people.”

Including chasing souls, killing gods, and breaking up fights, their newly established goblin corps already has five. Due to the upper limit of scale, they can recruit up to five more.

However, the mosquito just rolled his eyes after hearing this.

“Don’t be so rigid. There are only 10 people in the establishment. The others just can’t use the equipment of the corps system, and you didn’t say that you can’t recruit reserves? One month is not enough for our corps to upgrade to LV10? The level is enough, and people will be slowly brought in. That’s it! ”

What the hell?

Can this still happen?

He was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

This version is easy to understand.

Mosquito looked calm.

LV10 may be a bit exaggerated.

But he felt that since he was still considered a half-T0 player, there should be no problem with LV7 and LV8! Originally, the corps level was not as difficult to increase as the individual level. It was easy to increase the level of the team to increase the contribution task.

Mosquitoes are full of confidence in their own strength and financial resources.

And just yesterday, he received an advance payment for a production order of thirty aircraft!

The new alliance military asked him to improve the WX-2 aircraft to increase its flight altitude and range to ensure that it can provide effective support for more than ten minutes to battlefields 100 kilometers away.

Ten minutes?

You really underestimate him!

The solid-state hydrogen battery in this game is almost like a plug-in.

The oxidizer of traditional batteries is installed in the battery. The oxidant of this thing directly absorbs the oxygen in the air, which is equivalent to replacing the entire “battery positive electrode” with a membrane. The space saved can be used to store the reducing agent. As a reducing agent, hydrogen has an energy density nearly 2.7 times that of gasoline and diesel!

It’s not a cool piece of knowledge. In reality, the energy density of batteries, let alone exceeding that of gasoline, can be directly surpassed by the latter by an order of magnitude.

But in “Wasteland OL” it’s a different story. The energy storage efficiency of the batteries produced by the NPC factory is better than that of fuel!

As a result, Goblin Technology’s aircraft has completely embarked on a path that has never been imagined in reality.

“The order for thirty aircraft is still too conservative! Let’s place an order for a hundred motors and a thousand battery packs first!”

Everyone standing aside was shocked.

“What the hell!?”

“Is the advance payment that much?!”

The mosquito chuckled.

“Who stipulated that advance payment must be used? Can’t I pay for it myself?”


When the aircraft is built, won’t there be orders?

Su Ming gave a thumbs up in admiration.


This guy is too rich!

Based in the adoring gazes of his younger brothers, Mosquito said proudly: “The bomb load of the glider is too small. It is a hundred kilometers from here to the southernmost tip of Xizhou City!”

“A small plane is not enough. If we want to build one, we will build a big one!”


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