This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 297: Past, present, future

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

“Get ready to fight!”

At the same time as the words fell, the five people dispersed to the surrounding bunkers in unison.

Lao Bai rushed into the building on the street, kicked open the half-open door, placed the rectangular box containing the fuel rods in a safe place, and then loaded the sickle assault rifle in his hand. He quickly moved closer to the window.

The action is done in one go.

“Arrived at location!”


“I’m fine too!”

They have carried out cooperation like this countless times. According to the green dots on the VM map, the five-person team was evenly spread out around the building and controlled all possible approaching directions.

Almost no dead ends!

The crew of the Cow Horse Squadron waited nervously for the battle to begin.

However, a long time passed and the streets were still silent.

Still no sound.

Quiting, who was standing in the front row with Lao Bai, held his breath and carefully observed his surroundings. .

However, except for the vines swaying gently by the window and the leaves swaying in the breeze, there was no obvious movement on the entire street.

Is it an illusion?

As soon as I had this thought in my mind, there was a whooshing sound above my head.

Before anyone could pronounce the words, something exploded above their heads.


Standing behind the half-collapsed concrete wall, Ye Shi was stunned for a moment.

“What the hell?! Mortar!”

In fact, the combat efficiency of mortars in street fighting is very poor. There are bunkers everywhere, and the fragmentation damage range will be extremely limited.

However, the other side didn’t seem to realize this, and fired three more shells at them.

These shells exploded in the air without exception, and they all exploded twenty meters away from them!

“And it’s an air burst bomb…” Kuangfeng frowned, glanced at the signal on the VM screen, and then quickly glanced out the window, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Tiny fibers fall slowly from the air, like cilia on a dandelion.

That’s the culprit that blocks the signal!

“It’s a signal jamming bomb!”

Ye Shi’s scolding could be heard from afar.

“Damn! I just said why the drone can’t move!”

The latest “Type 5” light cavalry exoskeleton sold in the NPC store is not equipped with a tactical helmet with eyepieces, but also includes a small, palm-sized close-range reconnaissance drone mounted on the shoulder, which can share the field of view. On your own or a teammate’s helmet eyepiece.

But now.

Drones have lost their meaning.

Not only Ye Shi’s drone was useless, Guangfeng’s “Y-1 Firefly” quadcopter also lost its function.

Lao Bai turned on the helmet’s speaker and shouted at the top of his voice.

“Ye Shi, find the commanding heights, find the observers and kill them! Quit smoking and follow me, we will find a way to take down their mortars!”

The advantage of the language barrier was fully demonstrated at this moment. They could not understand the NPC’s words, and the same NPC could not understand their communication.


I was about to get up after quitting smoking, but at this moment, thick tongues of flame suddenly shot out from the window directly across the street, and bullets came like raindrops.

A piece of debris exploded on the concrete slope, and he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and hid behind the bunker, moving low amid the chaotic gunfire.

Seeing that his teammates were suppressed by fire, Lao Bai immediately raised the rifle in his hand and fired at the window directly in front of him to cover the transfer of his teammates.

At the same time, intensive gunshots were heard from the other side of the street.

There is a strong wind and a long direction!

Lao Bai frowned.

The combat quality of these people is not like that of a ragtag team!

At least——

Much better trained than those predators!

“Free fire!”

Shouting loudly, Lao Bai emptied the last bullet in the magazine towards the window across the street, replaced it with a new magazine and began to move towards the outside of the bunker.

The mortars on the opposite side continued to fire, and soon the signal in this neighborhood would be completely isolated from the outside world. Ye Shi is moving to higher ground, and communication with the shelter should be restored in areas above the twentieth floor.

At the same time, Fang Chang and Kuang Feng had already engaged the enemy.

The four-man team approached from their flank and hit them right in the face. The spray of gunfire flickered in the narrow alley, and the whole street was filled with flying gravel and dirt.

There was no communication between the two parties.

A fierce exchange of fire broke out in the silence.

After being shot twice in the chest, fortunately it was blocked by the bulletproof plate. Fang Chang gritted his teeth and let go of the empty PU-9 submachine gun. He held the Dawn Compound Bow and raised it. His pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

Bullet time!

The flying dust suddenly slowed down.

The entire world is also slowing down.

Including himself!

Locating on the figure in the smoke, he pulled out the bowstring as quickly as possible and loosened his fingers.

The bow string vibrated at a frequency visible to the naked eye, and the three-edged arrow fired with full force disappeared into the smoke as fast as lightning.

At the same time, bullet time is lifted!


The black shadow’s chest collided with Fang Chang’s charged arrow, and he fell back to the ground with a groan.

Seeing the jet black armor on the man’s body clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in Fang Chang’s eyes.

Who are these people? !


He reached out and dragged his teammate who had fallen to the ground after being hit by an arrow back to the bunker. Dimit, who was holding an assault rifle in his hand, was also filled with surprise.

I am not surprised by the identities of these people. Their goals are very clear and they know who these people are. However, what surprised him was that the equipment and combat awareness of these people completely exceeded their expectations.

Pre-war police exoskeleton!

Where did they get these goodies! ?

However, no matter who they are, don’t try to slip away from here today!

“The left lung is penetrated! LaVine is about to die!” the medical soldier handling the wounded shouted loudly.

“Hemostatic spray! Hurry! Help him treat the wound first!”

“These barbarians… are actually using bows and arrows?!” As soon as a soldier finished speaking, a burst of submachine gun bullets flew over his head, scaring him and hiding away quickly.

“Don’t underestimate them!” Dimit shouted loudly, “The bow in that man’s hand is weird!”

Helmet-assisted aiming?

Or electronic eyes?

This reaction speed is a bit ridiculously fast!

Especially because this group of people had seen through their ambush in advance, it was even more unexpected to him.

Their exoskeletons can block heartbeats and 90% of heat sources. Even the awakened ones of the intuitive system will not find them at such a long distance, right? !

Dimite pulled off a fragmentation grenade from his waist, but before he could pull the tab, a whooshing sound broke through the air almost simultaneously with the explosion, and it exploded above his head.

Hundreds of steel **** exploded from the arrows, directly sweeping across a cylindrical surface. They who were hiding behind the bunker were caught off guard.

Thanks to the exoskeletons on their bodies that prevented the flying shrapnel, otherwise this arrow would have killed and injured most of them.

Dimit did not dare to take it lightly. He immediately clenched his fists and signaled his two teammates who could still fight to spread out and surround the ruins on both sides to avoid the opponent’s dense fire area.

While this group of people were shocked, the face of Fang Chang who shot the arrow was also full of surprise.

I was hit by an exploding arrow and nothing happened?

Good guy.

Come again then!

Without hesitation, he pulled out another exploding arrow worth 50 silver coins and put it on the bowstring. Fang Chang was preparing to charge up and shoot when the strong wind next to him tapped him on the shoulder.

“They’ve got it covered!”

Fang Chang’s expression changed slightly and he made a decision immediately.

“Back off!”


The B4 floor viewing room of Vault 404.

The digital screen on the wall is simulating the flames of the fireplace, making a calming crackling sound.

The environment here is really good.

The only drawback is that it is easy to forget day and night.

Chu Guang did not go out for inspection today. Instead, he sat on the soft sofa and flipped through the popular science books taken from the bookshelf.

The name of the book is “Past, Present, Future”.

Although some of the things mentioned in it are only superficial descriptions, they still opened Chu Guang’s eyes.

“As early as the twentieth year of the Prosperity Era, the scientific research ship of the People’s Federation had explored all the planets in the solar system and began the exploration plan of Nanmen II.”

“Until the 30th year of the Prosperity Era, the Nanmen II exploration plan has been initially completed, and the People’s Federation’s first colonial ship successfully left port…”

“Nanmen 2 must be 4.24 light years away from the earth.”

“Is this mastery of faster-than-light navigation?”

When his eyes stopped on a certain line of description in the book, Chu Guang had a strange expression on his face.

“…Gravity bond?”

According to the description in the book, during the Age of Prosperity, physicists from the Human League discovered that there was a “gravitational link” between two massive celestial bodies.

Aerospace engineers call it a “gravity channel.”

Although in the classical motion mode, no matter what acceleration the spacecraft uses, it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to fly from the solar system to other galaxies. However, if the spacecraft uses a gravitational channel, it will only take a relatively short time. Within a short period of time, a “jump” can be made between two massive star systems.

Generally speaking, the time taken for a transition is directly proportional to the mass of the spacecraft and the distance from the celestial body, and inversely proportional to the mass of the celestial body. There is a specific formula to calculate it.

According to this formula, jumping between the solar system and the Nanmen System will be faster than jumping between the Earth and Mars.

Yes, there are many gravitational channels.

It can exist between star systems, between planets within a star system, or even between star clusters. However, due to the problem of jumping points, almost 99.99% of the gravity channels are of no use value even if they exist.

Fortunately, physicists from the People’s Federation have solved this problem. They not only figured out a method to determine the course of the gravitational channel, but also summarized a formula for calculating the jump point, allowing human civilization to use the gravitational channel to conduct “super Space navigation” became possible.

This also laid the foundation for the continuation of the era of prosperity.

Controllable fusion solves the problem of energy, and the discovery of gravitational channels makes colonization outside the solar system possible, solving both the problems of matter and living space.

Human civilization also ushered in its first “ascension”, taking the first step from interstellar natives to interstellar hegemons.

To be honest, this popular science book makes this paragraph feel like a cool article.

Perhaps considering that the audience of the book is children, the colonial cabin sailing to Nanmen 2 is simply described by the author as a paradise on earth.

As for now…

It’s more like after failing to overcome the tribulation.

Not only was his power completely disabled, but the entire human union was also destroyed.

Chu Guang now somewhat understands Yin Fang’s feelings.

The more I learn, the more frustrated I become.


“It would be better if I could travel a hundred years earlier!”

Just ask if you don’t understand, is it still too late to drink fake wine?

According to the book “Past, Present, Future”, if you travel to the beginning or even the middle of the prosperous era, as long as you don’t commit suicide in the dormant cabin and engage in “time travel” or “want to see the future”, You may not be able to see the prosperous world collapse until you die.

Chu Guang turned the page backward.

Regrettably, this popular science book does not explain the “gravitational bond” in detail, just like most popular science books in the parallel world do not completely post the derivation process of the theory of relativity, but just generally describe it. It can be summarized as “finding shortcuts from hyperspace”.

Chu Guang still knows a little bit about hyperspace, which literally means multi-dimensional space.

And this was what surprised him the most.

In “modern physics”, force is usually explained as the process of collisions between the particles that make up matter and the particles that transmit the force. Under such a framework, the four basic forces, except gravity, can be consistently explained and calculated, and are compatible with experiments.

This is the “standard model”.

It is also the cornerstone of modern physics.

However, this model is not perfect. Just like Newton’s classical mechanics cannot explain the motion patterns of massive celestial bodies, this model also has limitations of the times – it cannot be perfectly compatible with gravity.

So someone proposed “string theory”. Under this conjectured theoretical framework, the three basic forces were interpreted as open strings, and gravity was interpreted as closed strings.

Based on this conjecture, gravity can span all dimensions.

The physics of the two worlds seem to be connected?

Although it is only one conclusion of two sets of theories.

Staring at the line of description in his hand, Chu Guang suddenly thought of the recordings he had unlocked on the B2 floor, which mentioned the part about the morphogenesis field.

“…There can be gravitational bonds between star clusters. Is there a similar bond between the universe and the universe?”

Chu Guang doesn’t know how much mass the universe has. This thing is just like oil reserves. With the advancement of exploration technology, it may be possible to “dig more and more”.

But assuming that the mass and distance of the two universes are infinite, Chu Guang tried to bring in the simplified formula mentioned in popular science books, and the mass of the spacecraft m was obtained to be infinitesimal.

In other words, according to the theory of “gravitational bond”, even if there is such a bond between two parallel worlds, not even a single quark can be allowed to pass between them.

But what if it is a particle with “rest mass 0”?

For example, photons.

The transmission of information requires a carrier, and being able to exchange carriers means that the transmission of information is possible. As for what this medium is specifically, I am afraid only physicists in the era of the People’s Federation can answer it.

“Maybe the morphogenesis field connecting parallel worlds is based on a similar theory.”

“How is the parallel world positioned?”

Chu Guang closed his eyes gently and digested the knowledge he had just absorbed for a moment.

The 20 points of intelligence played a little role.

If I were not a manager, I might be able to become an astonishing physicist on the parallel earth.

At least the content in this book alone, if updated to the database on the official website, would be enough to cause an earthquake in the physics world of the parallel world.

Maybe I can win the Nobel Prize.

But this is an ideal situation.

The Earth in the parallel world does not have the ability to verify these theories, and the superficial descriptions in popular science books are not enough to serve as rigorous scientific conclusions. At most, they can be used as a “right direction.”

As for himself, there is a high probability that he will be regarded as a messenger of “higher civilization”, and this popular science book will most likely be regarded as evidence that “higher civilization has a good intention to enlighten the earth’s civilization.”

Then the problem comes.

How many silver coins should I sell this book for?

Thinking of Brother Guangfeng in the server, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

“Let’s upgrade.”

“When you help me revive the People’s Federation, how about I give you the title of Chief Physicist of the Federation, and give you a few Nobel Prizes by the way?”

Of course.

If you can’t bear it, don’t blame your brother.

Just when Chu Guang turned down a page with a smirk, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the side.


“What’s wrong?”

“Your Legion signal has disappeared from the map.”

What the hell? !

With a start, Chu Guang quickly closed the book in his hand and threw it aside. Without saying a word, he picked up the tablet on the table and opened the map.

Five green dots have disappeared from the east district of Qingquan City.


A light blue window appeared in front of him. Chu Guang cut directly to the player list and saw the online icons of several players, and then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is only the radio communication that is disconnected, not the morphogenesis field!

The clones are still alive!

It should be some kind of signal interference device that blocked their signal.

Although there is a possibility of accidents, the safety of the fuel rods is related to whether Vault 401 can be used, and no accidents are allowed in this matter.

It only took a second to make a judgment. Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and tapped on the tablet, then clicked Send on the “pre-edited” task command.

“Let Mosquito’s plane go over and have a look!”

Xiao Qi’s energetic voice came.


At the same time, on the runway in the north of Shuguang City, a wooden airplane turned its propeller and slowly drove out of the hangar door.

Mosquito, who was teaching his apprentices how to operate a glider a minute ago, jumped into his car without saying a word and put the dog-skin pilot hat on his head.

The two machine guns on the plane have been replaced from 7mm small water pipes to 10mm Maxim-II, and the entire wooden glider has completely changed from a reconnaissance aircraft to a ground attack aircraft.

The mosquito used paint to draw a shark tooth on the nose of the plane. The entire nose of the plane looked like a shark with its mouth wide open.

Although the skin does not add attack power, it looks cool.

Look, who will dare to say that he licked the ground like he was peeing!

“Practice on your own! You can play whatever you want except not going to the sky!”

The four training aircraft are not equipped with weapons, so even if they go up, it will be useless.

However, upon hearing these words, the four apprentices were instantly unhappy.

Deadly: “Gan!”

Chasing Soul: “You’re eating alone again!”

The God of Death: “Come down and I’ll drive!”

To stop the fight: “%¥#@!”

“Gungun, can I do some serious tasks for you? Let’s take a test in reality first!”

Death-killing: “Do you have any evidence?!”

There were not many mosquitoes beeping. He smiled and pushed the switch all the way. When he reached the take-off speed, he pulled up the joystick and lowered the helmet’s windshield at the same time.

The task is simple.

Cruising in the eastern district of Qingquan City, searching for Lao Bai and his group’s signals from the air.

If something unexpected happens, support it.

If it’s safe, scout their direction before running out of energy.

Intuition tells Mosquito that if this kind of task comes up, the second situation can basically be ignored. Don’t even think about it, 80% of it is true!

The entire squad disappeared from the map.

The enemy’s background is probably quite large!

Hot blood surged throughout the body. Although there was still a distance of more than ten kilometers, Mosquito’s index finger had already touched the safety of the fire.

“Brothers are cute!”

“Wait for me!”


East District of Qingquan City.

The gunfire sounded like firecrackers.

Leaving Quit to stay in place to contain the machine gun on the opposite side, Lao Bai went around to the flank and planned to get rid of the nasty mortar first.

However, when he arrived at the location, he discovered that things were not as simple as he thought.

I saw a heavy-duty exoskeleton standing in the center of the flower bed of the community. Its two armored arms were supporting the ground, as if in a running posture, and the cannon barrel tilted up on its back was firing continuously.

Every time a cannonball is fired, a cloud of dust rises from the ground.

What the **** is this mortar?

It’s clearly an exoskeleton version of a self-propelled artillery!

The three exoskeleton soldiers guarding the “self-propelled artillery” immediately spotted Lao Bai the moment he appeared, and without saying a word, they raised their rifles and fired at him.

After almost being shot down, Lao Bai, who was hiding behind a residential building, immediately put his gun out of the bunker and fired back.

However, the opponent was obviously not a vegetarian. Three assault rifles opened fire at the same time, and the ferocious firepower suppressed him back.

The three soldiers wearing exoskeletons did not stop there. They formed a triangle with tacit cooperation and fired alternately towards him.

Looking at the cracks in the bulletproof plate of his left arm, Lao Bai gritted his teeth and changed the magazine, and first began to move towards the half-collapsed building next to him.

There is no signal in the entire area. It should be that the dust from the interference bomb has been blown over. Now he doesn’t even know whether his teammates are dead or alive.

But fortunately, the cannon barrel on the back of the heavy exoskeleton has ceased firing, so the pressure on Fang Chang and the others can be reduced.

“Damn…where did these people come from!?”

Could it be that Fang Chang was targeted by the planner for smashing the market and shipping?

Isn’t that the case? !

They are not the only ones cutting leeks.

Just when Lao Bai was secretly surprised, a gunshot was heard in the distance.

One of the three exoskeleton soldiers who were chasing after him was shot in the side, his bulletproof plate cracked, and he almost fell to the ground.

The teammates next to him immediately grabbed the man and pulled him into the bunker next to him. Forced by the threat of sniper rifles, they did not dare to come out of the bunker and could only take a detour through the ruins with a narrow field of vision.


Lao Bai was overjoyed and did not miss this golden opportunity. He immediately struck back and suppressed them who were about to make a roundabout move.

The two sides are in a stalemate!

Leaning on each other’s bunkers and firing cold guns.

However, what made Lao Bai’s heart sink was that the “self-propelled artillery” started firing again.

And this shell hit directly ten meters to his side!

As a last resort, Lao Bai gave up suppressing the three exoskeleton soldiers and retreated to the building across the street from the community.

Ulen, who was squatting behind the bunker, changed his magazine, gritted his teeth and chased after him with his two teammates.

The other party was more difficult than he expected!

There is still no news from Dimit’s side, but someone actually bypassed their front and penetrated into the mortar position 600 meters away from the firefighting area.

Tapping his index finger on the exoskeleton helmet, Wu Lun came up with a plan and shouted at the top of his voice.

“Surrender! You are surrounded!”

“We will not kill you as long as you are willing to hand over the black box you stole from us!”

The sound echoed through the streets.

Lao Bai, who was holding the assault rifle, frowned.

What is this guy talking about?

His couplets are not as good as Fang Chang’s, and he can only dance a few words. Sometimes it’s okay if he speaks slowly, but he gets confused if he speaks fast.

However, if you don’t understand, you still don’t understand. You can’t be weak in your momentum.

Lao Bai imitated the pronunciation of the other person and returned the sentence intact.

“Surrender! You have been surrounded!”

Wulun: “???”

It’s okay that we’re surrounded.

Is this person hallucinating in his head?

However, just when he was thinking this, a piercing scream suddenly came from the air.

Wulun looked back suddenly and saw a “shark” with its mouth wide open, roaring towards the mortar position behind them.

A flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and he roared uncontrollably.

“Ted! Get out of the way!”

Ted, who was wearing a heavy-duty exoskeleton, apparently noticed something strange in the sky and quickly retracted his arms from the ground.


It’s too late!

Two 10mm machine guns spurted tongues of fire from the shark’s **** mouth!

“Ah da da da! Go to hell!”

Using its mouth to output firepower, the mosquito trembled wildly along with the cabin, excitedly pulled the trigger to the bottom, and used the crosshair to swipe at the exoskeleton carrying the gun barrel.

Although the body is covered with bulletproof plates, an exoskeleton is an exoskeleton after all. No matter how many bulletproof plates are hung, it cannot stop the fixed-wing firepower.

Faced with two 10mm machine guns, the heavy exoskeleton was beaten into a sieve in just a few seconds.

In an instant, sparks shot up half a meter high from the ammunition box and battery. Before the man could even scream, he was blown to pieces together with his armor.

The plane increased its altitude again and flew towards the sky.


Staring at the plane, Wu Lun’s eyes were bloodshot.

His teeth were almost broken, and his index finger dug the trigger to the bottom, emptying the entire magazine of bullets. He did not stop until the plane disappeared from sight.

The same goes for the other two teammates.

The anger almost made them lose their minds.

However, as the captain of the team, his remaining sanity finally allowed Ullun to calm down quickly.

The opponent has air support!

Although it is just a ridiculous propeller plane, those two heavy machine guns are no joke. Their equipment is not advanced enough to defy common sense.

This is a river valley province far away from the Death Coast. It is right at the opponent’s doorstep. The supplies and reinforcements from the opposite side are almost unlimited, but there are no supplies or reinforcements available on our side.

Thinking of the man’s previous shouting, Wu Lun’s heart sank slightly.

Maybe that person wasn’t joking.

Reinforcements from these people have really gathered around!

They only have one chance!

If no one is caught, the only option is to adopt Plan B, continue north and seek help from the predators they have funded.

With no time to hesitate, Wu Lun immediately pulled out the signal gun from his waist and fired a signal bomb into the sky to alert his teammates in front.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted at the two teammates beside him.



The battle is over.

The opponent gave up their position and retreated into the ruins.

The mosquito circled in the sky several times, but finally found no opportunity for a second dive. After confirming the safety of his own people, he began to return.

Quiting took the box containing the fuel rods with him. After meeting up with Guangfeng and Fang Chang, he headed towards the direction of the signal flares for reinforcements.

Here they met Lao Bai.

“What the hell?! Are you okay?” Looking at the torn bulletproof plate on Lao Bai’s chest, a surprised expression appeared on Fang Chang’s face.

“Don’t worry too much, I was only hit seven or eight times,” Lao Bai took off the drooping bulletproof plate and said with emotion, “If this were in reality, I would probably be gone.”

Bangfeng coughed lightly.

“No need to estimate, be confident.”

Quit smoking and said nervously.

“Want to chase?”

Lao Bai shook his head.

“Chasing a hammer, the mission is urgent. Call Ye Shi back, and we will be on the road quickly… If they have reinforcements, we will be in trouble!”

How to chase?

Up to now, their VM signal has not been restored, and the other party has withdrawn into the ruins.

We can’t just leave the fuel rods here.

Looking at the heavy exoskeleton that was killed in the explosion not far away, Fang Chang stepped forward and pulled the charred corpse out of the armor.

After groping for a while on the corpse, the square hand suddenly paused and took out a necklace from the collar with a burnt iron plate strung on it.

A torch is engraved on it.

“Did you find anything?” Lao Bai came over and asked.


Fang Chang nodded and shook the iron sign in his hand.

“The torch symbol… has his name engraved on it, but I don’t recognize the words.”

Looking at the remains of the exoskeleton that had been burnt black, Lao Bai took off a flare from his waist, pulled the tab and threw it next to the remains of the exoskeleton.

The flare emitted billowing red smoke.

“Leave this to the NPC.”

Lao Bai patted Fang Chang’s shoulder.

“Let’s go.”


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