This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 261: Hunters Guild! Artwork with Vine!

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

ID: Chu Guang

Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 2)

Level: LV.17→LV.18

——Basic attributes——

Strength: 17

Agility: 12→13

Physique: 16

Perception: 13→14

Intelligence: 15

Infirmary on Floor B3.

Chu Guang, who was sitting next to the scanning bed, saw his upgraded attribute panel through the tablet handed over by Heya.

What surprised him was that this upgrade actually added two attribute points.

“…It’s incredible. Your DNA is even more amazing than I imagined. Is Vault 404 the gene bank of the People’s Federation? How much improved DNA do you have in reserve?”

Sitting on the chair opposite him, Heya had an expression of disbelief on her face and had been chattering about her amazing discovery since just now.

However, Chu Guang, who was a complete layman, couldn’t understand it at all.

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t know??” Heya looked at him in surprise, “Didn’t the previous director of the shelter tell you the nature of this shelter when he handed over the authority?”

“The old Riddler only told me that this is the last hope for human civilization.”

Chu Guang can no longer remember whether he has read this sentence on the note. Since he often compiles the stories and background settings of the People’s League on the official website, he occasionally gets confused himself about what is in this world. What has happened in the world is my imagination to improve my “world view”.

But does it matter?

Not very important.

He is a pragmatist, as long as it works.

As for the secrets hidden in this shelter and what happened two hundred years ago, Chu Guang admitted that he was curious, but he also clearly understood that this was not his first priority.

After zipping up his coat, Chu Guang stood up from the scanning bed.

“I have to tell you some bad news. I learned through my authority that the concentration of spores in the air in the northern suburbs is rising, and something very bad may happen within two weeks at the latest.”

Heya’s expression gradually became serious.

“Regarding this, I actually have something I want to report to you.”

“What happened?”

“Your residents discovered a strange phenomenon while exploring the tunnel…” Heya casually took a tablet and slid her index finger gently on the screen.

Soon, a 15-second video appeared on the tablet in Chu Guang’s hand.

It was a flesh-red room.

At first Chu Guang thought that the mucus on the wall and floor was all blood and flesh, but after zooming in, he found that things were completely opposite to what he imagined.

Layer upon layer of tiny flesh-red cilia are evenly attached to the concrete structure, and clusters of flesh-red fruit bodies the size of refrigerators are attached to the wall, gently beating like breathing.

Players’ voices can also be heard in the video.

“Shet…what the **** is this?”

“Maybe it’s Shet from the slime mold.”

“Not necessarily… I feel a bit like a trap. Look at the cilia, they look like tentacles, but they are a bit shorter.”

“Where’s the captain? Hurry up and take a photo. Posting it on the forum will definitely go viral!”

“Shoot again and again!”

Chu Guang frowned slightly and looked at Heya.

“This is?”

“The carpet formed by mutant slime molds,” Heya said seriously with her arms crossed in front of her chest, “According to my research, the mutant slime molds attached to objects are all black, brown, and black-green. These three colors appear in the form of plaque.”

“However, when the thickness exceeds 2mm, a fourth form will emerge… which is what you see now.”

Chu Guang: “I mean what does it do.”

Heya: “Hatch the fruiting body.”

Chu Guang looked slightly solemn.

“In other words, those nibblers all ran away from this kind of house?”

He has heard of it.

In addition to the mother nest, there are also things called “incubators” distributed in many places in the city, which produce spores in batches and simulate the environment of the mother nest to breed fruiting bodies. Although the efficiency is far less than that of the mother nest, when this kind of

And this is also the reason why no matter how hard you kill all the slime-type alien species, you can’t kill them all.

“Not just the gnawers, but also the crawlers, bombers, tyrants, etc. you found…theoretically it is possible to be produced by this kind of thing.”

“When I was researching the ingredients of the carpet, I found that in most cases, the fourth form of slime mold is highly self-limiting. It usually stops expanding after filling a room. Instead, increase the thickness of the creep and the number of hatching units.”

“However, under certain circumstances, this self-limitation will be lifted.”

Chu Guang asked immediately.

“What does this particular situation refer to?”

“I don’t know,” Heya shook her head, “Maybe the environmental conditions are met, maybe when it thinks it is necessary to expand the population, the fungus will recycle some of the fruiting bodies it released before for hunting, and in a short time Within a short period of time, the area of ​​​​the bacteria carpet will be rapidly expanded, completely engulfing the original environment, forming a larger incubation room… At this time, their color will become dark red.”

Chu Guang’s Adam’s apple moved.

“…Brother’s Nest.”

Heya nodded.

“I thought so too.”

The rising concentration of spores in the air is one of the important indicators for monitoring the “wave”.

However, what Chu Guang didn’t understand was why the first generation managers knew this.

Isn’t mutant slime mold something that was only formed after the Wasteland Era?

According to the initial information Chu Guang obtained, this shelter has been sealed for more than a century. The mutant slime mold seems to have only begun to spread after the Little Ice Age at the beginning of the Wasteland Era.

Until his death, the first-generation manager probably had never left this shelter, and this was why that person chose to pass on his responsibilities and research results to the next successor.


Were there mutated slime molds in the pre-war era?

Or this mutant slime mold itself is some kind of doomsday weapon.

Not knowing what Chu Guang was thinking at this moment, Heya said softly with a hint of worry in her eyes.

“The urban environment is too friendly to slime molds. Concrete has strong thermal insulation properties. With sufficient nutrients, sewers, subways, abandoned buildings… these facilities are simply natural petri dishes. They are probably worse than Plants are more suitable for this city, and this is probably the real reason for the wave.”

“Sometimes the more I study, the more powerless I feel… Maybe, as Mr. Severn said, this planet may be hopeless. The only thing we can do is to preserve the achievements of previous civilizations and compare them with the Our story is engraved on the tombstone and left to its next successor.”

Seven is the manager of Vault 117.

It can be seen that as a “grave guard”, she has great respect for the firm and kind manager.

However, Chu Guang disagreed with her statement.

“My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. I don’t care about what happens after my death, and I don’t really want to think about whether I can be saved.”

Looking at Heya who looked at him in surprise, Chu Guangyan said concisely.

“But since I’m still alive and standing here.”

“Then I have to take care of it.”


The edge of the Fifth Ring Road.

On the messy street, a strong wild boar was shaking its mane and emerged from the broken windows of the shops along the street.

The snow has melted, and buds have emerged from the cracks in the concrete. Just as it was looking for the delicacies hidden in the soil, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance.

After being shot in the head, the wild boar fell down and lay motionless on the ground.


Squatting behind the half-collapsed billboard, Li Gou pumped his fist excitedly.

This is his first time hunting.

His eldest brother Li Niu was always the hunter in the family before, but Li Niu joined the factory a few months ago, so he could only do this job.

Yu Hu, who was not far away, took a deep breath, put away the shotgun in his hand, and urged his companions.

“Go and bleed quickly, the meat will become sour after a while.”


Li Gou excitedly walked to the wild boar with the dagger, and Yu Hu, who carried the shotgun on his back, also followed.

Since Brother Chu drove away the old mayor and his family, every household of the hunters has replaced them with cheap and easy-to-use rifles.

Hunting with this thing is much easier than using bows, javelins and slings.

Especially if you encounter predators, you won’t be helpless to fight back.

A few months ago, owning a rifle of their own would have been unthinkable for them.

“Hiss… this wild boar is quite heavy, I’m afraid it weighs 80 kilograms!”

“Let me help you.”

The two turned the prey over. Just when Li Gou was about to cut open the artery of the prey and bleed it, Yu Hu suddenly frowned.

“Wait a minute.”

As he spoke, Yu Hu reached out and opened the wild boar’s ear, only to see a festering scar at the root of the ear.

The scar is very small, only as long as the little finger, and is covered by bristles. It’s easy to miss it if you don’t look carefully.

“What is this?” Li Gou asked curiously.

“Marks scratched by gnawers, mild infection…”

Yu Hu used a dagger to turn over the sparse hair behind the wild boar’s ears, then used the dagger to open the wild boar’s mouth, carefully observed its teeth, and continued muttering.

“So rare.”

With the gnawer’s slow speed, it is basically impossible to catch up with the wild boar.


Yu Hu swallowed unconsciously.

He had a premonition.

Something bad may be going on.

Seeing that his cousin stopped talking, Li Gou thought there was something wrong with the prey and said nervously.

“Can this prey still be sold?”

“Of course it can. It’s just a little skin injury and won’t affect its flesh.” After studying it for a while, Yu Hu urged, “Hurry up and get to work. Let’s go back early today.”

Li Gou nodded immediately, stopped talking nonsense, and began to bleed the prey.

After briefly handling the prey, the two tied the wild boar to a wooden stick, carried one on each shoulder, and drove nearly ten kilometers to Linghu Wetland Park.

Although the slaughtering stall on Beit Street also accepts prey, the prices offered are far less generous than those offered by the blue coats in the park.

Such a large wild boar can now be sold for one hundred silver coins in the outpost, but at the slaughtering stall on Beit Street, it can only be sold for seventy or eighty days at most.

It would not be a big deal for him to earn an extra twenty or thirty silver coins and walk an extra five kilometers.


It is already three or four o’clock in the afternoon, and it will be evening in a little while.

After winter passes, the nights will become more and more dangerous, and the two people on the road unconsciously speed up their pace.

Follow the cement road through the woods and arrive at the south entrance of the outpost.

When the two were about to go in, they saw a row of guards wearing black coats and carrying rifles standing on the west side.

At a rough count, there must be about a hundred people.

A blue power armor also stood there, seemingly inspecting the new recruits.

Yu Hu, who often comes here, naturally recognizes the blue iron ball.

That’s the manager’s power armor.

“Is this going to be a war?” Li Gou had a surprised expression on his face, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

He is different from his elder brother Li Niu. He wants to be a soldier more than working in a factory.

That black coat and Arbiter rifle are so handsome!

Recently, the Guard has been issued with steel helmets and engineer shovels, which in his view is simply a man’s dream.

“I don’t know…” Yu Hu shook his head and said in a low voice, “I always feel that something big is about to happen.”

I didn’t disturb Brother Chu’s work.

Yu Hu urged Li Gou to stop looking, and they took the wild boar to the warehouse together.

The person on duty today is not Zhao Shu, but another young man whose name I don’t know.

Since the settlement was made with silver coins this time, the process was very simple.

After checking that the prey had been bled, the waiter weighed the prey and placed 7 silver coins and a one hundred dollar bill into Yu Hu’s hands.

“Have the price of meat gone up again?” Yu Hu looked at the banknotes and coins in his hand with a surprised expression on his face.

The guy smiled and said: “It has gone up a bit. The price of a pound of wild boar meat on the market has now risen to 6 silver coins. Recently, the manager has raised the selling price and inventory limit of meat trading products. If not Even if I don’t know how to hunt, I want to be a hunter.”

Of course, although prices have increased a lot, wages have also increased a lot. At first, the daily salary of warehouse managers was only two silver coins, and they had to save money if they wanted to eat meat. Now, the daily salary has increased to twelve silver coins, and they can buy one kilogram of meat a day.

But it was too troublesome to start cooking. In the past, they would save money to buy some meat to grill, but now they simply go to the market at the north gate to spend money.

A three-liang steamed bun costs only one silver coin, and two steamed buns with a cup of soy milk or corn juice can make a full meal, and it doesn’t cost much in total.

Compared with the wandering life before, every day here is like a fairy day.

Yu Hu and Li Gou discussed it and used the money they had to buy some salt, cloth, soap and other daily necessities, and also replenished some bullets.

After purchasing these things, there were actually 10 coins left.

The two divided the money. After Yu Hu asked Li Gou to take the things back, he went to the bank and found Xiaoyu.

Compared with the little girl who was as thin as a reed stick a few months ago, Xiaoyu has not only grown taller, but also grown well. There is even a trace of baby fat on her fair cheeks. Those **** eyes were the same as before, as clear and lovely as the water of Linghu Lake.

Yu Hu is always worried that his sister cannot do such an important job as settling accounts because she always burns the green wheat cakes. In his impression, the people who could manage the books were all steady old men like old Charlie.

But now it seems that my worries are unnecessary.

Although she is not good at pancakes, she is surprisingly good at arithmetic.

Is it because the iron pan is too heavy?

Yu Hu suddenly realized this problem and couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed on his face.

I didn’t realize it at all…


Seeing Yu Hu, Yu Xiaoyu’s eyes lit up and he immediately stood up from behind the counter.

After the New Year’s party, she hasn’t seen her brother for a month.

Yu Hu said with a simple smile.

“I’m here to see you on behalf of my parents. How are you doing lately? No one is bullying you, right?”

The little fish nodded vigorously, then shook his head in waves, with a happy smile on his face.

“Xiaoyu is living a good life! Brother Chu and everyone are very good people!”

Although she was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, she is now able to complete this job very skillfully. Everyone is a very kind person and takes good care of her.

The only thing that makes Xiaoyu a little distressed is that someone always secretly puts change on the table and runs away. She has to go to Xiaoqi to check the surveillance camera to find out who deposited the money.

Especially the big white bear, who is always sneaky when saving money.

Is it because you are too fierce?

Although Brother Chu told him not to worry about it, sometimes Xiaoyu would still feel a little bit guilty.

Seeing his sister’s lively and cheerful appearance, Yu Hu showed a relieved smile on his face.

“That’s good!”

“I feel relieved to see you healthy, brother.”

Xiaoyu said immediately.

“How are your parents? And my eldest brother, I heard that they encountered predators near the Fifth Ring Road the day before yesterday? They were not injured.”

Yu Hu said with a smile: “No, no, don’t worry, they are all in good health. And your brother’s shooting skills are very good. Last time I saw him target shooting, he could hit a can 100 meters away with one shot. ”

Xiao Yu had no idea about this distance, but he still frowned and said.

“No matter how good your marksmanship is, you can’t show off. The guys in the shelter are also very good, but sometimes they still get hurt. And you, second brother, too. Even if you have a gun, you can’t go to too dangerous places. ”

“I know, I know.” Yu Hu scratched the back of his head.

Obviously it was him who cared about his sister, but he was educated by the little guy in return.

How can I, an old hunter, not know where I can go and where I cannot go?

However, it feels good to be cared for.

At this moment, the blue power armor came over from the west entrance.

Seeing Chu Guang, Yu Hu’s eyes lit up and he said hello.

“Brother Chu!”

“Yu Hu?” Chu Guang opened the visor of his helmet, looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile, “How was your harvest today?”

“Hey, it’s not bad. I caught a wild boar weighing more than 80 kilograms and got more than a hundred silver coins.” Yu Hu smiled shyly, but there was pride in his eyes.

“Not bad!” Chu Guang nodded approvingly, smiled and joked, “It seems that there is roasted wild boar at the barbecue stall today.”

Yu Hu smiled, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered something and spoke immediately.

“By the way, Brother Chu.”

Chu Guang: “What’s wrong?”

Yu Hu hesitated for a while and then said. “I have to tell you something. When I was hunting today, I felt that the atmosphere inside the Fifth Ring Road was a bit unusual.”

Chu Guang’s heart moved and he asked.

“Did you find anything?”

Yu Hu nodded.

“Recently, alien species seem to have become more dangerous than before. The wild boar I shot today was actually scratched by a corpse gnawer… This was almost impossible before.”

Chu Guang had a thoughtful expression on his face.

“This is indeed a problem. I have also noticed that the nibblers and crawlers in the subway have been significantly more aggressive recently than before…”

Listening to the conversation between Brother Chu and Brother Chu, Xiaoyu had some worry in his eyes and couldn’t help but whisper.

“Brother, why don’t you find a safer job…”

“It’s okay, I don’t go out hunting at night,” Yu Hu said with a smile, seeing his sister’s worry, “Those nibblers go out at night and hide in the house during the day.”

Chu Guang suddenly spoke.

“That’s hard to say.”

Seeing Yu Hu look over in surprise, Chu Guang continued.

“According to experts in our shelter, there may be a wave in the near future. Even during the day, I am afraid it will not be very safe.”

Tide? !

Yu Hu’s expression changed slightly.

“Tide… doesn’t that only happen in the city center?”

Chu Guang shook his head.

“This statement is not accurate. As long as the conditions are met, the wave may occur anywhere.”

Yu Hu swallowed.

If someone else said this to him, he would definitely treat that person as a fool.

There is Boulder City on the edge of the Third Ring Road, and there is no nest outside the Third Ring Road. Those nibblers are rushing to places with a lot of people. The northern suburbs are vast and sparsely populated, how can a wave break out?

But this sentence was said by Brother Chu.

In his impression, Brother Chu would never joke about such serious matters.

“By the way, Yu Hu, how have you considered what I told you before?”

Yu Hu was stunned for a moment.

“What happened?”

Chu Guang said with a smile.

“When spring comes, come over and help me.”

“Yes, of course I do!” Upon hearing this, Yu Hu nodded repeatedly and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “But I know how to hunt…I’m afraid I can’t be of much help to you.”

“How come?” Chu Guang smiled and said, “A seasoned hunter and guide is exactly what we need now.”

After a pause, Chu Guang looked at Yu Hu seriously and continued.

“The threat of the wave is approaching. I plan to set up a hunter’s union at the outpost to unite the hunters in the nearby area and the refuge residents with hunting talents to conduct reconnaissance into the city along the edge of the Fifth Ring Road.”

“I plan to let you be the first president of this union!”

Yu Hu was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

“You want me to be the president? But I have never been——”

“No one is born with good skills. I am very optimistic about your potential.” Chu Guang smiled slightly and gave him an encouraging look. “Don’t worry, what tasks should be done, and how to do each specific task.” , I will tell you. You only need to answer me one sentence, yes or no.”

Compared to others, Yu Hu is the most familiar with the terrain in the northern suburbs. He is not only an experienced hunter, but also a reliable guide.

Although this young man doesn’t look very smart, he is actually not stupid. Chu Guang is still very confident in his own eyesight.

The most important thing is that both the hunters in Beit Street and the hunters in other areas in this area are familiar with him, and the players are not unfamiliar with him.

It is perfect for him to serve as this functional NPC!

The brother was still hesitating, Xiaoyu gently pulled off his sleeve, and Nuonuo said.

“Brother, just agree. Working here will definitely be much safer than going out hunting, and your parents will definitely be very happy.”

Yu Hu rubbed the back of his head and muttered.

“You little girl, you have only been away from home for a few days, and you have already begun to order your brother to do things.”

Xiaoyu said aggrievedly.

“I’m not worried about you…and Brother Chu thinks you can do a good job, so there will be no problem.”

Reaching out his hand and rubbing his sister’s little head, Yu Hu looked up at Chu Guang, who was smiling, and said seriously.

“Since you are willing to trust me and entrust me with such an important job, I will definitely do my best to do it well!”

Chu Guang looked at him approvingly and nodded.

“I’m just waiting for your words!”


In the evening, Yu Hu returned to Beit Street, planning to tell his parents and elder brother about this matter, and come back tomorrow morning.

Chu Guang told him not to worry, to settle things at home first, and just come and report within two days.

Night gradually falls.

Over there at Boulder City.

Tail, who had had a full meal, was stroking his slightly bulging belly and burping out of the restaurant.

“Hiccup~ Si, there are really a lot of delicious food here.”

“Emmm… I can’t say it’s delicious. I think the snack street at the north entrance is more delicious.” Sisi glanced at her sideways, “Awei had better pay attention to his image.”

Tail said nonchalantly.

“What does it matter? Is it a problem for awakened people to have a larger appetite? Besides, in the game, even if you gain a little weight, you only need to die once.”

“Well… although the resurrection coins have become cheaper, I didn’t expect you to use them in such a place.”

The two of them each had a large bowl of noodles and spent 4 chips.

Objectively speaking, it is not as delicious as the one made by the little player named Zhang Hai at the north gate.

The two of them unanimously came to the conclusion that it was true that the people of Boulder City lived in water and fire, and there was no seasoning at all except salt and vinegar!

What about peppers?

Does ramen without chili still have a soul?

Sisi unfolded the note in her hand, which contained the items she planned to investigate.

Today, more than 20 projects have been completed, and only a few are left.

“The next stop is the pub.”

“Tavern!” Tail’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Oh, there must be a lot of mercenaries there, right?”

“Theoretically, that’s the case,” Sisi looked around, “but… this street seems to be full of shops, and there is no sign that looks like a pub.”

Brother Fang’s strategy didn’t even mention it.

To actually miss such key information, it’s not like that guy’s style…

Tail said enthusiastically.

“It’s okay! Let’s explore just in time!”

“Well, that’s what I planned too.”

The two walked on the street for a while and continued towards the inner city.

Soon a big sign came into view of the two of them.

On the signboard, there was a painting of a graceful girl with her back leaning on a wine barrel and a beer glass in her hand, with colorful neon lights flashing around her.

Although the painting style is a bit wild, there is no doubt that it is wine.

“Si! Found it!”

“emmm…I don’t think this is the kind of pub we are looking for.”

“What does it matter? Since the game production team made it, it must have a meaning for its existence!”

“Huh? What you said makes sense.”

To be honest, Sisi is also quite curious about how realistic this game is.

Looking at Taiyi whose face was full of expectation, she made an expression like “I really can’t do anything to you”, and then walked over with Taili.

The security guard standing at the door glanced at the two of them in surprise, but said nothing. He took two tickets for each person and let them go.

The lights in the pub were swaying, the music was loud, and it was full of a wild and exciting feeling.

The two people who had never been to a bar felt out of place with the atmosphere here.

Even the most mobile tail felt a little uncomfortable.

“Si, if you don’t understand, just ask, how do you pretend to go to a bar for the first time?”

“I think it might be more natural to use this as a canteen.”

Tail looked at Sisi in surprise: “Hey! Does Sisi often go to such powerful places?”

Sisi: “Do you think this is possible for someone who plays games every night?”

This is not the kind of tavern that adventurers often go to in RPGs.

It’s a bit like a real bar.

Finding a less conspicuous seat on the bar, the two of them sat in the corner low-key.

Soon the bartender brought two glasses of beer mixed with water. Sisi politely said thank you in Chinese couplet, smelled the glass, but did not drink it, but looked at the surrounding environment.

The lights outside the dance floor were very dark, and the people around them could not be seen clearly, and no one paid attention to them.

Just when Sisi was thinking about where to start his investigation, the music in the tavern suddenly changed.

A host walked onto the stage and chirped a few words into the microphone, and then a dancer in a rather avant-garde dress walked onto the stage.

There were excited cheers all around.

The sound of the weather even overshadowed the live music!

The dancer standing on the stage looked at the audience charmingly and started her performance.

But it’s not the dance itself that’s interesting.

But the clothes on her body.

Sisi was stunned for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face.

That’s not Teng Teng’s…

Before she could say anything, the tail next to her jumped up excitedly as if she had discovered a new world, and pulled her to point excitedly to the stage.

“I giao! Si, look!”

“Isn’t that Teng Teng’s artwork?”

Sisi had a subtle expression on her face, as if she had seen what would happen in the next few hours.

“Well…I saw it.”

“It’s pretty awesome.”


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