This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 131: Encounter on Street 76!

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

At the east gate of the Wetland Park, at the connection between No. 76 Street and the remains of the viaduct, there was a continuous exchange of gunfire and explosions.

The group of paddlers entered the edge of 76th Street first. Before they could go any further, they were ambushed by a team of mutants.

The two people walking at the front were shot into hedgehogs on the spot. The remaining eight people scattered and retreated, hiding behind the bunker and taking out their weapons to fight back.

Hearing the gunfire from the front, a group of cattle and horses coming out of the park followed closely behind, and immediately rushed to support.

However, the mutant ambushers apparently also discovered them, and soon several cold arrows flew towards them.

Fang Chang, who had an arrow in his stomach, was dragged behind the bunker by Lao Bai.

“Gan! If I had brought the mechanical compound bow, I wouldn’t have shot these **** to death!”

Fang Chang cursed and stretched out his hand to pull out the arrow stuck in his stomach, but before he could touch the arrow shaft, Lao Bai slapped his hand away.

“What are you doing?”

Old Bai said with a serious face.

“I just saw those mutant arrows, they all have hooks. If you insist on pulling them out, be careful to take out the intestines!”


Fang Chang took a trembling breath.

Although it doesn’t hurt, it sounds scary.

Crouching behind the nearby bunker, the canyon-escape mole lit the Molotov cocktail, handed it to the strength player next to him, and pointed in a direction for him to throw it out.

The Molotov cocktail drew a beautiful parabola, crossing the friendly defense line and landing on the mutant position. Burning wood tar spread everywhere, turning the remains of the abandoned car into a ball of fire, forcing the mutants behind to leave the bunker.

The friendly forces in front immediately seized the opportunity and opened fire. At least a dozen rounds of bullets were poured out, severely crippling the mutants who left the bunker.

However, just being severely disabled is useless.

The injured mutants were quickly dragged into a storefront on the side of the street by their teammates. The wounds of these green-skinned muscle guys would solidify and scab at an incredible speed, and after a while they would be standing next to them alive and well. before.

The only one in the Niuma team who carries a gun is Ye Shi. After a period of practice, his shooting experience is much better than when he first touched the gun. However, if he wants to hit the target from a distance of two to three hundred meters, he still has a problem. Not an easy task.

Especially the cold arrows thrown from the opposite side caused him a lot of trouble.

He dodged several arrows by relying on his high-perception instincts, almost grazing his ears and making him jump with fear.

If you are not careful, you will go back to the forum directly.

“Damn it! I’ve never fought such a disgusting opponent!” Looking at the predator who was shot and still acting like nothing happened, Ye Shi, who was finally hit, started to curse angrily.

The last Molotov cocktail was used up, and Brother Mole shouted at the top of his lungs.

“We don’t even have guns, withdraw!”

These Molotov cocktails were originally reserved for moths, but now they are all used on mutants.

Hearing that the teammates behind him were planning to withdraw, the paddler who was dragged along the edge suddenly panicked and shouted to the back.

“Gan! Don’t abandon us!”

Fang Chang, who had been hit by an arrow and was lying next to Lao Bai, was cursing.

“Then why the **** did you give me a gun! We went to buy a book, and we didn’t even bring a gun!”

The mole escaping in the canyon: “Where are the mosquitoes?! How long do you have to prepare!”

“Come on, come on!”

Finally picking up his box from the corpses of his teammates, Mosquito hurriedly opened the box and took out the “Tempest Version 0.5 Individual Soldier Special” contained inside.

With no time to introduce his equipment, Mosquito lit the fuse, put the thigh-thick rocket launcher on his shoulders, aimed at the mutant closest to him, and shouted stubbornly at the top of his voice.

“Waste Al!”

The tail flame and white smoke from the rocket filled his mouth, and a huge fist hit the abandoned bus fifty meters away, and then exploded into a ball of orange-red fire. .

In other words, this power is quite amazing!

Especially after learning the lesson of [Midnight Killing of Chickens], this time the mosquito replaced the high-explosive warhead with an incendiary warhead and increased the charge.

Although it did not directly hit the target he was aiming at, the flames that rolled up directly swallowed a mutant, burning him so loudly that he screamed and rolled in the snow, and was killed by the front row. Players were robbed and beaten to death.

Fang Chang, who was hiding behind the bunker, observed the situation on the other side and said with a frown.

“There are at least 10 more on the opposite side!”

Lao Bai: “Why do I feel like there are at least 20 of them!”

Fang Chang: “It’s impossible to have 20. If there were that many, they wouldn’t have been shooting at us. They would have killed the group in front of us!”

Precisely because there is no advantage in numbers, the style of play is relatively cumbersome, Fang Chang judged it this way.

However, even so, the situation is far from optimistic.

There are 9 people in the Cow Horse Team, and the equipment they carry are all “anti-moth weapons”, which are of no use against mutants.

[Edge Paddling] The 10 people over there were all armed with guns, but they were caught off guard at the beginning. Now only 5 people are still holding on to their positions. The rest are either dead or injured, and they are still enough to lose their combat effectiveness. of serious injury.

The players are very strong-willed and will not stop fighting as long as they can still move their hands. However, the gap caused by realistic factors cannot be reversed by willpower alone.

They weren’t dealing with just one or two mutants.

But an entire mutant ambush team!

This team has probably been ambushing here for a while, waiting for them to enter the ambush circle and give them a head-on attack.

The greenhouse team behind was in a dilemma.

Both Fang Chang and Mole knew that the continuation of the stalemate would definitely bring disaster.

But if you let go of the teammates in front and retreat, those mutants will definitely charge without any scruples and eat up all the friendly forces in front.

As the ammunition was almost running out, [Edge Stroke] was heartbroken. He took off his VM, stuffed it into a fur satchel, and threw it towards Fang Chang and his group behind.

“Take my VM back! Evacuate quickly!”

Ye Shi reached out to pick up the satchel and looked at the man in front of him who was attaching a bayonet to the rifle and said in surprise.

“Holy shit, brother, are you crazy?! Fighting bayonets with mutants?!”

Brother Edge had a tragic look on his face, looking at the gun he just bought, gritting his teeth and shouting.

“Let’s go! Leave me alone!”

Ye Shi said in confusion.

“No, I mean you throw the gun over too!”

A gun costs hundreds of silver coins, which is much more valuable than a VM with 40 silver coins.

Edge stroke: “%¥#@!”

As if sensing that the firepower of the prey in front of them had weakened, the mutants began to move forward eagerly, preparing to hunt these weak humans in the most primitive way.

Just when Brother Bian was cursing and preparing to throw the gun over, there was sudden movement from the direction of the Wetland Park.

Familiar figures emerged from the jungle.

Leaning behind the bunker, OB’s Fang Chang’s eyes instantly ignited with hope, and he shouted at the top of his voice to the friendly forces in front.


“Our reinforcements are coming!”

Almost at the same time as he shouted, intensive gunshots, accompanied by overwhelming cries of killing, came from the jungle.


“For the Alliance!”

“For His Majesty the Administrator!”

The surging and passionate war cries made people’s blood boil. Although almost every player yelled different slogans, this group of stragglers shouted out with the momentum of thousands of troops.

The fearless mutant seemed to be overwhelmed by this momentum.

However, they did not turn around and flee like the predators. Instead, the charge aroused the savagery and cruelty in their veins. They roared and threw down their bows and arrows and javelins, and pulled out their pitted battle axes and sticks wrapped with wires. , and rushed towards the players rushing toward him.

How dare these lambs to be slaughtered to fight with me!

The two parties collided quickly and started a hand-to-hand fight. The player at the front was thrown away with a stick, but soon more players came forward with spears, poking the mutant at the front into a hedgehog.

Before charging, they threw away their VMs and completely removed the reserve and pretense of civilized people.

Everyone is ready to sacrifice. Even if they face monsters that are more than ten levels stronger than themselves, no one is afraid.

It’s okay to be timid in reality.

You are already in the game, why are you so scared?

Three days later, another hero!

Both sides were furious, and the scene was extremely **** for a while!

It was probably the first time for those mutants to see such brave humans. Instead of turning around and fleeing when they rushed into their faces, they fought with them back and forth.


Wildly waving the stick in his hand, an “elite” who was obviously burlier than other mutants used his muscular arms to block the ax that was hitting him. Then he waved the club and carried the ax. The man was smashed and flew out.

It’s like playing baseball!

“Come on! You ants! Who else dares to stand in front of me!”

Oh, come on!

Shaking off the red and white sticks, the mutant elite looked angrily at the surrounding humans who ignored them and screamed at them.

This is the first time!

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the crowd opposite.

The man’s chest armor was shiny, and his whole body was covered with steel plates. He held an absurdly large war hammer in both hands, and stepped towards him with steady and firm steps.

Sensing a dangerous aura from the man, the mutant elite lowered his figure slightly and tightened his grip on the mallet in his hand.


Roaring angrily again, he exerted force on both feet, swung his club and charged towards the target armed with iron cans.

“I’m going to smash your head!!”

Chu Guang didn’t panic at all, he picked up the hammer in his hand and hit the mutant.

With 16 points of strength, coupled with the driving force of the exoskeleton itself, even an ordinary hammer is enough to break down a wall.

Not to mention, there is a layer of high-pressure nitrogen attached to the hammer surface!


The collision of flesh and blood and technology!

The nitrogen armor, which was almost compressed into a solid body, exploded instantly. Before the mutant elite could recover what had happened, it was blown away, and the club and arms were shattered into pieces!

Falled next to a trash can more than ten meters away, the mutant elite who was alive and kicking a second ago was dying in an instant.

The hammer not only shattered his arm, but also his internal organs were shattered by the shock wave of the explosion.

“Managers are awesome!”

“Come on!”

“The head is mine!”

Seeing the elite monsters being KOed by the NPC, the players wielding spears and axes excitedly rushed forward to hit the target, as if they were in high spirits.

Holding the hammer to steady his body, Chu Guang glanced at his dying opponent expressionlessly, but he was secretly surprised.

At the moment of the hand-to-hand exchange, the power he felt from his wrist and tiger’s mouth was obviously greater than that of a “bear”!

I didn’t expect that just a slightly larger elite monster could have such strength!

Coupled with that abnormal resilience, no wonder his little players are having such a hard time!

After beheading the mutant elite, Chu Guang did not stop, and continued to look for enemies with his hammer in hand, specifically picking out those who were alone.

Hitting his breastplate with ordinary bows and arrows and stones was like scratching it, not even leaving a scratch. Hitting with blunt objects is a problem, but under the cover of the player, almost no mutant can touch him. He is the one who uses the hammer to hit people.

After blasting away the third mutant, the last mutant was also surrounded by players. He was stabbed into a hedgehog by spears and javelins, and his head was chopped off by an axe.

The encounter that broke out at the entrance of 76th Street ended in the victory of Vault 404. Both sides proved their bravery with blood, and no one surrendered.

After the battle, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to use a drone to count the casualties.

The total number of players participating in the battle is 101, 15 died and 6 were injured.

11 mutants participated in the battle, and 11 died.

After picking up the VM that had been thrown on the ground, the players received the battle report from the administrator, with surprised expressions on their faces.

“Holy crap… 101 people surrounded 11 people, but 4 more people died than the opponent!”

“Be content. According to the official website data, the level of mutants is at least level 20 or above. I feel it is more than that! Last time ten people besieged one, one was killed and one was injured. This time they were ambushed and they were all wiped out. After all, I’m satisfied.”

“It’s too early to rush. You should shoot for a while before rushing.”

“It’s meaningless. Everyone on the opposite side is a tank. They have thick health, high defense, and strong recovery power. It’s like wearing a Overlord. Even if you use up all the bullets and then charge, I don’t think the difference is very big. If it is too big, the teammates in front may be killed, and the battle damage will be higher.”

“These greenskins were so fierce that my ax flew straight away.”

“What are you doing? The guy we were besieging had three javelins stuck in his body, and he was still beating us with a mallet. Later, we killed him with a headshot at close range!”

“Is it reasonable not to sharpen it?”

“Speaking of which, why didn’t you get the Roshan giant steamed bun?”

“This new generation is too timid. I suggest recruiting more CF players next time.”

Lao Bai, who had an arrow stuck in his arm and was covered in blood, limped over with a javelin in one hand and a curled knife in the other.

Although he was seriously injured, his face was full of excitement.

Fighting these mutants is much more fun than chasing the predators!

Sure enough, this is called war.

Chasing the bully who is afraid of the strong can only be called massacre.

“Manager, do we want to pursue the victory?”

Chu Guang glanced at the injuries on his body and said lightly.

“Your injuries are serious. Continuing to fight can easily cause irreversible damage. I don’t want to see anyone die from serious injuries again.”

“Take your teammates and go back to the training cabin to rest.”

It is unrealistic to pursue a victory.

These mutants did not rush into the forest to attack, but chose to ambush at the entrance of 76th Street, which shows that they are not as brainless as they seem.

Not only are they proficient in the art of guerrillas, they are also very cautious.

The reason why no reinforcements are coming at this moment is probably because there is no spare capacity for reinforcements. It is most likely that they are deliberately showing weakness and spreading their manpower around to set up an ambush.

If I lead someone to charge forward, it will definitely be another round of brutal meat grinder.

Why bother?

One life takes three days, and even grinding can grind you to death.

Looking at the end of the street, Chu Guang smiled, turned around and waved his hand, signaling the nearby players to pack up the corpses, equipment and trophies on the ground and return to the outpost.

The corpses filled several caravans, and the smell of blood could be smelled from a distance.

Looking at the corpse on the caravan, the nomads gathered at the east gate had expressions of surprise and fear on their faces.

Of course, what surprised them the most was the expressions on the faces of the blue coats around the caravan.

Many people had minor or serious injuries, and some were simply covered in blood, making it impossible to tell whether it belonged to the enemy or their own.

However, everyone had a nonchalant expression on their faces. They were even talking and laughing while carrying their weapons, chatting and laughing with their comrades next to them.

These people seem to know nothing about fear and regard death as a floating cloud.

It’s like the **** of war under the ancestors!

Many unmarried tribal girls not only turned red in the face, but also had wet eyes.

As the leader of the tribe, Wu Tieaxe rushed towards the triumphant Chu Guang, looked at the blood on his armor, and asked carefully.

“Sir, are you injured?”

“The blood of the enemy.”

He wiped it casually, but it couldn’t be wiped off. Chu Guang didn’t bother to care anymore, and looked at Wu Tieaxe and continued.

“There is a tribe of mutants on Street 76. There are at least 30 people in total. The exact number is unknown. Keep your people away from there.”

“Also, if there is any movement, report it to me immediately.”

“Remember not to go into battle without permission!”

Hearing that the opponent was actually a mutant, Wu Tiaxu was shocked when he saw the blood on Chu Guang’s breastplate.

Closing his hands into fists, he respectfully accepted the order.


(My schedule is a bit unstable these days, I will try my best to adjust it. If I can send it out at ten o’clock, I will try my best to update it at ten o’clock!_(:з」∠)_)


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