This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 118: Shelter under the department store

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The next day.

The east bank of Linghu Lake.

“Get ready!”

The loud and sharp voice echoed at the edge of the forest.

“Waste Al!”

The fuse is lit.

The large iron pipe fixed on the wooden pier exploded with a burst of fire and white smoke. The shell turned into a black shadow, drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and hit the lake hundreds of meters away.

After a while of waiting, a column of water rose into the sky, sprays of water scattered and fell, and a muffled sound like spring thunder rolled along the lake surface with waves.


“Who the **** is setting off cannons over there!”

“What a dog calls a mosquito!”

“All my fish were scared away!”

On the shore of the lake, the fishing guys who were bragging about fishing rods were yelling and cursing, but the mosquitoes on their heads could not hear them in their excitement.

Since he solved the preparation of nitric acid and sulfuric acid, his small workshop has been able to produce a small amount of nitroglycerin, and he can make nitrocellulose by adding a little bit of plant fiber. Then use a mixed solution of ethanol and ether to dissolve and gel it to obtain a very useful colloidal gunpowder.

Although the drying process to solidify the particles has not yet been unlocked, it is already much better than the original black powder!

After this shot, it was at least 30 kilograms – maybe the equivalent of 50 kilograms of black powder!

“Hahahahahaha, Ness! I finally succeeded!”

Mosquito pumped his fist excitedly, but his fist hit the tree trunk. It didn’t hurt, but it almost broke his fist.

It’s a pity that there is too little sugar in the warehouse and it is too expensive to eat. Otherwise, he could use sugar and potassium fertilizer to make more awesome things.

It’s not fun at all.

Mosquito used pliers to take out the hot cartridge case, then loaded another round into it, returned it to the previous angle and lit the fuse.

There was another loud bang.

This time the cannonball flew further than last time, flying a full hundred meters further forward.

The sound of explosions echoed across the lake.

The nomads who were coming to the lake shore to fetch water were frightened by the thunderous sound, and they all stood blankly looking at the water column splashing on the lake.

“Then, what is that?”

“Big gun?!”

“Yes, it should be called cannons… I have seen them in the larger survivor strongholds. They use those cannons to deal with large alien species.”

“This is so powerful, no wonder they can hunt split-claw crabs!”

Different from the nomads who were shocked and amazed, the fishermen finally couldn’t hold back their anger this time, and one after another came from the lakeside carrying fishing rods.


“Can you go somewhere else to set off the bomb?”

“You scared away all my fish!”

“Exactly! The fish in this game are extremely difficult to catch, and now they are even harder to catch!”

Seeing the fishermen headed by [Don’t be ridiculous] approaching him menacingly, Mosquito quickly pushed his little cannon cart and ran away in a hurry.


The other side.

The department store not far south of the abandoned tire factory.

Five players are on the B2 floor of the underground parking lot, fighting fiercely with the aliens wandering here.

The radioactive source is behind the door next to the freight elevator in Area B1 of the underground parking lot. This is already the Nth time they have refreshed this dungeon.

After repeated pulling, attracting monsters, charging and focusing fire, the cow-horse team gradually cleared out the gnawers led by Irena, and also successfully used the traps laid in advance to trap the “Dungeon BOSS” hidden inside. ” – Creeper.

Cooperating with his teammates, Fang Chang opened Dawn, used a fully charged shot, and shot an arrow through the Creeper’s skull, successfully killing it.

Ye Shi, who was leaning on the concrete pillar, let out a long breath, threw away the curled hatchet in his hand, raised his arm to wipe the sweat, and cursed.

“Gan! I finally cleared the level! The copy of this game should be cleared after you clear it, right? Don’t wait for another group to appear.”

Lao Bai and Kuangfeng glared at him.

“Don’t be so clumsy!”

“Shut your mouth.”

Ye Shi shrank his neck, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

“I guess I won’t be able to do it anymore. If I do it a few more times, I’m afraid we’ll go bankrupt.” Fang Chang walked into the crawler, pulled out the arrow stuck in its head, took one look at it, and threw it away. dropped.

It’s obviously no longer useful.

“Are you sure there won’t be any more monsters down there?” Holding the wall with her right hand, Irena walked out from the side with a subtle expression.

Ye Shi smiled at him: “Brother, don’t be afraid, it’s been cleared.”

Bangfeng gave a thumbs up: “Waiting for your news.”

Irena: “Gan! Aren’t you afraid?”

Lao Bai said matter-of-factly: “There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s not a horror game.”

Irena: “…”

That makes sense.

He didn’t know how to refute.

After lingering at the door for a while, Irena finally went in carrying a crowbar and explosives for breaking the door.

It was a corridor that was neither wide nor narrow. Before the war, it was probably a place like a backup warehouse.

The putrid smell is suffocating, the ground is covered with the bodily fluids of gnawers and crawlers, and unknown fungi grow in the corners.

In this terrible environment, even mutated cockroaches will probably stay away.

Although the last crawler had been lured out and killed by herself, Irena was still panicking.

The atmosphere here is so weird.

He couldn’t help but think of several horror games he had played.

What the **** is this called a happy game that focuses on leisure and retirement care? !


Fortunately, what he worried about did not happen.

With the help of the light emitted by the VM and the scanned map, Irena walked to the end of the passage smoothly.

There was a rusty alloy door, and there was a corpse wearing a chemical protective suit lying upside down at the door, but only the bones were left in the corpse.

There were no signs of gnawing or tearing on the protective suit. It seemed that he should have died before the nibblers occupied this place, and at least decades earlier.

“The radiation index is getting higher and higher… It seems that the radioactive source is behind this door.”

The guy lying on the ground should be the owner of this small shelter. The backpack thrown aside also contained some cans, puffed food packaging bags, and remains and mushrooms that were rotten beyond recognition – these should be They were supplies he collected from outside.

But I don’t know why, he died in front of his house.

“Brother, don’t blame me.”

Although she was extremely reluctant, Irena still had the courage to take off the frame of the still complete protective clothing and put it on herself.

The air filtration system is broken.

But it doesn’t matter.

He only needs to block a part of the gamma rays, and the rest relies on the resistance and recovery bonus provided by his physical attributes. It shouldn’t be a big problem to hold on!

Irena installed the explosive at the door, lit the fuse and ran towards the exit of the passage.


The smoke from the explosion filled the entire passage in an instant. After the smoke dissipated, Irena returned to the door again.

The alloy door remained motionless, but the concrete wall next to it was blown to reveal the steel structure inside.

“Good guy… quite strong.”

After a lot of effort, Irena finally used the crowbar in her hand to clean away the concrete debris from the damaged wall, then she put the crowbar and her arm in and unlocked the bolt-type door lock. Pick it apart.

Fortunately there are no more protective structures.

With a squeaking sound, the thick alloy door panel finally opened, and the turbid air rushed in with a stale breath.

Irena held her breath as she stepped into the room, turned off the VM screen that emitted a faint light, and lit the portable lamp she had brought earlier.

The flames flickered in a daze, gradually becoming clearer and illuminating the nearby space.

There are various signs that this is indeed a small shelter.

At least it used to be.

The area of ​​the shelter is not large. Compared with Shelter 404, it can even be said to be quite compact.

However, unlike Vault 404, a large refuge facility with an official background, the layout of this small shelter is quite compact.

Not to mention the kind of buffer room with two airlocks and pressurization function, there is not even a entrance design here.

Behind the open alloy door, directly facing rows of moss-covered shelves.

Go into the shelter holding a lantern.

Irena carefully observed these shelves and found that long strips of lamps were connected in series above each glassware displayed on the shelves.

“Could it be…soilless cultivation?”

This should be a planting area, probably used to produce crops such as vegetables and staple foods, and also to improve the air environment in the shelter.

However, after so many years, the water in the culture tank has long since dried up, leaving only a layer of dead moss and a few dry remains and curled plant fibers.

He couldn’t even see what had been planted in it before.

After confirming the radiation index on the VM, Irena continued moving forward with the lamp in hand.

Behind the planting area, there are rows of real shelves.

It was the things displayed on these shelves that made him couldn’t help but open his eyes wide.

Copper ingots, steel ingots, aluminum ingots, lead… and a large number of metals that even his scavenging experience could not accurately identify were neatly placed on it.

In addition, there are a large number of non-metallic materials such as glass fiber, graphite powder, rubber products, hydraulic oil, lubricants, adhesives and so on.

Even some chemicals with unknown ingredients in liquid or powder form!

And these materials, unlike the garbage scattered in the ruins, may have been treated with antioxidants and are well preserved, at least they seem to be usable.

In addition to these materials for making utensils, Irena also found some unfinished tools and parts on the last row of shelves, as well as five golden gold ingots and ten silver ingots!

When he saw this, his eyes couldn’t help but stare.


Get rich!

It can be seen that the owner of this shelter should be a rich man, and it is very likely that he is the owner of this department store, or at least a major shareholder!

And this guy’s crisis awareness and hands-on ability are not generally strong.

Immediately behind the container is a DIY workbench.

In addition to basic tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches, it is also connected to guide rails, guide plates, mold balancing devices and hydraulic overload devices. Various replaceable tools and processing modules are hung next to the workbench.

The entire workbench uses almost no sophisticated electronic technology, and its functions will not be affected in any way even if it encounters EMP.

And it’s almost effortless to maintain!

Even if there is a power outage, the hand crank can be used instead of the motor to drive some of the processing modules on the workbench!

Compared with those high-tech tools that have been abandoned since leaving civilized society, these “original tools” that are durable and have a long shelf life can bring people a greater sense of security.

Irena had the same feeling when she saw this thing.

This workbench is much better than the one owned by the proprietress of the weapon shop!

“Get rich, get rich…work first.”

Irena did not stay here for too long. Irena, who was looking for the radioactive source, continued forward and passed through the door behind the workbench.

Behind the door should be the living area.

Judging from the rising radiation index on the VM, the radioactive source should be inside.

Stepping into the living area cautiously, Irena immediately saw the sleeping cabin facing the door and placed against the wall.

The door of the dormant cabin is open, and it looks like it must have been broken for a long time.

Judging from the open hatch cover and the scattered parts and tools nearby, someone should have tried to repair it, but failed, and it may have caused a serious electrical accident, which eventually led to a power outage and ventilation facilities in the shelter. Stop working and eventually suffocate the people inside to death.

Irena found a single bed next to it, with two skeletons lying flat on the sheets.

Judging from the shape and size of the bones, both of them should be adult women, but their specific ages are unknown.

Combining the body found at the door and the only cultivation cabin in the room, Irena arranged and combined at least four possibilities in her mind regarding the question “who is the owner of the shelter?”

However, it doesn’t matter which one it is.

For a player who is eager to complete the dungeon, the story of the dead man is of no importance at all.

After a careful search, Irena quickly found the radioactive source that made his VM beep in a generator-like facility.

It was a jet black cylinder inserted into a circular groove.

Based on the background of the story of “Wasteland OL”, it is speculated that this thing is probably some kind of civilian model fusion battery?

Or in other words, the “fuel rods” of a cold fusion generator?

Whatever it was in the setting, it was obviously broken, leaving only a damaged shell and radioactive residue that had nowhere to put it.

In fact, strictly speaking, nuclear fusion should be clean because the product is helium.

However, the cleanliness here is not harmless in the absolute sense. It is just that compared with the nuclear waste produced by nuclear fission, which has “radioactive residues that can last for hundreds of thousands of years”, the nuclear waste produced by controlled fusion is not Not that difficult to handle.

After all, any material that is irradiated by high-energy neutron rays for a long time may produce “induced radioactivity.” It’s just that the radiation dose of this kind of nuclear waste will be much smaller, and the harm is usually “hundred years old”, and may be gone in a few centuries.

To put it more bluntly, as long as you don’t hold the “damaged nuclear battery” directly in your hand, there will generally be no big problems.

In this regard, “Wasteland OL” is relatively restorative.

Just like now.

Irena just held this battery in her hand, and she felt like she was going to die…

“No kidding, I think I can still save it.”

Irena took the radioactive source out and threw it away, then returned to the cow and horse team. Irena, whose nose was bleeding non-stop, said with a serious face.

Bang Feng glanced at him and shook his head.

“It’s hopeless.”

My nose is bleeding like this, but I can still stand and talk, that is, I am in the game.

In reality, he would have been lying on the ground unconscious.

“Did you hear that? The physics teacher said you are hopeless,” Ye Shi smiled and patted his shoulder, winking and said, “Stop struggling, brother, go back while you can still take two steps.” Make up for yourself. We will search for the things in the copy for you, don’t worry, your share will not be missing!”

Irena grimaced.

“I just want to ask, can recycling the corpse reduce the resurrection CD?”

Fang Chang also said with a smile.

“How is it possible? Didn’t you read the official website settings? The resurrection CD is not a death penalty. But you are lucky, at least the VM is not broken, otherwise you have to buy it again. By the way, if you are worried about not being able to support the base , you can put the VM here, lest you find the body lying on the ground halfway, and the body and the VM are not picked up, which will be a big trouble. “

Irena: “Gan! What you care about is not me, but VM! Isn’t there any warmth in this cold world?”

Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

“Isn’t this because I’m worried that you will spend money in vain? It’s not called caring about you——”

“Okay, stop talking like that,” Lao Bai coughed, interrupting Ye Shi’s beeping, then looked at Irena and said comfortingly, “We can give you 5% more of the income from the copy. I should be able to compensate you for your losses over the past three days. If there is an opportunity for cooperation next time, we will call you. What do you think?”

5% is already quite a lot. After all, the dungeon was discovered by the Niu Ma Squad, and the output was basically done by a few of them. A lot of ammunition and supplies were consumed.

As a passer-by who boarded the bus on the way, Irena’s agreed share was only 10%, so an extra 5% was quite generous.

Lao Bai’s words finally made Irena feel that there was still a little warmth left in this cold world.

With a tragic face, Irena shook off the nosebleed, took off her VM, and solemnly handed it into Lao Bai’s hands.

“Tell Xiaoyu for me, just say…”

Halfway through his words, the man fell to the ground with a thump.

Ye Shi couldn’t hold it back and laughed like a pig.

Bang Feng turned his head sideways, his shoulders shaking.

Looking at the pool of blood on his sleeve, with black lines all over his head, Lao Bai finally sighed.

“I’ll get him out on the caravan first.”

“Let’s drag it back together later.”

(Thanks to the three leaders of the book friend “Reader 1434843101910900736” for the reward~~~~~~)


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