This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 116: The first bank in Wasteland OL is online

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Official website:

[Wasteland OL closed test server alpha0.6 version update announcement. 】

[Major update:

1. The number of closed beta players has been increased to 250.

2. Added “banking system”!

3.VM updates the “property” page!


1. Add richer activity tracks for nomads, and the stall of Qiucao Qiuye sisters is becoming more and more lively.

2. NPC personalization is enhanced. If you make Boss Xia angry, there is a chance that the items sold will be more expensive next time.

3. A richer variety of food, today’s recommended recipes are milk stewed mushrooms and salt-roasted dried fish.

4. Fixed a few bugs.


[With the increase in the number of people, the player manual and user agreement have been updated to version 4.0, and a new refugee contact treaty has been added. Players who have qualified for closed beta testing are requested to read it in time to avoid giving you a bad game experience. 】

[Current number of reservations: 2333 people]


Ye Shi: “Let me know who is behind the scenes this time? (Funny)”

The Mole on the run in the canyon: “Bank! The banking system is out!”

Professor Yang, King of Thunder and Lightning: “Gan! Why am I not there again! T.T”

Master of Body Drawing: “I don’t care! Without me it would be shady!”

What can Ye Ao do to me: “Haha, stop acting, robots. Anyway, I won’t make an appointment, and I won’t make an appointment even if I beat myself to death. Haha, I just lied, and I can’t get an appointment at all.”

Irena: “No, brother, you haven’t even made a date, how do you know you can’t make a date? Could it be… (funny)”

Runaway Mole in the Canyon: “Wait, haven’t you paid attention to the banking system? There is actually a bank in this update!!”

Lao Bai: “…Isn’t the bank in the game just a place to save money? There’s nothing exciting about it.”

Ye Shi: “Even if it can prevent you from getting a loan, what are you thinking about? (Funny)”

The Mole on the run in the canyon: “Uh, okay, that’s true.”

It’s not entirely accurate to say it’s a place to save money.

If you switch to other games, this feature must be for the convenience of players, but if you switch to “Wasteland OL”, it must be for the convenience of Chu Guang himself.

The number of silver coins is limited. Now there are fifty or sixty silver coins per person in the players’ lockers, which adds up to a large sum.

Especially for a big dog like Mosquito, if it hadn’t been for the custom-made barrel of a gun and the funds flowing into the corporate account of No. 81 Steel Plant, he would probably have two hundred of them now.

Coupled with the increasing currency circulation in outposts, not only players are using their own currency, but even nearby refugees have gradually accepted these small coins.

Recycling currency is imperative.

Opening a bank is undoubtedly the best choice!

For players, being able to store money in the bank will definitely be much more convenient than it is now. The death penalty in “Wasteland OL” includes all drops. Many people who want to buy something have to go back to the shelter to withdraw money, which is really troublesome.

It is better to integrate the currency system on the VM and open a personal account for each player. This will not only make it easier for you to “print money”, but also make it easier for players to spend money.

In the future, transactions can be completed directly between two VM devices within the signal range of the outpost.

Wouldn’t it be great to directly enter the era of mobile payment?

As usual, after Chu Guang made the announcement, he immediately updated the post he had just edited on the official website.

The changes in this update are quite big.

It is necessary to have a good chat with his little leeks.

“Developer Diary: Alpha0.6 Version”

Light: “Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner! After slaughtering 12 siege lions, the outpost finally has enough food! So we specially recruited 50 young players to enter Game, let us applaud the European emperors!”

“Putting the Ouhuang matter aside for now, after five consecutive days and five nights of meetings, the department finally made a decision to add a new sub-page called ‘property’ in the VM.”

“Through this page, as long as you are within the signal coverage of the shelter, you can easily check a series of personal properties including bank account balances, land, shops, shares, etc.”

“Of course, this also includes your equipment!”

“Yes, there are more and more players in the server now. I believe you are all good kids who abide by the rules, but in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, we decided to launch an equipment ‘binding’ service. Maintain fairness and justice in procedures! ”

“Any equipment that you think is valuable can be photographed, scanned and registered at the manager assistant NPC, and you can fill in the registration price yourself. After the scanning is completed, the equipment will be bundled with your personal account and displayed in the form of pictures and texts. Register on the ‘property’ page of VM. The minimum handling fee is 1 silver coin. If the registration price exceeds 100 silver coins, it will be charged at 1%. ”

“The bound equipment will be protected by shelter laws. Even if it is picked up by other players, the ownership of the equipment cannot be changed. If the equipment is unfortunately lost due to death or other reasons, the player only needs to pay the ‘registration price’ 10% is used as a deposit to declare ownership of the equipment. The player who picks up the equipment needs to return the equipment to the shelter within the time limit. At the same time, the returner will receive the ‘deposit’ paid by the owner as a reward.”

“If the latter refuses to return, or even maliciously abandons or damages the equipment, he will be punished for the crime of theft and damage to personal property in accordance with the in-game rules and user manual. In addition, the equipment owner can also set Additional bounties, add more details including missing locations, post bounties for equipment, and ask for help from other players.”

“Please remember that the rules only restrict the bottom line of morality. Even if it is unbound equipment, we do not recommend that you take other people’s equipment as your own. Your words and deeds will affect the evaluation of others, noble Your personality shines in both the real world and the virtual world, so don’t let the small lose the big.”

“In addition, based on players’ suggestions, we are developing a ‘credit score’ system based on the existing social functions. Players with high credit scores will more easily trigger high-quality tasks and get better games. Experience, the system is currently only being trial run as a hidden parameter, and it is expected that it will be displayed on your personal homepage after the internal testing phase. ”

“In short! The biggest change that will affect us this time is that from now on we can pay directly with VM! We no longer have to worry about counting money!”

“For the newly developed banking function, we have arranged for a special NPC to serve as the first bank president of Vault 404!”

“I wish you all a happy game! I’m going to work overtime first.”

After the post was posted, the popularity soared instantly, and the number of replies exceeded 100 within a few refreshes.

Good names are given to dogs: “Wait, who is this special NPC?!”

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “The planner is great, don’t leave!”

Ye Shi: “I’m so angry! A Guang is betraying me again!”

There are really mosquitoes in WC: “Damn it! Can you see it in the game now?”

Fang Chang: “You can’t see it. It’s still late at night in the game. Apart from the NPCs in charge of warehouses and granaries, there’s no one else on duty on the surface.”

He did not reply to those posts one by one. After Chu Guang closed the forum, he calmly started a game of “Napoleon Total War”.

But after playing a few dozen rounds, Chu Guang got tired of it.

Mainly because I don’t have a sense of immersion.

“Tsk, how cowardly are these lobster soldiers?”

“If you shoot from the front, if you hit the side, the flag will turn white. If it gets close to your face, use your bayonet to poke it! Run, run!”

“Hey, hot chicken, I won’t play anymore.”

Compared with his own players, he is simply a scumbag!

After turning off the game, Chu Guang thought to himself, maybe he should install a MOD that locks morale?

This should be more immersive.


After turning off “Taizhan”, Chu Guang finally opened “Stars”. After maxing out his technology, he started to hang up. As a result, he unknowingly watched the sea all night again.

Chu Guang took a nap in the middle. When he came back to his senses, the fallen brother had been eaten by the xenophobic vassals he had let out out of boredom.

I took a moment to look at the time, my dear, it’s already morning!

If you take a nap at this time, you can go to the players’ market at the north gate when you get up.

Chu Guang suddenly discovered that it was not just Boss Xia who was lax. Since the destruction of the Blood Hand Clan, these days have been so comfortable that I have become a little relaxed.

This cannot continue.

The mutant tribe on Street 76 is not finished yet. The harsh winter has just begun. After the cold winter is over, there will be more severe challenges waiting.

Regaining his energy, Chu Guang put on the exoskeleton, carried the hammer behind his back, and stretched his stiff bones and muscles.

Today is Xiaoyu’s first official day on the job!

Even if I want to catch up on some sleep, I have to wait.

Chu Guang cheered up and walked towards the elevator.

And just when he got on the elevator and headed to the surface, a dark circle of players had already gathered in front of the main door of the sanatorium.

“Is this the bank?”

“The official website says it’s here.”

“Why are there no NPCs?”

“It’s probably not time yet!”

The bank of the outpost is located at the end of the corridor on the first floor of the sanatorium.

Since the bank is still in the trial operation stage, the land has just been planned on the map, and the foundation construction has not yet started, so I temporarily borrowed an empty room on the first floor of the sanatorium to use as a storefront. The conditions did seem a bit rough. some.

The only furniture here is a table, a chair, and a wooden sign hanging vertically at the door – with the two big characters “Bank” written on it.

The players gathered around, with expressions of curiosity and excitement on their faces, and whispered to the teammates next to them from time to time.

At this moment, a thin figure emerged from the crowd. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he walked to the wooden table at the entrance of the bank and sat down.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Xiaoyu felt as if a deer had entered his heart, and his heart was pounding non-stop.

But thinking that she could finally help Brother Chu, she still took a deep breath and secretly cheered herself up in her heart.

Come on, little fish!

You can definitely do it!

Recalling the lines she had memorized last night, she bravely raised her head.

“Silver, bank!”

“It’s open for business…”

Maybe it’s because I’m not familiar with the players’ language yet, or maybe it’s because I’m just nervous.

The little fish, who was full of strength, accidentally used too much force, and the first two words raised the tone to the ceiling. So that in the middle of the words, it became weaker and weaker, as if the air was leaking, and at the end it was completely like a mosquito buzzing.

My face turned red, as if I had been scalded by boiling water.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to be “cold”, she hurriedly tried to save the situation. She forgot her words for a moment and bit her tongue, which was so painful that she almost squeezed out tears.

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. With tears in her eyes, Xiaoyu endured the pain and finally completed her task with determination.

“Yes, do you want to save money?”

For a moment, Xiaoyu felt that he had failed Brother Chu’s expectations and this sacred and glorious profession.


What a shame!

However, Xiaoyu, whose face turned as red as an apple, did not expect that this opening statement, which only had two sentences in total, would unexpectedly make the atmosphere on the scene boil.

“Ahhhhhhhh so cute!”

“A Wei is dead!”

“Not good! The tail’s health tank is also empty!”

“If you don’t understand, just ask, is this a development game? The official website says it’s a development game, right? When will card drawing be open? I’m so excited!”

“Can you deposit RMB!! Don’t stop me, I want ALLIN!” (broken voice)

“Hey, little sister, do you like mushrooms? I’ll treat you to mushroom soup tonight! It’s sizzling and delicious!”

“Danger! Go tell Teng Teng that Boss Crow is going to be snatched away by Xiaoyu!”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Who cares about her!”

Looking at the players surrounding him in confusion, Xiaoyu blinked.

Having only learned a few lines, she could not understand what they were saying, and her VM could not translate those difficult-to-understand words.

However, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Looking at their eyes, they must recognize themselves, right?

Thinking of this, the little girl’s confidence was rekindled in her heart, and her original frustration due to forgetting her words was replaced by full energy.

Come on, little fish!

We can’t live up to the expectations of Brother Chu—and the “players”!

“Guests who want to deposit money, please queue up.”

“Before you go out for adventure, please safely leave your money with Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu will definitely take good care of it for you!”

“Be careful all the way!”

Players lined up in an orderly manner and placed their silver coins on the table.

The little fish gradually entered the state and meticulously counted the silver coins and copper coins on the table.

She will carefully count each one twice, then sort it into a box on the side, and then use a work-specific VM device to deposit the value into the player’s account.

The work of the bank gradually got on the right track. Chu Guang, who had been secretly observing from the side, finally nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad.

It seems that my decision was correct.

In fact, at first, Chu Guang planned to let Old Luca be the president of the bank. However, Old Luca was good at counting supplies and straightforward enough. It was really difficult for him to do such a mental task as counting.

Besides, old Luca has more important things to do.

Rather than recovering silver coins from players, Chu Guang needs a servant who is loyal enough to help him manage other servants. As for this role, only old Luca, who was born as a serf, is currently the most suitable, and it would not be possible to replace him with anyone else.

After much thought, Xiaoyu is the most suitable person for the job of bank president.

The president in the game and in reality are two different concepts. The former means more like customer service, or window teller.

Seriousness, stubbornness, honesty, and keeping promises are all the advantages of Xiaoyu, and they are the kind that can be confirmed with both eyes.

In addition, she is also diligent and smart enough. She learned Arabic numerals and basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in just one day, and used the time before going to bed to memorize her lines.

This efficiency is enough to put a certain weapons store owner to shame!

And the most important thing is that the image of Xiaoyu can easily win the favor of players. Those big eyes, as bright and clear as morning dew, would eclipse even silver coins.

If Xiaoyu were to serve as the bank president, I believe the players would work harder and willingly hand over the silver coins they earned.

Well, now that your little Keli is the bank manager, you won’t still be yelling about hanging street lights, right?

Can you bear it?

Won’t your conscience hurt?

Is it okay not to call me “Planner Dad”?

It’s hard not to be reasonable.

Looking at the long queue from the bank entrance to the nursing home for the last time, Chu Guang turned around and left with satisfaction.

At the same time, there was a weapons store not far from the sanatorium.

The store door has been open for a while, but there is still not a single customer.

Xia Yan sat in front of the weapons store with a bored expression, his eyes drifting toward the bank from time to time until someone walked out and turned to the industrial area to the south.

I couldn’t help but yawn. Boss Xia picked up the tools, straightened the bumpy copper skin, put on the mold, hammered it into shape, and filled it with primer.

Always feel like you have fallen out of favor?

“It’s really strange.”

No one has bothered her until today.

It made her sleepy.

(Thanks to the leader of “marttty” for the reward!!!)


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