The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 959: Naval battle

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Yun Xiyan was sitting on the steps outside the hall, eating in the sun.

Looking up to see Zong Shiji and Gongsun Ce walking over with food boxes, he shook his head, “You two are so lucky. Hey…why didn’t your majesty look at me?”

“What are you thinking? Don’t you know how important the Ministry of Commerce is? Now you and Li Cai are the only ones who really understand the operation of the Ministry of Commerce. Li Cai was appointed by His Majesty to be the minister of the Jinling Ministry of Commerce. Hahahaha, he ran a long circle and came back to the starting point. Do you think he is angry?”

Before Gongsun Ce finished speaking, a voice came, “Why am I angry? You boy, you were still working under me back then, but you have skyrocketed in the blink of an eye. Let me tell you, the Ministry of Commerce of the capital can take care of you. Dali North Road, please be careful.”

“Hey, Minister Li, I am your old subordinate. I am so lucky that I am so lucky. Isn’t it thanks to your old man’s training? What new preferential policies will the Ministry of Commerce have in the future? Or What a big investment…please see if you can give some reward to the official. Once the official is done, won’t your face look a little brighter?”

“Glib tone…” Li Cai took two mouthfuls of rice, raised his head and squinted at the sky, “This is His Majesty’s vision, and it is also your fate.”

“The group of people from the Ministry of Commerce, you, Wang Sunwuji, Zhong Fangyuan, Shang Liang, etc., are all magistrates in the blink of an eye. The group of people who followed Your Majesty to Wofeng Road, He Sheng’an, Shi Yi Ming, Xue Donglin, Xi Shuang, Fei Qian, Fang Wenxing, etc. are now promoted to magistrates. Young people in Daxia, the red sun is rising, the road is bright, the river is flowing, and the ocean is flowing… The future is like the sea, and the future is bright. ! ”

Li Cai was extremely emotional, seeming to remember the first time they met in the Jinling Palace. He was also favored by Fu Xiaoguan and was transferred from the Ministry of Household Affairs to the Ministry of Commerce.

“You are almost the same age as His Majesty. This world… you can help His Majesty manage it into a beautiful and sunny place in the future!”



This is an unprecedented meeting, because this meeting is not only held for one day!

But it lasted three days!

How much content will there be in this dynasty?

The secretary wrote down a thick stack of paper about one foot tall, and sent it to the three provinces after sorting it into categories. Nangong Yiyu and others discovered that the content was so complicated that they could hardly imagine it.

In addition to the brand new New Deal zoning and the appointment of all officials, there are three most important ones:

First, the Constitution was promulgated, as well as the Criminal Law and Ming Law.

Second, to unify the currency, all the original bank notes will be invalidated at the end of this year and unified into Daxia bank notes, which will be issued by the People’s Bank of Daxia – Sitong Bank will officially be renamed the People’s Bank of Daxia.

Third, the books have the same text, the cars have the same track, and the actions have the same purpose, achieving a true unification in all aspects of economy, politics, culture, and social life.

The rest also involves many fields, such as belief. The central court must respect the beliefs of people of all ethnic groups, such as military, such as medicine, such as scientific research, such as agriculture, commerce, industry, and so on.

The businessmen of Guanyun City found out the news of that day through various channels, and the news spread, causing a huge sensation in Guanyun City——

“Daxia? Is the Wu Dynasty bad? Why did the country’s name change?”

“Do you need to question His Majesty’s move? Since Your Majesty has changed it like this, it must be that the name of the country of Daxia is better, and it is not impossible for the country to last for thousands of years!”

“Where can I buy this new map? I need to see which lane my home is divided into?”

“I’m afraid it won’t be that fast. The meeting hasn’t even ended yet.”

“Three codes of law were promulgated today. I heard that His Majesty said that from now on, the country’s governance will gradually follow the legal track. These three codes will be the yardstick for the future, especially the Constitution. I heard that it will be given to The people of Great Xia are all citizens, and we have been given a lot of rights. We can buy them after they are released.”


On the first day of May in the third year of Tiande’s reign, all the contents of this great court meeting were finally printed into a book.

Suddenly all the major bookstores were overcrowded.

It’s night on the third day of May, upstairs in Sifang.

“Daxia…I like this name.” Wangsun Wuya was very happy. He waved a copy of “The Founding of the People’s Republic of China” in his hand, “From now on, there will be no border trade when doing business, and the national taxes will be reduced.” With unity, this business can be bigger.”

Yu Xingjian laughed: “I said, are you interested in visiting Fan Country?”

Zhongjitang glared at him: “If we return to Fan State, it’s Dali Road and Yueshan Road, okay?”

“Yes, yes, I can’t change this for a while… Do you want to go?”

“Go, you have to run faster. The brains of businessmen are obviously more flexible and bolder than before. I’m afraid a businessman has already run over.” Sima Tao took a sip of wine and said: “It’s just that all the banknotes need to be paid. I’m afraid it will take a lot of time to change it to a Daxia banknote.”

There used to be five countries in this continent, that is, five currencies, which add up to billions. You don’t know how long it would take just to print them, not to mention that they had to be exchanged at the bank in the end.

“Don’t you know? This matter is being carried out in four places. One is all the bookstores in our Guanyun City. They have already started printing Daxia banknotes. Jinling, the capital, and Jincheng, Dali Daochang, Tailin City on the East and West Road of Beijing must have received an order from the court.”

“Bank… Originally there was a Sitong Bank in Jinling. Wofeng Road was included in the North Beijing Road. Wofeng City was renamed Chang’an. There was also a Sitong Bank there. His Majesty’s decree has been passed. These two banks The branch renamed Daxia People’s Bank will be able to take on the task of exchanging banknotes.”

“Only Janggeum City needs new construction, so it’s not a big deal. By the time we get to Janggeum City, we will probably have started to redeem it.”

“Okay, let’s set off tomorrow and have a look.”

The merchants of Guanyun City were naturally the first to get the news. After confirming all this, the merchants gathered in Guanyun City each sent their own troops to various places. Fu Xiaoguan established a Daxia, and they also wanted to To build a business empire of your own.

Fu Xiaoguan is very happy. The activity of merchants can bring about the circulation of goods and currency.

But he is a little worried now.

In the imperial study room, there was an urgent message sent from the sea via messenger bird in front of him.

Bai Yulian led 40,000 marines aboard six Dreadnought-class battleships and encountered an enemy fleet of unknown origin offshore on April 20th.

The enemy has twenty battleships, all three-masted battleships, slightly smaller than the Dreadnought-class battleships. They also bring twelve cargo ships.

The two armies faced off at sea for three days and exchanged fire in the early morning of April 23.

No more.

Did you win this battle?


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