The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 958: Great unity

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The moment Fu Xiaoguan stepped into the Xuande Hall, the whispers of the officials stopped abruptly.

All eyes fell on him, and there was fanatical admiration, fervent expectation, and pilgrim-like admiration in these eyes.

This is their emperor!

Only twenty-two years old!

Grass-grey snake line, with thousands of miles of veins. In one battle, the 600,000-strong army of the Yu Dynasty was wiped out. In the first battle, the 300,000-strong army of the Fan State was destroyed. In the first battle, the city of Tailin of the Yi State was captured. In another battle… No, not without a fight. He took Changjin City of Fan State.

The world will be unified, and the Wu Dynasty will rule the world!

What kind of great achievement is this?

In the past thousand years, which emperor has been able to do this?

Their young emperor did it, and it only took him two months.

What a profound mark this will leave in the history books? !

No one knew that the real initiator of this plan was Emperor Wen, and the people who completed the plan were Zhou Tongtong and Ji Yungui. The entire plan has taken two years from the beginning to the present!

There are countless people involved.

It is precisely because of the many efforts in the past two years that we have achieved great results in just two months.

Fu Xiaoguan is just an executor this time.

He didn’t know that Emperor Wen was behind this plan. He always thought it was Ji Yungui.

But he executed the Spring Thunder Plan perfectly and achieved the ultimate strategic goal of this plan. Many people died, but war inevitably involves death.

He has put down a lot of sorrow, and now it is time to digest, stabilize and consolidate the fruits of victory.

Fu Xiaoguan stood in the center of the Xuande Hall.

He looked up at the crowd of civil and military ministers. Zhuo and his party were in the Yi Kingdom, Zhuo was with Yu Wentian’s eastern frontier army, and everyone else was here.

He opened his mouth and his first sentence was this:

“First of all, I rectify Zhou Tongtong’s name!”

The officials were stunned, Zhou Tongtong? Didn’t he betray His Majesty? Is it acting?

“I apologize to Zhou Tongtong. I misunderstood him, so… I named Zhou Tongtong the Duke of the same country, worthy of enjoying the Ancestral Temple, being buried in the imperial mausoleum, and sleeping with the late emperor!”

The ministers were immediately in an uproar. This was a great honor that they could not ask for in eight lifetimes. Your Majesty actually gave it to Zhou Tongtong… How much contribution did Zhou Tongtong make in this battle?

Fu Xiaoguan was silent for a few breaths, then spoke again, but instead of talking about Zhou Tongtong’s great contribution, he said another sentence that shocked the ministers even more:

“A new situation has been formed, so the old things have to be abandoned. I am determined that the country will be called Xia, Daxia!”

Holy shit!

Yun Xiyan almost jumped up. Your Majesty even changed the country’s title?

The Wu Dynasty did not destroy the country. The Wu Dynasty became even stronger. How could the name of the country be changed?

The ministers were equally shocked. This was against the rules of etiquette, and it was not the establishment of a new dynasty. Could it be that the five-hundred-year-old Wu Dynasty was gone like this?

But the strange thing is that no minister came out to object. Nangong Yiyu and Meng Changping knew about this, and the other ministers calmed down again after the uproar.

His Majesty has always acted mysteriously, but in the end he was proved right. As for the intention of changing the country’s name, no one except a few people noticed it.

Gongsun Ce is one of these few people.

He thought carefully with a slight frown: the Huang country is gone, the Yi country is gone, the Fan country is gone, and the Yu Dynasty is gone.

The Wu Dynasty wiped out them all. In the hearts of these people, the Wu Dynasty was their common enemy!

The next step is to govern these countries. If the subjects under the rule regard the ruler as the enemy, this will not be easy to govern. If it is not done well, the rebellion will reappear and the situation will be full of chaos.

Fu Xiaoguan directly changed the Wu Dynasty to Daxia. Although Daxia was the Wu Dynasty, it would be easier to accept in the hearts of the people who destroyed the country.

After all, this is Daxia, it is no longer the Wu Dynasty, and the Wu Dynasty is gone. I am afraid their hearts will be more balanced.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Ce was relieved and felt that this was simply a stroke of genius.

Then, Fu Xiaoguan said: “Daxia is newly established, and next year will be the first year of Daxia. The organizational arrangements of Daxia are as follows:”

“Guanyun City is the capital of Daxia, and Jinling is the companion capital of Daxia. The organization of Guanyun City remains unchanged, and Jinling City has six ministries, which have equal rights with the six ministries of Guanyun City and are responsible to the three provinces.”

“In terms of administrative planning, Liu Jin, take the map.”

Liu Jin led two eunuchs to bring a huge map and hung it on the beam in the center of the Golden Palace.

“Daxia has an autonomous region and seventeen roads. All the roads that were once will be re-divided, as shown in the figure…”

Fu Xiaoguan explained in detail the new seventeen roads, among which the Yi Kingdom was divided into the East and West Roads of Jingdong, the East Road of Jingdong, the East Road of Hebei, and the West Road of Hebei.

The Yu Dynasty was divided into North and South Beijing Road, South Beijing Road, West Huainan Road, East Huainan Road, and Jiangnan Road.

Fan State was divided into Dali South Road, Dali North Road, Yueshan South Road and Yueshan North Road.

The original Wu Dynasty was divided into Guangnan East Road, Guangnan West Road, Mozhou Road and Beixiao Road

These newly named roads intersect with the roads of the Yu Dynasty and the states of the Wu Dynasty, covering a completely new territory today.

Fu Xiaoguan did not propose moving the capital at this meeting. Now is not the time.

He then elaborated on the states under each state and the counties under each state.

This lecture lasted two hours, and the ministers could not remember it completely, but what Fu Xiaoguan needed was to have an impression in their minds. This brand-new map and administrative plan will be conveyed from the three provinces to the county level. You will quickly become familiar with the unit.

“The appointments of officials in each province, state and county are as follows:

Qin Mowen… This person was originally the Daotai of the Guanxi Dao in the Yu Dynasty, but now he is the Daotai of the Northwestern Dao of Beijing.

Ning Yuchun was appointed as Daotai of the southwestern part of Beijing.

Yan Xiwen was appointed as the Daotai of Jiangnan Road.

Zhuo Liuyun was appointed as the Daotai of Huainan West Road.

Zong Shiji was appointed as the Daotai of Huainan East Road.

Gongsun Ce was appointed as the Daotai of Dali North Road


This is a long appointment letter. From Daotai to the magistrate, Fu Xiaoguan took another full hour to announce it. Some people were happy and some were sad.

When new officials take office, it means that many officials have to step down.

Fu Xiaoguan arranged for the eliminated officials to return to Beijing to report on their duties, and ordered the Ministry of Personnel to re-evaluate and make decisions.

He does not have time to select one by one now. He can only appoint capable officials he is familiar with. What he wants is to stabilize this new territory in the shortest possible time.

Cut the mess with a sharp knife to avoid accidental injuries.

In this appointment letter, there is one of the strangest positions – Governor. His power is higher than that of Taoism. The former Fan State established Changjin City as the Governor’s Mansion, and the first Governor Fan Tianning!

The former Five Taoists of the Yu Dynasty set up the Governor’s Mansion in Jinling, and the first governor was Yan Shidao.

The former four provinces of Yi State set up a governor’s palace in Tailin City, and the first governor was concurrently served by Zhongshu Lingzhuo and his party.

Daotai and subordinate officials are directly responsible to the Governor-General’s Office, and also have the right to report to the central court.

This involves an issue: the intersection of power! This was abnormal, but Fu Xiaoguan didn’t explain it.

It was noon in a blink of an eye. Fu Xiaoguan adjourned the meeting and ordered Liu Jin to bring the people from the imperial kitchen to deliver meals.


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