The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 957: Daxia

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On the 18th day of April in the third year of Tiande, there was a great meeting.

On this day, Yun Xiyan got up earlier than ever.

He took a shower and changed clothes, carefully arranging his court clothes in front of the makeup mirror, and then sat alone in the courtyard, lighting a dim lantern, and brewing a pot of tea in his spare time.

This is the three-entry courtyard he bought, and he is the only one in it.

It was very deserted, but he never felt it.

There was a knock on the door, and Yun Xiyan opened the door and brought in Zong Shiji and Gongsun Ce.

This is the beginning of the Yin period. I think there were too many people sleepless last night.

The three of them sat around the stone table, and Gongsun Ce smiled and said, “It’s time for you to get a wife.”

Yun Xiyan poured tea and said with a smile: “Don’t talk about me, what about yourself?”

“Don’t worry, I’m afraid there won’t be time for a blind date and a wife.”

“Yes, but in a year and a half at most, when all parties are calmed down, life will become stable… I am afraid that Your Majesty will make big moves at today’s court meeting. I thought about it all night last night, and it was nothing more than the past The country of Yi and the country of Fan.”

After a pause, Yun Xiyan said again: “Your Majesty had many old friends in the previous Yu Dynasty. He himself had a profound influence in the Yu Dynasty. The Yu Dynasty must have been the first to stabilize. It was these other two places that I didn’t know Your Majesty would do. How to take care of it.”

Zong Shiji took a sip of tea and asked, “Will you adopt Chilechuan’s method?”

Yun Xiyan thought for a while and shook his head, “Didn’t His Majesty say that the administrative regions will be re-divided? I guess that these three countries will be included in the Wu Dynasty’s new way…or simply re-divided. So today’s court meeting will definitely last a long time. To drink two cups of tea, we have to go to Xinglinji to eat some more steamed buns.”

“Hahahaha, what you said makes sense, after all, the imperial meeting has not been held for a long time.”

Gongsun Ce sighed, “I came from Wofeng Road, and now Wofeng Road belongs to His Majesty again. I wanted to go back to Wofeng Road, but His Majesty gave me a slap in the face… Talking about Wofeng Road What the **** are you doing? Your Majesty will send me to Yi or Fan, hey…”

“You are sighing, do you know how many ministers in the court are staring at these two places? This is at least a platform for you to go out! A high official in the border area! No better than you, a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs?”

“Let me give you another analysis. Your Majesty is about the same age as us. Think about it, if you go out for a few years and then come back… The boss of the three provinces should not think about it for the time being. Will the six ministers be stable?”

Gongsun Ce was startled. Is there still such a bright future?

“So…a good thing?”

“What a great thing! I still want to go out. Speaking of which, although the Minister of Commerce is a third-rank official, the ceiling is so high. Daotai is also a third-rank official. But there is a chance for people to climb higher!”

Gongsun Ce laughed and said, “Let’s go, I’ll treat you to breakfast today.”

“How can this be done? If you are really being used as a platform, you need to hold a banquet in Sifang Building and book a room in Liuyun Building at night!”



Fu Xiaoguan put on the dragon robe under Chunxiu’s service.

This thing is brand new, but things are really grand today, and he is rare and behaves at the mercy of Chunxiu.

“Mr. Gong,”


“…You must not have any resentment towards the Queen.”

Fu Xiaoguan was startled, “I don’t have any resentment towards Yun, what’s wrong?”

“When the queen left yesterday…the circles under her eyes were swollen. She, she was hit too hard, so Concubine Lan and Concubine Yan thought about it and followed her back. Concubine Hua Zhang Pei’er said, You may have been too busy these days to care about the Queen’s feelings. Just don’t resent him.”

Fu Xiaoguan sighed in his heart. He really didn’t have time these days and didn’t think about this problem. It was because he was negligent.

He held Chunxiu’s hand, looked into Chunxiu’s eyes, and said very seriously: “Your husband-in-law will always be that husband-in-law, and I will not change anything. No matter how big this country becomes, No matter how high my achievements are, in my heart, none of these are as important as any of you!”

Chunxiu was suddenly startled. She looked at Fu Xiaoguan infatuatedly, the man she had served since childhood.

She was worried at first. This man was getting busier and busier. He opened up new territories and built a huge empire. Sima Che said that this was just like doing business. The stall was getting bigger and bigger, and the man at the helm A person will become busier and busier, and there will even be more women around him.

Sima Che said that she was very worried, worried that he would be blinded by this great achievement.

Zhang Pei’er said that she was very worried. She was worried that he would eventually find a new love and forget about the old love as he gets older.

On the other hand, Xu Xinyan, Su Su, and Wu Ling’er remained calm, but there seemed to be a hint of uneasiness in their calmness.

They said that Prime Minister has created a great situation that has never happened in thousands of years. The five countries on this continent have become one in his hands, and he will become an emperor forever!

One emperor through the ages, this word brought great pressure to Chunxiu.

Because from the beginning to the end, in Chunxiu’s heart, there was no difference between her husband and the small landowner in Linjiang, except that he had more fields.

But now my father-in-law’s fields suddenly became so terrifying… Chunxiu began to feel afraid.

At this time, hearing what her husband said, her heart gradually relaxed and stabilized, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

“With your words, that’s enough for us. You are a man, and men have to take responsibility. Go ahead and we will take good care of this harem.”

Fu Xiaoguan held Chunxiu’s face and took a sip, “Tell them, my husband is really busy, and it seems that he will be busy for a long time now. But my husband promised you that he will take you to travel around the whole country. World, you will do it, don’t be anxious, let alone think too much!”


Chunxiu watched Fu Xiaoguan’s back disappear into the night, and her heart felt as sweet as honey – he was still the young master from Linjiang, which was really great.

Jia Nanxing has not yet recovered from his injuries, and waiting outside the Yangxin Hall is Liu Jin.

“Your Majesty, breakfast has been prepared. May I ask if your Majesty will send it to the imperial study?”

“Okay…wait a minute, Liu Jin,”

“The slave is here.”

“Forget it, let’s go.”

Liu Jin was startled for a moment. Fu Xiaoguan had already boarded the sedan, and the sedan headed towards the imperial study. What Liu Jin didn’t know was that at this moment he had lost a huge power——

Zhou Tongtong committed suicide, leaving the imperial staff without a leader. Fu Xiaoguan liked Liu Jin’s performance these days, and he almost appointed Liu Jin as the master of Tianji Pavilion!

Tianji Pavilion and Imperial Officials Station should be separated. One is for covert investigation and the other is for open visit. They are both extremely important institutions of the country.

Fu Xiaoguan had breakfast in the imperial study room. He sorted out the pile of papers in front of him again and took a sedan chair to the Xuande Hall.

The ministers of Xuande Hall have arrived, and they are all looking forward to his arrival.


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