The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 592: The frightened bird

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Yu Wenshu, who was in Yunlai County, felt his eyes twitching today.

These days, he has been disturbed by the announcement. Could it be that another disaster has happened?

No, we can’t leave Yunlai County!

He has made up his mind, isn’t it just to match a woman? Anyway, I don’t have a woman now, so I’m just waiting to be assigned one. I got those fields in Yunlai County, and I can live with peace of mind for a while and wait for the news to pass before I think about it.

As for farming… I really don’t know how to do it, and I won’t be able to farm in this life. I’ll think of a solution then.

It’s time to go into the mountains. Today, a team of hunters went to Yunshan for hunting. Let’s follow them to get familiar with the terrain. From now on, I will work alone. With this first-class skill, hunting forest musk deer is not an easy task.

Yu Wenshu put on a green cotton-padded jacket, wore a snowstorm hat, put his sword on his back, left the inn, and went to Sihai Restaurant – a place where hunters and merchants like to gather.



April 15th, the tenth year of the Xuan calendar.

Yu Le, who has been hiding in Lengyan Valley for nearly twenty days, can’t sit still.

None of the people sent out to look for the fourth prince Yu Wenshu came back with good news. Where did this royal brother die?

He walked anxiously in the commander’s tent. It was not an option to wait like this. He didn’t bring much food and grass. Today, the cooking soldiers came to report that the remaining food had bottomed out and could last for two days at most… This was not eaten. The soldiers must not do it. In this barren mountainous place, there is no way to grab some food. It is impossible to make a living by hunting.

The accompanying military advisor Kong Lingyu frowned slightly and spoke: “Your Highness, the army leaves the Cold Smoke Valley and goes to the next populated market town, the nearest is Huangyangji. This requires at least six days of travel. Now our army only has two rations left. In fact, our army cannot reach Huangyangji on the 1st, so…”

Yu Le was irritated and stopped now, “If you fart, let it go!”

Kong Lingyu’s heart sank, “Hui Shizi, we have to send out the army to hunt. At least we must raise enough rations for the army to arrive at Huangyangji.”

What the hell!

Yu Le bit her lip and waved her hand impatiently, “Go, go, I brought my troops all the way here. I’m here to kill! I’m here to kill Fu Xiaoguan! But now… I’m going hunting… Is Fu Xiaoguan really gone?”

Kong Lingyu bowed and replied: “Hunting is a last resort now, and Fu Xiaoguan may have walked out of the Jinniu Ancient Road and entered Shaanzhou.”

Yu took a deep breath and waved his hand. Kong Lingyu turned around and retreated, but was bounced back by a sergeant with a “bang!” and sat down on the ground, dizzy.

“Repay…His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!”

The messenger was startled, “Ah, Master Military Advisor, I was so impatient that I didn’t see the end…” He hurriedly walked over and helped Kong Lingyu up from the ground.

Yu Le looked at the messenger, “What are you reporting?”

“Ah, His Highness Prince Bao, found the fourth prince in Yunlai County.”

“What?” Yu Le was surprised, but felt happy, “Yunlai County?” He walked back to Shuai An, bent down and looked at the map… Damn it, it’s a bit far.

“Why did he go to Yunlai County?”

“This…the spy’s news said that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince was hunting in Yunlai County.”


Hitting your sister!

Yu Le is a little angry now. I am waiting for you here, but you went to Yunlai County to hunt. Why do you always have trouble with hunting today?

My troops are also going hunting. Is there nothing to eat?

Looking back, he was immediately relieved. The fourth prince was now the target of a sea arrest. He would definitely not dare to show his face, and there would definitely be no money left in his pocket. Yunlai County was remote, and he could only live here to hunt. Make a living.

“Why didn’t you bring the fourth prince back?”

“Returning to His Royal Highness, the Fourth Prince…does not recognize him.”

“What does it mean to deny it?”

“He said we had the wrong person.”


A frightened bird, Yu Le opened his mouth slightly. The fourth prince is now like a lost dog. The spies he sent out don’t have any tokens. Of course, if he doesn’t recognize him, he won’t dare to recognize him. Then what will I do here if he doesn’t come back? ?

He broke his troops into pieces and went to Yunlai County to find him?

The journey to Yunlai County is about 300 miles, mainly through the 150-mile plank road around Langtian. This will take several days, and it will take at least ten days to reach Yunlai County.

To go or not to go?

Just when Yu Le was hesitant, another captain ran in,

“Reporting to His Majesty the Crown Prince, there was a **** battle in Huangyangji, and more than 3,000 people died.”

Yu Le frowned, “Civilian?”

“No, the deceased is said to have stayed in Huangyangji for more than a month, and the murderer was the 3,000-strong army that arrived at Huangyangji on April 12th. According to the spies, it is most likely the Divine Sword Army!”

Yu Le was shocked, Divine Sword Army?

When Kong Lingyu heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

“What is the current trend of this army?”

“Back to Master Military Advisor, this army entered Tianque Mountain from Huanlangtian.”

“Have you never been on the plank road?”

“This…it’s really not true, they all entered Tianque Mountain.”

Kong Lingyu frowned and came to the map. He took a closer look, what did the Divine Sword Army want to do?

There is a Luanyun Stream that is difficult for birds to cross between Tianque Mountain and Wenshan Mountain. It is definitely impossible for them to cross the Luanyun Stream and reach Wenshan Mountain.

“What are they doing?” Kong Lingyu was confused.

Yu Le couldn’t understand it even more. He thought about it and suddenly smiled: “They must be out of food and hunting! Yes, they must be hunting in Tianque Mountain.”

Kong Lingyu always felt that it was not that simple, but he couldn’t think of a reason why.

“Since they killed three thousand people in Huangyangji, how come they are short of food rations?”

“Then tell me what they are going to do?”

Kong Lingyu couldn’t tell. He stroked his beard, frowned, and stared at the map. After being silent for a long time, he said, “His Royal Highness, we have to send scouts to take a look at Luanyun Stream.”

Yu Le was startled, “Do you really think that the Divine Sword Army has wings? Besides, I have a hundred thousand black-clad guards and the defenses are tight. Three thousand of the Divine Sword Army have entered this mountain. Let’s wait for work. Even a hundred thousand pigs can kill three thousand people, right? What are you afraid of? Do you really think they are invulnerable when they are so scared? Go and hunt the soldiers!”

Kong Lingyu was scolded by Yu Le and walked out of the handsome tent silently, feeling that Yu Le’s words made sense.

An army of one hundred thousand, or the most elite black-clothed guards. If three thousand Divine Sword Army were thrown into this army of one hundred thousand, one person would probably drown them all with his spit.

Why do I always feel a little panicked?


Yu Wenshu was also a little panicked at this moment.

He walked with the Orion team on Yunshan Mountain, thinking that what the man said today may be true, but that is not important. What is important is that someone has found him.

Will anyone find him again?

Just as he was thinking, a piercing sword light suddenly came!


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