The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 591: Bloodbath Boxwood Collection

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April 12, the tenth year of the Xuan calendar.

Fu Xiaoguan and his party set out for Baocheng County, and the Third Sword Brigade led by Su Mo arrived at Huangyangji.

Elder brother Su Jue wandered around Wenshan for two days, found the main force of Yu Le, and figured out the appropriate defenses of Yu Le’s unit, and returned to Huangyangji.

“Yu Le has gathered 100,000 black-clad guards in Wenshan. The ones hiding in Wenshan…” Su Jue carefully looked at the map of Jiannan East Road, “hiding here, in the Cold Smoke Valley, with various arrangements in the mountains and fields on both sides. There are six secret posts and ten patrol guards, each with about a hundred people. Their patrol route is around the mountainside on both sides of the Cold Smoke Valley, with intervals of one hour.”

He paused, clicked on the map with his finger, and then said: “After leaving Huangyangji, we enter Minshan Mountain. There is room for two horses and carriages to travel side by side for more than a hundred miles. When we reach Huanlangtian, the road is No more, ahead is the famous Minshan Plank Road, which is only more than three feet wide and is built on a cliff with a bottomless abyss below. ”

“The total length of the Minshan Plank Road around Langtian is approximately 150 miles. When you get here… the Full Moon Bridge is another relatively wide dirt road. Going straight from the Full Moon Bridge leads to Wenshui, and on the left Chuan means entering Wenshan.

About thirty miles into the mountain is the Cold Smoke Valley. I suspect that there are Yu Le’s scouts at Huanlangtian, Manyueqiao and even at Huangyangji, so we are basically exposed now. ”

Su Mo listened very carefully, and he didn’t take the matter of exposure to heart. After all, with a team of nearly 3,000 people, the enemy would eventually notice it as long as they were intentional.

“Can we cross Tianque Mountain from Huanlangtian and directly insert into the west of Wenshan Mountain?”

“…It’s a bit difficult,” Su Jue frowned and pondered for a moment, “Between Tianque Mountain and Wen Mountain, there is Luanyun Stream, which is a hundred feet wide. Unless a rope can be pulled over to let them slide across.”

“Senior Brother, there is a rope, and they can slide over it, but… can you fly over it?”

Su Jue adjusted his official hat and looked at Su Mo with a serious face, “Eighth Junior Brother, you, Senior Brother, and I are the Holy Orders!”

“…” Su Mo suddenly laughed, “Then let’s all rest and set off in an hour!”

“Wait a moment.”

“What else can I do, Senior Brother?”

“There are a group of mice in this boxwood collection.”



There is another army in Huangyangji.

They were the personal guards of the fourth prince Yu Wenshu, and they were also three thousand people. They did not gather in one place, but were scattered in various inns in Huangyangji, causing the inns in Huangyangji to be full.

The leader of this bodyguard is named Pan Yuelou, who was the captain of the guard when Yu Wenshu went to the capital. After Yu Wenshu granted him the title of Prince Jin, he naturally followed Yu Wenshu to Xirong.

At this moment, he is in the Mingyue Inn, and there are two of his lieutenants in the room.

The expressions of the three of them were extremely serious, and the atmosphere here seemed a bit desolate.

“The general’s entire army has been wiped out, and His Highness’ life or death is uncertain. I dare to ask the general, are we going or staying now?” Vice General Zuo asked with his hands raised.

“General, here are the 3rd Excalibur Brigade. They must be going into Minshan to wipe out the Moon Worship Sect. General, I think… the situation is over, why don’t we go our separate ways?” The right deputy general also said this with his hands in hand.

Pan Yuelou looked out the window. There were many boxwood trees outside the window. The boxwood trees had already bloomed, which was not beautiful.

“The people sent out still haven’t received any news from His Highness?”

“Go back to the general and send out ten scouts, from Qipanguan to Jianmen and then to Jiannan Road. There is no news of His Highness yet.”

“General, at that time His Highness was guarding Qipanguan, and Peng Yuyan led 3,000 people to capture Qipanguan. Your Highness…will they be caught?”

Pan Yuelou frowned and shook his head, “I have never heard that they escorted His Highness back to the capital, so His Highness must not have been caught. I have also never heard them say that they killed His Highness, so His Highness must be alive now. ! It’s just because of His Highness’s sin… He is afraid that his life will be a little difficult.”

Pan Yuelou turned around and looked at his two lieutenants majestically, “Send out scouts again, paying special attention to wanderers in various places, and also pay special attention to searching in remote places. Remember, we and His Highness Like a grasshopper on a rope, both prosper and lose.

Don’t have any second thoughts, unless… His Highness dies! ”

“I will obey my orders!”

The two lieutenants withdrew, and Pan Yuelou frowned deeply.

The Divine Sword Army entered Minshan… Only one guy in this old nest was taken away by the Divine Sword Army. Even if His Highness is alive, where else can he go?

Just when he was uneasy, he suddenly heard a cry from downstairs. His heart tightened suddenly, and he grabbed the long knife beside him, and then heard a “bang…!” The door of the room was knocked open, and he didn’t hesitate at all. He struck at the door with a knife. With a click, his knife cut the flying man in two, but he suddenly frowned – this knife, beheaded. It’s his left lieutenant!

At this moment, another body flew over. He took a closer look, raised his knife to the side of his body, and struck towards the door again.


His knife smashed the door, and the shattered door crumbs flew. Then he saw a person walking among the flying door crumbs.

This man wore a tall hat and had a hideous scar on his face. The man was two feet away. Before he could retract his knife, the man was already in front of him. Then he saw the man stretch out a hand, with only one finger on his hand.

The finger fell on his chest, and he suddenly felt a huge force, hitting his chest like a hammer. His body suddenly retreated, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and broke The wall of this inn floats towards the boxwood forest outside the wall.

The entire Huangyang Ji was boiling at this moment.

The tragic wailing resounded through the sky, and many people in many inns ran away with their heads in their hands. The proprietress of Mingyue Inn opened her mouth wide, her eyes widened, and she forgot to breathe.

She saw a group of people rushing in, and then saw a group of people trying to rush out. Their bodies were still running desperately, but their heads were flying in the air.

Blood was spread all over the floor and painted on the wall!

The person who came was killed silently, and as soon as he raised the knife and dropped it, there were corpses on the ground.

Then they withdrew and stood on the street of Huangyangji.

Then the landlady saw the same story happening in the inn opposite.

God **** it, where did this strong thief come from? So fierce!

The boxwoods gathered like chickens and dogs, and the wailing sounds gradually faded away, but the smell of blood filled the air.

There were strong men fighting in the sky, the swords were sharp and full of intent, and then there was a “bang…” gunshot, and a man with a death stare fell from the sky.

After that, there were several more gunshots, and the gunshots echoed, and Huangyangji gradually became quiet.

In just one stick of incense, Yu Wenshu’s three thousand personal guards and twelve masters, except for the scouts sent out, none of them survived.

On the street, nearly three thousand Xiaosha soldiers stood in awe.

Their knives were still dripping with blood, as if they had just slaughtered a few chickens.

The boss lady swallowed and quickly looked away, feeling that the murderous aura in those people was sharper than the blade of a knife!


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