The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 590: People’s livelihood

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The sky is filled with frost as the moon sets and crows cry.

The hunters carried their own meat and said goodbye to Fu Xiaoguan happily. After half a cup of tea, the yard of Wei Changzheng’s house finally became quiet.

Ms. Wei Li was very nervous. She went to clean up the east wing, put on a new sheet, and after thinking about it, she put on another layer of fox fur.

Wei Changzheng raised a bonfire in the middle of the yard. A large dark jar was hung on the bonfire, which contained bear bones and medicinal materials picked from the Jiwei Mountain.

There are several iron racks placed next to the jar. Bear meat is placed on one side of the iron racks, and wild boar meat is placed on the other side.

He was still a little nervous. The biggest official who had ever been in his family was just the magistrate of Baocheng County, but now there was a real lord sitting there!

My uneasy heart has never calmed down. I am afraid that if I accidentally make this lord unhappy, a bad mistake will cause a huge disaster.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the table under the lamp with the corner of his eye. Fortunately, Sir Fu and Zong Shiji were chatting and laughing, and they didn’t seem to mind the mess in the yard, nor did they I hate that the tea is not easy to drink.

When the aroma of meat came, Wei Changzheng invited Fu Xiaoguan and others to sit around the campfire. He carefully cut the meat and handed it over respectfully.

Fu Xiaoguan devoured this meal to his heart’s content, and Wei Changzheng’s hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

“How many people are there in this Wei’s shop?”

“Back to Sir, there are only more than 1,200 people now.”

“Are they all from Orion family?”

“That’s not true, there are about a hundred families farming.”

“How much farmland does each family have? How is the harvest?”

“Each of these hundreds of households has more than 60 acres of farmland. As for the harvest…the land here is relatively poor, and it is under the Qinling Mountains. The sunshine time is short and the climate temperature difference is large, so the crops can only grow After planting for one season, the remaining income is enough to make a living.”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded slightly. He talked a lot with Wei Changzheng that night, and then he learned that even in Wei’s shop, more than a dozen families had moved thousands of miles to Wofeng Road.

I don’t know how Gongsun Ce, Shang Liang and Ma Xingkong arranged things on Wofeng Road.

The rest of the journey must be accelerated. The encore on the third day of May must be held as scheduled. Officials at all levels must be selected and sent to Wo Feng Road to establish order first.

According to the time calculation, Wang Er should also have arrived at Wofengyuan with some villagers from the lower village, and it was time for Fu Sandai’s seeds to be planted.

Wang Qiang should have also arrived in Pingling County, Quyi with some villagers, and the sweet potato seedlings should have been completed by this time.

After two or three years of cultivating these sweet potatoes, they will be able to be widely promoted nationwide, and the food problem of the Yu Dynasty will almost be solved.

After the food problem is solved, if we want the people to become rich now, it is not enough to just go to work in the workshops. We must develop a small farmer economy, plant mulberry and raise silkworms, raise poultry, and encourage people to boldly start their own businesses.

The other aspect has to go to the township level to encourage the gentry to set up township enterprises, or… build a Huaxi Village on Wo Feng Road?

Of course, the industry in this Huaxi Village must be based on local characteristic resources, and on this basis, special products can be developed, and high-quality industries that can achieve healthy and sustainable development.

It really is a long road!

That night, Fu Xiaoguan didn’t sleep well, with too many things on his mind.

He had a clue about these things and had to implement them step by step.

Taking Wofeng Road as a point to drive the entire Yu Dynasty.

It took two years to build Wofeng Road into the Yu Dynasty Special Economic Zone, and then organized officials at all levels to study systematically. We also had to send Wofeng Road officials to poverty alleviation areas.

The fat man is now the emperor of the Wu Dynasty, and presumably he will send officials from the Wu Dynasty to learn from it.

The two countries are separated by a strip of water and a mountain. In the future, there will be frequent exchanges of military culture and commodities.

When goods become abundant, international trade will inevitably open up, and the entire world competition pattern will be formed. Standardize trade rules and let all participating countries fight on the battlefield without smoke.

It may be brutal, but only such competition can promote the upgrading of industry and the progress of civilization.



Early the next morning, after Fu Xiaoguan and others had breakfast, they went to a wasteland in the suburbs under the leadership of Wei Changzheng.

It is spring, and in the fields that should be growing green wheat seedlings, three-foot-tall wild wormwood grows crazily, and some unknown wild flowers dot it. If a literati sees this, they may think that this is pastoral beauty, but Fu Xiaoguan Looking at it, my heart aches.


The initial population statistics of the Yu Dynasty were 98 million, less than 100 million!

Population is a country’s greatest wealth, so the Yi Kingdom set aside Wofengyuan but had to move away the indigenous people for this reason.

To encourage childbirth, we must first solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Then Fu Xiaoguan thought of another problem-the survival rate of babies!

The medical conditions in this era were extremely low. In a small market town like Weijiapu, there was only one barefoot doctor. It might not be a problem to treat a minor ailment, but a slightly more serious illness would basically be a dead horse. As a live horse doctor, as for delivering babies…this is just letting fate happen!

Don’t say that these common people are just the nobles in the palace giving birth, and they are also passing through the gate of hell.

This is because the word surgery is currently limited to the treatment of trauma.

So we have to open a medical school…!

Fu Xiaoguan put away his wandering thoughts, pulled out his dagger, squatted on the ground, pried a piece of soil, and squeezed it in his hand. It was sandy soil. There was no problem in planting sweet potatoes in such soil. The harvest of wheat and corn would not be high. The soil quality of rice was No, it cannot retain water unless the soil is improved.

He clapped his hands and stood up, looked up and looked around. Everywhere he looked was wasteland. It was a pity that such a good place had beautiful scenery, but it couldn’t attract people.

Wei Changzheng kept looking at Fu Xiaoguan. He didn’t understand what Fu Xiaoguan was doing. He just felt that Sir Fu at this time really didn’t look like a prince at all.

He seems to know a lot about farming. By the way, he was once a small landowner in Linjiang.

But will the children of landlords know how to farm?

Wei Changzheng didn’t know, but He Sandao knew. He was also a small landowner. Not to mention farming, he didn’t even know what crops to plant in which seasons.

He likes to go to Cuihonglou when farming, but as for the real fields… go there!

So He Sandao looked at Fu Xiaoguan with a strange expression——

This educated little landowner, no matter whether he can farm or not, at least he has good posture. Look at the casual tilt of the small dagger, and look at the affectionate way his hands pinch the soil.

This looks like a friendly person, so if you want to be successful in acting, you need to have real skills.

He Sandao feels that this lord is really a master!

Whether it’s fighting or acting.


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