The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 589: Master Fu is here!

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Yu Wenshu was startled. He looked around and saw that he was wearing white clothes.

“As for you, I see that you are quite old. Are you married? If not, the county will hold a county-wide matching event for unmarried men and women on the fifth day of May. Remember to come and participate. Otherwise, You have to work as a corvee to build roads!”

Yu Wenshu was startled, what is this…?

The imperial court does not have such a policy. What the county magistrate did is ridiculous. Where in the world is there any such thing as pairing men and women?

“The same goes for you…” The master spoke again, “If there are unmarried girls over the age of fifteen in the family, if they are not married before the fifth day of May, they must also participate in the matching event.”

“At that time, pairs will be matched by drawing lots. Once the pairing is completed, no matter which party, it cannot be changed or violated. They must get married within half a month. Anyone who violates the order will serve in corvee for two years!”

“Don’t try to escape. Those who have a household registration in the county, have an evader in their family, the head of the household has served as a corvee for two years, and migrant workers are welcome to settle in Yunlai County. If they do not have a household registration, they will be dealt with as registered in the county.”


Yu Wenshu was in bad shape. He had no household registration!

The Yu Dynasty’s management of household registration was extremely lax, unlike the Yi State. It is said that the Yi State required household registration and road guidance to travel far.

I just want to find a more remote place to hide, why did such a ridiculous thing happen in this poor place?

What to do now?

To go or not to go?

Yu Wenshu felt extremely melancholy. He turned around and left, returning to the inn, still unable to make up his mind.



It took Fu Xiaoguan and his party a full thirteen days to finally walk out of the Jinniu Ancient Road and arrived at Weijiapu on the evening of April 11th.

There is no official post office or inn here, so Wei Xianghan enthusiastically invited Fu Xiaoguan and others to her home.

At this time, Wei Changzheng’s family was full of joy. The Orion team happened to be back this afternoon and had a great harvest. Almost all the Orion family members were here, waiting to share the meat.

Wei Xianghan excitedly led a group of people to his home. Sir Fu chatted with the idiot quite well. It seemed that the idiot had some real talent. He was very reserved at first. In the next few days, he became more open-minded.

Master Fu is also an interesting person. He is such a big official, so talented, but he has no airs. He seems to be less majestic than the idiot father, and makes people get close to him naturally. Such a person is really among the people. Dragon and Phoenix, no wonder he can become such a big official.

Today I took Sir Fu to rest at my home, but there was smoke rising from the ancestral graves at my home!

My brother has now gone to Lord Fu’s Divine Sword Army. The news that Lord Fu stayed at his house for a night will spread to Baocheng tomorrow. The idiot dad will definitely hear it. I will join his house in the future. door, but no one dares to call me a wild girl anymore!

Wei Xianghan was very excited. When they walked to the entrance of the courtyard, they were stunned… The courtyard was full of people!

This must be to divide the prey, just in time, let these people see Sir Fu’s appearance, let them all know that Sir Fu is staying at my house tonight!

“Uncles and aunties, please give way, Sir Fu is here!”

Wei Xianghan shouted at the top of his lungs like he was offering a treasure, immediately covering up the lively sounds inside. It became silent for a moment, and all the hunters who were dividing the meat straightened up——


Is Sir Fu here?

Wei Changzheng was startled, and he quickly looked outside. Everyone was looking outside at this moment, and unconsciously made way for them.

Fu Xiaoguan stepped into the threshold of Wei Changzheng’s yard with a smile. The knife in Wei Changzheng’s hand fell to the ground with a clang.

He went to the Jinniu Ancient Road to deliver food. He had met Sir Fu with his own eyes. He thought it would be a great honor to meet Sir Fu in this life. When he came back, everyone in Weijiapu said that envious.

Now my daughter has actually brought Sir Fu home… What an honor this is!

“Why, I don’t recognize you.”

As Fu Xiaoguan said, he stepped forward and walked inside. Wei Changzheng finally came to his senses and hurriedly put away the knives of several hunters and threw them on the ground. “You villain, I’m so flattered!”

After saying this, Wei Changzheng knelt down with a “pop” sound. The others waited to see, yes, Sir, you are not allowed to kneel down!

As a result, a group of people fell to their knees.

Fu Xiaoguan was startled, and quickly stepped forward to help Wei Changzheng up, “Please get up, everyone, please get up… No, do you still need me to help you one by one?”

“I’m just a small landowner. I don’t have so many rules. Don’t do this. What should you do…is this a bear?”

Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes fell on a prey in the middle. The prey had been skinned and disemboweled. Wei Changzheng said quickly: “Sir, this is a bear, a black bear.”

Fu Xiaoguan was overjoyed and said to the others: “Get up, everyone, leave a pair of these bear paws for me. You can continue to do whatever you are supposed to do.”

When these hunters and women heard this, they immediately became happy. They stood up slowly and looked at Fu Xiaoguan with joyful expressions – such a handsome man, such a big official, seemed… quite easy-going.

“I said, these bear paws are given to me without any money.” Fu Xiaoguan said this again, which immediately caused a group of people to laugh, “Don’t say bear paws, just give the whole bear.” It’s appropriate to give it to Sir Alex, this is our blessing.”

Fu Xiaoguan waved his hands repeatedly, “If you can’t carry it, you continue to divide it. Don’t think I exist, I will just take a look.”

The smell of blood was so strong that blood foam flowed all over the floor, but Sir Fu’s shoes were not dirty.

Wei Changzheng said to Wei Xianghan: “Take the lord and other distinguished guests to sit aside first, make a pot of tea, and get the rock tea I picked last winter.”

As he said that, he turned around and said to Fu Xiaoguan in a casual way: “Sir, this is a slight on you.”

“That’s not right. I delayed you. Okay, let’s go sit next to each other and eat meat at your house tonight!”

“Okay, let’s have barbecue tonight!”

The meat continues to be divided, but these hunters have no intention of dividing the meat.

Master Fu!

That is a rarer existence than a blind bear!

I was lucky enough to meet him tonight, but I don’t know if I will ever be so lucky again in this life.

Those young women, those children, and those big girls who have not yet left the court, all secretly glanced at Fu Xiaoguan, the more they looked at him, the happier they looked, and the more handsome they looked, as if there was a bright light shining on his head. .

Wei Xianghan made tea with an undisguised expression of satisfaction on her face. Fu Xiaoguan looked at Zong Shiji at this moment, “You said there were many fields outside the Wei’s shop?”

“Exactly, it’s just that it’s not easy to reclaim it now. Many trees have grown.”

“Well…” Fu Xiaoguan nodded slightly, “Take me to see you early tomorrow morning.”

“Why go see those wastelands?”

He Sandao looked at Fu Xiaoguan curiously, feeling that there seemed to be something different about this small Linjiang landowner.

“San Dao, how many words have you learned these days?”

He Sandao wished he could have his ears scratched, for it was true that trouble came from his mouth!


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