The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1240: Military meeting

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Chang’an City, Ministry of War, combat conference room.

Fu Xiaoguan led Wu Tianci here. He looked at the solemn words on the lintel and said to Wu Tianci: “If a country wants to gain a foothold in the world, in addition to having the most advanced technology, In addition to strong economic strength, we also need a strong military that can deter all countries! ”

“Daxia’s army is currently divided into two categories: the army and the navy. In the future… there may be another vital branch, which is the air force.”

Wu Tianci raised his head and asked curiously: “Don’t we already have an air force in Daxia?”

Fu Xiaoguan smiled slightly and touched Wu Tianci’s head. This move made Wu Tianci feel extremely surprised and very kind.

“That is not an air force. The real air force is one that can travel thousands of miles and determine the outcome of a battle.”

“But now our Daxia Air Force has the ability to suppress the enemy. It can be regarded as the prototype of a real air force.”

“Come on, let’s go in. Today I will take you to meet the generals of Daxia Navy.”

Wu Tianci was very excited because he knew how powerful the Daxia army was, and he also knew that his father had once conquered distant territories with such a navy.

He yearns for that place in Lia Continent very much, because now that Lia Continent and Daxia have opened navigation, some people from Lia Continent have come to Daxia, and of course, more people from Daxia have gone to Lia Continent.

There are people from the Leah continent in Chang’an City. I heard that people from the three countries in that place are here. Unfortunately, he has never seen them before. He doesn’t know if the people there have three eyes.

The guard at the door saluted Fu Xiaoguan and Wu Tianci. Wu Tianci was curious for a while because the ministers in the court bowed when they saw him.

The two walked into the combat conference room. There were only a dozen people inside. At this moment, they all stood up and saluted Fu Xiaoguan and Wu Tianci.

Looking at the straight bodies of these people, their serious faces and majestic military uniforms, Wu Tianci suddenly felt that his own blood was surging. He also saluted Zhuo Bieli and others with a military salute, which annoyed Fu Xiaoguan a lot. glanced at him.

“Sit down,” Fu Xiaoguan led Wu Tianci to the stage. The father and son sat down, and Zhuo Bielie and others also sat under the stage.

“Old Bai, let me introduce you all to Tianci.”


Bai Yulian stood up again, “Commander of the First Fleet of the Navy, Zuo Mu!”

Zuo Mu quickly stood up and raised his hand in salute to the stage.

“Chief of Staff of the First Fleet of the Navy, Fang Chaoyang!”

“Commander of the Second Fleet of the Navy, Peng Lang, Chief of Staff of the Second Fleet Duan Qifeng!”

“Commander Zhongshan of the Third Fleet of the Navy, and Chang Yuxin, Chief of Staff of the Third Fleet!”

“Zhao Zhilian, Commander of the Fourth Fleet of the Navy, Sun Xiaohui, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Fleet!”

“Xia Donglai, Commander of the Fifth Fleet of the Navy, and Zhou Changchun, Chief of Staff of the Fifth Fleet!”

“Commander Bi Linqiu of the Sixth Fleet of the Navy, and Wu Xice, Chief of Staff of the Sixth Fleet!”

“Navy Admiral Bai Yulian, report completed!”

Thirteen men in sky blue navy uniforms stood upright, their faces were dark, and their hair was different from most people in Daxia – they did not have long hair, their hair was very short , but seemed very energetic.

Now all the armies in Daxia have implemented the order of short hair issued by Fu Xiaoguan. There is a saying in the army that the reform starts from scratch.

The same goes for the soldiers of the Chang’an Garrison in Kyoto. Such actions once caused a huge uproar. Because their bodies and skin were affected by their parents, these people almost shaved their hair…if it weren’t for this order. Fu Xiaoguan’s order, if it weren’t for Fu Xiaoguan’s high prestige among the people of Daxia, those scholars and scholars would probably criticize him verbally and writing.

But this incident passed quickly. The consequence of it was that many students in Daxia imitated these soldiers and lost their long hair, and then they discovered that it was very comfortable.

Looking at the crew cut of the generals in front of him, Wu Tianci touched his head and wondered if he should ask his father for permission to cut off his long hair too?

Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes swept over everyone’s faces one by one, “Please sit down.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Everyone sat down and Fu Xiaoguan said: “I invite you to come to Chang’an. First of all, you train very **** weekdays. The weather in Chang’an in April is good, so you can rest more in Chang’an.”

“Secondly…after we have rested, we will have more important tasks.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. What mission could this soldier have? Of course it’s a war!

Among them, Peng Lang and Shen Chongshan followed the emperor to conquer the Leah continent. This was their prominent asset in the military and made all the other fleet commanders jealous.

What an honor it is to be able to follow the emperor on a personal expedition!

At this moment, everyone looked at their emperor, hoping to get definite news.

“At present, the establishment of the six fleets has been completed, both in terms of the number of ships, rationing, and the soldiers of each fleet.”

“I will give you half a year. I hope that as the supreme leader of the fleet, you can train your fleet to maturity in this half year.”

“Next year…all six of your fleets will go out with me!”

Everyone was overjoyed. They were all men in their thirties, and they were so excited that they couldn’t care less about their image at this time!

“Okay, Your Majesty, don’t worry, the first fleet is guaranteed to be the best in the entire army, and I, Zuomu, will still be the emperor’s personal guard fleet!”

“Commander Zuo, don’t you take me seriously?”

“Don’t think that you two must be number one because you have established a fleet for a long time. My Sixth Fleet will definitely surpass you!”

Fu Xiaoguan smiled and raised his hands and pressed them down, “What are you talking about? This is a combat conference room, not a vegetable market!”

Everyone was quiet for a moment, but each one of them was as unconvinced as a rooster wanting to fight.

“You are also senior generals of Daxia. You rely on your ability and hard training in daily life to fight, and you don’t have a louder voice than anyone else. Look at Zhao Zhilian, Commander Zhao, did he roar? But I believe it. The Fourth Fleet may suddenly emerge.”

“Okay, it’s your business to train the fleet. The other thing I want to talk about is the 7th, 8th and 9th fleets.”

“I have newly appointed a minister of the Ministry of War. You should all have heard of him. His name is Yu Wentian. He used to be the general who guarded Xixia.”

“He has other tasks and is not here today, but I have to tell you that Yu Wentian has been appointed as the Minister of War, and is in charge of naval construction work, including the procurement of naval armaments, the recruitment of naval personnel, etc., which is the main Responsible for logistics.”

“The skeletons of the remaining three fleets of the navy must be selected from your six fleets. Therefore, if your generals are capable, they can recommend them to General Bai Yulian, and he will make a decision. Report to the Ministry of War.”

“The warships of these three fleets are still under construction, but you have to start making preparations for the personnel arrangements, especially the arrangements for the generals.”

“Remember, if you want to go on an expedition with me next year, you must build up the remaining three fleets before the expedition. Otherwise, once we leave, Daxia’s coastal defense will be empty.”

“Okay, then Zhuo Shangshu will chair the meeting and tell you the strategic plan for next year. I’m leaving. You all come into the palace tonight, and we will have a good time!”


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