The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1239: Deadly injuries

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The sky darkened, but the clouds and mist between the cliffs dispersed, revealing the sky, and you could see the bright stars in the sky.

The entire Xiashan Village was dark because no one could light a lamp or candle.

Yan Xiwen’s tent was in the middle, but he couldn’t fall asleep after all. The appearance of the iron egg kept appearing in front of his eyes. That bowl of porridge, which many people in Daxia regarded as insignificant, was actually the child’s dream. s things.

He got up and came to the yard, sat on a stone, and looked up at the stars.

I still remember that during the Yu Dynasty, I served as the magistrate of Yao County.

Yao County belongs to Linjiang and is considered a relatively wealthy place.

What did the people in that place want at that time?

It would be the best if I could have enough to eat. It would be best if I could still have a meal of meat in ten and a half days.

Since Fu Xiaoguan implemented the policy of promoting both business and agriculture, Yao County has vigorously developed commerce. Many farmers have gone to the fields and entered workshops, and their lives have been significantly improved.

So the people in Yao County are happy. I heard my cousin Yan Linqiu say that the people in Quyi County, Pingling, lived a life where they had one meal but no one, let alone rice. Even the wild vegetable soup is rarely enough to fill my stomach.

That dilemma was not solved until Fu Xiaoguan opened workshops in those two places and promoted sweet potatoes.

Now the two counties of Pingling and Quyi have been lifted out of poverty. It has become an extremely important steelmaking industry base in Daxia. Of course, there are also other complementary industries. Those who were once poor are now living a good life. .

Although this place is deep in the mountains, why doesn’t anyone grow sweet potatoes?

Fu Xiaoguan said that sweet potatoes are the least picky about land and can grow in harsh environments.

It seems that either local officials don’t want to come into the mountains, or the Ministry of Revenue has not done enough to promote the planting of sweet potatoes.

What kind of industry is suitable for the development of such a place?

I don’t know about this yet. I’ll have to wait and see more in these days to understand.

While Yan Xiwen was thinking about these things, a dog barked suddenly outside, and then a torch appeared in the dark night.

Zhang Qishan had already arrived at Yan Xiwen’s side, carrying two guns on his back.

A faint voice came from the torch, “Hurry up, hurry up… call Sun Laizi here, go quickly…!”

“Shu Sheng, be steady, be careful not to fall, go and tell the village chief and tell him to get ready…”

This sentence shocked Yan Xiwen, and he stood up suddenly, “Something happened!”

“Ask all the soldiers to help them!”


Zhang Qishan whistled, and ten soldiers stood beside him with loaded guns in a matter of seconds.

“Go quickly, they seem to be carrying someone on their backs, go help them!”

Ten soldiers rushed over, and a moment later a voice came: “Who are you?”

“What happened to the guests of the village chief’s house?”

“Li Dong was slapped by Blind Bear, I’m afraid, I’m afraid…hey…”

“Give it to me, hurry up!”

One of the soldiers carried Li Dong on his back, and they turned around and rushed towards the yard of Li Erniu’s house.

The noise outside alarmed Li Erniu. He put on some clothes, opened the door and walked out and stood in the yard. After a while, the soldiers returned, and Zhang Qishan had prepared a marching cloth and spread it on the ground.

Li Erniu walked over quickly and took a look. His eyes widened and he held his breath. His old face was as pale as paper, but he still calmly looked at a woman who was running towards her.

“Wu Hong, just watch, I’ll call Sun Laizi.”

Wu Hong was his daughter-in-law. She was already sweating profusely. She gritted her teeth and nodded, then squatted in front of Li Dong and started crying.

“Dong, Dong, wake up, wake up!”

She sat down on the ground, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, and didn’t care about the people who helped her carry her husband back.

Yan Xiwen walked over and asked Zhang Qishan to take the lantern they brought. When he looked at the light, he was shocked——

Li Dong’s abdomen was bloody!

It was a wound about a foot long, and now it has been opened. If it goes in even an inch further, Li Dong’s intestines may flow out.

What should I do?

They brought medicine, but Yan Xiwen didn’t know how to treat this injury!

He raised his head and looked at Zhang Qishan, “Did you include healing as a subject during your training?”

“Well, it’s just…”

Zhang Qishan wanted to say that with such a serious injury, if the person was killed by the doctor, his group would probably not get a good harvest.

But Yan Xiwen didn’t think much at the moment: “Nothing, just save people now!”


Zhang Qishan went to the tent. He needed alcohol gauze, sutures, and penicillin to avoid infection.

Five people came into the yard at this time, presumably those who went hunting.

They surrounded Li Dong, all looking miserable and at a loss.

“I blame you for having to provoke the blind bear. Now, what if, what if…how will the village chief’s family live in the future!”

“Why are you blaming me? I’m not doing it for everyone’s benefit! Kill that blind bear and give us hundreds of kilograms of meat, enough for our family to eat for several days. Hey…!”

“Don’t make any noise, no one can blame you for this, you can only blame your life! If we have something to eat, do we have to fight the old blind man to the death!”

“Give it all…!”

Zhang Qishan came over with two soldiers carrying various field surgical supplies.

One of the young men frowned and asked: “Who are you?”

“He’s from outside the mountain, let me treat his wounds first.”

“Don’t mess around, wait for Sun Laizi. Only Sun Laizi in our village knows some medical skills. If you damage Li Dong…”

Zhang Qishan stopped and looked back at Yan Xiwen.

Yan Xiwen turned to look at the woman, “Is he your husband?”

“Yes.” The woman choked and nodded.

“Your husband is in danger now. My people may be able to save his life. This is just a possibility, but I guarantee that their technology is better than that Sun Cripple. Are you willing to let them try?”

Wu Hong was immediately at a loss. She had never seen these people before. Is it too childish to put her husband’s life in their hands?

“Your husband is still bleeding. If there is any further delay, I’m afraid not even the gods can save him. If you agree, let them take action now.”

Wu Hong took a deep breath and nodded, “Thank you very much!”

“Sister-in-law, how can you let these foreigners mess around?”

“Sister-in-law, let’s wait for Sun Laizi. After he shows it to Brother Dong, he will grab some herbs, fry them, drink them, and rest for a few days!”

“When Sun Laizi comes, and when the herbs are fried, my husband will probably be dead already. Don’t say anything. This is my decision.”

She stood up and saluted Zhang Qishan: “Thank you so much for this benefactor!”


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