The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1237: Xiashan Village

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“Brother, please wait!”

Yan Xiwen shouted from a distance, and Li Erniu stopped and turned to look at them.

The accent is that of a foreigner. There were some foreigners who came here in the past, and they said many nice things, but they were all lost.

But these people did not deceive the villagers. Perhaps they saw that the mountain village was too poor and had nothing to deceive.

I don’t know what this group of people is doing?

But these people are also amazing. Izumo Mountain is so high and the mountain road is so difficult to walk. They are not just sticks at first glance, but they can actually walk in from outside the mountain.

Li Erniu shook his head, thinking that these people were probably just bored.

When Yan Xiwen came to Li Erniu, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Dare you ask me your last name?”

Sure enough, this is either a scholar or a master from a rich family, and he has a noble surname.

“It doesn’t matter whether you have a noble surname or not. Just call me Li Erniu. You…” Li Erniu raised his head and looked at the sky. The setting sun was already shining in the clouds and mist. In less than half an hour, this day It will be dark.

“What are you doing here in this wretched place? You can’t go back tonight! Don’t go out at night. There are many black and blind people here, and there are also wolves… Originally, you were just guests from afar, but you are really not us. Not being hospitable, but I really have nothing to entertain you.”

Yan Xiwen hurriedly said: “Brother Li, it would be great if he could provide us with a shelter from the wind. We are carrying luggage, things for cooking, and cotton wool for sleeping.”

Li Erniu raised his eyebrows. This rich man is different. Could it be that he came to this shabby place to walk on something?

“I have to tell you, this place is called Xiashan Village, and I am the village chief. Xiashan Village has a population of seventy-two, and everyone is so hungry that their eyes are dizzy.”

“You can spend the night here, but remember not to expose your money, because I can’t guarantee whether hungry villagers will come and rob you all in the middle of the night!”

“In this barren place, if they see your money and chop you into pieces, you won’t even have your bones after a long time. Besides, even if you haven’t returned for a long time, your family will report it to the Yamen. Case, Yamen officials will not come to this remote place!”

Yan Xiwen laughed, Li Erniu was an honest person, and his warning was reasonable.

“Will Xiashan Village be so poor? To the point where they are desperate for money and life because of lack of food?”


Li Erniu walked forward, and Yan Xiwen and others followed him.

“It’s not just that Xiashan Village is so poor. Our place is under the jurisdiction of Huangtang Town, and Huangtang Town is under the jurisdiction of Qianshan County… You came in from outside, and you didn’t even bother to inquire?”

“What are you asking about?”

“It seems that you are a scholar who has heard nothing outside the window. Qianshan County is poor, and the six towns under its jurisdiction are even poorer! Among these six towns, our Huangtang Town is the poorest. ”

“There are six villages in Huangtang Town…but the eldest brother will not talk about the second brother. Everyone is almost as poor.”

Of course Yan Xiwen knew, but he didn’t expect that the situation was worse than what he knew.

Li Erniu, who was walking in front, did not realize that Yan Xiwen’s face turned dark. He added: “Of course, our place is used to being poor, the kind of poverty that has lasted for generations. Back then, Fan It’s the same as the time of the country. I originally hoped that our life would be a little better after Daxia wiped out the Fan Kingdom…”

He shook his head: “The world is as black as crows, no matter who becomes the emperor, it will be the same!”

Zhang Qishan’s eyes narrowed. This ignorant villager dared to accuse the current emperor unjustly!

Yan Xiwen waved his hand and stopped Zhang Qishan’s urge to draw his gun.

“Brother Li, I’m afraid you don’t understand the current emperor’s policies.”

“Don’t understand? What do I, a farmer, need to know? I only need three meals to have enough to eat, and to have clothes to keep out the cold in winter.”

“The Emperor has nothing to do with us little people. As long as our lives can be better, we will naturally respect him. But you said that if you are about to lose your life… Do I still have to tell the Emperor? Good words?”

“…You’re right!”

Yan Xiwen did not argue with Li Erniu, because their current situation was not caused by their own laziness, but by the officials of Daxia.

As an emperor, in the eyes of the common people, those officials are appointed by the emperor, and what those officials do is of course assigned by the emperor.

The common people are having a hard time, and they will scold those incompetent officials. At the same time, they may also speak out words that they don’t like the emperor.

Li Erniu seemed to feel that it was useless to complain to the scholar. He brought up another topic: “Where are you from?”

“Ah, we come from… Jinling.”

Li Erniu was silent for a moment. He didn’t know where Jinling was.

“Is it possible to have a full meal in your place? I mean farmers, not rich people like you.”

“Yes, the farmers in our area can’t say they have enough to eat. Now they have meat on their tables every day, and they wear seasonal clothes.”

Li Erniu suddenly stopped and Yan Xiwen almost bumped into his back.

He turned to look at Yan Xiwen with suspicion in his eyes: “You…you didn’t lie to me? Can you eat meat every day?”

“Why did I lie to you? It’s true! I traveled to many places in Daxia, but now it seems that this is just the two mountains… the people’s lives are still a little bit harder.”

Li Erniu didn’t care about the hardships of others, so he suddenly asked: “May I ask your last name?”

He used the honorific and became careless. There seemed to be a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“If your surname is Yan, just call me…Brother Yan.”

“Ah, well,” Li Erniu rubbed his hands, “That’s a big deal, Brother Yan. You must be a person with status. Is there any way you can bring us, I mean all of us?” The seventy-two people in the village went to the place you just mentioned in Jinling?”

“We can be your slaves!”

“We don’t need meat to eat every day, as long as it can give us a full meal! We don’t even need seasonal clothes. Coarse linen clothes can last ten years!”

Yan Xiwen was silent. They were so eager to escape from this place, which shows how disgusted this place is in their hearts!

No one wants to leave their homeland.

Except there is really no way to survive.

Li Erniu felt extremely uneasy at the moment. If the noble man in front of him could agree, he would swear that for the rest of his life, no, even his descendants would be slaves to this noble man.

Because there will be a lean period next, and if you can’t hunt enough prey, you will really starve to death!

“In this way,” Yan Xiwen certainly did not agree. He was no longer the ignorant young man he once was.

“Let’s stay at your place for now. You can take me to visit more these days. If this place really…really has no hope, then I will definitely find a way for you. ! ”

“Thank you, brother Yan. This is my home in front of you. Don’t dislike it. It’s just a shelter from the wind and rain.”

Li Erniu brought Yan Xiwen and his party to the yard of his house. A woman’s voice came from inside: “Master, the food at home can only last three days. Those rice seeds you hid… No one can survive, so why keep the rice seeds?”


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