The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1227: Work separately

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Chang’an Palace, Imperial Study Room.

Yan Xiwen, Ning Yuchun and Qin Mowen sat opposite Fu Xiaoguan.

Fu Xiaoguan was boiling a pot of tea, raised his head and said, “Tomorrow we will hold a great meeting to formally promulgate the rural revitalization plan as a national policy.”

“The relevant departments of the six ministries must have dedicated personnel to handle this matter, and the responsibilities must be assigned to each person.”

“The other thing I want to talk about is water conservancy…”

He poured a cup of tea for the three of them, and then said: “The water conservancy facilities in Daxia are still not perfect. The management of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River is also a long-term task. Human lives are at stake, so we must not be careless. ! ”

“If the Water Conservancy Bureau of the Ministry of Industry is short of manpower, it can recruit some people with experience in river management. Those who are really capable should be promoted exceptionally. Those who are in their positions and do not seek political power can be directly dismissed. If they are retained, they will be Big hidden danger! ”

“Talent selection in various ministries, on the one hand, recruits university graduates, and on the other hand, they come from the private sector. Although university graduates lack some experience, their thinking is more flexible and innovative. Only by practicing the basics can you become the pillar of Daxia! ”

“What is Daxia missing now?”

Fu Xiaoguan looked at the three of them, “Daxia is not short of money. Daxia now has a healthy business structure and has opened up many business channels. It also reserves so much gold that can be converted into currency at any time.”

“What Daxia still lacks is talent!”

“Talents from all walks of life.”

“So cultivating talents is also one of the focuses of your work.”


This was a small meeting that was customary in Daxia. Almost all the policies of Daxia were formulated in the imperial study room and under the joint discussion of the emperor and several of his ministers.

These negotiated terms will eventually be submitted to the cabinet, which will review them again before they are implemented nationwide.

This process corrected the shortcomings of the emperor or a certain prime minister being arbitrary, and adopted the principle of gathering the strengths of all families and the minority obeying the majority, making Daxia’s policy policy more accurate and complete.

“Your Majesty, I and Xiwen went to meet some businessmen a few days ago and listened to their opinions…” Ning Yuchun paused and looked at Fu Xiaoguan, “In various places, especially in remote areas, counties and counties Officials at the county level and even at the state level still abuse their power for personal gain, use their power to oppress others, and act indiscriminately through inaction.”

“I have a rough look at the background of these ministers. Almost all of them became Shangguan when Daxia was first established. At that time, Daxia was short of people, so the selection of talents was much rougher.”

“What they have accepted is still the sacred teachings of the past. I am afraid they have not fully understood His Majesty’s new policies, or they may not be willing to fully understand them!”

“So I think that while the national policy of rural revitalization is being implemented, we should go to those statistically impoverished areas. It’s not you who go, Your Majesty, but we go!”

Fu Xiaoguan was stunned for a moment, “I’ll take care of this matter. The three of you will take care of the overall situation in the court.”

Yan Xiwen was the first to express his denial: “You can’t go! If you go, who can rest assured? Huo Huaijin will definitely bring the garrison to **** you. With this momentum… If there are any of those officials in this court, People already know about you as soon as you leave. What can you do to make a secret visit?”

“So the three of us discussed it. Ning Xiang went north, Qin Xiang went west, and I went south. We divided our troops into three groups and set off at the same time. We took three or five guards, dressed as businessmen, and followed Sima Tao and the others. The caravans go to those remote places. Only in this way can we understand the situation below and catch all the corpse eaters! ”

Fu Xiaoguan quit his job, and the three prime ministers and assistants ran away. The incident in the court will definitely fall on him, which is not a good job.

“Then I’ll go east! Let’s divide our troops into four groups!”

“…Your Majesty, can you please calm down? As long as you leave Chang’an, no matter which direction you go, the news will leak out. Why don’t you just stay here in Chang’an City?” Qin Mowen persuaded with earnest words. One sentence.

What can Fu Xiaoguan do?

He can’t compete with these ministers!

“Okay, when are you going to leave?”

“The Sima Tao family’s caravan will set off tomorrow, heading south, towards the mountain crossing road.”

“The caravan of Wang Qiyue’s family will set off in two days to the north of Beijing, which is the Yuzhou and Shuzhou of the Yu Dynasty.”

“In addition, the Yu Xingjian family’s caravan will set off in a few days, heading southeast to Qiongzhou and other places on the East and West Road of Beijing.”

“This trip will take about half a year. When marching and fighting, some generals will not accept the orders of the emperor. Now that we are going to understand the people’s sentiments, we must ask your Majesty for a decree!”

Yan Xiwen added extremely cautiously: “As soon as we verify the local officials, we will immediately detain them and send them back to Beijing for trial by the Ministry of Punishments. Therefore, this imperial edict is the basis for us to exercise special powers.”

“In addition, I also ask your majesty to send spies from the Royal Staff Station or Tianji Pavilion to investigate and deal with it secretly, so as to prevent an official from being wrongly accused and a big fish or shrimp from being missed!”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded, “This is a big deal, you have to be careful, but don’t underestimate the collusion of various local forces, lest they jump over the wall and hurt you.”

“In this case, I will ask Huo Huaijin to mobilize a few good men from the garrison to protect you. You must also bring guns just in case.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

“Go ahead, I’ll be waiting for news from you in Beijing.”

The three of them retreated. Fu Xiaoguan stood up and walked to the door of the royal study. He looked at the chrysanthemums that were about to wither. After thinking for a moment, he said to Liu Jin: “Go and invite Huo Huaijin.”

“The slave obeys the order!”

Liu Jin bowed and stepped back. Fu Xiaoguan had just stepped out of the imperial study room with his hands and one foot behind his back, but he took it back again – Ji Yungui, the master of Tianji Pavilion, came in a hurry.

“Your Majesty!”

“Sit inside.”

The monarch and his ministers sat opposite each other. Ji Yungui took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Fu Xiaoguan.

“The movement of the eldest princess Yu Shurong has been confirmed.”

“Where is she?”

“She went to the Peacock Kingdom!”

Fu Xiaoguan was stunned and unfolded the paper in his hand. What was written on this paper was not the whereabouts of Yu Shurong, but the accounts written one by one!

“This is what Tianji Pavilion found that she took away. If it were converted into gold, it would be roughly one million taels!”

“The most special thing among them is that there are one thousand Mauser rifles and 80,000 rounds of ammunition. These guns and ammunition were leaked from the First Division of the Third Navy Army three years ago.”

Fu Xiaoguan frowned. At that time, the commander of the Third Navy Army was He Sandao… It was impossible for He Sandao to do this.

First Division of the Third Navy Army, he thought of someone, Master Qi!

When he and Ning Siyan went to Xiaye City, something almost went wrong. This man was Qi Changhao, the commander of the First Division of the Third Navy Army.

“So she had a premeditated plan?”

“I think she did have a premeditated plan!”

“The cicada is in the Peacock Kingdom?”

“Yes, now it seems that Kuchan is most likely her son.”

Fu Xiaoguan was silent for a moment. He thought of Ku Chan, the young man who became enlightened after hearing a piece of “Bodhi Gauge”. He built several temples in Cilechuan, and then he returned to Changjin City and built a temple in Baima. I stayed in the temple for some days.

So now that you have gone to the Peacock Kingdom, do you want to become a Buddha immediately?


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