The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1226: Siyang Tavern

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No one knows what Yan Xiwen Ning Yuchun and a group of children from business families talked about that night.

Everything in Daxia remains as before. No matter whether it is the highest power center in Chang’an City or other places in Daxia, there are no changes.

Do whatever you have to do.

What’s the difference?

That is when Daxia Weekly officially began to serialize the strategies of the rural revitalization plan and financial support policies for poor areas, etc.

The annual holiday passed in the blink of an eye. The officials in the palace of Chang’an City began to be busy again, and the businessmen living in Chang’an City also began to be busy.

Siyang County, far northwest of Daxia, became famous because of Emperor Fu Xiaoguan’s private visit a few years ago. In addition, Daxia Science Research Institute is located outside Siyang County, as well as many other A workshop was built here, and it became increasingly prosperous.

Siyang County has shown a prosperous appearance under the governance of County Magistrate Jiang Shang. The once desolate small county town has now become an important town on the border.

Siyang County has the first railway station in Daxia and the first railway in Daxia.

Here is the cannery invested and built by Daxia Jinfeng Group, and there is also the huge open-pit oil field that is still being mined and refined, etc.

Yang Hua, the proprietress of Siyang Inn, is very glad that she did not sell the inn for business. Now the business of Siyang Inn is very good, making her a lot of money and making her smile every day.

At this moment, Yang Hua was sitting in front of the counter, looking at the drizzle outside. Although it was very cold, there was a fiery light in her eyes.

After the New Year, as the climate here gradually gets warmer, the business of this inn will pick up again.

Even on such a cold day, there are still a few guests staying in the inn, but unlike before, there was little business in the inn all year round.

“Mrs. Boss,” a customer came out of the backyard and sat in the lobby, “Please have some breakfast. I said you are stingy and don’t light a heater here on such a cold day.”

The guest rubbed his hands and shrank his feet, looked at Yanghua and smiled: “The price of coal is so cheap now, it is much more cost-effective to burn charcoal than before. It is raining today and I am too lazy to go out. I call you If the waiter builds a stove, I can make a pot of tea and watch the rain, right?”

“Okay, okay, the slave family will ask someone to light the stove for the guest officer.”

Yang Hua shouted towards the backyard, then looked at the guest and said with a smile: “The guest didn’t go back even during the New Year. He must be doing big business. Where did he come from?”

“What kind of big business are you doing? Everyone who does big business has gone back to celebrate the New Year!”

The man sighed: “Now that the train has opened, it only takes three days and three nights to go from Siyang County to Guanyun City. If you want to go to Chang’an City, then take a ship from Guanyun City to Jinling. From Taking the train from Jinling to Chang’an is only half a month’s journey.”

“I didn’t make any money last year, so I’m too embarrassed to go back. I have to find a way to make more this year.”

Yang Hua was stunned for a moment, “What kind of business does your guest do?”

“I just came to Siyang County at the end of last year, and I am thinking about opening a pub here.”

“Tavern?” Yang Hua thought for a while and his eyes lit up. “This is a good idea, but there are many restaurants in Siyang County. Your pub must have some characteristics to attract customers.”

“There are also oil refineries at the Institute of Science, and the soldiers stationed there will come to Siyang County during the holidays. In addition, in March, there will be many businessmen from all over the country. The source of tourists is quite large. If you have it, it depends on how your pub does it.”

The waiter brought a heater and placed it next to the guest. He also brought him a bowl of porridge, two plates of side dishes and an egg.

He peeled the eggs and smiled and said: “Let me think about it, just open a tavern and provide guests with a leisure place to drink, chat and discuss business. If you don’t compete with those restaurants, you won’t be able to compete with them.”

“Then your wine must be good, and the environment must be better decorated. Have you found a shop?”

“I found it. It’s on the third store past your house.”

As soon as this man finished speaking, another man walked out of the backyard. He was a middle-aged man.

He came and sat down opposite this man, also ordered a breakfast, and said with a smile: “I want to open a tavern?”


“Can I buy shares?”

The man was startled, “Buy shares? Aren’t you afraid that I will make a loss?”

“Brother, what’s your surname?”

“Ah, my surname is Chen, and my given name is Jing. Brother, what’s your surname?”

“My surname is Wei, and my given name is… Dong.”

He is Wei Chang, who was once the Minister of Industry of Daxia.

He came to Siyang County during the Chinese New Year and stayed at the Siyang Inn.

Chen Jing put down his chopsticks and cupped his hands, “Brother Wei, you don’t look like a man who is short of money. You must be in some big business, right?”

Wei Chang smiled calmly: “I did some business at home, but I don’t care about those things now. If I buy a stake in your pub, I won’t care about anything. It’s all up to you. You can tell me whether it’s a loss or a profit at the end of the year. Just look at the ledger.”

“The loss is mine. If there is a profit, we will split it 30-70, me 30-70 and you 70-70. How about that?”

Of course this is a good thing!

Chen Jingwei never expected to meet a big money owner here. He originally wanted to trick the proprietress of Siyang Inn into buying shares because he didn’t have enough money left on him.

Could it be that I, Chen Jing, got lucky this year?

He quickly said: “Brother, in this partnership business, the accounts must be clear. I’m thinking…Brother doesn’t know me at all, so aren’t you afraid that I will turn profits into losses?”

Wei Chang stroked his long beard and shook his head, “At first glance, Brother Chen is not that kind of person. I have seen a lot of people in my travels, and I have never seen this trick wrong before.”

“I wonder how much Brother Chen plans to invest?”

“…Including the rent of the shop, the subsequent decoration, and buying wine to entertain people, etc., I made a rough calculation, and I can start the business with roughly two thousand taels of silver.”

Wei Chang took out two silver notes from his sleeve pocket. After thinking about it, he took out two more silver notes and put them in front of Chen Jing. “Here are four thousand taels. You can put in one yourself.” One thousand taels, the division remains unchanged, but I only have one request!”

Chen Jing’s eyes turned green, he is a rich man!

Still the rich kind!

“Brother, please speak.”

“I want a more remote and quiet room. This room is not allowed to receive any guests except me.”

There must be no problem with this. The remote room in the backyard is of no use in the first place. Wouldn’t it be nice to decorate it and keep it for this big benefactor?

“Since brother trusts me, Chen Jing, so much, I will draft a contract right away. We will sign and pledge it. I, Chen Jing, promise to make you money, brother!”

“Okay, put the banknote away and get it after dinner.”

Yang Hua looked at Wei Chang. He looked like an official, and was very elegant. The Shangfang who lived in his house was quite mysterious in his daily life, but he was so rich!

This rich old man will definitely feel empty outside. Do you want to seduce him?

Yang Hua licked her lips and became more active.


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