The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1225: Public sentiment

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The dishes are dishes sent from Sifanglou.

The wine is Sima Che’s Xishan Tianchun.

About ten people sat around and had wine in the backyard of Piaoxiang Garden.

The atmosphere is more relaxed, but everyone still maintains the proper distance. After all, these two are the prime ministers of the dynasty!

The Prime Minister of the second rank!

According to their thinking, for people with the status of these two, it would only take one sentence to destroy any family in Daxia.

This is actually true, but the current emperor has locked their huge power in a cage.

In addition, the current emperor is very aware of everything, and the officials below, at least the officials in Kyoto, will never dare to mess around.

As the person who introduced Yan Xiwen and Ning Yuchun, Sima Tao seemed much more flexible.

“Xiang Yan, Xiang Ning, I think you haven’t tasted the taste of Sifanglou for a long time. Come on, come on, try this braised lion’s head!”

He hit two braised lion heads with a spoon and placed them on the plates of Yan Xiwen and Ning Yuchun. He then said: “I have also traveled to many places in Daxia over the years. When it comes to eating, it is better to eat. Our Jinling’s taste is the most authentic, and the Sifanglou’s taste is still the best.”

“But now this Sifanglou has met an opponent. I wonder if you know about it?”

Yan Xiwen and Ning Yuchun had a meal with Fu Xiaoguan at Sifanglou a few days ago, but they have been busy with the rural revitalization plan these days, and they really haven’t paid much attention to the new things in Chang’an City. thing.

Ning Yuchun looked at Sima Tao and asked, “What? Could it be that another royal chef came out and opened a restaurant?”

“No,” Sima Tao shook his head, “They are from the Far East Road. The name of the restaurant is Zuimei Seafood Restaurant!”

“Because of the smooth shipping and fixed flights, and also because of the advancement of refrigeration technology, we have never heard of seafood from the Far East Road before, but now, whether it is Guanyun City or Jinling, as long as there is a big city with shipping , all have seafood for sale.”

“The owner of this Zuimei Seafood Restaurant is a woman. She looks young…she is still in her twenties and thirties. She is very beautiful. Last autumn, Guanyun City opened its first seafood restaurant. In this month, a second seafood restaurant opened in Jinling City, and in this month, I heard that one was also opened in Janggeum City.”

“There is no one in Tailin City, Cilechuan and Far North Road of Xixia Autonomous Region because there is no shipping. Just before the Chinese New Year, our Chang’an City, which also has no shipping, actually opened one.”

“The boss lady is personally in charge of Chang’an City. All the ingredients are shipped from the Far East Road to Jinling, and then transported by train from Jinling to Chang’an. The cooks there are also said to be from the Far East Road.”

“They only make seafood, shrimps, crabs, sea fish, there are many kinds anyway, and the taste…how can I say? It is quite light, and it is said to be healthy. Now it is a thing sought after by rich people everywhere, and it has surpassed it. The signs of Sifanglou.”

When Yan Xiwen heard this, he thought this was a good thing!

Because of the convenient transportation, seafood ingredients from Far East Road have become available to ordinary people.

It is also because of the convenient transportation that more businessmen from the Far East Road came to Daxia.

“So let’s try that beautiful seafood restaurant someday. Let a hundred flowers bloom. Taste the craftsmanship of the Far East. This is also liberating our minds… By the way, what is the name of the beautiful proprietress you mentioned? ” Yan Xiwen asked.

Sima Tao smiled and said: “My name is Aida Misa, tsk tsk tsk…” He shook his head, “That face and figure… Anyway, I think it is much more tempting than Sakuragi Hanayu from Galaxy Jiutian! ”

Wang Qiyue also laughed, “You kid, be careful, your wife can’t get around you!”

This was just an interlude during the dinner, just a topic that Sima Tao mentioned to liven up the atmosphere. On the contrary, Ning Yuchun kept the names of Zuimei Seafood Restaurant and Aitian Meisha in his heart.

He didn’t think too much at the moment. He just felt that it was not easy for businessmen from the Far East Road to establish a foothold in Chang’an City and do business. He felt that he should give Zhang Mengze, the governor of Chang’an, a warning and let the policemen pay attention. A rogue or a powerful person bullied someone.

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, Ning Yuchun talked about the theme of this trip to Piaoxiang Garden.

“Starting from this year, Daxia will implement another national policy, which is the rural revitalization plan. If you have followed Daxia Weekly, you should know about it.”

Sima Tao and others really knew about this because Daxia Weekly published this national policy on its front page.

As businessmen, the first thing they think about is the business opportunities that may be contained in this national policy.

But Ning Yuchun is not here to disclose business opportunities to them, “You all know before this that I have been serving as a Taoist in South Beijing Road, and Xiwen has been in Jiangnan West Road, and then he was transferred to Tailin City. ”

“Since the founding of Daxia in so many years, we have not been able to go to many places in Daxia, especially those remote areas, such as Chongzhou on the Yueshan North Road, Qiongzhou on the East and West Road of Beijing, and such as the North Road of Beijing Yuzhou and so on.”

“Those remote mountainous areas have not yet been accessed by major roads, and the imperial court has limited manpower, so it is impossible to supervise every county. I heard that many people in those places are still too poor to open their doors, and some even say They wear a pair of pants for several people…”

“There are reasons for this, including natural conditions, and also reasons for the inaction of local officials. Nowadays, local officials have a bad trend in order to evaluate their political performance. They report good news but not bad news!”

“This good news was rejoicing from top to bottom, and the court didn’t know it. With a stroke of a pen, those who should be promoted were promoted, and those who should be rewarded with money got money, but who suffered?”

“Suffering for those people who have nowhere to redress their grievances or who dare not redress their grievances!”

“So I’m afraid Xi Wen and I came here today to disappoint you a little bit, but this matter is very important to us, and we just want to hear your opinions after visiting those places.”

“This is a private behavior and has nothing to do with policy. What we say here will never reach anyone’s ears except His Majesty. Don’t worry about your family’s business being hit by the local government. We hope You know everything and tell me everything!”

There was a sudden silence.

Sima Tao pondered for a moment and was the first to speak: “I have been to many places in recent years, such as Ganling County, Qianshan County and Yuanning County in Chongzhou, etc.”

“How should I put it? Your Majesty has given us businessmen a broad sky. Your Majesty has also mentioned that he hopes businessmen can assume social responsibilities.”

“So my father asked me to go to those poor places to see if I could do something for those places. Of course, it was not just to do good deeds, but to open workshops or plant mulberries and raise silkworms. They learn a skill to make a living.”

“Two adults, let me tell you this, there is a reason why those places are poor, and the reason really lies with the local officials.”

“Sometimes I just can’t understand what are these local officials thinking in their minds?”

“I started a weaving workshop in Qianshan County, but it closed down after less than a year.”

“I know the tax rate stipulated in the Dachen Tax Law, and they also know it. So the problem is not with this tax rate, but with a lot of other messy things, such as… boss money, warehouse tax, agricultural equipment tax, silkworm tax Salt money, city law money, security tax, fire prevention money, etc. ”

“They say these are called local taxes and fees,” Sima Tao raised his eyebrows and laughed, “Don’t say that those ordinary people ask for it every three days. I can’t resist it, so I can only lose a lot of money. Ran away.”

“Actually, I went to visit Yan Xibai from Yueshan North Road… Mr. Yan, come here, let’s have a drink!”


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