The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8621: Are you willing?

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The place where all the creatures in Daoxing world are!

Although the battle between Gu Bulao and Dao Zun seems to have ended, the battle here is still very fierce.

Up to now, less than one-third of the creatures in Daoxing World have been left.

The number of monks outside the tripod has also been reduced by about half.

Thanks to Tao Zun, he just called away the detached one.

Otherwise, all Daoxing creatures may have become extinct.

At this moment, every living creature is basically covered in blood and scarred.

However, they completely ignored their injuries. Every creature had a look of grief and anger on their face, and they were fighting for their lives with the monks outside the tripod in a desperate manner.

Their current psychology is the same as Jiang Yun’s before.

Not only is there no fear of death, but there is also no desire for life.

Especially after Daoyang took action and captured the souls of Jiang Yun’s relatives and friends, it completely aroused their desire to die!

Because, even if they survived, they would not have the face to face Jiang Yun.

No matter how powerful Jiang Yun is, in their hearts, he is a member of Daoxing Tiandi and their companion.

The companions were fighting for their lives against Dao Zun and other powerful people outside the tripod, but he and the others couldn’t even protect his family.

If Jiang Yun came back, he and the others would have no way to explain to him, so they might as well die to make up for their inner guilt.

It is precisely because of their fearlessness that they persisted longer.

After all, the monks outside the tripod don’t want to die here.

Therefore, the monks outside the tripod try their best to keep distance from them to prevent them from self-destructing, or use other methods to drag themselves to death together.

Anyway, the creatures in Daoxing World are basically at the end of their strength.

As long as you drag them and consume them, they will die of exhaustion before long.

But suddenly, the monks outside the tripod discovered that a mark appeared between the eyebrows of every creature in the Daoxing world.

Of course they didn’t recognize this mark, and thought it was the beings of Daoxing Heaven and Earth who wanted to perform some kind of magical power.

Therefore, they all hurriedly retreated and distanced themselves again.

A man outside the cauldron was detached, waved his sleeves, and rolled out a torrent, pushing it towards the Tianzun in front of him.

He himself walked backwards.

Tianzun was pushed dozens of feet away by the torrent. After he stopped, he suddenly felt that a mark appeared between his eyebrows.

And when she saw the mark clearly with her spiritual consciousness, she couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

She did not allow this mark to appear at all.

However, she did recognize the mark.

Ancient Mark!

This naturally made her very puzzled. How come…an ancient mark appeared inexplicably between her eyebrows?

Yes, at this moment, the marks appearing in the eyebrows of all the creatures in the cauldron are ancient marks.

Besides, Daoyang, who was traveling through the cauldron, looking for Jiang Yun’s relatives, friends, and souls of heaven and earth, suddenly stopped and frowned.

He raised his hand and waved it in front of him, and dozens of souls appeared in front of him.

These souls are Jiang Qiuyang, Feng Wuyan, Xueqing, Jiang Wanli and other Jiang Yun’s beloved relatives and friends!

Although they are not dead yet, their eyes are tightly closed, as if they have fallen into a deep sleep.

The strange thing is that in this state, an ancient mark suddenly appeared above their eyebrows.

“What’s going on?”

Daoyang stared at the marks between the eyebrows of all souls with doubts.

“Ancient Mark!”

At the same time, Tao Zun at the mouth of the cauldron naturally saw the strange scene inside the cauldron, his expression suddenly changed, and he blurted out.

Master Dao knows far more about the ancient mark than other monks outside the tripod.

He knew that the ancient mark, in addition to making Gu indestructible, was also a kind of soul mark that Gu Bulao left for others.

Through this branding, one should be able to control the life and death of others.

This is also normal.

Both Daojun and Jiang Yun have created similar marks.

After all, using marks to control others is the simplest and most effective way.

However, even Dao Lord did not expect that Gu Bu Lao would actually leave the ancient mark on the soul of every creature in the cauldron.

The most important thing is that Daojun cannot imagine how Gu Bu Lao did it!

Daojun’s loss of control over the cauldron has only happened in recent years.

As for the death here, Dao Lord will not only monitor the cauldron at all times, but he will pay special attention to monks like Gu Bu Lao and those who are likely to become transcendent.

In fact, Dao Lord has been watching individual monks since they were born.

But now, these monks also have ancient marks on their eyebrows.

Master Dao is completely confused as to when Gu Bulao laid the ancient mark on them.

However, Daojun did not dwell on these issues, but was thinking about the purpose of these marks appearing at this time.

Daojun narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself: “Could it be that Gu Buliu wanted to drag all the creatures in the cauldron to bury him with him?”

Although Daojun is not 100% sure that Gu Bulao is really dead, he can let his divided soul return to the ruins together with the four Dengtang transcendence…

In Daojun’s opinion, only Gu Bu Lao could do it at the cost of his life.

As for this kind of mark, which is specially used to control others, if the person who made the mark dies, it is indeed possible that the person who was marked will die together.

However, at this moment, something weird happened!

Tianzun is reaching out to touch the ancient mark on his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the mark trembled slightly and shot out a ray of light, directly towards the person who was standing across the torrent.

This ray of light appeared and moved so fast that the intruder had no time to dodge. The light had already crossed the torrent and hit the center of his eyebrows. Like a rubbing, the same ray of light suddenly formed. Ancient imprint.

As long as there is a monk outside the cauldron in front of the creature inside the cauldron, the ancient mark on his eyebrows will be the same as the situation of Tianzun. of mark.

In fact, even the ancient marks on the foreheads of the dozens of souls in front of Daoyang also released a ray of light, hitting Daoyang’s eyebrows.

In this way, dozens of ancient marks appeared on Daoyang’s eyebrows, piled up one after another.

And like Daoyang, there are many monks outside the tripod who have many ancient marks between their eyebrows.

Because, most of the creatures in the cauldron use their numbers to make up for their strength, with many people besieging one person.

Seeing this scene, Tao Lord’s expression changed again, and he said coldly: “Gu Bu Lao, not only do you want to bury the creatures inside the cauldron, but also the monks outside the cauldron?”

“If this is really your plan, then you are no less cruel than me!”

At the same time that Lord Dao spoke, an ancient voice suddenly sounded in the minds of all the creatures in the cauldron.

“For all the creatures in the cauldron, I am immortal!”

“What appears between your eyebrows is the ancient mark I have left on your soul.”

“You must have seen that it has also reflected an ancient mark on the eyebrows of your enemies.”

“Now, as long as you are willing, use all your strength and your lives to activate the ancient mark in your soul.”

“Then, the ancient mark between your enemies’ eyebrows will add the same power to their souls, thereby taking their lives!”

“You guys, are you willing?”


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