The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8588: Suppression and Seizing of Houses

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Jiang Yun couldn’t help but be stunned by Li Chen’s words, and hurriedly asked: “Senior, what do you mean by this?”

Li Chen smiled slightly and said: “It’s nothing, just go and take a look and you’ll find out!”

After finishing speaking, Li Chen took the initiative and walked towards the two statues.

Jiang Yun still stood there, pondering the meaning of Li Chen’s words.

Could it be that my idea of ​​killing Daojun’s split soul and seeking help from Master to deal with Daojun’s split soul were all wrong?

What could be wrong with this?

Daojun’s split soul is definitely the biggest threat in the cauldron. Killing him would not be wrong.

Furthermore, since Lichen thinks it is wrong, it means that Master probably also thinks it is wrong, so why don’t they stop themselves and instead make mistakes?


At this moment, two loud noises were heard, interrupting Jiang Yun’s thoughts.

He followed the sound and saw that Li Chen was already making moves with the two statues.

Jiang Yun had already experienced the strength of these two statues before.

They are all as detached as being in the palace, and they are not suppressed by the rules within the cauldron, and they can exert their full strength.

Even if they are both called Daoli and Daokun, they are no match for the statue.

But facing Li Chen, the two statues were unable to get close to his body.

Li Chen’s body seemed to be surrounded by an invisible barrier. No matter how the two statues attacked, they could not hurt him at all.

Li Chen, on the other hand, waved his hands and launched attacks, all of which hit the two statues accurately.

Jiang Yun could tell at a glance that Li Chen was using the power of space.

This also made Jiang Yun’s eyes light up.

The art of opening the sky created by oneself is the power of space used.

Although this technique is very powerful, it still has many shortcomings because of the rush of time and the fact that I do not have a space body.

This Li Chen must be a strong man who is proficient in the power of space. He may even major in the Tao of Space.

If I could get his guidance, I would definitely be able to perfect the art of opening the sky.

Li Chen waved his palms several times in succession, beating the two statues back and forth. When they were more than ten feet away, Li Chen made a fist with both hands and swatted at the two statues.

“Bang bang!”

At the same time as the two muffled sounds were heard, Jiang Yun could clearly see that countless dust was rolled up around the two statues, forming a cage-like shape, trapping them respectively.

Next, no matter how hard the two statues ran towards Li Chen or attacked, they could not break the cage around them.

Li Chen also turned to look at Jiang Yundao: “Little friend, you can come here!”

Jiang Yun naturally understood that Li Chen used the power of space to trap the two statues in different spaces.

Of course, this is easy to say but extremely difficult to do.

After all, they are two statues whose strength is comparable to that of being on the throne.

Ordinary space power is simply impossible to trap them.

Li Chen did it so easily.

Thinking back to Dao Li and Dao Kun, who were also detached before, it is not difficult to see that Li Chen’s strength is far superior to the two.

Originally, Jiang Yun was a little worried that the true strength hidden in the cauldron that the master said might be slightly exaggerated.

But after meeting this Li Chen at this moment, Jiang Yun could be sure that instead of exaggerating, the master might be being modest.

“This seal is quite profound.” Li Chen said as he looked at the seal on the crack in front of him.

This can only be regarded as the entrance to Daojun’s soul. Only by entering that crack can you truly enter Daojun’s soul.

Jiang Yun tried to break the seal before, but it took too long.

Fortunately, Dongfang Bo was able to ignore the existence of the seal, and then led Jiang Yun directly into the crack.

At this moment, without Dongfang Bo, Jiang Yun naturally had no choice but to break the seal.

Jiang Yun walked up to Li Chen and said, “Senior, give me some time, I should be able to break the seal.”

Li Chen nodded and said: “Okay.”

After finishing speaking, Li Chen sat down cross-legged, still staring at the seal.

Jiang Yun sat next to Li Chen and continued to break the seal.

After a while, Jiang Yun glanced at Li Chen and couldn’t help but said: “Senior, can I ask this junior why you said my thoughts and actions are wrong?”

Jiang Yun really wanted to know where he went wrong, and this senior Li Chen seemed to be easy to talk to, so he boldly asked.

Li Chen smiled slightly and said, “Can you multi-task?”

“Yes!” Jiang Yun said hurriedly: “Senior, don’t worry, I will definitely not delay breaking the seal.”

Li Chen nodded and said, “Although I haven’t entered this crack yet, I heard from Lao Gu what he told you about the situation.”

“Do you think that Dao Lord’s soul is covering the Longwen Red Cauldron in order to suppress the Longwen Red Cauldron, right?”

Strictly speaking, there are two spaces in the crack.

Daojun’s split soul is huge and forms a world of its own.

In it, he divided countless souls to practice.

Under his divided soul is a special space.

What Jiang Yun could see was a sea of ​​​​blood, inside which were the formations arranged by the Jiuxiao Dao Guards based on the power of the nine races.

In the space is the Longwen Red Cauldron.

With such an arrangement, Jiang Yun naturally believed that Daojun’s soul was divided to suppress Longwen Red Cauldron.

Li Chen smiled and said: “We believe that Dao Lord is not trying to suppress the Longwen Red Cauldron, but to… seize the Longwen Red Cauldron!”

Seize the body!

Jiang Yun’s pupils suddenly shrank.

He never thought about this possibility.

Daojun actually wants to seize the Longwen Red Cauldron!

Although this idea is extremely bizarre, Jiang Yun has experienced a lot of weird things, so if you think about it carefully, it is not unacceptable.

Li Chen continued: “Suppression will inevitably lead to resistance.”

“One tripod and one pole, the Longwen Red Cauldron is such a noble existence. How can it be willing to be suppressed? It will definitely continue to resist.”

“Daojun has to keep suppressing the Longwen Red Cauldron, which is a waste of his split soul.”

“This means nothing to Mr. Dao at all.”

“But taking the body is different!”

“Seizing the body may be much more difficult than suppressing it, but as long as you can succeed once, it will be done once and for all.”

“From now on, the Tao Lord is Longwen Red Cauldron, and Longwen Red Cauldron is the Tao Lord.”

“By that time, Dao Lord will not only be able to become the ninth pole, but even among the nine poles, I am afraid that he will be respected!”

Li Chen looked at Jiang Yun with a smile and said: “So, if it were you, would you choose to always spare no effort to suppress the Longwen Red Cauldron, or seize the Longwen Red Cauldron at once?”

Jiang Yun didn’t need to answer this question at all.

You must choose the latter!

However, Jiang Yun still asked in confusion: “Even if Dao Lord is trying to seize the Longwen Red Cauldron, is it the right thing for me to kill his soul?”

Li Chen smiled and said: “What if Lord Dao has already achieved half the success?”

“Lao Gu tells you that Longwen Chiding let Di Zun and the others go because they cooperated with Dao Lord.”

“But is it possible that Dao Lord has actually succeeded in seizing part of the Longwen Red Cauldron, and he simply let Di Zun and the others go?”

“If so, then let’s kill him. In fact, we are going to die!”

“Of course, I will protect you and protect you from death!”

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, stared straight at Li Chen and said, “Since I know that I am going to die, why do master and senior still agree with my approach?”


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