The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8584: No entry or exit

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After entering the tripod, all the monks outside the tripod lost contact with them.

The “death” of Dao Dui shocked those monks outside the tripod who were not under Dao Lord and decided to leave the Daoxing area quickly.

In addition to saving their own lives, they also want to tell their fellow tribesmen the news and remind them not to blindly enter the cauldron again.

Therefore, there are already monks outside the tripod, busy escaping.

Based on the strength of the original wind, the whirlwind he arranged was completely capable of preventing the monks outside the cauldron from entering or leaving the Longwen Red Cauldron.

But Gu Bu Lao never thought that Jiang Yun could kill Dao Dui before, so he just proposed to let the wind of origin help prevent the monks from outside the cauldron from entering the cauldron.

So now the original wind is raising the price and deliberately asking for more money before he is willing to prevent the monks from escaping from the Longwen Red Cauldron.

Because, the original wind is very clear. The news that Jiang Yun killed Dao Dui and created the art of opening the sky must not be allowed to be taken outside the tripod and leaked by the monks outside the tripod.

Gu Bu Lao’s face sank, and he said coldly: “It’s impossible to add two things that don’t exist. I can only add one more at most!”

Now that the original wind has obtained seven kinds of original things, if you give him two more kinds and let him collect nine kinds, then he will no longer be able to be used in the cauldron.

Gu Bu Lao also hopes that the original wind will continue to contribute to the cauldron.

Of course, the more important thing is that what Gu Bu Lao gave to the original wind is not a real nothing at all.

This is why the original wind has never been able to fuse nothing.

However, once the nine fake non-existent things are given together, the original wind will definitely be able to detect the abnormality and know that Gu Bu Lao has deceived itself.

At that time, the original wind will also become the formidable enemy in the cauldron!

As one of the Four Spirits and Eight Extremes, if the original wind takes action against the cauldron, the creatures in the cauldron will have no chance of surviving.

“One is not enough!”

Original Wind said with a smile: “Gu Bu Lao, you have to think clearly, if these monks outside the cauldron leave the Longwen Red Cauldron, what will be waiting for the creatures in your cauldron!”

Gu Bulao’s face was as dark as water. Although he knew that the wind of origin was threatening him, what the other party said was indeed the truth.

The strong men outside the tripod would definitely be extremely interested if they knew that Jiang Yun could kill a transcendent person.

“You’d better think about it quickly, some monks will leave Longwen Red Cauldron soon!”

With the urging of the wind of origin, Gu Bulao finally made up his mind and prepared to agree to his request.

Get over the current hurdle first, and figure out other solutions later.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly said: “I won’t trouble Senior Yuanyuan for such a small matter.”

As soon as the words fell, the sound of chains shaking was heard. The chains of the Nine Clans, with Jiang Yun cross-legged on them, suddenly rose into the sky and went straight into the sky.


After a violent vibration above, the Hengmen forbidden area emerged on its own initiative.

The Hengmen restricted area only targets the creatures within the cauldron, and the creatures within the cauldron should not be visible.

But Jiang Yun now possesses a Dao body composed of multiple powers from outside the tripod, so it is up to him to control the chains of the nine clans, which can lead to the appearance of the Hengmen Forbidden Domain.

In the restricted area of ​​Hengmen, there are more than ten monks outside the Ding, who are running away in panic.

The person running at the front is a person who has achieved detachment.

He is already only a hundred feet away from the whirlwind arranged by the Origin Wind. With one more step, he can step directly out of the whirlwind and leave the Longwen Red Cauldron.

But unfortunately, he is fast, and the Nine Clans Chain is even faster!

The chains of the nine clans arrived first, like a giant dragon, arriving behind the opponent in an instant.

Hearing the sound of chains coming from behind, the expression of this detached man suddenly changed. He knew it was the chains of the Nine Clans and did not even dare to look back.

A ball of flame rose above his body, with Dao patterns lingering inside.

The appearance of this flame made him move faster, and he had reached the edge of the whirlwind.


There was a loud noise, and the chains of chaos directly hit the body of the transcendental figure, smashing him to pieces!

With the combined power of Jiang Yun and the Nine Clan Chains, it was no longer difficult to kill and transcend.


The other eight chains had all arrived at the edge of the whirlwind. Jiang Yun stood up from the chains and looked at the dozen or so monks from outside the cauldron below.

“Whoever crosses the chain will die!”

After saying these words coldly, Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged again, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at the monks at all.

And the more than ten monks outside the tripod have all stopped, looking at each other, their hearts sinking to the bottom!

Jiang Yun is a person who can kill even if he is in court.

Now that he is sitting there personally, carrying the chains of the nine clans, like nine giant dragons, no one dares to break through!

“You kid!”

The original wind was right above Jiang Yun. Seeing Jiang Yun blocking all the monks outside the tripod by himself, he was very dissatisfied and said: “You are not timid!”

“Don’t be afraid, I will kill you!”

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and said, “Senior, if you want to kill me, I will never resist!”

After giving Jiang Yun a fierce look, Origin Wind said: “Kill your Tao body and it will be shameful to spread the word!”

What Jiang Yun came to was not the deity, but Lei Benyuan’s Taoist body.

Of course, what Origin Wind is afraid of is not embarrassment, but that he still lacks two things that he has not obtained, and he does not dare to push Gu Bu Lao too hard.

In this way, Jiang Yun single-handedly guarded the exit of Longwen Red Cauldron!

Longwen Red Cauldron, no entry, no exit!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s true self has arrived at Ji Kongfan’s side.

Ji Kongfan’s opponent is a person who has achieved transcendence.

Although Ji Kongfan has not yet opened the door to transcendence, but in conjunction with the Wind of Annihilation, his strength is clearly superior to that of his opponent.

However, the problem he is facing now is that he cannot break through the transcendent body in a short time, so he and his opponent are in a stalemate.

Jiang Yun saw all this in his eyes and thought in his heart that it would be great if everyone in the cauldron could have a Hongmeng magic weapon.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that his idea was simply unrealistic.

Not to mention the cauldron, even among Baji’s subordinates, not everyone may have a Hongmeng magic weapon.

“Senior Ji!”

Jiang Yun opened his mouth to show up, and when the person who was in the way of transcendence saw Jiang Yun, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and ran away.


As soon as Jiang Yun said one word, he froze the opponent’s figure.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of original fire enveloped the opponent’s whole body.

Jiang Yun said to Ji Kongfan: “Senior Ji, I have to trouble you to go back and refine the magic weapon.”

Ji Kongfan nodded and said: “I thought of it, please send me back!”

Ji Kongfan also saw the process of Jiang Yun “killing” Dao Dui, and naturally understood that what Jiang Yun lacked now was a sharp weapon.

Only he can help Jiang Yun obtain this sharp weapon.

Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan didn’t need to be polite and sent him directly back to the Daoxing Territory.

Here, unless Jiang Yun dies in battle, no one can disturb Ji Kongfan.

After placing Ji Kongfan in place, Jiang Yun was ready to continue looking for the disadvantaged creatures in the cauldron.

But at this moment, he was sitting in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Hengmen, and suddenly raised his head and looked upward.

Through the whirlwind spread by the original wind, it was faintly visible, and a picture suddenly appeared at the mouth of the cauldron.


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