The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8581: This technique opens the sky

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Before, Dao Dui never fought back against Jiang Yun, but continued to use his own power of water to condense various waters such as Yuan, Ze, and Ting.

No matter what kind of water it is, it is either expanding its own area or swallowing up the surrounding space.

In anyone’s opinion, Daodui’s approach is clearly to use these waters to occupy the Daoxing domain, so that his water avenue can dominate the Daoxing domain and become the only avenue in this domain.

However, after he finished speaking these eight words, the entire Daoxing Territory suddenly heard the sound of continuous explosions.

The black abyss, the yellow lake, and the green river all exploded.

After the explosion, the water all intertwined and merged together, still centered on Daodui, surrounding him, forming a whirlpool of water.

The area of ​​​​this whirlpool is endless, and there is no end in sight.

What is even more terrifying is that if you look down from a high position, you will clearly see that the entire Daoxing Domain is already in a slightly distorted state.

It was as if there was an invisible hand lifting up the Daoxing Domain.

This is caused by the strong suction released by the rotation of the vortex.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are blurry shadows one after another in the whirlpool, sitting or standing, hiding in it.

These shadows are of different sizes. The big ones are actually stars in a square world.

Within the stars of the world, there are also mountains, rivers, land, vegetation and flowers.

In addition to objects, there are also shadows of humans, monsters, etc.

The suction power comes from each of their bodies.

Within the scope covered by the water vortex, the stars, the world, and everything else were naturally sucked into the vortex.

As for the areas not covered by the vortex, the strong suction can still **** everything into the vortex.

Moreover, this absorption is extremely fast.

Stars and worlds were forced to leave their original positions, swirling towards the whirlpool.

As soon as they enter the vortex, they will be crushed to pieces and reduced to nothing.

Daodui obviously does not want to occupy the Daoxing Domain at all, but to completely destroy the Daoxing Domain.

Jiang Yun stood not far from Dao Dui. He also felt the huge suction force and had to mobilize his own strength to resist the suction force and prevent himself from being sucked into the huge whirlpool.

Dao Dui raised his head again, looked at Jiang Yun, and said with a sneer: “It is no longer possible for you to change the result of the destruction of Daoxing.”

“Including you, everyone will be buried in my Shui Xing Dao Heaven and become a part of it.”

Yuan Ze Ting Hui, water moves through the sky, this is Dao Dui’s strongest magical power.

At this time, this technique has been fully deployed, and Dao Dui has absolute confidence. Not to mention Jiang Yun, even all the creatures in the entire Daoxing domain can’t stop it if they join forces.

Daudui paused and then said: “However, if you can tell the true purpose of your flaming knife, I may be able to let you die happily!”

Dao Dui, the detached leader of the Nine Palaces Taoist Guards, was really puzzled by Jiang Yun’s tireless attack on him with the flaming knife.

He really wanted to know the real purpose of Jiang Yun’s actions, so he did not hesitate to give up on incorporating Jiang Yun into his Water Walking Heaven.

In response to Dao Dui, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and slashed at Dao Dui with a flaming knife.

“You are asking for death!”

Daodui’s face sank, and he swung his fist again, hitting the flaming knife with one punch, breaking it into pieces.

“Okay, I’m too lazy to ask anymore, let’s end it here!”

Dao Dui made no move. In the whirlpool surrounding him, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Jiang Yun.


There was a sound of chains vibrating.

A hundred-foot-long chain appeared and smashed the palm into pieces.

Even after breaking his palm, Jiang Yun’s body moved bit by bit into the whirlpool.

The suction force released by the vortex was so strong that Jiang Yun could no longer resist it.

So, after the chain shattered the palm, it wrapped around Jiang Yun’s body, blocking the suction force.

“Hahaha!” Dao Dui laughed loudly: “You think that a mere chain can stop my water-walking Daotian!”


As Dao Dui finished speaking, countless arms stretched out from the whirlpool again, grabbed the chain entangled with Jiang Yun, and pulled hard.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun and the chain were pulled into the whirlpool again.

Jiang Yun was not in a hurry, and slashed at Dao Dui with another flaming knife.

Dao Dui smashed the flaming knife with his fist again, and several sparks fell on his fist.

Next, Jiang Yun continued to attack Dao Dui with the flaming knife, allowing himself to be continuously pulled into the whirlpool.

Seeing that Jiang Yun was about to be completely pulled into the whirlpool, Jiang Yun finally said: “You should know this chain, and you shouldn’t be so naive to think that it can drag me and the chain into your whirlpool. ! ”


As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, the hundred-foot-long chain suddenly expanded and extended infinitely into the distance.

Not only did Jiang Yun’s body stop moving immediately, but he was also pulled away from the whirlpool.

“Whoosh, whoosh!”

Immediately afterwards, the sound of chains continued to sound, and chains emerged from the void one after another.

Nine chains, and they are the complete chains of the Nine Clans!

The length of the nine clan chains can be said to almost run through the entire cauldron.

No matter Jiang Yun or Jiang Yiyun, no matter how they used it before, they have never made the Nine Clans Chain appear in a complete state.

Either shrink the Nine Clans Chain, or use the power contained in the Nine Clans Chains.

Therefore, now, when the nine clan chains appear in a complete state, they span the entire cauldron, allowing all living beings wherever they are, whether inside or outside the cauldron, to clearly see it.

Naturally, this made them all stop and turn their attention to the nine chains.


There is no need for them to look at it. Above the cauldron, a picture of the Daoxing Domain has emerged.

Every living being can clearly see the huge water whirlpool in Daodui, Jiang Yun entangled in a chain, and nine clan chains surrounding Jiang Yun like nine giant dragons.

“What is the Fourth Brother going to do again?”

Gu Bulao has always been paying attention to the situation of Jiang Yun and the Daoxing Territory. Even after he saw the magical power exerted by Dao Dui, he thought that the Daoxing Territory was already hopeless.

But the current situation shows that Jiang Yun obviously still has not given up, so he used the Nine Clans Chain.

Even, Jiang Yun deliberately showed the scene of him and Dao Dui fighting.

Although Dao Dui was shocked at this moment, his face was calm and he said: “I know the chains of the Nine Clans!”

“It is indeed a good thing, let it enter my water world!”

Daodui suddenly raised his foot and stomped it hard towards the whirlpool.

The whirlpool suddenly swelled and wrapped itself around the chains of the Nine Clans.

Jiang Yun did not panic, stretched out his hand, and the Nine Clan Chains rushed towards Dao Dui.

Dao Dui also stood still, letting the chains of the nine clans break the whirlpool and wrap around his body.

Jiang Yun said coldly: “I have chopped you one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven times before, and you still don’t know my purpose!”

“Then I will kill you one last time, and by the way, teach you another technique!

After the words fell, Jiang Yun took a sudden step and came to stand in front of Dao Dui. He held the flaming knife in his hand and slashed at Dao Dui.

Dao Dui still smashed the flaming knife with his fist.

And a spark fell from his fist, burning a small wound.

Looking at the wound, the light in Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly surged, and he shouted loudly: “This technique will open the sky!”

Jiang Yun pointed his finger at the wound on Dao Dui’s fist!


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