The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8332: Rules within the tripod

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Peng San could naturally hear that Jiang Yun was deliberately mocking him.

But Peng San didn’t care about Jiang Yun’s sarcasm at all. Instead, his mind was racing, why couldn’t he leave the Daoxing area?

I have always had my consciousness to pay attention to Jiang Yun, and I wanted to leave the Daoxing Territory twice. Not only did Jiang Yun not respond at all, but I really didn’t have any power to stop him.

But why did I return to the same place twice?

At this time, Jiang Yun spoke again and stepped towards Peng San: “Our dispute between Taoism and Dharma is our own business within the tripod. Why do you have to interfere?”

“If you want to fight against Dao Lord, you can go outside the cauldron, find Dao Lord, and fight him face to face. Why do you have to come inside the cauldron!”

“Is it just because you monks outside the cauldron always feel that you are superior to us beings in the cauldron?”

After asking the three questions, Jiang Yun was already standing in front of Peng San.

But Peng San remained silent and his face became extremely ugly!

He looked ugly not because of Jiang Yun’s questions, but because he felt again that there were powerful forces from all directions restraining his body, making him unable to move!

This power is so weird, it comes and goes without any sign, and there is no trace at all!

However, this power is extremely powerful.

In Peng San’s feeling, no one should be able to compete with this power and detachment!


Suddenly, Jiang Yun raised his fist and punched Peng San hard in the face.

Peng San’s unable to move body suddenly flew high into the sky and fell back.

While in the air, although the power of restraint still existed, some runes were already spreading out of Peng San’s seven orifices. He gritted his teeth and said: “Please give me fragrance…”


Before he could finish his words, Jiang Yun’s fist came again, punching back his last words, and even the runes were scattered.

Peng San’s eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He really couldn’t accept how Jiang Yun could become so powerful.

Compared with Luo Ling Mian Nei, Jiang Yun’s current strength has at least doubled, and he was beaten so hard that he couldn’t even fight back!

If Jiang Yun had used the power of the dragon pattern within Luo Ling’s surface, Peng San would still be able to accept it.

But the key point is that now Jiang Yun is using pure physical power!

Next, Jiang Yun’s fist fell on Peng San again and again.

Even though Peng San was transcending the physical body, after receiving so many consecutive punches, blood gradually began to seep out of his seven orifices.

In fact, Jiang Yun can use more powerful magical powers, but Jiang Yun needs a target to vent his anger and a target to temporarily appease all Taoist cultivators.

Peng San is the best target.

Only this kind of punch to the flesh can satisfy Jiang Yun’s venting and appease all Taoist cultivators.


After being hit so hard that his head was a little dizzy, Peng San let out a loud shout.

Amid the violent shouts, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body, which not only instantly broke through the shackles of the invisible forces around him, but also made the entire Daoxing Territory tremble slightly.

The power of transcendence!

Peng San is a transcendent and strong man!

Due to the rules and regulations within the tripod, he never dared to show his true strength.

But now, after cutting off the connection between Daojun and Ding Nei, and with his own life under threat, he finally tried to regain his true strength.

Looking at Peng San’s earth-shaking change in momentum, Jiang Yun’s expression remained calm.

It’s not like Jiang Yun has never fought against powerful and transcendent men.

In the beginning, Jiang Yun was able to withstand the attacks from the Zhulong ancestors, let alone now.

While both are detached, the gap in strength between them is also vastly different.

Although Peng San and Zhu Zu are both detached, the feelings they bring to Jiang Yun are completely different.

At the moment when Peng San became transcendent, a pair of huge eyes slowly emerged from the depths of the Daoxing Domain that no one could see.

In his eyes, a candle was quietly lit!

No one knows that Jiang Yun’s guardian origin is the entire Daoxing domain!

Jiang Yun went to compete with Changbai and the others, and took away the guardian Taoist body.

No, the correct way to say it is that he took away the soul that protected the original Tao body, leaving behind the physical body of the original Tao body.

Now, with Jiang Yun’s return, the guardian Taoist body has naturally integrated with the physical body again.

To put it simply, Daoxing Dayu is Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun is Daoxing Dayu.

The invisible force that Peng San was bound to was the ubiquitous force in the entire Daoxing domain.

Peng San could not leave the Daoxing Territory because it was not allowed by the Daoxing Territory.

In the Daoxing Domain, Jiang Yun is not said to be invincible, but even Jiang Yun himself does not know how powerful he can be.

At this moment, Jiang Yun will use Peng San to see his own strength.

Jiang Yun is going to use Close Eyes to Protect the Original Taoist Body and bring Peng San into the dark night.

However, before the guardian Taoist body could completely close its eyes, countless crisscrossing lines suddenly appeared around Peng San’s body!

These lines are like a net, covering Peng San.


Peng San let out a shrill scream, and the aura of detachment that had just risen from his body immediately began to fall crazily, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

Naturally, these lines are the rules of Longwen Red Cauldron.

In other words, this is the rule for Dao Lord to stay in the cauldron.

The purpose of this rule is to not allow transcendent power to appear in the cauldron.

Of course, this disallowance is also relative.

Regardless of the fact that Beichenzi is a subordinate of Dao Lord, people who have reached a certain level of strength, such as Zhu Zu, the Fourth Ancestor of the Stealing Kong lineage, including Peng San’s own ancestor, seem to be unaffected by the rules.

But Peng San is obviously not among these people.

So, it is still unrealistic for him to use the power of transcendence in the cauldron.

Jiang Yun didn’t care about Peng San.

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was staring closely at the runes.

Because, when these runes appeared, Jiang Yun immediately felt that the Shiwanmangshan Talisman in his body had established a faint connection with the runes.

In other words, I should be able to control these runes and thus control the rules of Longwen Red Cauldron!

Under Jiang Yun’s gaze, those runes quickly disappeared without a trace.

And Jiang Yun’s eyes fell on Peng San again. He stretched out his hand and a human sword appeared behind Peng San.

This human sword is formed by the condensed Daoxing domain.


The human sword struck directly at Peng San’s head.

Peng San naturally felt the appearance of the human knife, but his body was still unable to move.

He knew very well that he could not avoid this knife.

In desperation, Peng Sanyi gritted his teeth and his body suddenly expanded. He was about to self-destruct again!


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