The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8304: Every word is heart-breaking

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Jiang Yun was not surprised that his master was aware of his arrival.

Because in his body, he has the ancient mark given by his master.

Jiang Yun respectfully knelt down to the ancient figure and said: “Disciple, pay homage to the master!”

After Gu Bulao looked deeply at Jiang Yun for a moment, a smile appeared on his face and said: “Get up!”

Jiang Yun stood up and, as before, walked to Gu Bu Lao’s side without any scruples, and said with a smile: “There is no better disciple than a master. The master has guessed that I am coming, so he has been waiting for me. Really?”

Gu Bulao nodded with a smile and said: “Yes, although the status between you and me as master and disciple is still there, the relationship is actually as strong as fire and water, and each of us has cultivated it.”

“With your character, you will definitely come to me alone and persuade me to change my mind.”

Gu Bu Lao’s words made Jiang Yun’s heart sink slightly.

It seems that Master still cares about the dispute between Taoism and Dharma and is willing to stand on the side of Dharma cultivation.

Although his heart felt a little heavier, Jiang Yun still said with a smile on his face: “Master really understands his disciples.”

“Yes, this disciple is here to persuade the master.”

Gu Bulao nodded gently and said, “Okay, then tell me and let me hear what reasons you have.”

If there was a third person present, it would be strange to hear the conversation between the master and the apprentice and see how harmoniously the two get along.

But Jiang Yun didn’t care about this at all, and began to tell in detail his experience of falling inside the plane.

Finally, Jiang Yun condensed the appearance of the previous dragon-marked master with spiritual energy and said: “Master, this is the dragon-marked master.”

“Not only does he look very similar to you, but he also cares very much about his disciples.”

“Disciple, let me take a bold guess. He should also be a clone of Master, right?”

Gu Bulao glanced at the incoming Dragon Mark Lord and said, “He does have something to do with me, but he is not my clone.”

“Besides, I didn’t know that he would actually go to the Luo Ling side.”

Seeing that Master refused to admit it, Jiang Yun stopped asking further questions and directly changed the subject: “Master, the situation we are facing is now very clear.”

“The real purpose of Lord Dao is to use the lives of the creatures in our cauldron to nourish the cauldron.”

“The so-called dispute between Tao and Dharma is simply a dispensable matter.”

“Therefore, there is absolutely no need for the monks in our cauldron, whether Dao cultivators or Dharma cultivators, to continue to fight and kill.”

“We should join forces and find a way to survive for ourselves.”

After listening to what Jiang Yun said, instead of showing any trace of surprise on Gu Bulao’s face, a mocking smile flashed across his face.

Gu Bulao suddenly stretched out his hand, took out a small gourd from his arms, pulled out the stopper, and the aroma of wine immediately overflowed.

Gu Bulao closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the wine, and then poured a sip of wine into his mouth.

Looking at Master’s actions, Jiang Yun said in surprise: “Master, when did you like drinking?”

Jiang Yun worshiped Gu Bu Lao as his master. In his memory, it seemed that this was the first time he saw his master drinking.

Gu Bulao smashed the bar twice and said, “It’s not about whether you like this thing or not, it’s just a taste.”

After taking another sip of wine, Gu Bulao continued: “Fourth, maybe your opinion is right.”

“In the end, all the creatures in the cauldron will die in the cauldron and become the nourishment of this cauldron.”

“But what if your opinion is wrong?”

“What if the memory of Fu Jingjing you saw was actually something someone deliberately let you see?”

“Originally, as long as we had a fight between Taoism and Dharma, at least one side would be able to survive.”

“But if we follow your approach and we give up the fight, we will all die in the end?”

“Fourth, you are still too naive.”

“The reason why you believe other people’s memories so easily is because behind this memory is what you want.”

“But I am not you, and many of us are not you!”

“I would rather believe in the battle between Tao and Dharma, in which the winner lives and the loser dies!”

“In this way, there is at least half a chance of survival!”

Jiang Yun was silent.

He came to see his master with full hopes and expectations, and he firmly believed that the master could have the same idea as him and could change the entire pattern and situation within the tripod.

But now, the master’s words were like basins of cold water, pouring down his heart.

The ancient voice continued: “Do you have anything else to do?”

“If not, just leave!”

“This time, because you dare to come here alone, I won’t take action against you.”

“But next time, if you still dare to come, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

Seeing the master about to close his eyes again, Jiang Yun could only continue: “I came here this time to ask the master to join us to compete with Changbai and other nine other tripod masters.”

Jiang Yun once again told what he had agreed with Changbai.

After listening, Gu Bulao laughed loudly and said: “Old Fourth, Old Fourth, how do you want me to say hello to you!”

“I’ll help you compete with Dingwai Chaozhuo. If you win, will they help you deal with me, or will they help me deal with you?”

Jiang Yun was silent again.

If Master can give up the dispute between Tao and Dharma, it is reasonable and reasonable to ask him to intervene.

But Master is obviously not ready to give up on the dispute between Tao and Dharma, so asking him to take action is really unfair.

“But, let me give you a piece of advice!”

Jiang Yun’s heart moved again and he said hurriedly: “Master, please speak.”

Gu Bulao said calmly: “I don’t know who else you have found to compete with Ding Wai Chao Tuo, but I suggest not to bring your senior brothers and sisters with you.”

Jiang Yun is indeed not prepared to take his senior brothers and sisters with him.

Because Changbai has made an announcement that monks outside Ding are not allowed to participate, the second senior sister will definitely not be able to go.

The third senior brother is too weak, and only the eldest brother was still hesitant before he came.

But why did master specifically tell him not to bring his brothers and sisters with him?

Gu Bulao obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking. He smiled slightly and said, “I don’t mean anything else, so don’t think too much about it.”

“I just think that it must be extremely dangerous for you to compete with those who are outside the tripod.”

“As the instigator, you will die when you die, but I don’t want anything to happen to the three of them.”

Jiang Yun was stunned!

The reasons given by Gu Bulao are heart-breaking every word!

Gu Bulao always treats his disciples equally and equally.

In fact, even if it was partiality, Gu Bu Lao used to be biased towards Jiang Yun.

But now…

“Okay, I’m tired, go back quickly and prepare for your competition!”

Gu Bulao suddenly raised his hand and shook it hard towards Jiang Yun.

Suddenly, a strong wind caught Jiang Yun’s body and blew him backwards.

With Jiang Yun’s current strength, he was actually able to block the master’s swing, but he did not fight, and just allowed the strong wind to carry him away.

In the wind, Jiang Yun still bowed to Gu Bulao’s gradually blurring figure and said: “Disciple, farewell Master!”


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