The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8302: Suitable candidates

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The bone-like arm spread out five sharp knife-like fingers, grasped the edge of the whirlpool, and tore it apart with force.

A huge gap was suddenly ripped out of the whirlpool.

A skinny figure slowly emerged from the gap.

If Jiang Yun could see this person, he would definitely be shocked.

Because this person turned out to be the ancient revenge of the bone spirit that Jiang Yun saw with his own eyes before, and was chopped into pieces by Peng San with his sword, and then burned into nothingness with flames!

At this moment, Gu Qiu was completely naked, with almost no skin and flesh on his body, only bones.

Moreover, they are not all human bones, but a body pieced together from the bones of various beasts.

Gu Qiu turned his head, which could be separated from his neck at any time, and after slowly looking around, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

Then, he took big steps and walked towards the place where Mo Wang and Yuan Jie were unconscious.

Jiang Yun naturally had no idea about the appearance of Guqiu.

He would never have thought that when he became the master of Luoling Nian, Guqiu could still hide from him and always hide in Luoling Nian without being discovered by him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was already in a gap.

In all directions, except for darkness, it was completely foggy.

These fogs appear together with the resentful bones.

They are not ordinary mist, but contain the energy of chaos, the resentment of resentment, etc.

In fact, it was the appearance of these mist that caused the appearance of Zhen Ding Hengmen and Dao Guards, and severed the connection between Dao Lord and Ding Nei.

Looking at the mist, the good mood in Jiang Yun’s heart due to returning from the Luoling side was gone in an instant.

Jiang Yun entered the Falling Surface. Because there was both a large-scale time reversal and a stasis of time, it was so chaotic that he was not sure how long he had been in the Falling Surface.

But no matter how long it takes, since the mist is still so thick, it means that the resentful bones in the cauldron will still appear frequently.

Jiang Yun knows the horror and cruelty of the Resentment Bones better than anyone else.

The longer they exist, the more deaths and injuries there will be among the creatures in the cauldron.

“I don’t know how many creatures have died at the hands of the Resentful Bones during this period.”

“Oh, let’s go home first!”

Jiang Yun adjusted his mood, reached out and tore a crack in the darkness, and stepped into it.

The land of boundaries!

With Jiang Yun’s current strength, entering and exiting the restricted area is as easy as returning to his own home.

The Boundary Land has naturally not been affected by the fog.

Of course, even if there is fog, it will not cause any trouble to Jiang Yun.

His protective Taoist body is the Daoxing Great Domain, and these mists also cut off the connection between him and the Taoist body.

After identifying the direction, Jiang Yun immediately rushed towards the Daoxing Territory.

Two days have passed and Jiang Yun has returned to Daoxing Territory.

Today’s Daoxing Domain has officially become the gathering place for Taoist cultivators in the tripod.

Because Rong Qingzhu, the leader of the Taoist cultivators, had summoned all the Taoist cultivators in the tripod as early as when Jiang Yun went to the Luoling side.

To be honest, without the appearance of the Resentful Bones, most Taoist cultivators might not be willing to come to the Daoxing Domain.

After all, no one wants to leave their hometown and live under someone else’s roof.

But after seeing the power and cruelty of the Resentful Bones, all living beings who still want to live realize that everyone must stick together.

What’s more, various rumors about Daoxing Great Region have also spread to a greater or lesser extent.

Everyone knows that the Daoxing Domain is powerful and the monks are united, so many Taoist monks have come here one after another.

The situation on the Faxiu side is roughly the same as that on the Taoist side.

Even though Gu Bulao led the army of Dharma cultivators and was defeated by Daoxing Dayu, the more this happened, the more all the Dharma cultivators had to hurry up and gather together.

The battle between Taoism and Dharma is the fate that no one in the cauldron can escape in the end, and only one of the two sides can survive.

Even the army of Dharma cultivators is no match for the Daoxing Great Region, and it is even less possible for their Dharma cultivators alone to contend with the Dao cultivators.

In short, the appearance of the Resentful Bones, although it did cause a lot of casualties to the creatures in the cauldron, also prompted the creatures in the cauldron to complete the final alignment between Taoism and Dharma cultivation.

Therefore, during this period, the creatures in the cauldron ushered in a rare period of peace.

This is what Jiang Yun heard from his senior brother and the others after he returned to the Daoxing Territory.

Next, everyone looked at Jiang Yun, waiting for Jiang Yun to tell his experience.

Because it was related to Dao Lord’s true purpose, Jiang Yun did not tell too many people about his return. He only gathered Ji Kongfan, three senior brothers and sisters, Jiansheng and other people who were closest to him.

Of course, Jiang Yun also told everything about his experience this time, including some speculations.

After listening, everyone’s reaction was quite calm.

After all, they are all used to the surprises Jiang Yun brings from time to time.

Only Situ Jing’s brows were tightly knitted together.

Before anyone could ask, Situ Jing had already taken the initiative and said with a wry smile: “I have never heard about raising the tripod.”

“As for proving the Tao, in my eyes, the Lord of Tao is the Tao, so why do I need to prove the Tao!”

Situ Jing’s answer was also expected by everyone.

Everyone has long understood that Situ Jing’s identity is no different from that of himself and others.

In the past, they were all chess pieces.

Now, it’s all nutrients!

As a nutrient, Daojun certainly cannot let her know anything too important.

Jiang Yun even changed the topic directly and said: “Now that I have come back and my strength has improved a bit, I think it is time to go to Changbai and other Dingwaichaotou to have a discussion.”

Changbai and the other nine tripods are extraordinarily transcendent. In fact, Jiang Yun’s win over them is no longer just to save the nine tribes, but also hopes to cooperate with them.

Because, in Jiang Yun’s opinion, the dispute between Taoism and Dharma can be ended!

Even if the winner is really determined, in the end, the winning party may not be able to go outside the cauldron smoothly, but will be used as nourishment and die inside the cauldron.

Everyone was anxious about the original Taoist dispute because the beginning of Sanlin gave everyone a sense of urgency.

But now that he has stopped part of Sanlin, and Dao Lord has temporarily “given up” within the cauldron, there is no need to continue the battle between Dao and Dharma.

No matter what purpose Changbai and the others had, Jiang Yun suspected that they were not willing to stay in the cauldron.

Even, they may be the same nutrients as themselves and others.

Since everyone has a common enemy, cooperation is always better than confrontation.

Therefore, the top priority is to cooperate with Changbai and the others first.

Everyone naturally supported Jiang Yun’s idea unconditionally.

Ji Kongfan said: “Then have you thought of a suitable candidate?”

Jiang Yun smiled and said: “Basically, it’s almost done.”

“However, there is one person whom I need to personally ask for his opinion!”


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