The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8292: People and Tao are in harmony

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Hearing these two words, Dongfang Bo’s face naturally showed a look of surprise, and he said with obvious disbelief: “Junior sister, how did you judge that the fourth child is about to become detached?”

Situ Jing pointed around and said: “The so-called detachment means that people are in harmony with the Tao!”

“The way of self-cultivation and the method of the great domain are equal.”

“But before that, the avenues in the monk’s area will definitely not willingly accept that there is a avenue that is equal to them.”

“Therefore, among all avenues, there will first be a battle similar to a competition.”

“I am not a living being in the cauldron, so my feeling about the avenue is not too obvious.”

“But since the senior brother said that the avenues have become very excited, it means that these avenues will attack the fourth child’s avenue.”

Dongfang Bo scratched his head and said: “But the fourth child is not here now. Do these avenues know his location and want to set off to find him?”

Situ Jing muttered: “Logically speaking, this is the case.”

“Furthermore, senior brother, don’t forget that Lao Si is a living being within the cauldron. He wants to be on par with the Dao, not just with the Dao of Daoxing, but also with the Dao of the entire cauldron. Qi.”

Hearing this, Dongfang Bo’s expression finally changed slightly and he said: “The guardian avenue of the fourth child must accept the challenge of all the avenues in the entire tripod?”

Situ Jing nodded!

After pondering for a long time, Dongfang Bo continued: “I believe in the strength of the fourth child.”

“Since he dares to attack the transcendent realm at this time, it means that he must have confidence.”

“Moreover, the inside of the cauldron is now in chaos. Those bones that caused chaos seem to have severed the relationship between the inside of the cauldron and the outside of the cauldron.”

“If the fourth child really becomes detached at this time, that would be a great thing.”

“At least, he doesn’t need to go directly to outside the tripod and can stay with us.”

“Our junior brother is detached, so we will definitely win this battle between Tao and Dharma.”

However, Situ Jing smiled bitterly and said: “Senior Brother, the fourth child has now become detached, which is indeed a good thing for us, but it is not the same for him.”

“Alas, I can’t tell you the details. I can only say that it’s best for the fourth child to fail this time.”

Dongfang Bo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, his expression changed again. He suddenly turned his head, looked in one direction and said: “The road is gone!”

As a Dao spirit, Dongfang Bo is extremely sensitive to the Dao, so he is the only one who can clearly sense the movement of the Dao. ωω

Dongfang Bo swayed and wanted to follow these avenues to see if he could find Jiang Yun, but Situ Jing grabbed him and said, “Don’t go.”

“I don’t know where the Fourth Brother is, but it is most likely in other areas. If you follow him, you won’t be able to find him.”

“And if it is really Lao Si who is attacking transcendence, then his Taoist will or spiritual consciousness should come to see us.”

Dongfang Bo nodded thoughtfully and sat down cross-legged.

In fact, within the Daoxing Domain, not far from Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing, a pair of huge eyes were calmly watching the avenues coming from all directions.

Of course, these eyes are Jiang Yun’s original Tao body and his strongest Tao body.

Jiang Yun actually didn’t know that he was attacking detachment.

In his current situation, it is impossible to resist the statue’s soul-stealing power with only the Yicheng Taoist heart within the falling surface, so Jiang Yun must borrow the power of the original Tao body.

In the past, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to have any contact with his original Tao body while he was in the Luo Ling plane.

But after the Dao Enlightenment given to him by Dao Lord helped him obtain the artistic conception, it allowed him to establish a connection with the original Dao body.

When all the avenues come to the eyes, they will immediately release the purest power of the avenue and launch an attack.

The original Taoist body did not respond at all, but stood quietly and allowed the power of these avenues to attack.

If Dongfang Bo were here, he should be able to see a pair of huge intertwined palms appearing next to Jiang Yun’s original Taoist body.

All the power of the avenue is directed at these hands.

What is even more strange is that under such a dense attack, the hands not only did not dissipate, but actually became more and more solid.

Because, all the power of the great avenue, when it hits the palm, is consciously absorbed into the palm!

Gradually, the original Taoist identity revealed his Taoist heart and began to spread around.

The speed of this spread is extremely fast and exceeds any movement technique.

In an instant, Dao Xin had passed through the entire Dao Xing domain.

Wherever the Taoist heart passed, all the great avenues showed strong goodwill towards Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart.

It gave Jiang Yun the feeling that if these avenues were human beings, they would be nodding and smiling at him.

This kind of goodwill represents a kind of recognition!

Jiang Yun’s Daoxin responded politely and continued to move forward.

Of course, he also saw his senior brother and second senior sister.

As he passed by the two of them, Jiang Yun deliberately wanted to say hello to them, but suddenly found that his movement speed suddenly accelerated.

Because, there is a strong suction force coming from my own body, attracting my Taoist heart and rushing towards a distant place.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only pass by his senior brothers and sisters.

“Fourth, don’t be detached!”

The moment he passed by the senior sister, Jiang Yun suddenly heard the senior sister repeating these words.

“Don’t you want to be detached?”

Jiang Yun is a little strange. He is just borrowing the power of his original Taoist body. How can he become transcendent?

Soon, Jiang Yun’s enlightenment came to other great regions.

There are still countless avenues, and they attack his Taoist heart one after another.

Jiang Yun felt his anxiety, so he ignored these avenues.

In addition to Da Dao, Jiang Yun also saw many familiar people.

For example, some legal cultivators in a certain legal domain, Tian Yi and two people are constantly escaping.

Even Jiang Yun saw the nine-petal flower.

Especially when Jiang Yun’s Dao Heart passed by this flower, he suddenly heard Changbai’s voice in his ears: “Jiang Yun, if you don’t come to compete with us, I’m afraid you won’t have a chance!”

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun had no way to stop Dao Xin, nor could he respond to Changbai, so he could only pass him by.

In this way, Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart got closer and closer to the falling surface.

And when he was about to reach the landing surface, he suddenly heard a loud noise.

This made him raise his head and look in the direction of the sound.

A dark place collapsed, revealing a huge black hole.

Two figures appeared in the black hole.

One man and one woman!

It seems that both of them are not very old, but the aura fluctuations they exude are not only extremely powerful, but also do not belong to the cauldron.

Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart also couldn’t stay, but after remembering their looks, he finally came outside Luoling!


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