The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8291: Transcendent artistic conception

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Except for the Daoxing Domain, at this moment, a pair of faint palms also appeared around Jiang Yun.

The palms of his hands were crossed, just protecting Jiang Yun’s body.

Of course, this is Jiang Yun’s path of protection.

Guarding the Dao actually exists in Jiang Yun’s Dao heart from beginning to end.

However, Jiang Yun’s original idea of ​​protecting others was to protect others and other things, and he never thought of protecting himself.

However, when Jiang Yun truly condensed the original Taoist body that guarded the avenue, he finally realized this problem.

If you want to protect others, you must first protect yourself!

If you can’t protect yourself, how can you protect others?

Therefore, from then on, Jiang Yun’s guardian path began to protect himself.

Today, even if Zhang Taicheng did not spit out the Mountain Swallowing Talisman of his destiny, Jiang Yun would still be awakened by the Guardian Dao before his Dao Heart completely fell.

“Guardian?” The voice sneered: “This is the first time I have heard of this kind of niche method.”

“But don’t forget where this is.”

“This is Luolingmian, my territory.”

“What’s more, now 90% of your Taoist heart has been occupied by me, leaving only 10% of your Taoist heart.”

“Your guardian road cannot protect you at all.”

Jiang Yun looked at the direction the sound came from and said, “In the past, I really couldn’t protect myself.”

“But now, it may not be possible.”

“Speaking of which, thank you.”

“Whether you are a Dao Lord or a dragon pattern, the Dao enlightenment you left behind, although it occupies my Dao heart, it also makes me understand some things!”

The voice was cold: “What do you understand?”

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: “Don’t say it!”

“Mysterious!” The voice said with a hint of impatience: “If you don’t tell me, don’t tell me. Anyway, as long as I occupy your last enlightenment heart, I can know it.”

After the voice fell, the static objects surrounding Jiang Yun on all sides immediately came to life, and rushed towards Jiang Yun, or in other words, towards the looming palms outside Jiang Yun’s body.

Naturally, all kinds of great power also began to attack.

Facing the opponent’s attack, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes.

The looming palms suddenly became solid and slowly expanded, firmly protecting Jiang Yun’s body.

A monk’s practice, whether it is Taoist practice or Dharma practice, actually focuses on two aspects.

One is self-cultivation, and the other is artistic conception!

Self-cultivation is easy to understand and also includes two aspects.

Body and soul.

As the body and soul become stronger little by little, the monk’s cultivation level will naturally improve accordingly.

However, when a monk’s cultivation reaches a certain level, if he wants to continue improving, he can no longer do it by cultivating his body and soul.

At this time, what is needed is artistic conception.

The so-called artistic conception is perception, the Taoist cultivator’s perception of the great road, and the Dharma cultivator’s perception of the law.

Tao enlightenment, Dharma enlightenment!

Only when you gain corresponding insights can you continue to practice.

To put it simply, self-cultivation is the quantity of practice, and artistic conception is the quality of practice.

Only when quantity has been accumulated to a certain extent and caused a qualitative leap can it continue to accumulate.

Compared with self-cultivation, it is much more difficult to obtain and improve artistic conception.

For the former, as long as you practice step by step, you can basically reach a certain level.

But the latter is hard to come by.

Especially the stronger the monk is, the harder it becomes to obtain the artistic conception.

This is also the reason why many monks get stuck in a certain realm and are even unable to move forward throughout their lives.

It’s not that they don’t work hard, it’s that they can’t achieve the corresponding artistic conception.

Jiang Yun, especially so!

Jiang Yun is taking an unprecedented path of spiritual practice.

No one can point him to a clear direction, and no one can tell him how to take the next step.

Jiang Yun has always been groping forward on his own, stumbling all the way to where he is now.

Not long ago, if the second senior sister from outside the tripod hadn’t awakened him and let him know that he was not even in the origin realm, he would have thought that he was not far away from transcendence.

Although he finally succeeded in condensing the original Tao body and officially entered the original realm.

But even Situ Jing doesn’t know how to truly become transcendent.

Let alone Situ Jing, even if all the Taoist cultivators in the cauldron, whether inside or outside the cauldron, gathered together, they would not be able to give Jiang Yun a clear answer.

Because if you want to be transcendent, what you need most is artistic conception!

Of course, Jiang Yun is currently only at the beginning of the Origin Realm, and is still far away from becoming transcendent. There is no need to face the problem of artistic conception for the time being.

But today, among the statues in the falling plane, these Dao marks left by Dao Lord gave Jiang Yun a lot of Dao enlightenment.

Dao Lord, that is definitely the top powerhouse among Taoists.

The depth and breadth of his understanding of the Great Dao is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Jiang Yun himself admitted that there was a huge difference between his previous understanding of the Dao and Dao Lord’s.

Therefore, after gaining hundreds of Taoist insights, Jiang Yun unexpectedly gained some artistic conception!

And just when Jiang Yun closed his eyes, all the monks in the Daoxing Domain suddenly realized that something was wrong in the area where they were born and grew up.

It’s just that no one can tell clearly what is wrong with it.

Because looking around, everything around everyone has not changed.

Only Dongfang Bo, his gaze looked into the depths of the Daoxing Domain and said to himself: “The Dao has become excited.” ωω

While speaking, Dongfang Bo stretched out his palm and spread it flatly.

In his palm, a nearly transparent sphere appeared.

The sphere is constantly surging, as if something is about to rush out from inside.

“Junior sister!”

As Dongfang Bo spoke, Situ Jing immediately came to his side and saw the small ball in his palm.

After being slightly startled, Situ Jing looked surprised and said: “The Taoist spirit fluctuates so violently!”

Dongfang Bo nodded and said: “Just now, I suddenly felt something was wrong, so I looked at my own Taoist spirit, and it became like this.”

“What, junior sister, don’t you feel anything?”

Situ Jing frowned and said, “Yes, but my feeling is not strong.”

“Sir, can you tell me your specific feelings?”

Dongfang Bodao: “It’s too specific and I can’t say it. I can only say that Dao Dao is obviously more excited than before.”

“Excited!” After Situ Jing repeated these two words, his expression suddenly changed: “Could it be, it’s the fourth child!”

Situ Jing’s complexion did not become ugly, but became extremely complicated!

There are worries, expectations, reluctance, and doubts!

Dongfang Bo looked at Situ Jing with some confusion and said, “I also think it may be because of the fourth child.”

“But there’s something wrong with your reaction, junior sister!”

“Could it be that you know what happened to the fourth child?”

Situ Jing actually took a deep breath and said: “I can’t be sure yet. I can only say that the fourth child may have another opportunity.”

“But this opportunity should also be accompanied by huge dangers.”

Dongfang Bo smiled bitterly and said: “Junior sister, can you say something I can understand.”

In Situ Jing’s mouth, he uttered two words: “Detachment!”


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