The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8290: I am Taojun

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“Jiang Yun!”

Looking at the palm of the statue that was very close to him, Zhang Taicheng naturally understood that at the critical moment, Jiang Yun stopped the statue from attacking him and saved himself.

This also shows that although Jiang Yun’s soul should be bound by Dao Lord, this restraint is not complete.

Of course, it is also possible that the mountain-eating talisman he sprayed out helped Jiang Yun.

But no matter what, the statue still has the possibility of becoming a Dao Lord again.

Therefore, even though Zhang Taicheng has almost no power in his body, he is still gritting his teeth and still staring at the statue of Daojun, moving his body back little by little.

Even when passing Jiang Yun’s body, Zhang Taicheng did not forget to reach out his hand, pull Jiang Yun’s body, and also move backward.

In this way, Zhang Taicheng retreated three feet away with difficulty, and finally fell to the ground without any strength at all.

“Hoo **** ho!”

Zhang Taicheng breathed heavily, looking at the statue that had not been moved since Jiang Yun spoke.

So far, Zhang Taicheng has done all he can do.

Next, his life is equivalent to being handed over to Jiang Yun and Daojun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was in an extremely small space.

He is surrounded by all kinds of strange things in all directions.

There is water, thunder, fire, mountains, trees, and weird things with no names at all…

Although these things are stationary, they are extremely close to Jiang Yun!

Everything exudes the powerful power of the avenue.

The power of these avenues seemed to have turned into invisible but sharp needles, pointing directly at Jiang Yun.

As long as Jiang Yun dares to make the slightest move, these needles will easily penetrate his body.

Of course, these things are the Taoist patterns of Daojun!

And surrounded by them is Jiang Yun’s soul!

Previously, Jiang Yun was immersed in the process of Dao Lord drawing Dao patterns.

Every time he watched the drawing process of a Dao pattern, Jiang Yun benefited a lot and felt that his understanding of the Dao had improved.

The price paid is that these Dao patterns of Dao Lord will invade Jiang Yun’s Dao heart, and then invade Jiang Yun’s soul!

Jiang Yun’s guess about Lord Dao’s intentions was correct.

This statue is the last resort arranged by Lord Dao in Luoling Plane.

The Dao patterns condensed into the statue are not simple Dao patterns, but contain Dao enlightenment.

This is not the first time Jiang Yun has seen Dao marks left by strong men. He has never seen the process of creating Dao marks by other strong men among the Dao marks.

It happened that he saw it at Daojun.

It is precisely because of the existence of Dao Enlightenment that Jiang Yun will naturally fall into Dao Enlightenment every time he looks at the Dao Patterns.

Dao Wu and Dao Patterns have a very direct effect – seizing souls!

Tao heart seizes the body, Tao pattern seizes the soul!

Jiang Yun escaped the Taoist intention emitted by the Taoist heart before, but this time he was unable to escape the Taoist enlightenment contained in the Taoist pattern.

And every time he gains another Taoist enlightenment, a Taoist pattern from the Taoist Lord will enter his Taoist heart.

Up to now, Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart only has the small area where he sits cross-legged, and it still belongs to him.

Other places are already occupied by Dao patterns.

If the Taoist heart is completely occupied by the Taoist patterns, then Jiang Yun’s soul will completely become the soul of the Taoist Lord.

Jiang Yun also had no idea what was happening.

But thanks to him keeping Zhang Taicheng in advance, the latter realized something was wrong and took action in time.

Zhang Taicheng’s mountain swallowing talisman, although blocked by the Dao Lord statue, had already awakened Jiang Yun!

After Jiang Yun saw his situation clearly, he immediately understood what was going on.

Fortunately, his Taoist heart has not been completely occupied by the Taoist patterns, allowing him to temporarily control the statue and remind Zhang Taicheng to run quickly.

Now that Zhang Taicheng has escaped, it is Jiang Yun’s turn to find a way to save himself.

“Hey, you think you can stop me?”

“You shouldn’t have woken up!”

A voice suddenly rang in Jiang Yun’s ear.

“If you are always immersed in my enlightenment and your soul is completely stolen by me, you will not suffer any pain.”

“Now that you wake up, you can’t stop me from seizing your soul. I can only watch helplessly, which will only make you more painful.”

Jiang Yun did not respond to the voice immediately, but remained silent for a moment before speaking: “Are you Dao Lord?”

“Otherwise!” The voice then said: “I am Daojun!”

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: “No, you are not a Dao Lord.”

“In other words, you can’t be considered a Dao Lord until you successfully seize my soul.”

“Although everything was arranged by Lord Dao, you are just a dragon demon now.”

“No, a tattooed demon, a demon with dragon tattoos!”

“I’m afraid you were also born because of these enlightenments.”

Although Jiang Yun has never heard Daojun’s voice, met Daojun, or had any contact with Daojun, it is not difficult to deduce from the words spoken by the other party that the other party is not Daojun.

The other party gave Jiang Yun the feeling of a villain who had suddenly succeeded, and his words revealed a sense of triumph.

Daojun is aloof and strategizing. If he is really such a person, then Jiang Yun would be too disappointed.

What’s more important is that the Dao Lord’s Taoist heart had previously seized Jiang Yun’s physical body, leaving Jiang Yun with no possibility of resisting, and had to give up a clone.

Now, Jiang Yun is not only able to be awakened by Zhang Taicheng, but also has the power to resist.

Therefore, Jiang Yun believed that the other party was just a demon transformed from the dragon pattern.

Perhaps, when the other party truly completes the soul grabbing, the other party will become Dao Lord’s clone in the cauldron.

But at least for now, the other party is not Dao Lord.

This also means that the three methods used by Daojun to stay on the Luoling side are also superior and inferior.

The heart of the Tao is at the top, the dragon pattern is in the middle, and the Tao pattern is at the bottom!

This time, it was the voice’s turn to be silent.

After a moment, the voice sounded again: “I said, I am Daojun.”

“If I am not Daojun, how can I recognize the identity of your friend from the Zhang family in Sanshan outside Ding.”

“If I were not Dao Lord, how could you have your soul stolen by me!”

Jiang Yun suddenly laughed and said: “Do you think that in my current state, I have no power to resist and can only wait obediently to have my soul taken away by you?”

He said in a cold voice: “I don’t see how you can resist.”

Jiang Yun continued to smile and said: “Do you know what my avenue is?”

The voice obviously hesitated before saying: “I don’t care what your avenue is, in the end your avenue will become my avenue.”

Jiang Yun didn’t care about the other party’s attitude and continued: “My avenue is relatively niche, and it’s called guardianship.”

“Many people think that the people I want to protect are my closest relatives.”

“But they don’t know that before I protect them, I have to protect myself first!”

Just as Jiang Yun finished speaking, in the deep darkness of the Daoxing Domain, a pair of huge eyes suddenly opened, slowly opening!


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