The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8289: The opening of the statue

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The moment the Mountain Swallowing Talisman was ejected by Zhang Taicheng, it turned into a palm-sized mountain and crashed into the statue of Lord Dao.

No, strictly speaking, it is eight mountains!

There are seven small mountains wrapped in one big mountain.

The outermost mountain is Taicheng Mountain, which Zhang Taicheng condensed through his own cultivation.

The eight mountains, taken together, are Zhang Taicheng’s three mountains and five mountains!

Although this hill looks inconspicuous, like a child’s toy.

But in fact, what it contains is almost equivalent to Zhang Taicheng’s entire power.

For a member of the Zhang family, once they spit out the mountain-eating talisman of their destiny, it means that they will make a last ditch effort.

Either the enemy dies or you die!

But facing the statue of Daojun, Zhang Taicheng did not dare to think that this was his last ditch effort.

His purpose is very clear, he just hopes that after his Mountain Swallowing Talisman hits Dao Lord, he can awaken Jiang Yun who should have lost consciousness inside.

It is a pity that Zhang Taicheng’s small wish seems to be difficult to realize.

The distance between Zhang Taicheng and the statue of Daojun is only about four feet.

Logically speaking, the Mountain Swallowing Talisman that Zhang Taicheng spit out with all his strength should be able to hit the statue of Lord Dao in an instant.

But the fact is that the hill seems to be stuck in a quagmire, and is advancing towards the statue of Daojun bit by bit at a slow speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no other reason!

The aura emanating from the statue is extremely powerful, as if intertwined into a large net, blocking any force or object from approaching.

As Zhang Taicheng had already used his last trump card, he was naturally unable to take any further action. He could only stare at his Mountain Swallowing Talisman with wide eyes.

It seems that he hopes to push the Mountain Swallowing Talisman forward with his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Zhang Taicheng’s Mountain Swallowing Talisman finally crossed a distance of more than four feet with difficulty and gently touched the statue of Daojun.


This seemingly slight touch exerted no power at all, but the hill transformed into the Mountain Swallowing Talisman trembled slightly.

The next moment, three mountains and five mountains suddenly collapsed!

The eight mountains have also turned into countless Dao patterns, as if they have turned into tentacles, winding towards the statue of Dao Lord.

Since it is a trump card, of course this Mountain Swallowing Talisman cannot rely solely on the power of impact to defeat the enemy.

Whether it is the Mountain Swallowing Talisman or the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Talisman, although it is essentially the power of earth, it can also contain some other powers.

The specific power they will have depends on what function the talisman condenser hopes they will have.

If the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Talisman really only has the power of earth, it would not be so famous outside the tripod, and it would not be highly respected by Xu Hua, who is well-informed and has an eye above the top.

The three mountains and five mountains talisman can be used to attack, defend, can be used as a restriction, can contain formations, and has many functions.

Although Zhang Taicheng doesn’t know Jiang Yun’s current situation or how the Dao Lord statue restrained Jiang Yun, he can at least see the countless Dao patterns on the statue,

This made it easy for him to guess that everything must be related to Dao Wen.

For this reason, he would return the three mountains and five mountains to their original Taoist patterns, influence the Taoist Lord’s Taoist patterns, or touch Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart, thus awakening Jiang Yun.

Countless Dao patterns belonging to Zhang Taicheng tightly wrapped around the statue of Dao Lord.

Moreover, these Dao lines are still doing their best to extend towards the inside of the statue’s body, especially the chest.

Jiang Yun’s Taoist heart is in the chest of the statue.

Zhang Taicheng believes that as long as his Dao pattern can enter it, even attacking Jiang Yun’s Dao heart can awaken Jiang Yun.

But at this moment, Daojun’s statue suddenly moved!

Zhang Taicheng saw that the statue raised its hand and pressed it on his chest.

Because the force used by the palm was not small, it also made a muffled sound.

As the palm of the statue pressed down, Zhang Taicheng’s spreading Dao pattern suddenly stopped, apparently blocked by the power of the statue.

Looking at the statue’s palm pressed against his chest, Zhang Taicheng swallowed quietly and said in a low voice: “Brother Jiang, is that you?”

Zhang Taicheng naturally hopes that it was Jiang Yun who stopped his Dao pattern.

That means Jiang Yun has successfully counterattacked the statue.

The statue did not respond to Zhang Taicheng’s words. It just stood there with its hands raised and pressed on its chest.

Zhang Taicheng also turned his head and looked at Jiang Yun’s body.

Jiang Yun’s physical body is still the same as before, his eyes are lifeless, like a statue.

At this moment, Zhang Taicheng felt that his head was about to explode.

Jiang Yun, who was obviously a real person, turned into a statue, but Dao Lord, who was obviously a statue, started to move.

After waiting quietly for a moment, Zhang Taicheng spoke again: “Brother Jiang, are you trapped in the statue?”

This time, Zhang Taicheng’s question was answered!

A voice suddenly came from the statue: “Three Mountains and Five Mountains Talisman, this is the mountain swallowing talisman of my destiny!”

“Members of the Zhang family in Sanshan, you are so brave!”

This voice is extremely unfamiliar to Zhang Taicheng.

But the words spoken by the voice made his face suddenly turn extremely pale, and his eyes revealed even more despair.

In fact, he did not dare to look at the statue anymore, but hurriedly lowered his head.

Zhang Taicheng shivered as if he was in an endless cold abyss.

But cold sweat was oozing out all over his body.

At this moment, there are only two words in his mind——


Although this is not Daojun’s voice, since the voice comes from Daojun’s statue, and it can reveal his identity at once, who else can it be besides Daojun!

Obviously, the Daojun statue has successfully killed or possessed Jiang Yun’s soul, turning from the statue into a human!

“Bang bang bang!”

Immediately afterwards, another series of explosions sounded.

Zhang Taicheng didn’t need to look at it to know that the sound came from the Dao pattern he had displayed.

Dao Lord has already appeared, so how can my Dao Marks hurt Dao Lord at all?

And what awaits me next is the ending of being wiped out in ashes.

Zhang Taicheng no longer has any hope for life.

All he can do is wait for death to come.

However, after waiting in fear for a moment, he did not wait for Daojun to take action.

Moreover, Lord Dao’s voice no longer sounded.

This made him wonder, did Daojun not want to kill him?

In other words, this statue has not completely transformed into a Dao Lord, and is unable to take further actions?

The doubts in his heart made Zhang Taicheng unable to bear it. He secretly raised his head and carefully looked at the statue in front of him.

The statue of Lord Dao stood there quietly.

Except for the fact that Zhang Taicheng’s Dao marks were no longer on his body, except for the place where his palm was still pressed against his chest, there were no changes.

It seems that everything that just happened was Zhang Taicheng’s hallucination.


Suddenly, the palm of the statue’s chest suddenly grabbed Zhang Taicheng.

Zhang Taicheng’s heart felt cold, but he did not lower his head and close his eyes again. Instead, he stared at the palm stretched out by the statue, gritted his teeth and said: “Master Dao, you…”

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by another voice: “Hurry, retreat!”

The sound was extremely weak, but at the same time as it sounded, the statue grabbed Zhang Taicheng’s palm and froze in the air.


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