The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8281: Dragon hits seven inches

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Zuo Anshan and Lei Mingzi, one after the other, chasing after each other, were like two meteors, piercing the sky and rushing towards the giant dragon.

If an uninformed person saw this scene, they would probably think that these two people were competing for some great opportunity. They would never have thought that they were competing to die.

The two figures were as inconspicuous as two ants compared to the gigantic dragon.

But from Jiang Yun’s eyes, the momentum of these two people was not inferior to that of the giant dragon.

Generous and tragic!

“Okay, let’s go too!”

Before Zuo Anshan and Lei Mingzi got really close to the dragon, other people’s voices also sounded in Jiang Yun’s ears.

Except for Wen Xuanzi, the remaining people rose into the air one after another and also rushed towards the dragon.

Moreover, none of them went to say goodbye to Jiang Yun.

It seems that they don’t want to add to the weight on Jiang Yun’s shoulders and increase the intolerance in Jiang Yun’s heart.

There is no need to say goodbye, in fact sometimes it is the best goodbye.

When everyone was in the air, Wen Xuanzi, the only one who hadn’t left, turned around and looked at Jiang Yun. With a smile on his face, he reached out his hand, patted Jiang Yun’s shoulder gently and said, “Child, there is no need to feel sad for us. .”

“You have to know that dying is actually very easy.”

“The really difficult thing is to survive.”

“Sorry, kid, we old guys can only do easy things.”

“The difficult things will be left to you and to the billions of creatures in the tripod!”

“Live well, not only for you, but also for all the creatures in the cauldron!”

After he finished speaking, Wen Xuanzi also jumped into the air, followed closely behind the others, and rushed towards the dragon.

Jiang Yun clasped his hands in fists, but did not bow down. Instead, he straightened his body, stared at the twenty-four figures who were gradually retreating, and spoke loudly, which shook the sky.

“Disciple Jiang Yun, I would like to send you my twenty-four masters!”

Jiang Yun wanted to remember this scene firmly.

If he could leave the Falling Side, he would definitely show this scene in front of all the creatures in the cauldron.

Let them know that there are twenty-four unyielding monks in the cauldron here.

Jiang Yun’s voice echoed within the Luoling surface and was clearly transmitted to the ears of the twenty-four monks.


In response to Jiang Yun, there was an equally earth-shattering loud noise.

The sound comes from Lei Mingzi.

Although this grumpy monk was preceded by Zuo Anshan, he eventually came from behind and caught up with Zuo Anshan.

He was the first to arrive at the dragon’s side, fulfilled his words, and took the lead in attacking the dragon.

As for his attack method, it is very simple and direct, it is self-destruction!

Lei Mingzi not only self-destructed, but also concentrated all the power of self-destruction to a certain position on the dragon’s neck.

Before Lei Mingzi’s self-destruction sound disappeared, another earth-shattering self-destruction sounded.

Zuo Anshan, who followed Lei Mingzi, had also approached the dragon and also chose to self-destruct.

Moreover, the force of his self-destruction actually hit the dragon’s neck accurately.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Next, one after another self-destruction sounded in the falling plane.

These twenty-four monks from the past all chose to self-destruct when facing the giant dragon.

Moreover, they also hit the same position on the dragon’s neck with their self-destruction power.

As for their behavior, Jiang Yun understood their purpose at a glance.

The easiest way for any monk to maximize his power is to self-destruct.

For most monks, it is of course impossible to choose to self-destruct when facing an enemy.

But these twenty-four monks come from the past and should not and cannot exist for a long time.

Since they don’t exist, it certainly doesn’t matter how they die.

What’s more, if they leave the space opened by Jiang Yun, they will disappear soon under the normal passage of time.

Instead of suddenly disappearing during the fight with the dragon, it is better to choose to self-destruct and die together with the dragon.

This is also the reason why they dared to give most of their power to Jiang Yun before.

As for their self-destruction power, they all attack the same position of the dragon. It should be the same as hitting a snake seven inches away.

The twenty-four monks must have fought against the giant dragon before. Maybe someone saw through the dragon’s neck, which is the seven inches of the dragon.

That’s why everyone is doing it now.

Even if that position is not the dragon’s key point, the self-destruction power of twenty-four half-step transcendences can continuously attack a position, and the damage to the dragon can be maximized.

In short, these twenty-four monks were not only willing to help Jiang Yun deal with the dragon, but they had also secretly discussed a detailed plan.

Although their plan cannot be said to be completely successful, it is extremely effective.

The giant dragon is much more powerful than them.

If they really follow the normal attack method, the twenty-four of them may not be able to hurt the dragon together.

In addition, the dragon really didn’t take them seriously.

Facing the self-destructions of Lei Mingzi and Zuo Anshan, the dragon didn’t even dodge or fight back.

Because, to it, the self-destruction of these two people is like tickling it and cannot hurt it.

However, when the third person’s self-destruction finally hurt it and made it realize that something was wrong and prepare to fight back or dodge, no one gave it a chance at all.

Each of the twenty-four monks grasped the time of self-destruction extremely accurately.

For example, the previous person’s self-destruction just happened to hurt the dragon, making it unable to react.

By the time the dragon was about to react, the latter person’s power of self-destruction had already arrived.

Just like this, they kept self-destructing and attacking the same position of the giant dragon. In addition to the same continuous angry roar, the dragon could only watch helplessly and endure the waves of half-step detachment. The impact of the strong man’s self-destruction.

Finally, when Wen Xuanzi’s body also self-destructed, the dragon’s collar was suddenly pierced, and a thousand-foot-sized wound appeared.

The dragon head is almost separated from the dragon body.

Although the giant dragon has become a monster with dragon patterns, its essence is still dragon patterns, so when it is injured, it will not appear **** and bloody, but the countless runes that condensed its body will partially dissipate. Come.

Jiang Yun didn’t know whether these dissipated runes would reappear.

But Jiang Yun could clearly see that after Wen Xuanzi’s figure disappeared, the giant dragon let out a whimper full of unwillingness.

The huge dragon head finally hit the ground heavily from the air.

Immediately afterwards, its body fell down limply and closed its eyes in pain.

Jiang Yun, who had been waiting, suddenly saw a cold light in his eyes, and his figure also rose into the sky.


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