The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8280: Race to die first

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Lei Mingzi has the most explosive temper and the most aggressive personality. The moment the space opened, he had already rushed out.

However, before the others could catch up, he rushed back at a faster speed than before.

Everyone was half-detached and reacted extremely quickly.

Seeing Lei Mingzi go and come back, they all thought that Longwen should have come here, so everyone was ready to take action.

But when they saw Lei Mingzi’s illusory body, they immediately understood.

The dragon pattern did not come, but the time outside returned to normal.

Sure enough, Lei Mingzi yelled: “Damn, I almost died in vain.”

No one responded to Lei Mingzi, and all looked outside.

In Luoling’s plane, the Taoist intention released by Taojun’s Taoist heart before was already extremely thin, and it was almost impossible to sense it.

Naturally, the time that originally stopped passing has definitely returned to normal, but it has indeed begun to flow.

This made everyone frown.

This place is quite far away from where the dragon pattern is. Even if they are not weak, it will take about a quarter of an hour to get there.

But according to the speed at which this meaning dissipated, they had already returned without even waiting to see the dragon pattern.

“What should I do?”

Lei Mingzi looked at his translucent body and smiled bitterly.

It was still Wen Xuanzi who turned to look at Jiang Yundao: “My child, I think you are proficient in the power of time?”

Jiang Yun nodded and said: “Understand a little bit!”

Wen Xuanzi smiled and said: “That’s enough!”

“You create a space in your body where time stops, we hide in your body, and you take us to find the dragon pattern.”

Actually, Jiang Yun has already thought of this method.

However, he couldn’t say it, and he didn’t want to say it.

As soon as Wen Xuanzi finished speaking, Lei Mingzi echoed loudly: “Yes, yes, that’s good.”

Zuo Anshan also looked at Jiang Yun and said: “Child, hurry up, we can’t wait, can’t we!”

The rest of the people nodded!

Jiang Yun doesn’t want to talk about this method, he can’t talk about it, but these people are so smart, how can they not understand Jiang Yun’s thoughts.

If Jiang Yun took the initiative and proposed this method, it would inevitably make people think that he was urging everyone to die.

That’s why Wen Xuanzi spoke up and others echoed, not putting any pressure on Jiang Yun or making it difficult for him.

Jiang Yun nodded again and opened up a space in his body where no time passed.

Jiang Yun bowed apologetically to everyone: “Masters, I’m offended!”

Lei Mingzi shouted: “Don’t worry, mother-in-law, hurry up, hurry up, if you delay any longer, I will disappear.”

Jiang Yun sighed in his heart, waved his sleeve, and sent all twenty-four people into his body.

Next, Jiang Yun no longer delayed, chose a direction, and immediately rushed towards the place where the dragon pattern was.

Twenty-three detached themselves half a step, each giving part of their power to Jiang Yun, and fused together to bring Jiang Yun’s power back to its peak.

This is him. If it were anyone else, he might not be able to fully integrate so many different powers for his own use in such a short period of time.

Not only is Jiang Yun extremely fast, but the area covered by his spiritual consciousness has also expanded a lot.

After advancing for about thirty breaths, Jiang Yun’s consciousness suddenly saw a sword on the ground in the distance, piercing the ground diagonally.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun recognized that it was Peng San’s sword.

Peng San used this sword to kill Gu Qiu before.

You must know that Gu Qiu is a bone spirit transformed from the corpses of countless cultivators outside the cauldron, and his body is just like bones, extremely hard.

Even Jiang Yun may not be able to break Guqiu’s bones with his bare hands.

However, Peng San was able to dismember Gu Qiu’s body with a sword.

It is not difficult to imagine that this sword must be extremely sharp.

After Peng San blew himself up, Jiang Yun was also seriously injured, so he had no time to check whether Peng San had left anything behind.

However, with Peng San’s self-destruction, I believe that most of the things will be destroyed accordingly.

For example, Jiang Yun gave him part of the Hongmeng Yuanshi.

However, now that this sword has been preserved without any damage, it can be seen that this sword is extraordinary.

Jiang Yun did not hesitate, adjusted his direction slightly, came to the side of the sword, pulled it out, put it directly into his body without looking at it, and placed it next to Xu Hua.

“What kind of sword is this?”

When it comes to appreciating treasures, Xu Hua is naturally the expert among experts.

When Xu Hua saw the sword, his eyes immediately shone and he said: “I don’t want the sword!”

“Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir, you have obtained another supreme treasure. This is a good thing!”

Don’t ask for a sword!

This name made Jiang Yun a little confused.

Although he also knew that this sword must be good, he did not fully believe Xihua’s words.

Jiang Yun turned to Zhang Taicheng and asked: “Brother Zhang, do you know not to ask for a sword?”

“I know!” Zhang Taicheng nodded and said: “I don’t ask for help, I just ask for the sword. He is a well-known swordsman outside Ding.”

“The Sword of No Pursuit is considered a mid-grade transcendent weapon and is worth a lot of money.”

Zhang Taicheng’s explanation is in line with Jiang Yun’s guess about the sword.

Jiang Yun also wondered whether it was possible that the sword cultivator was Peng San, or someone from Xunxiang’s lineage.

After all, even outside the tripod, the identities of the four families of the Emperor’s Attendants are extremely confidential and will not be easily known to outsiders.

Otherwise, it is impossible for his second senior sister not to know that Peng San is from the Xunxiang lineage.

However, no matter who the sword cultivator was, Jiang Yun didn’t care at all.

As long as the sword is easy to use.

Although Jiang Yun doesn’t use a sword, the swordsman is a swordsman, so such a good sword can be used by the swordsman.

Jiang Yun sped up and continued to rush towards the place where the dragon pattern was.


Just a moment later, Jiang Yun suddenly felt the ground beneath him shaking, and immediately understood that the dragon pattern must be nearby.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun’s consciousness had already seen a giant dragon appearing in the distance, with four claws on the ground, heading in this direction at an unhurried pace.

The giant dragon is ten thousand feet long. Although it does not move very fast, the distance it moves is quite long.

The aura emanating from that huge figure caused the space around it to appear distorted.

This dragon is so powerful!

It is the strongest person under detachment.

Jiang Yun stopped and stood there, silent.

At this time, he should have summoned Wen Xuanzi and others, but he couldn’t bear it in his heart.

Appearing means farewell!

But the matter was over, and he had no other choice. It was not until the giant dragon appeared in his sight that he softly said: “We’re here!”

In the space created by Jiang Yun, the twenty-four people were still talking and laughing.

But as Jiang Yun’s voice sounded, everyone immediately fell silent.

As they looked at each other, it was Lei Mingzi who slapped his chest and said, “Everyone, I will take the lead. You can’t **** it from me!”

“Boy, send us out!”

Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, and all twenty-four people appeared.

Keeping his word, Lei Mingzi raised his fists in front of everyone and said, “I am lucky enough to be able to fight side by side with all of you. I am destined to do so in the next life…”

However, before Lei Mingzi finished speaking, a voice interrupted: “There is so much nonsense!”


As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly rose into the sky and shot towards the giant dragon like an arrow from a string!

Zuo Anshan!

Lei Mingzi looked at that figure and cursed loudly: “I’m going to die, and you can grab it too. The one with the surname Zuo, the top spot is mine!”

While cursing, Lei Mingzi followed closely and rushed towards Longwen.


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