The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8277: The Pattern of Subduing the Dragon

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It is not difficult to see from what Wen Xuanzi said that he has no confidence at all in defeating the dragon mark.

Jiang Yun didn’t find it strange either.

Although Wen Xuanzi was not swallowed up by the dragon pattern, the avenues and laws were swallowed up, but he was indirectly killed by the dragon pattern.

Especially because he had been trapped in the Falling Surface for a long time and had witnessed the tragic death of many other monks.

This gave him an almost instinctive fear of the dragon mark.

Not to mention, many years have passed since Wenxuanzi’s death.

I don’t know how many avenues and laws Longwen has swallowed up. Compared with before, his strength must be higher than lower.

Therefore, when Wen Xuanzi from the past saw the current dragon pattern again, if it wasn’t to protect Jiang Yun, he probably wouldn’t have the idea of ​​taking action.

But Jiang Yun was unwilling to leave just now.

If Jiang Yun just left and allowed the dragon pattern to continue to exist, not only would it be impossible to stop the scales from scattering in the cauldron.

Furthermore, without the dragon pattern suppressed by the old man, he will definitely devour the avenues and laws of the monks in the cauldron.

Even the two major groups, Xunxiang and Piukong, may enter here again to subdue the dragon pattern and gain control of the Falling Side.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that Wen Xuanzi had good intentions.

Wenxuanzi comes from the past and will return to the past.

The existence of the dragon pattern, the future of the tripod, including Jiang Yun’s life and death, have nothing to do with him anymore.

But even so, Wen Xuanzi is still focused on keeping Jiang Yun and sending Jiang Yun away from Luolingmian.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun said: “Senior, you don’t have to worry about my safety, I still have my avatar in the outside world.”

“Even if I really die here, there won’t be much loss.”

Actually, what Jiang Yun really wanted to say was that Wen Xuanzi and all the other monks who entered the Falling Side failed to leave in the end.

How could Wen Xuanzi find a way to let herself leave!

It’s just that Jiang Yun didn’t want to uncover the scars in Wen Xuanzi’s heart, and he didn’t want Wen Xuanzi to still think about him before he was about to disappear.


After listening to Jiang Yun’s words, Wen Xuanzi showed approval, nodded slightly and said: “Back then, if I had made a clone in advance, I wouldn’t have died here. .”

“However, you have already lost a Tao body. If you die here again, even if you can be resurrected with the help of a clone, your strength will be greatly reduced.”

Speaking of this, Wen Xuanzi suddenly turned to look at Jiang Yun, the approval on his face turned into a gentle smile and said: “You are a good boy.”

“I know. In fact, you don’t believe that I can send you away, but you can’t bear to make me sad, so you said that on purpose.”

How could Wen Xuanzi not see what Jiang Yun was really thinking.

He continued: “I really can’t do it on my own.”

“However, if many of us work together, we may be able to send you out.”

Just when Wen Xuanzi finished these words, he and Jiang Yun had arrived at the Land of Hundred Whirlpools.

And here, the dozens of monks from the past, like Wen Xuanzi, are still immersed in the Dao Lord’s Taoism.

These monks practice both Taoism and Dharma.

Needless to say, Taoist cultivators find it difficult to resist the temptation of Taoist Taoist will.

But Dharma cultivators will also be so immersed in it. They cannot forcefully get rid of Taoism and regain consciousness like Wenxuanzi. This is mainly because the place where they returned and the space they opened up are far inferior to Wenxuanzi.

Wen Xuanzi returned in the space he created.

The defense in that space is extremely powerful, and can even block part of the Taoist will.

And when these monks appeared in the Land of Hundred Whirlpools, even though they were in their respective spaces, the majestic and profound Taoist meaning of Dao Lord was like a flood, drowning them in an instant and not giving them any space at all. Opportunity to resist.

Naturally, they did not sense the previous battles and did not see the arrival of Jiang Yun and Wen Xuanzi now.

Wen Xuanzi stopped and suddenly waved his sleeves vigorously, and saw dozens of runes flying out of his body and sinking directly into the bodies of these monks.

The next moment, a scene that shocked Jiang Yun appeared.

There were a total of twenty-three monks here. Suddenly they all opened their eyes and looked at Wen Xuanzi.

It’s just that there is no light in their eyes, only a rune!

How could Jiang Yun not see that they were obviously temporarily controlled by Wen Xuanzi with runes and turned into puppets!

These monks can be favored by the dragon pattern. Their strength is actually almost the same, and they are all at least half a step beyond the realm of detachment.

But Wen Xuanzi was able to control them so easily!

One person can control twenty-three people at the same time.

If it were on a large battlefield, then Wen Xuanzi would be a god-like existence!

Not to mention using these half-step detachments to one’s own advantage, just making them lose the power to attack can also affect the situation of the battle!

And this once again proves that Wen Xuanzi’s accomplishments in tattooing have really reached their peak.

Jiang Yun believed that even if he faced Jiang Yiyun, Wen Xuanzi would not be inferior in terms of his attainments in pattern alone.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun remembered that the inheritance left by Wen Xuanzi did not record any such runes for controlling so many strong men at the same time.

As for Wen Xuanzi’s actions at this moment, Jiang Yun also understood that he wanted to unite these monks to find a way to send him away from the Luoling side.


Wen Xuanzi took a long breath and said with a pale face: “It’s urgent and I don’t have time to explain to them one by one, so I can only control them in this way.”

“Let’s go back and talk about it later!”

After finishing speaking, Wen Xuanzi took Jiang Yun and continued walking towards the space he had created.

And these monks actually followed Wen Xuanzi step by step, following him like a shadow.

Jiang Yun couldn’t help but be amazed!

Although he could also see that Wen Xuanzi would have to pay a high price to control so many people at the same time, but this kind of rune was definitely something that everyone wanted to learn.

Including yourself!

However, Jiang Yun was a little embarrassed to speak.

And Wen Xuanzi suddenly spoke again: “My child, this method of control is not that I deliberately hide my secrets and not teach you, but that you don’t know enough about patterns now.”

“But, the runes I use to control them are not perfect.”

“I named it Jianglong Pattern, which is derived from the dragon pattern here!”

“Whenever you can understand the dragon pattern here, then you can use it, no, create your own dragon subduing pattern!”

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

To put it simply, Wen Xuanzi’s Dragon Subduing Pattern borrowed the power of Longwen Red Cauldron.

The power of Longwen Red Cauldron lies in the patterns and blood on the cauldron, as well as the transcendent power of Changbai and other nine cauldrons.

If you can get one of them, you will be proud of the world cauldron.

For example, Jiang Yiyun also controlled part of the power of the pattern, so he was able to control the Dan Land, so much so that even Beichenzi was unable to do anything to him.

Wen Xuanzi, however, went one step further than Jiang Yiyun, deriving from the patterns to create his own Dragon Subduing Pattern.

Obviously, Wen Xuanzi’s purpose in creating the dragon subduing pattern was to subdue the dragon pattern, but in the end he failed to achieve it.

It is indeed impossible to teach others this kind of runes casually, which made Jiang Yun temporarily put out the idea of ​​learning.

Next, Wen Xuanzi stopped talking and led Jiang Yun and the twenty-three monks forward crazily.

Just when everyone arrived at the space created by Wen Xuanzi, a dragon roar came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, the expressions of Jiang Yun and Wen Xuanzi changed.

Because, after the dragon roar fell, the Dao Lord’s will from all directions suddenly surged towards the direction from which the dragon roar came!


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