The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8270: Integrating Taoist Heart

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The Taoist intention released by Daojun’s Taoist heart filled the entire Luo Ling surface, causing the time flow caused by the Six Phases Array to stop flowing back.

However, before that, time had gone back for a while, causing many monks who had died in the Falling Plane to reappear.

Jiang Yun had previously wondered whether Wen Xuanzi would show up so that he could say thank you to him.

Unexpectedly, Wen Xuanzi not only appeared, but also rescued him.

Actually, this is not Jiang Yun’s first experience meeting someone from the past.

Back then, he had met Jiang Yun from his previous life.

So, compared to Xiang Hua and Zhang Taicheng’s surprise, he was much calmer.

After bowing to Wenxuanzi, Jiang Yun straightened up and bowed again: “Also, thank you for the inheritance left by the seniors, which has benefited the juniors a lot!”

Looking at Jiang Yun’s salute and listening to Jiang Yun’s words, Wen Xuanzi’s smile grew stronger and he said: “You are a good boy!”

“I’m glad that my things can help you.”

When Wen Xuanzi reappeared after turning back time, he was naturally extremely confused.

Because he clearly remembered the situation when he died and the process of leaving his inheritance, he really couldn’t figure out why he came back to life.

Although he can also sense the Taoist intention released by Daojun Daoxin, he is neither a Taoist cultivator nor a Dharma cultivator.

He practices patterns, so the influence of this Taoist intention on him is not great, and it is not enough to make him immersed in it and unable to extricate himself.

It wasn’t until he walked out of the space he had created and saw the backward flow of time falling into stasis on the falling surface that he roughly understood the reason why he could reappear.

At this moment, Jiang Yun rushed towards him.

Because he sensed his own aura on Jiang Yun’s body, he went to greet Jiang Yun.

And he would rather give up watching the fight between the old man and Peng San’s ancestors than save Jiang Yun. The real reason is that Jiang Yun not only has the jade slips he left behind, but also his bones!

Wen Xuanzi left his inheritance with only one request, which was to allow him to return to his roots, so that the person who received his inheritance could take him away from the Luo Ling side.

Obviously, Jiang Yun did as he was told.

Although Jiang Yun has not done it yet, since Jiang Yun is willing to do it, it is enough for Wenxuanzi to confirm that Jiang Yun is worthy of entrustment.

Coupled with Jiang Yun’s two salutes at this moment, Wenxuanzi was even more relieved.

At this moment, in his eyes, Jiang Yun is his disciple and a descendant!

As Jiang Yun finished his salute, Wen Xuanzi continued: “My child, stop talking now and heal your wounds quickly.”

Jiang Yun nodded without being polite and sat down cross-legged.

The injuries inside his body were indeed more serious due to the ravages of the nine smoke dragons.

Beyond that, he needs to regain his strength.

If possible, he also wanted to help the old man deal with Peng San’s ancestors.

However, before closing his eyes, Jiang Yun suddenly saw a look of loneliness on Wen Xuanzi’s face.

This made Jiang Yun’s heart move, and he suddenly understood.

This senior, who has just come from the past to the present, actually what he wants to do most at the moment is to chat with someone, understand the current situation, and understand some issues that he could not understand until his death.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said to Xuhua: “Xuhua, I’ll give you a task!”

Xu Hua appeared in front of Wen Xuanzi and said with a smile on his face: “Senior, my name is Xu Hua. I come from outside the tripod and am Lord Jiang Yun’s servant.”

“Senior, if you have any questions, just ask me, and I promise to tell you everything I know.”

Xu Xuan’s age and strength are only higher than Wen Xuanzi’s.

But he is thick-skinned, so he is the most suitable candidate to chat with Wen Xuanzi and help Wen Xuanzi solve his doubts.

Seeing Xu Hua, Wen Xuanzi was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that this must be what Jiang Yun meant.

Wen Xuanzi looked at Jiang Yun with a bit more relief.

Next, he stopped being polite and started chatting with Xuhua.

Jiang Yun then took out a large number of Dao stones and began to absorb Dao Yuan, restore his strength, and treat his injuries.

Soon, Jiang Yun was surprised to find that the Tonghui Pill he had swallowed before actually had some medicinal properties, distributed in his limbs and bones.

Jiang Yun hurriedly activated these medicinal properties to help him heal his injuries.

After his strength recovered a little, Jiang Yun arranged another dream for himself, speeding up the passage of time.

Just like that, it didn’t take long for Jiang Yun’s injuries to be almost healed, and he had 10% of the strength in his body.

Seeing Xu Hua, who had just told Wen Xuanzi about the bet between Dao Jun and Bai Ye, Jiang Yun’s consciousness moved to the Dao heart.

The Dao Heart is only the size of a child’s palm, and is completely condensed from the Dao lines.

The number of Dao patterns is extremely large, and the types are also diverse. No two Dao patterns are exactly the same.

Even with Jiang Yun’s understanding of patterns and avenues, he couldn’t tell how many patterns there were and what kind of power each pattern corresponded to.

Moreover, at the very center of the Dao Heart, there is a circle of runes that condense into a flower-like pattern.

Jiang Yun stared at Dao Xin and remembered the reminder given to him by the old man.

There is something wrong with the Taoist intention released by Daojun’s Taoist heart.

If you want to figure out whether something is wrong, you naturally need to experience it yourself.

As for the fusion of Dao Heart, to be honest, Jiang Yun has never done it before, and he doesn’t know exactly how to fuse it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked Zhang Taicheng: “Brother Zhang, what’s special about the Taoist meaning you understood before?”

Zhang Taicheng thought for a while and said: “The special thing is that the meaning of Tao is extremely profound and complex, as if it encompasses everything.”

“I didn’t realize it for a long time. I mainly understood the Tao of the Earth, the Tao of the Mountain, etc., and didn’t care about the other Tao.”

“Why, does Brother Jiang have any other discoveries?”

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: “I haven’t had time to understand the meaning of Tao yet.”

Zhang Taicheng laughed and said: “Now that the Taoist heart belongs to Brother Jiang, there is no need to understand the Taoist meaning anymore.”

“Brother Jiang can directly fuse this Tao Heart with his own Tao Heart, and he will naturally be able to obtain everything contained in it.”

Jiang Yun then asked: “I dare to ask Brother Zhang, how to integrate?”

“Easy!” Zhang Taicheng did not laugh at Jiang Yun, and said with a smile: “You only need to send this Tao heart into your own Tao heart.”

“Then, just like swallowing it, use your own Dao to break it down, and then use your own Dao Heart to absorb it bit by bit.”

Jiang Yun continued to ask: “Are there any dangers in the whole process?”

Zhang Taicheng thought for a while and said: “If the Tao Heart is forcibly taken away from others, it will be in danger when it is fused.”

“But like Daojun, the Taoist heart that has been taken out is almost not in danger.”

Jiang Yun asked the last question: “Brother Zhang, why do you think Dao Lord took out a piece of Dao Heart and put it here?”

“There are too many reasons.”

Zhang Taicheng replied: “It may be that the purpose is to use the Tao Heart as the source to give birth to various avenues within the tripod.”

“It may be the other way around, absorbing the Taoist spirit in the cauldron to temper one’s own Taoist heart.”

“But no matter what purpose Mr. Dao has, now this Taoist heart has fallen into the hands of Brother Jiang, and his purpose is to fulfill Brother Jiang.”

Jiang Yun nodded, without asking any more questions, and after a slight hesitation, he sent this Dao Heart into his own Dao Heart!


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