The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8269: From the past

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The fight between Jiang Yun and Peng San was actually a lose-lose situation.

If he hadn’t been extremely strong-willed, he might have fallen into a coma when Peng San blew himself up.

Evading Peng San’s self-destruction and arriving here, Jiang Yun finally couldn’t hold on anymore and passed out.

In Jiang Yun’s body, Zhang Taicheng and Xu Hua were naturally aware of Jiang Yun’s coma.

Whether they want to help or take advantage of others, they cannot leave Jiang Yun’s body without Jiang Yun’s permission.

Unless they took action directly and forcibly opened an exit in Jiang Yun’s body.

However, none of them can guarantee whether Jiang Yun can still bear the price of being torn apart in his current state.

If Jiang Yun died here because of their actions, then they would not be able to leave alive.

Xu Hua has poison in his body, and now Peng San has self-destructed. If Jiang Yun dies again, then he will have to wait for death.

What’s more, there is an old man in this Luoling plane!

How could they not see that the old man obviously looked at Jiang Yun differently?

If they dare to tear Jiang Yun’s body apart, the old man will probably tear their bodies apart.

Therefore, neither of them dared to act rashly, and could only hope that Jiang Yun would wake up on his own.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

This is a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance but full of white hair. The clothes he wears are made of countless runes.

The man looked at Jiang Yun with a look of confusion and doubt on his face, and said to himself: “You have my breath on you!”

As he spoke, the man raised his hand and waved lightly, and immediately several runes flew out from his sleeves, like several dancing butterflies, gently lifting Jiang Yun’s hand. Body.

Immediately afterwards, these runes held Jiang Yun’s body and flew forward.

The man still stood there, looking far into the distance, and said again: “There are people fighting over there, and the auras of both are extremely powerful.”

“If the predictions are correct, one should be the owner of the dragon pattern, and the other should be the owner of these Taoist intentions.”

After standing quietly for a moment, the man shook his head and said: “Although I really want to go over and have a look, I don’t know when this time will return to normal.”

“Since I’m back, let’s do something meaningful. Let’s save that person first!”

After finishing speaking, the man turned around and walked behind the runes.

After walking a thousand feet away, a jungle appeared in front of the man.

As the man raised his hand and executed several seals, the jungle slowly parted, revealing a space within it.

The man and the runes carried Jiang Yun and entered the space one after another, and the jungle closed again, leaving no trace.

Rune gently placed Jiang Yun on the ground, and then returned to the man’s sleeves.

The man squatted down and carefully checked Jiang Yun’s condition.

“There is a force blocking the body, making it difficult for spiritual consciousness to enter, but just looking at his appearance, it is most likely that he was seriously injured in a fight with someone, exhausted, escaped here and finally collapsed from exhaustion. ”

“What this Fallen Face lacks most is strength. I can’t help you recover.”

“I can’t see what’s going on inside your body, so I can only help you treat the skin injury. I don’t know if it will help you.”

While chanting, the man kept waving his sleeves, and a large number of runes poured towards the injuries on the surface of Jiang Yun’s body.

These actions of the man seemed ordinary, but Xu Hua and Zhang Taicheng were dumbfounded.

Because, when this man took action, everything was filled with runes.

Rune is formed by condensation of power, which is more advanced than pure power.

Using runes is more complicated than using power directly. It is equivalent to an extra step.

As a monk, whether you are helping others to treat their injuries or using spells and magical powers, you basically focus on various powers first.

Just like Jiang Yun, if he wants to heal someone, he will use the power of wood.

If you lift others up, you will exert the power of wind.

Even if Zhang Taicheng practices the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Talisman, he will never use the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Talisman when fighting against others.

After all, there is a process for condensing any power into runes. When the runes are formed, more power is consumed.

But this man, everything he did, no longer used power, but runes!

Moreover, both Xu Hua and Zhang Taicheng could see that the man’s use of the runes was not intended to show off, but simply done casually.

This shows that the man’s accomplishments in “patterns” have reached the pinnacle, and his use of patterns is even more superb, reaching the level of being able to do it easily.

Xu Huan had already guessed the man’s identity and said secretly: “It’s really eye-opening for someone from the past to appear in the present.”

As the man continued to immerse the runes into Jiang Yun’s body, and Jiang Yun’s body had strong self-healing ability.

So, his injuries began to heal bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Yun’s physical body was intact as before.

Jiang Yun’s eyelids trembled rapidly, then he slowly opened them and woke up.

Jiang Yun indeed fell into a coma due to exhaustion and injuries.

The man healed the injuries on his body, which produced some strength in his body, so he was able to wake up.

When Jiang Yun saw the man in front of him, he immediately put his hands on the ground and moved quickly backwards, widening the distance between him and the man.

Jiang Yun had no idea that the man had saved him, so he was naturally on guard against him.

But the man smiled slightly and said: “It seems that he will not die if he reacts so quickly.”

“Don’t worry, I have no ill intentions towards you.”

“You were unconscious outside my cave, and there was a fight between strong men outside, so I brought you in and cured your superficial injuries.”

“However, I guess the injuries in your body are not serious. Now that you have woken up, let’s heal them first.”

Hearing the man’s words, Jiang Yun’s consciousness immediately looked at his body, and sure enough he found that the wounds on his body had healed.

Then, Jiang Yun looked around again.

At first glance, Jiang Yun was stunned. His eyes slowly moved to the man. After a few breaths of silence, he asked: “Is this your cave?”

“Yes!” The man nodded and said, “This is the space I created on my own. It’s fairly safe, at least…”

At this point, the man suddenly stopped and turned to look around. A look of loneliness and relief appeared on his face and he said: “At least it didn’t… die like me, and it has existed until now.”

Jiang Yun stood up from the ground, clasped his fists at the man, and bowed deeply: “Jiang Yun, my junior, has met senior Wen Xuanzi!”

The man in front of me naturally opened up this space and left behind his own inheritance, the fallen Wen Xuanzi!

He is not resurrected from the dead, but… comes from the past!


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