The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8268: Stand to the end

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Peng San watched with horror on his face as the breath he had just exhaled returned to his mouth again, and he watched as the extinguished Nine Essential Life Soul Incense in his hand was ignited again uncontrollably.

Before he could react, Huang Quan, which had just turned counterclockwise, suddenly changed its direction again and began to rotate clockwise.

The whole process, switching was extremely smooth and completed in one go.

Just one breath passed, and Peng San’s remaining one-third of the nine-root life soul incense had burned out and disappeared completely.


As if struck by lightning, Peng San spat out a mouthful of blood on his back, his eyes widened, and with a look of reluctance on his face, he suddenly fell backwards.

Whether Peng San is a trinity or several persons, burning out the incense of their natal soul means that a part of their three souls of heaven, earth, and human is forever missing.

Although it would not kill him, it would still be a huge blow to him.

At least in the short term, he will have to endure the pain of soul injury, and his strength will be greatly reduced.

What’s more, Peng San had gone all out before, so now his body’s strength has been completely exhausted, and he is equivalent to a useless person.


The moment Peng San fell to the ground, the surrounding darkness faded away like a tide, revealing the falling sky.


Peng San watched helplessly as the certain rule above exploded with violent tremors.

Countless fragments fell towards him like raindrops.

The Certain Rules were originally just a remnant product. After being used several times by Jiang Yun in a short period of time, they have finally reached the limit of their lifespan.

And through the gaps between the fragments, Jiang Yun’s face also appeared in Peng San’s eyes.

Jiang Yun’s complexion was even uglier than Peng San’s, and blood was still leaking from his seven orifices.

And his body, both inside and outside, was riddled with holes and scars.

However, he still stood, looking down at Peng San!

In this fight with Peng San, he was almost certain to lose, but with the help of closing his eyes for the night, certain rules, Qianjiang Shuiyue and Tianchong Pill and other foreign magical powers, he finally fought to the end, and also Standing at the end.

Jiang Yun looked at Peng San calmly and was about to kill him.

But Peng San suddenly grinned and said: “This time, you win.”

“But you may not really win!”

“If you don’t die, let’s fight again next time!”

After he finished speaking, Peng San’s body suddenly swelled.

Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly sank.

He naturally understood what Peng San meant.

Peng San, one body and three lives.

Originally Jiang Yun thought that the person who entered the falling surface was the complete Peng San.

But now it seems that he is probably just one of the Peng Sansan brothers.

However, this is normal.

There are dragon patterns left by Lord Dao in this fallen surface. Not to mention Peng San, even Peng San’s ancestors probably wouldn’t dare to take risks personally, and they must leave some escape routes for themselves.

Of the three Peng brothers, one of them should choose to enter the Falling Side.

The other two handed over their natal soul incense to this person.

Now, this Peng San knows that he has failed.

Even if Jiang Yun couldn’t kill him, he wouldn’t be able to complete the mission and regain the Taoist heart. He could only have his soul imprisoned by Jiang Yun like Mo Shu before.

In addition, there is his ancestor here who may be paying attention to him.

If he fails to regain the Dao Heart and instead has his soul imprisoned by Jiang Yun, then his other brothers may also be punished.

Therefore, he might as well choose to self-destruct and at least leave a loyal impression on his ancestors.

And, if he’s lucky, he can drag Jiang Yun to death together.

Faced with Peng San’s self-destruction, Jiang Yun really didn’t dare to just stand there.

After all, Peng San’s body and soul are both in a transcendent state.

As for stopping Peng San, Jiang Yun couldn’t do it, so he could only retreat towards the rear.

However, Jiang Yun’s current condition is also extremely bad, and his body is not moving very fast.

Peng Sanben wanted to drag Jiang Yun to die together, so he self-destructed very quickly.

As soon as Jiang Yun barely retreated a hundred feet away, he heard a loud “boom” and Peng San had already self-destructed.

The powerful force of self-destruction turned into a huge wave, completely swallowing Jiang Yun in an instant.

“Damn it!”

At this moment, the old man who was fighting Xunxiang Palm let out a roar.

He and Peng San’s ancestors had indeed been paying attention to the fight between Jiang Yun and Peng San.

Seeing Jiang Yun win, the old man was naturally filled with joy.

But he didn’t expect that Peng San would choose to blow himself up.

And he originally wanted to help Jiang Yun, at least help Jiang Yun withstand some of the force of the explosion, but Peng San’s ancestor could not let him do so.

The five smokes released by Xunxiang Palm tightly entangled the old man, making it impossible for the old man to take action.

This made the old man couldn’t help roaring.

However, after the huge wave passed, the old man’s eyes lit up again.

Because, in the void, Jiang Yun’s figure reappeared.

A black flag slowly spread out from Jiang Yun’s body.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Jiang Yun let Xu Hua wrap his body with the Miluo Baoqi, and then he was safe from Peng San’s self-destruction.

At the same time, the old man’s voice also sounded in Jiang Yun’s ears: “Child, I cannot open the exit for the time being, so I will send you away.”

“Hurry up and go to the space opened by Wen Xuanzi and heal your wounds.”

“Tao Lord’s Taoist heart, please be careful to understand it. I always feel that something is wrong, but I am not a Taoist, so I can’t be sure.”

“If there is no problem, you can merge Dao Lord’s Dao Heart with your own Dao Heart.”

Jiang Yun raised his head and saw the old man standing on a huge **** dragon, fighting fiercely with the fragrant palm.

Jiang Yun knew very well that even though Peng San had self-destructed, as long as Dao Jun’s Taoist heart was still there, Peng San’s ancestors would not leave willingly.

As for the consequences of procrastination, the old man may not be the opponent of the ancestor Peng San.

Therefore, only by fusing the Dao Lord’s Dao Heart and completely cutting off the opponent’s mind can the battle within the Luoling Plane be finally ended.

Actually, Jiang Yun himself is unwilling to merge with Dao Lord’s Taoist heart.

He wants to take Dao Xin out of here and hand it over to his second senior sister.

But now, the old man actually realized that something was wrong with Daojun’s Taoist heart.

Jiang Yun didn’t say much, he had to wait until he checked his Taoist heart before talking about anything else.

Therefore, Jiang Yun hugged the old man and immediately turned around and walked towards the space opened by Wen Xuanzi.


Behind Jiang Yun, a loud noise shook the sky. It was obviously the old man and Peng San’s ancestors who were engaged in the final battle.

At this moment, Daojun’s Taoist intention still permeates the entire Luoling plane, but it is not as strong as before.

However, even if the Taoist intention is not strong, it still keeps the time of the Luo Ling side in a still state.

When Jiang Yun passed by the Land of Hundred Whirlpools, he could still clearly see dozens of illusory figures sitting or standing comprehending the Dao Lord’s will.

Jiang Yun did not stay, his consciousness was already a little blurry, and there was only one thought in his mind, which was to get to the space opened by Wen Xuanzi as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, when he saw that he was only a thousand feet away from the space created by Wen Xuanzi, Jiang Yun’s eyes darkened, and he suddenly fell straight forward.


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