The World That Tao Rules Chapter 7577: Kill through Hongmeng

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“What is the forbidden art?”

Absolutely most of the monks, including a few original peaks, do not know what is special about this river made of Jiang Yun’s blood, let alone what is the forbidden art, so they turned to Pan Chaoyang and others sent an inquiry.

Pan Chaoyang and others had no time to explain to them, but hurriedly shouted to all Hongmeng monks: “Everyone, run, stay away from that big river, stay away from Jiang Yun!”

The ignorant are fearless!

Because most people don’t know the art of forbidden way, although some people obeyed the words of Pan Chaoyang and others and began to flee to the distance in a hurry, there are still many people who don’t believe in evil and stay behind. in place.

Because, from their point of view, although Jiang Yun’s posture has returned to normal now, his body is covered in blood, clearly he has been seriously injured.

Even if he makes a move, it is at the end of his strength, and it is impossible to release too much power.

It is possible that this will be Jiang Yun’s last blow.

As long as he can withstand Jiang Yun’s blow, Jiang Yun will completely lose the power to resist.

At that time, I and others can swarm up, catch Jiang Yun, or kill him.

Even if he can only stab Jiang Yun with a knife, it can be regarded as avenging his dead companions, or in exchange for a great credit.

The Taoist Four Seasons in the distance, just like Pan Chaoyang and others, saw the big river, and his complexion suddenly changed.

In fact, he didn’t even think about taking back his Four Seasons Building, but turned around hastily and rushed out to the distance.

Just as everyone fled or stayed behind, the vast river suddenly began to split.

One divides into two, two divides into four, four divides into eight…

The river was splitting crazily at a speed faster than its own expansion just now.

After only a few breaths passed, thousands of huge rivers with the size of thousands of feet suddenly appeared, lying above the heads of everyone.

The number of these big rivers is too many, and the length is amazing.

Under the dense cover, most of the monks who escaped or stayed in place were almost still covered by the river.

A huge coercion began to be released from those big rivers, making it difficult for everyone to move, and it was already impossible to escape.

At this time, those monks who insisted on staying before finally realized that something was wrong.

But, it’s not over yet!


Under the watchful eyes of all the monks, among the thousand rivers across the sky, suddenly there was a sun formed by condensed flames, which broke through the river and slowly rose.

At this moment, the expressions of all the monks changed drastically.

Because, in their eyes, they feel that it is not a thousand rivers, a thousand suns, but a thousand Jiang Yun!

Although they didn’t know whether each Jiang Yun was in the original state or the peak of the original source, just having a thousand more Jiang Yuns was enough to make them tremble with fear.

Naturally, what Jiang Yun is performing at this moment is the technique of forbidden Tao taught to him by a mysterious old man who writes in Daoxing Tiandi.

A thousand rivers of water, a thousand rivers of moons!

The existence of the old man who writes is even more mysterious than that of Taoist Four Seasons.

In the entire Daoxing Dayu, not many people know about this person, so naturally they don’t know the forbidden technique that the other party is proficient in.

The reason why this technique is called the Forbidden Way technique is because although it is extremely powerful, it will consume one’s own life blood, and it may also be counterattacked by the technique.

Simply speaking, this technique is equivalent to injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-injuries!

Since Jiang Yun learned this technique, he has basically used it to intimidate people, and has never really used it.

But at this moment, in the face of hundreds of thousands of Hongmeng monks, and he is physically injured, in order to help Tianzun and them relieve pressure as much as possible, this technique has become his last trump card.

With his current peak strength, he can finally fully display this technique, which really fits the name of this technique.

Thousands of rivers!

It’s just that the full moon should have appeared in the river, but Jiang Yun turned it into the sun.

Naturally, this is Jiang Yun’s own change to this technique.

At the same time, in Dao Xing Tiandi, the old man who wrote the pen stood somewhere, and together with other living beings, looked at the picture displayed by Dao Zun.

Looking at Jiang Yun performing his own modified forbidden technique, the old man who wrote the pen showed a smile on his face, nodded slightly, and said to himself: “This kid, his aptitude is actually not bad. Yes, and dare to think and do!”

“I am proficient in the way of water, so I use the water of the great way to perform this technique.”

“It’s good for him. He just absorbed two fragments of the Water and Fire Dao, and he thought of mixing water and fire together to turn the full moon into the sun.”

“Water and fire blend and restrain each other, so the power of this technique, even if I do it with all my strength, is far inferior.”

The judgment of the old man who wrote the pen is absolutely correct.

Jiang Yun just had a whim, based on the fusion of water and fire, he changed water into fire and the full moon into the sun.

As for how much this change will increase the power of this technique, Jiang Yun doesn’t know.

But at this moment, the monks of the Hongmeng, who are under the cover of the thousand rivers and the thousand suns, are very clear.

“Everyone, defend with all your strength!”

Pan Chaoyang only had time to shout this sentence, the thousand rivers and the thousand suns had already fallen towards everyone.


The boundary seam trembled crazily, and the space collapsed violently, as if the real sun and river were falling, setting off an endless ocean of flames in this boundary seam.

The waves of water surged into the sky, and the flames raged violently, engulfing everyone in an instant.

Even if they are as strong as Pan Chaoyang and others, they can’t see the situation beside them at this moment.

All they can do is to unleash their own power without reservation, forming layers of various shields to protect themselves and the monks in their respective realms as much as possible.

Even if they wanted to use their spiritual sense to see the situation outside, they couldn’t do it.

Pan Chaoyang said secretly: “If this blow is only aimed at one person, it is enough to kill most of the original peaks.”

“With this technique, Jiang Yun’s strength can already be included in the ranks of half-step transcendence.”

“The more this is the case, the more Jiang Yun is going to die!” At this moment, Pan Chaoyang heard the voice that could not tell the difference between male and female.

The voice is full of anger.

Pan Chaoyang responded calmly: “At least, we won’t be able to kill him this time.”

It is not difficult for Pan Chaoyang to speculate that Jiang Yun will not die with himself and others, so after using this trick, Jiang Yun should choose to leave.

The voice roared: “If he leaves, then we will continue to attack Daoxing Tiandi and destroy Daoxing Tiandi!”

Pan Chaoyang stopped talking, knowing that what he said now was useless, so he just silently waited for the end of this spell.

In this way, after a quarter of an hour passed, the power of Jiang Yun’s technique finally gradually weakened.

And Pan Chaoyang was also the first to release the protection, and looked at the location where Jiang Yun was before with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, not only Jiang Yun, but also Qin Bufan had disappeared without a trace.

And Pan Chaoyang’s consciousness swept around again, and he couldn’t help letting out a helpless sigh in his heart.

The Hongmeng army composed of nearly a million monks faced Jiang Yun alone, but now there are only about 600,000 to 700,000 people left.

200,000 to 300,000 monks died, even including three original peaks!

The living monks are basically all wounded!

Although Pan Chaoyang knew that in Qiu Xuanzi’s water and fire world, Jiang Yun must have summoned other strong men to help him.

But it is not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Yun killed the Hongmeng army alone!


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