The World That Tao Rules Chapter 7574: Ignite emotions

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Pan Chaoyang and Jindan Sanren looked at each other, only a few of them knew what was going on with this weird feeling.

Naturally, they also know that this feeling is not illusory, but real!

If I wait for someone not to stop Jiang Yun, then although the Dao I cultivated will not completely collapse, the Dao of most monks in my Dao world will collapse!

No matter how powerful a monk is, if the avenue he cultivated collapses, it means that all his cultivation bases will disappear in smoke, ranging from becoming an ordinary person to becoming an ordinary person, and severely disappearing.

So, whether they want to or not, they can only continue to rush towards Jiang Yun and stop Jiang Yun.

The number of monks still alive today is about 900,000.

Even if there are only half of them, it is as many as four or five million.

So many monks rushed towards Jiang Yun, making Jiang Yun seem like an isolated island, about to be submerged by the rising tide.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Yun’s eyes showed a cold light.

This kind of crowd tactics is actually less effective for stronger monks.

A powerful monk, with one technique and one supernatural power, can easily destroy even one world, so how can he care about the number of enemies.

But the key point is that among the crowd at this moment, there are seven original peaks whose strength is not much different from Jiang Yun’s, and there are nearly a hundred original sources!

Not to mention, there are warships, pagodas and other magical weapons that exude powerful aura fluctuations.

If these monks blew themselves up regardless of their care, or urged the magic weapon to explode, it would be impossible for Jiang Yun to escape again.

Maybe they dare not and are not willing to blow themselves up, but how could Jiang Yun fail to see that these monks who rushed towards him were not voluntary at all.

They were the same as the original peaks who ambushed and killed themselves in the Qiuhe Dao Realm back then, they were forced by some kind of existence to surround themselves.

And the original peaks could be self-destructed without hesitation, let alone them.

Jiang Yun’s eyes fell on Pan Chaoyang who was getting closer and closer to him. Kill yourself, destroy Daoxing Tiandi!

In Daoxing Heaven and Earth, looking at Jiang Yun, who was already surrounded by a large number of monks, the hearts of all living beings raised their throats again.

Even Tianzun became nervous involuntarily.

The four to five million weakest monks are all monks in the Great Emperor Realm. Even though they didn’t make a move, the breaths from each of them condensed together, and the coercion formed made Jiang Yun unable to move anymore.

Jiang Yun’s various avenue powers, even the power of space, are useless.

All Jiang Yun can do, it seems, is to stand where he is, let these monks approach him, and completely submerge him.

Under everyone’s gaze, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes.

To everyone’s feeling, he seems to have really given up resistance.

But even so, Taoist Four Seasons, who was always standing in the distance, heard Pan Chaoyang’s voice again.

“The agreement between us is still valid. If Jiang Yun summons some strong people to help, you will activate the Four Seasons Building.”

Siji Taoist nodded and said: “Don’t worry!”

Pan Chaoyang continued: “However, I want to remind you that Jiang Yun is also proficient in the power of time, and is extremely clever, so if you fail, everything will be forfeited.”

Siji Taoist smiled proudly: “If I do it myself, I may fail, but I use the Four Seasons Building, there is absolutely no possibility of failure!”

It is not difficult to see that Taoist Four Seasons is very confident about his Four Seasons Building.

Pan Chaoyang’s voice stopped, and his attention was completely focused on Jiang Yun.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was standing there with his eyes closed, he kept speculating in his mind whether the opponent had really been caught with nothing, or did he still have some trump card?

Pan Chaoyang can be said to know Jiang Yun very well.

But after Jiang Yun left Daoxing Tiandi this time and came back again, apart from other things, his strength alone has really improved unimaginably.

Therefore, Pan Chaoyang really couldn’t judge whether this crowd tactics could pose any threat to Jiang Yun.

Finally, four or five million monks from all directions have come to Jiang Yun’s side.

At this moment, Jiang Yun also opened his eyes suddenly, and after scanning the countless faces around him again, he softly uttered a word: “Fire!”

“Bang bang bang!”

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, muffled noises sounded one after another.

And all the noises come from the monk’s body.

Every sound means that there is a flame ignited in the body of a monk, burning blazingly!

After the muffled sound, there was a scream.

At the beginning, it was a group of monks closest to Jiang Yun, with flames rising from their bodies.

But these flames continued to spread in the surroundings like a chain reaction, spreading round and round.

Just a moment later, more than half of the 400,000 to 500,000 monks had flames rising from their bodies, burning their bodies.

Flame burning is nothing, any monk has experienced it before.

Especially almost every monk has practiced spells related to fire.

So they don’t care.

But when they found that no matter what method they used, even if they froze themselves, they could not extinguish the flame, they all panicked.

Even, even the bodies of Pan Chaoyang and the other three original peaks suddenly burst into flames.

Although there are still quite a few monks who have not been ignited by the flames, but looking at the burning and screaming companions beside them, they naturally feel fear in their hearts, wanting to stay away from their companions, for fear of being killed. Infected.

As a result, the sea of ​​people that was originally rushing towards Jiang Yun suddenly split into tributaries and flowed in other directions.

The pressure around Jiang Yun’s body also eased accordingly, and he didn’t pay attention to these flaming monks at all. He turned around and rushed along the original route again.

Actually, at this time, Jiang Yun has already fulfilled his original goal and can retreat completely.

However, he suddenly discovered that the last team of the Hongmeng army seemed to come from the Star God Dao Realm!

You know, he and Qin Bufan, the leader of the Star God Dao Realm, have only been separated for a few months.

Qin Bufan even promised Jiang Yun that he would bring people to help Daoxing Tiandi.

However, now the Star God Dao Realm has joined the Hongmeng and attacked Daoxing Tiandi instead, which made Jiang Yun extremely angry.

Therefore, he had to go and see for himself whether he was from the Star God Dao Realm.

If so, then Jiang Yun will kill all the people in the Star God Dao Realm!

“Emotions!” At this moment, Pan Chaoyang’s roar came from behind Jiang Yun: “This is the fire of emotions, ignited with our emotions.”

“This flame cannot be extinguished by external forces. Hurry up, try to restrain your emotions, let your heart be as calm as water, and the flame will be extinguished by itself.”

I have to say that Pan Chaoyang’s reaction was really fast.

Among all the people, not only was he the first to figure out the origin of the strange fire in his body, but he also successfully extinguished the flame on his body.

It’s just that, although what he said was right, he still underestimated the power of this emotional fire.

He was able to extinguish because his strength was strong enough, and Jiang Yun couldn’t arouse too many emotions in him at all.

But other people, especially the Supreme Realm, the Great Emperor Realm, and those monks who were closest to Jiang Yun before, even if they can achieve peace of mind, they can’t let the flame go out.

After Pan Chaoyang simply taught everyone how to put out the fire, he rushed towards Jiang Yun again with Jindan Sanren and several other peak sources.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was about to rush out of the entire team, Pan Chaoyang had no choice but to send a voice transmission to Taoist Four Seasons: “Taoist Four Seasons, let’s do it!”


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