The World That Tao Rules Chapter 7480: Cross the sea

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With a sound of “Peng”, a ball of flame suddenly rose from the banshee’s body, and immediately the banshee was about to grab Jiang Yun’s claws, and in turn covered her head. Let out a painful roar!

The roar was like firewood, causing the flames burning on her body to explode instantly, and the flames rose to a height of tens of feet, illuminating the darkness a lot.

Jiang Yun turned around, and the six senses that were about to dissipate just now gradually came back, so that he could finally see the banshee in the flames.

The banshee is holding her head in the flames, rolling over and over, and her human upper body sometimes grows a lot of scales, and sometimes oozes golden blood, which looks extremely painful.

Emotional fire!

The flaming knife that Jiang Yun had just cut towards the banshee’s tail finally ignited the banshee’s emotions at this moment.

Moreover, this emotion is still anger!

Anger can generate anger, and being ignited by Jiang Yun with emotional fire is like adding fuel to the fire, making the banshee feel far more pain than Ji Kongfan at the beginning.

Jiang Yun continued to add a handful of firewood to the banshee’s anger, saying: “I haven’t really killed a peak of origin, perhaps, today I can realize this wish.”

“Moreover, it’s a peak origin from outside the tripod!”

“Roar!” The banshee roared again, most of her face was covered with scales, sharp fangs protruded from her mouth, and her erect pupils stared fiercely at Jiang Yun. I can’t wait to swallow Jiang Yun in one bite.

It’s a pity that under the double suppression of the demon seal and the fire of emotions, although her strength was not limited much, the great pain made her unable to attack again.

All she can do now is to calm down her anger as soon as possible and calm herself down.

But of course Jiang Yun couldn’t give her this opportunity, kept a certain distance from the banshee, and began to release various attacks continuously, stimulating the banshee and keeping her in a state of anger.

Under this kind of torture by Jiang Yun, after only a moment, the banshee was covered with bruises, lying there, motionless, but there was still a flame burning on her body.

The fire of emotions cannot be extinguished simply by restraining emotions.

If you control your emotions, at most it will reduce the damage and pain you suffer.

If you want to completely extinguish it, you need to rely on your own cultivation.

Otherwise, Ji Kongfan wouldn’t use the wind from Fengzhiguan to extinguish the fire of emotions.

Jiang Yun stopped attacking temporarily, but he stared at her coldly and said, “Tell me how to leave Bei Chenzi’s place, and I will spare your life!”

No matter what the banshee’s origin is, how she colluded with Bei Chenzi, especially the fighting skills between the two of them behind Bai Ye and Daojun, Jiang Yun didn’t care too much.

Of course, he also knew that even if the banshee was killed by herself, she would not have the guts to answer these questions.

Therefore, Jiang Yun might as well just ask how to leave.

After a brief silence, the banshee said, “I don’t know, I’ve always stayed with Bei Chenzi and never left!”

It’s not difficult to hear that the banshee really has the intention of being soft.

As if afraid that Jiang Yun would not believe it, she went on to say: “I didn’t lie to you, my identity must not be known to any creatures in your cauldron, especially the detached strong born in your cauldron, so, not only I can’t leave, and anyone who has seen me will stay here forever.”

Jiang Yun stared at the other party coldly, thinking about the truth of what she said.

The surrounding darkness has lost control of the Banshee. It also began to dissipate quickly, allowing Jiang Yun and the banshee to be in the world again.

Jiang Yun turned to look at the others.

Now everyone is still at war, except for Qin Xiang and Shen Lin who are struggling to deal with Jin Chan, the rest of them are basically evenly matched.


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the earth began to vibrate violently, and everything in this world, including mountains, rivers, plants, and trees, vibrated accordingly.

The crowd hurriedly stopped fighting and looked around, not understanding what was going on.

Among the shocks, Qin Xiang, who had the strongest observation ability, first exclaimed: “Red, red!”

“The terrain has changed, no, the world has changed!”

Yes, there are wisps of red mist gushing out from the ground. The speed is extremely fast and the number is extremely large. In a few breaths, it has covered the entire world.

Fortunately, although the red mist is dense, everyone can still roughly see the situation inside the mist.

As Qin Xiang said, the terrain here has changed!

Amidst the violent shaking of the ground, those huge mountains began to sink into the ground, while the original valleys and depressions slowly began to rise.

The river water seeps into the ground quickly, turning the original lakes and oceans into desert swamps, and the desert swamps seep a lot of water in turn, turning them into lakes and oceans!

The ocean continues to climb, and quietly swallows the falling mountains…

In short, the change of the terrain naturally leads to the change of the world as well.

The duration of this vibration is not too long, only about half an hour.

As the vibration gradually weakened, the red mist also returned to the ground. After the vibration completely disappeared, the world returned to calm.

Although the positions of the people who were in various places before have not changed, the scenery around them has all undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially Jiang Yun, originally he and the banshee were fighting on the flat ground, even if the banshee used the supernatural power of closing her eyes for the night, it only opened up a dark space on the flat ground.

But now Jiang Yun and the banshee are already standing on the top of a towering mountain. Looking around, you can see the whole world!

If everyone hadn’t personally experienced and seen the changes just now, then they would have absolutely no doubt that they had already arrived at another place.

Jiang Yun glanced around, looking at this completely unfamiliar, or brand new world, with only four words in his heart – vicissitudes of life!

Although with his strength, changing lands and opening up worlds is already a piece of cake, but seeing such a huge change in a world in a short period of time with his own eyes still shocked him deeply.

Jiang Yun asked the banshee, “Do you know what’s going on?”

You know, when they were looking for a way to leave before, they attacked everything in this world, but they found that all their attacks, not even a blade of grass, could break it.

Right now, the entire world is suddenly undergoing earth-shaking changes. This kind of change cannot happen for no reason. There must be some reason and purpose!

The banshee lay there and shook her head feebly and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know anything.”

Jiang Yun smiled coldly, didn’t ask any more questions, and continued to look around, looking forward to whether the changed world would reveal a way to leave.

At the same time, he once again affirmed Qin Xiang’s statement that they may be in a flat place, or in a painting.

Qin Xiang’s consciousness saw red. Although there is still no red in the world just now and the current world, the red color is obviously hidden under the earth. It is their consciousness and power, which cannot be reached Area.

Thinking in Jiang Yun’s mind, he said: “We should be on one side of the tripod body.”

“Everything that appears in this world is a pattern carved or drawn on the surface.”

“Just, why did it change?”

“Is this change caused by external forces or external factors, or is the tripod itself like this, and the pattern changes every certain time?”

During Jiang Yun’s thoughts, his eyes suddenly fixed on one place.

Jiang Yun remembered that there was originally a pool of water, but at this moment, it turned into a forest with thousands of lush trees growing there.

The shapes of these big trees are quite familiar to Jiang Yun.

“No, kill, tree!”


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