The Whispering Verses Chapter 929: The Invisible Man


At that moment, as if putting the [Eternal Youth Leaf] in front of my eyes, information poured into my mind from the stone slab. But the amount of information is very small, and they are all incomplete sentences.

“So that’s it, it’s really one third.”

But instead of being disappointed, Shade’s face became even more excited. Although the information was incomplete, from the broken sentences, Shade could completely confirm that the knowledge in the stone tablet itself was definitely related to enhancing the perception of time.

“Mia, I did not find the wrong target. This is what I want, to enhance time perception and get the most authentic time information!”

He excitedly picked up the obviously reluctant cat, his heart beating faster and blood rushing to his brain. Thinking immediately diverges, and various possibilities are constantly given and eliminated. Whether the Sixth Age is the Sixth Age, and whether the present is really the present, may not matter in the eyes of others. But for Shade, who can travel in time, this is quite important.

Tap the slate lightly with your finger. The slate flew backwards slightly, but soon stopped again, floating in the air at the same level as Shade’s eyes. Little Mia, who had been waiting for the opportunity, quickly broke away from Shade’s hands, fell on his lap, and quickly jumped up, jumped onto Shade’s shoulders, and then jumped violently, and actually “caught” Fei Fei. The stone slab stood there with an amazing balance.


The orange cat looked at Shade proudly, and Shade also looked at Mia with a smile. Stretching out her right hand towards the stone slab again, Little Mia jumped along Shade’s arm and back to his leg.

Caressing Xiao Mia, Shade looked at the slate in the air again:

“I thought that if you gave me knowledge, the slate would turn to ashes, but it still exists.”

The stone slab with the silver horns was touched again, but the stone slab did not pass the knowledge to Shade for the second time, indicating that the mission of the stone slab to “transfer knowledge” had been completed.

“Why wasn’t it damaged?”

Shad is a little confused. He has contacted many old gods, but whether they represent miracles or blasphemy, those gods will never let the items they create appear in places they shouldn’t be. Since the slate conveyed knowledge but was not damaged, it means that the slate is still useful.

“Why did [Gray Robe Sage] leave it to me?”

Gently tap on the side of the stone slab, and it will immediately spin smoothly in the air. Silver flakes of light were still floating around, and Shade could fully imagine what a beautiful piece of art this would be in the long, lightless night.

“You can’t just give me a light, right?”

Took the slate and put it back into the box, but no matter what, it was a good thing to have an “artifact” left by an old **** who had no ill intentions towards me. Maybe when Shade finds the three stone tablets, the secret of the stone tablets will be fully revealed, and anything the old gods who left in the fifth era did to interfere with the sixth era will make sense.

Since the vampire **** has been planning for thousands of years and just wants to get wine out of boredom, maybe the patron saint of the library really just gives Shade a beautiful piece of art, or

“Is it possible that passing on knowledge that enhances time perception is incidental, and giving me the three wonderful stone slabs is the main purpose of the old god?”

“She” is chuckling:

[Very possible. 】

“Can you feel something special when you touch the stone slab?”

Shad closed the box.

[Miracles elements, very pure miraculous elements. 】

“How pure?”

【As pure as the silver moon. 】

Shad nodded, carried the cat and the box to the basement, and put the slate and the printed plates of the four 1-shilling notes together.

Before leaving, I took another look at the four “gifts” taken out of the gift box:

“What if, as a gray eagle, I gave these four printing plates to Princess Margaret?”

This was Shade’s idea to amuse himself before leaving the basement.

It was past ten o’clock after we finished dealing with the time tablet. Little Mia was unwilling to follow Shade out, so Shade went to the university area alone to visit Professor Manning.

Unlike Professor Drake, who is disabled in both legs, Professor Manning is in good mental and physical health, so he is not at home every day. That morning, when Shade arrived at No. 17 Mao Tail Lane in heavy fog, he knocked on the door but received no response.

Fortunately, he had expected this situation. After waiting for a while to confirm that neither Professor Manning nor the servant was there, he took out his notebook and planned to write a note and stuff it under the door.

Before Shade finished writing, he felt someone tapping his shoulder:

“Oh, Shade!”

Looking around, there was a smiling Yin Luna behind her.

The seventeen-year-old girl standing in the fog was wearing a white ruffled collared shirt with two rows of silver decorative buttons on the chest, and a brown warm women’s coat. Wearing a black silk scarf at the neckline and holding a brown checkered handbag, this is considered a very formal attire.

The hazy light on Friday morning penetrated the thick fog, and the gray world seemed to have more colors because of her presence. Every time he saw Yin Luna, Xia De would sigh that she really seemed like the protagonist of this world:

“Oh, good morning. Yin Luna, why are you here?”

“I am now the pseudonymous police detective Miss Bayas, entrusted by Ridwich Field to come here to investigate the theft.”

Yin Luna pointed to the police badge hanging on her chest. She still remembered that she also used this identity when she visited Xia De’s house for the first time:

“Professor Tiris Manning, yes, No. 17 Cat Tail Lane. Shade, are you here to see this old professor too?”

“Yes, Professor Manning is an old friend of mine, but he’s not home.”

Xia De shook the notebook in his hand, but he hadn’t finished writing the note.

“It doesn’t matter. I made an appointment for a visit at 11 a.m. before I came here. The professor should be back soon.”

Yin Luna said, curiously looking at the unopened door. It was the first time she knew that Xia De knew such an old gentleman.

Xia De nodded:

“There are still ten minutes to eleven o’clock, let’s wait together. But what kind of theft is it, and even the church has to intervene? I just thought that the professor was nothing.”

He felt that he could not speak ill of others behind their backs, and besides, the professor just had special hobbies.

He put his notebook back into the inner pocket of his coat and turned his back to the wall of Mao Tail Alley. Yin Luna was holding her handbag in both hands and standing by the lamppost looking at Shade. The gray fog on the street outside the two people seemed to have solidified. On this winter day when the temperature dropped sharply, only the silhouettes of pedestrians could be seen hurriedly passing by.

No one can disturb them, Yin Luna likes this atmosphere very much:

“Related to the relics, the Creation Church notified all the churches in the diocese some time ago that a humanoid relic related to theft appeared in the city. So far, no one has ever seen its true form. This is, look Missing people.”


PS: Guess what the three stone slabs are used for. If you guess correctly, you can add a chapter. Of course, the answer to the mystery is revealed at the end of this volume, and the author promises that at the end of the volume, Shade will learn the truth about time in the Sixth Age.

After all, it is a volume of knowledge and wisdom, and it is time for Shade to learn those stories.


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