The Whispering Verses Chapter 915: Chosen One Ritual – Wise Man’s Pyroxene


“Our purpose?”

Xia De smiled:

“Madam, are you the chosen one for wisdom and knowledge?”

Tifa looked at Shad with some surprise, and Miss Paavo was also a little surprised, and then shook her head slightly:

“What a strange question, but currently we don’t have the fragments of the poem corresponding to the identity of the chosen one. So, I may be, she may be, you may be, and even this dog may be .”


“Dog” barked again and looked at Miss Paavo aggressively. This little Mia, who currently looks like a dog but is actually a cat, dares to “show filial piety” to anyone because Shade is by her side.

Shad was about to speak, but suddenly he was startled and looked towards Lake Schluch, which was already shrouded in white mist. Miss Paavo also felt something and turned to look at the center of the lake. Although the light of March could not penetrate the strange fog on the lake, the three people on the shore clearly saw a small black dot appearing in the center of the lake. It was said to be a black spot, but that was just because the shore was too far away from the center of the lake. In fact, it was an island in the middle of the lake that appeared at an unknown time.

Silently, several figures entered the fog from the lakeside, either flying or stepping on the water, heading towards the island in the middle of the lake.

Shad just glanced at it and then looked back at Miss Paavo. He was not in a hurry. If there was anything on the island, he could just ask the witch later.

“The Sage-level relic [The Trial Island of Lost Venus] has appeared. Are you sure you want to stay here and cause trouble for me?”

Miss Pavo asked Xiang Shade:

“Why don’t we go to the island together first? From a profit point of view, knowing the tests on the island first can maximize the interests of both parties. There is no need for us to waste time here.”

But Shade shook his head:

“Madam, your analysis makes sense, but the problem is”

He smiled:

“We are not here for the chosen ones.”

The sorceress who controlled the Silver Book showed a confused expression for the first time tonight, but she quickly spoke again:

“Do you know?”

Miss Pavo said softly:

“The fragments of the poem we have show that the chosen ceremony held by the chosen ones with knowledge and wisdom requires an important ritual material – [Wise Man’s Pyroxene]. This is a kind of ceremony even if we read through ancient books , and the source material could not be found.”

“Wise Man’s Pyroxene?”

Xia De knew that the other party was stalling for time, waiting for his companions to arrive, but by coincidence, Sha De was also waiting for the other party’s companions to appear.

Tifa, who was holding little Mia, said softly:

“A stone related to that ancient god?”

“Yes, we later got information from the Apna Library. They shared information about the material with us, and we showed them the fragments of the Psalms.”

Miss Paavo did not hesitate to tell the source of the information, but did not rule out that this was to confuse the audience:

“Although the ancient gods have long since departed, the power of the ancient gods still affects the material world of the Sixth Age in all directions. Just like sleeping giants, the threads on their fingertips are still pulling destiny.”

This is an interesting statement.

“[Wise Pyroxene], an extremely rare alchemical material, is as rare as the calibration object [Philosopher’s Stone] that is a sage-level relic. There is only one way to obtain [Wise Pyroxene]. , those beings who have inherited the power of the ancient **** of wisdom [Secret Keeper] can challenge mortals. After accepting the test and completing it, if the mortals do not ask for other rewards, they can get a piece of [Wise Man’s Pyroxene]. That is, the secret keeper. As the chosen one awakens, the secret keeper will frequently appear next to him or her for testing.

So, tonight’s scene means that the chosen one is at Lakeview Manor, yes, right here. ”

She said with a smile, satisfied to see the two extremely dangerous enemies in front of her, listening to her words with concentration:

“[Wise Man’s Pyroxene] itself is produced from a relic, so it is also a special relic derivative, or it can be regarded as a relic itself. There is a very obscure containment report from the Fifth Era in the Apuna Library. According to reports, this relic can permanently enhance the wearer’s intelligence, and permanently enhance understanding, logical thinking, and all aspects of the mind. Yes, the negative characteristics are just an increase in the desire for knowledge. ”

“This material is needed for the ceremony of the chosen one, but didn’t this kind of relic come down from the past era?”

Xia De asked in a deep voice, Miss Pavo explained:

“[Wise Man’s Pyroxene] is a symbol of the wise. It can only be given once by a person who has accepted the test, and will disappear with the death of the wise man who has accepted the test. Therefore, [Wise Man’s Pyroxene] cannot be passed down for a long time. ”

“That’s it.”

Xia De nodded slightly, then looked towards the island in the middle of the lake:

“So, the island that appears in the center of Lake Schluch tonight is”

“Yes. The latest stone tablet discovered by the [Blood Spirit School] in the New World predicted that a chosen one with wisdom and knowledge would appear in this banquet, thus attracting this island, the sage-level relic [Lost Dimension] The Trial Island of Nars]. The lost Venus is the legendary kingdom of wise men in the third era. There must be a secret keeper on this island, but unfortunately, we only know that the ritual requires [Wise Men’s Radiance]. Stone], but I don’t know the specific details of the ceremony and how many pyroxenes are needed.”

Xia De does know the answer. The fragment of the poem in “The Secret of Agelessness” makes it very clear. The secret keeper will put forward five tests. In other words, this time the Chosen Ceremony requires five [Wise Pyroxene]. As for the specific methods of the ritual, this can be learned by Luvia using special coins for divination.

Combining all the information together, assuming that the sorceress from the [Truth Society] in front of me is not lying, then this ceremony of the chosen one is not that difficult compared to the death of the chosen one. But it’s a little complicated.

At this time, looking at the island in the middle of Lake Schluch, filled with whispering elements, there was no trace of the battle under the moonlight. The area of ​​that island was far smaller than the island in the middle of the Lost Lake in 5177 of the Fifth Era, and slightly smaller than the island in the lake of Cherubim in the west of Huntington City. Shade was very curious, except for the two witches, how many people were there at this time? People have landed on the island.

“I’ve said what I know, can I leave now?”

Miss Pavo said with a smile, Shade looked at her suspended big book and said deliberately frivolously:

“If you would like to share information about your book and leave it behind, you can leave now.”

“Oh, sir, you are not a gentleman at all. Besides, do you think anyone can own this book?”

The lady under the moon looks particularly intellectual:

“If we quantify the average intelligence of humans in this era, the average is 10, and the maximum normal level is 20, then at least 18 points of intelligence are needed to hold this book.”

“You think I’m not smart enough?”

Xia De asked, Miss Pavo smiled and said nothing.

Shad’s eyes continued to look at the constantly turning pages of the book. From this position, he could see the content on the pages. Probably because he was not the owner of the book, the pages seemed completely blank to him.

“Your people are already landing on the island? I’m curious, what are you doing here?”

Shad asked again, Miss Pavo still smiled and said nothing, and Tifa suddenly said:

“Judging from this lady’s performance, she is very proficient in numbers and probability. I have heard of a special kind of number divination. If I guessed correctly, she is using this book to calculate the number of people attending the banquet. Who is the chosen one?”

The sorceress of the Truth Society narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Tifa:

“Number divination is a mixed subject that combines mathematics, spiritual divination, and ancient numerology knowledge. In our time, not many people should have mastered it. Madam, who did you hear about this subject?”

Shadow knows the answer to this question. The great witch Miss Sylvia is an expert in number divination.


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