The Whispering Verses Chapter 905: Shad’s Riddle


After the darts game, the two princesses planned to return to the mansion at Lakeview Manor to rest. Shade walked with them, and then “happened” to meet Dorothy in the banquet hall on the first floor.

The blond writer lady is not alone, she is surrounded by her writer friends. Shade knew most of them, except for the southern-looking gentleman. On the contrary, Princess Margaret knew that gentleman.

He looks about thirty years old, with black hair tied into a short braid on the back of his head, a pair of gold glasses, and two beautiful beards.

This image can be called a typical “artist”.

“This is Sir Regins Plischar, his grandmother and my grandmother were twin sisters.”

Princess Margaret introduced to Lesia that Mr. Prisha circled his right hand back and forth in the air twice, then bent down and pressed his right hand on his left shoulder:

“Good evening, Her Royal Highness Lesia Cavendish.”

“Legens Prisha?”

Xia De was stunned for a moment and then realized:

“The Moon of Guidance?”

This is the one who possesses the core spiritual rune of “Moon of Guidance”, the correspondence magician from Serkses Higher Medical School.

Although Shad was with the princesses, because there were actually many people around them, Lesia did not suddenly introduce Shad’s identity. Although he did not shake hands with this gentleman, Shade roughly judged that the other person should be a five-ring warlock.

“Very good, my first contact tonight. When I get back, contact Miss Danister and ask her to give me the alchemy items for collecting auras. Wait until we meet next time in other salons or parties, and find a way to make him reveal himself. Ring of Life”

Shadow was thinking silently, and Mr. Prisha looked at Shad as if aware, only to find that the young knight was lowering his head and teasing the cat.

Sir Prisha is a well-known poet in Kasenlik. At the banquet, he met Miss Eva Swift, a writer in Kasenlik who lives in Tobesk (Chapter 497), and then passed by This woman’s introduction brought Dorothy and local Tobesk writers together.

Although this is not a literary salon, both princesses do not mind chatting with these famous writers and poets. The group of people sat down on the sofa by the window in the grand banquet hall on the first floor. Everyone was surrounding the two princesses, who were the protagonists here.

While he had time, Shade introduced his identity to Sir Prisha and established an initial connection.

At this time, Princess Margaret has already caused a topic, talking about the recently popular detective novel “Hamilton Detective Stories”. She already knew that Shade was the prototype of the story, but only then did she know that the writer was Shade’s female companion, and couldn’t help but sigh:

“This is really a wonderful combination. Miss Louisa, I think Hamilton Knight should have provided you with a lot of inspiration, right?”


Dorothy nodded and praised:

“Shad is a well-known detective in Tobesk, and he has no record of failed missions so far.”

“No, no, I’m not a famous detective.”

Shadow showed modesty at the right time, and Dorothy’s friend, essayist Professor Mulder Goethe immediately praised:

“Some time ago, I accompanied a friend to attend a funeral in the public cemetery in the East District. I heard about Detective Hamilton from the church and solved the case of “The Missing Third Gold Coin”. He is really amazing.”

Professor Goethe is not only a university professor, but also employed as a literature and grammar lecturer for the royal family at the Jodel Palace, so his praise carries a lot of weight.

Princess Margaret curiously inquired about the detective incident, and Dorothy told her “adapted” story. After removing Shade’s channeling, her reasoning for this story was added.

The gold coins in the mouth of the dead body, the morgue where no one should have entered, and the father who voluntarily insulted the body for the sake of his children, these plots made people exclaim again and again. Although the life of aristocrats is rich, it is mostly boring. Such exciting stories interest everyone. Even Princess Margaret, a ring magician, praised:

“Detective stories can indeed be regarded as knight legends that take place in the city.”

The most famous game at the banquet, besides Rhodes, is “Riddle”. After Dorothy finished telling her story, people suggested riddles to pass the time. Lesia’s sister Mona Asberg happened to be here, so she hosted the game.

This is not a game that the manor originally prepared, so there are no specific rules. Everyone can take turns telling their own riddles, and then everyone guesses them together. If they are guessed correctly, it is the next person’s turn. If three riddles that are not guessed are said in a row, it is considered a victory. Mrs. Ge offered a bottle of red wine as a prize.

“Then I’ll go first.”

Lecia said, looking at Shade to prepare him, and then said:

“Shut your mouth and you say my name; if you can say my name with words, then I will no longer be me.”

“Your Highness, is it tongue?”

Mr. Miles Garoff, a poet famous for “Falled Leaves”, raised his hand and asked.


Lecia smiled and shook her head, so Shade said:

“It’s silence. If you don’t speak, it’s silence. If you speak silence, it’s no longer silence.”

Lecia and Shade mentioned this riddle, so Shade answered it so quickly.

“Yes, you guessed it, knight.”

She shook her head regretfully, and then motioned to Princess Margaret to continue telling the riddle. The princess of the Anjou family thought for a while:

“A gust of wind, a boat, and six crew members rowing together.”

This time Shade didn’t think of it immediately, but Mr. Prisha raised his hand and said:

“Six-hole flute, I’m good at this.”


Princess Margaret smiled and nodded, and people clapped in appreciation.

The princess motioned for Dorothy to continue. The blonde writer knew what Shade wanted to do at the banquet, so she said:

“I can’t think of a good riddle for the moment, why not let Mr. Detective come first?”


So Princess Margaret looked at Shade again. She had a very good impression of Shade and wanted to know what kind of riddles Shade could tell:

“Mr. Hamilton, the detective’s riddle should be interesting, right?”

Everyone else also looked at Shade. Because of the detective story topic introduced by Dorothy, Shade was currently the man who talked to the two princesses the most. Although other people had no objections to this, they were always unwilling to admit defeat, so they were all ready to “challenge” the detective.

Xia De thought for a while, and although he didn’t mean to show off, he still came up with a very classic riddle for tonight’s task:

“Four legs in the morning.”

Lifting the cat in her arms slightly upward, Xiao Mia moved her four little paws cooperatively. The ladies around her all laughed. This cat was indeed very attractive.

“Two legs at noon, just like us.”

Shad made a dramatic pause, then smiled and said:

“At night, there are three legs. Excuse me, what are these?”

No one spoke immediately, but thought carefully. Only little Mia, who was held by Shade, was squirming restlessly, not used to such crowded situations.

“Is this some kind of magical creature?”

Lecia asked curiously after a long time. She didn’t know in advance what kind of riddle Shade would tell.

“It’s a living thing, but it’s not magical.”

Xia De smiled and said:

“At least it’s not more magical than my cat. The answer is simple.”

“Oh, Mr. Hamilton, are you really sure this is a normal creature? Not something in a legendary story? I read in ancient documents that people living in dense forests have the ability to transform into animals.”

Professor Goethe confirmed, Shade nodded:

“I’m sure. So, can anyone give me the answer?”

He looked around at the people around him. Lesia shook her head slightly, Princess Margaret was still thinking, Mr. Priscia shook his head with a smile, and Dorothy said regretfully:

“Knight, you can tell me your answer.”

“The answer is a human being. When he was a child, he crawled on four legs. When he was an adult, he walked upright on two legs. In his later years, he walked on crutches.”

After hearing Xia De’s explanation, people gradually understood.

“Oh, that’s really good!”

Princess Margaret said even faster than Lesia, and the compliment was very sincere. Although she only played a few small games at the banquet, she had a preliminary understanding of what the handsome young man in front of her relied on to win the favor of the duchess.

“Please continue.”

Princess Margaret said again, Shade thought for a while:

“Your Highness, the next question is probably not a riddle, but I think it is still interesting. This question is only for you to answer, and it can only be answered once. Are you willing to accept the challenge?”

Princess Margaret blinked:

“Of course.”

So Shade hugged his cat and said:

“First of all, please say three times with me: mouse, mouse, mouse.”


Before Princess Margaret spoke, little Mia screamed first, making everyone around her smile.

“Okay, mouse, mouse, mouse.”

Princess Margaret said in a very good mood.

“What are cats afraid of most?”

Xia De asked again, and the princess almost blurted out:


After finishing speaking, he blinked, then covered his mouth and laughed to himself.

The people around her tried their best not to laugh, to avoid being misunderstood as laughing at the princess.

Lecia said to Shade quite angrily:

“Knight, this is so rude.”

“Yes, this is not actually a riddle, it’s just a little joke. Can I tell you one more, please”

“No, no, it doesn’t matter. It’s interesting. I did get the answer wrong.”

Princess Margaret shook her head with a smile. The atmosphere of the wedding banquet was very lively at the moment. She did not feel offended. Instead, she felt that such a banquet was interesting:

“Well, Rejed’s Hamilton, please continue with the third riddle. I still want to challenge you.”

She thought for a while and then said:

“Let’s add some conditions. If I still lose, you can choose an accessory from me. But if I win, you can lend me this cute pet cat in your arms for three days.”

Although she was not angry, she was obviously aroused to be competitive and very confident in herself. She thought she had seen through Shade’s tricks.

Of course, Margaret Anjou also really became interested in Shade’s cat.


Little Mia lay on Shade’s lap and screamed softly, probably unable to understand what was happening.

“This is not okay, Your Highness. It’s not that I want to reject you. But this cat is not mine, it is the client’s cat.”

Xia De hurriedly refused.

【You finally remembered this. 】

“I always remember that no matter what, I can’t bet on Xiao Mia.”

He said quickly in his mind.

“The client’s cat? It doesn’t matter, I think your client will also understand.”

The princess urged with a smile on her face:

“Knight, please start. But if I really get the answer right, I think this cat can get the best treatment at my place.”


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