The Whispering Verses Chapter 900: Banquet Games


“Big guy?”

Reminiscent of what happened at Lakeview Manor, Shade subconsciously thought of the coming of God. First, a slight panic appeared on his face, and then he thought that the relic [blasphemous cross] was on his body. This was what he used. Steal…

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking of, judging from your expression, you are probably thinking wrong.”

Miss Carina stretched out her hand and tapped Shade’s forehead with her slender white fingers.

Miss Sylvia added while looking through Shade’s manuscript:

“It should be some kind of relic, a location-based relic. It’s not clear what it is yet. It will appear completely in the middle of Lake Schluch around eight to ten o’clock tonight. Only we know about this at the moment. , Witches have a beyond-normal perception of elements and relics.”

“That’s probably the case.”

Miss Carina said, bringing her wine glass to Shade and gesturing to Shade to taste it. Shade then drank all the red wine at the bottom of the glass, while Tifa continued to pour wine.

“Do we need to cancel the banquet? After all, there are so many ordinary people here.”

Xia De asked.

“No need, the opponent will not be particularly strong. And you also know that the characteristic of location-type relics is that as long as they do not enter the interior, they will basically not be greatly affected. In order to protect Margaery who was attacked in Huntingdon, the church Te Anjou has arranged a team of ring warlocks to protect her. If something goes wrong, the two of us and the ring warlocks from the church can handle it.”

Miss Carina said, and Shade felt relieved now and handed the goblet that Tifa had filled back to her. From her previous attitude of not worrying about Agelina going to play in the manor, she also knew that the big witch really felt that there would be no danger.

“Besides, even if there are problems that cannot be solved, aren’t you still here?”

The Duchess added jokingly, waggling her fingers as if to show Shade her nails intentionally.

Miss Sylvia raised her eyebrows. She always felt that Carina Cavendish’s words seemed to have a profound meaning. Thinking that Shade can go to Huntingdon at any time, and that he still has the flame in the hands of Sister Devlin of the [Spiritual Order], the young witch thinks that it is necessary to investigate what happened in the mountain city in the autumn. matter.

“I am only the fourth ring, I don’t have the power like you.”

Xia De said casually, but still had some worries in his heart:

“What is the reason for this anomaly? The appearance of location-based relics, is it really that this manor has been having bad luck?”

“It’s not clear yet. If I have time later, I will go to the parliament to see if I can find the speaker. She is very knowledgeable about this phenomenon.”

Miss Carina shrugged and continued to sip the wine from the wine glass that Shade had taken a sip from.

It turns out that in the city where the first chosen person, Iluna, resides, the probability of accidents is much higher than in other places.

The two witches still had many things to talk about, so Shade did not stay here long and left quickly. After Shade closed the door, Miss Carina asked Miss Sylvia half-complainingly:

“He didn’t compliment my nails. I specially used the nail polish made with the formula you gave me. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Miss Sylvia didn’t know how to answer. Even though she knew that Shade had an affair with this powerful lady before, she didn’t expect that the relationship between the two had reached this point:


“Miss, maybe Mr. Hamilton is just attracted to other parts of your body. Compared to your nails, there are too many things about you that caught his eye today.”

Tifa said softly, the duchess showed a satisfied smile, and continued to look at the manor courtyard under the sunset with her wine glass:

“Tifa, I really don’t know what kind of love elixir the knight gave you. However, what you said makes sense.”

Miss Sylvia picked up the wine glass and took a sip to cover up her expression at this time. In her heart, she was reconsidering what Shade’s appearance meant to the Witch Council, but she thought of the young gentleman just now. His appearance, his tough approach when facing the “Evil of the Pantanal” statue in Huntington, and the manuscript in his hand, made him sigh in his heart:

“However, Shad Hamilton does have the ability to attract witches.”

Shad on the other side had already left the third floor with little Mia. Because the horse racing competition that Agelina invited him to participate in had not yet started, Shade took this opportunity to go to the courtyard to get some food for himself, hoping to fill his stomach first. After all, there were still a lot of things to do tonight. .

This banquet of the Asberg family has definitely spent a lot of money. It is already winter at the end of the Frost Moon, but you can still see fresh summer vegetable salads and seasonal fish shipped from the west coast on the table. kind.

As for the five-story cake, I didn’t think it was anything when I looked at it from upstairs, but when I really stood at the table and looked up, Shade felt that he would never see a dessert of this scale again in a short time. .

But the big cake that firmly attracted little Mia was not the most attractive thing in the long table area. At the end of the long table near the entrance of the mansion, hundreds of red cardboard boxes were stacked into a hill, covering the ground and a small piece of tabletop.

Guests of all kinds wearing retro robes, ordinary formal suits, red woolen sweaters and vests were smiling around and watching people trying to open the boxes.

This is the “lucky red box” that is a traditional item at Delrayon’s wedding banquet. Guests at the banquet can open the box at will, but no matter what is opened, they must keep the contents with them all night. And in those boxes, although there were a few valuable souvenirs, most of them were toys for pranks.

Nobles like this kind of “prank” at wedding banquets, and people will even compare which family prepares the more unique “lucky red box” when they get married.

Shad saw his friend Baron Lavender in the crowd. The last time he saw him was last week, in order to thank him for introducing business, the two played Rhodes at the Prophet’s Association. The baron opened the box and took out a doll that was no bigger than the palm of his hand and was wearing a skirt. Amidst the roar of laughter, he depressedly put it in the chest pocket of his formal suit.

People are smiling happier.


Baron Lavender also noticed Shade who was eating, waved and walked over, and then encouraged him to try it too:

“Only the truly brave would do this!”

After he encouraged him, Shade looked at the doll with its head exposed on his chest, holding back a smile, and handed him a glass of red wine:

“How did I hear that an unlucky guy opened the box and got out a donkey ear hairpin, and ended up wearing it all night?”

“That donkey ear is now a unique souvenir that can be sold for 50 pounds. Oh, Shade, as the champion of the big city players, you should believe in your luck.”

Baron Lavender continued to bewitch, Shade thought that he would be okay for the time being, so he actually walked over. When the meddlesome people saw Shad, they shouted “Rejed’s Hamilton” and loudly and exaggeratedly talked about the “expensive” souvenirs that the Asberg family might have prepared.

“Is there a donkey ear hairpin this time?”

He picked a box and was about to open it. Baron Lavender, who was following Shade, smiled and replied:

“I heard there are cat ears.”

“If cat ear hairpins are really prescribed, I will put them on my cat.”

As he spoke, he touched Mia, who was still looking at the big cake with her head tilted. The cat ignored Shade at all.

Xia De was pretty lucky, there was a pink gauze scarf in the box. Although it was inappropriate for a man to wear this, Shade still put it into his breast pocket and exposed one corner. This made Baron Lavender, who had a doll on his chest, particularly disappointed:

“Look, before the Rhodes game even started, I was already unlucky.”

Counting that there were still ten minutes left, the horse racing competition officially started. Shade and the Baron met again when they arranged to play Rhodes cards, and then walked towards the gate of the manor.

Bright and warm lights have been lit in the tents that have been set up, illuminating the world under the last rays of the setting sun. Ropes with small colorful flags are connected to almost all the buildings in the courtyard and garden.

After the Eisberg family took over the manor, they renovated the courtyard so that there were not very dense but interconnected ground water channels on the ground. The width of the water channels was almost a quarter of an adult’s. Although it is very shallow and can only submerge small animals like Mia, the top of the channel is still covered with stone slabs to facilitate walking.

Under the unclear moonlight, outside the bright tent, there was a channel floating with green leaves and petals obtained from unknown sources. The water in the aqueduct is even live water and is directly connected to the fountain and Schluch Lake behind the estate.

Although Shade has never seen a similar decoration method in this world, he has to admit that although this will greatly increase the maintenance cost of the manor, it has indeed improved the landscape level of the entire manor.

“Speaking of which, can you swim?”

He asked while looking at the lively tents. Different sounds of music were intertwined. The invited minstrels were playing and singing cheerful music in the tents. The gas pipes on the ground outside the tents were lit. The gas lamp illuminated the various colorful ribbons hanging at the entrance of the tent. The guests dressed in different colors smiled and enjoyed the hustle and bustle tonight.

This wedding banquet will be talked about for many years to come.


The cat stood on Shade’s shoulder and meowed softly, not knowing what it meant.

“The last time Mia took a bath was nearly two months ago. Although it is winter now, the temperature is not very cold yet. It may be necessary to wash her again.”

Xia De was talking to himself, while “she” in his ear chuckled and did not respond.

“It’s so lively~”

Looking up at the surroundings, the luxurious enjoyment and the fire of civilization are vividly displayed in front of my eyes. Although it was just a wedding banquet, in Xia De’s opinion, it could fully show the small cluster of fire that was the most powerful civilization in this world and this era.


Thinking about the possibility of the end of the world makes me feel a little melancholy. Looking up at the door of the manor, under the last rays of the setting sun, Princess Agelina Cavendish was already smiling and waving to him.


ps: When attending a banquet, you really need to describe some daily plots like this. It shouldn’t be too boring… I won’t describe every banquet game in detail. The author knows that the details are appropriate.



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