The Whispering Verses Chapter 898: Revisit Lakeview Manor


Although the church wedding is the most important ceremony of the day for the two people getting married, for the invited guests, the wedding banquet that can last until the early morning of tomorrow is the most important thing of the day. .

Wedding banquets are different from ordinary banquets. The purpose of a wedding banquet is simply for enjoyment and celebration, so it does not even require wearing too formal clothing.

On the way back from the church to St. Teresa’s Square, “Dorothy” told Shade about the dress code, which surprised Shade, who thought he would set out after resting at home:

“For such a high-level party, no formal attire is required?”

“Weddings are never particularly serious occasions, and there are many fun little games at this kind of wedding banquet. Dressing too formally will make it inconvenient to move around.”

Lecia said that Shade didn’t know why she didn’t switch back with Dorothy, but of course he wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask about it.

“Then what do I need to wear? Are normal clothes okay?”

Shad asked again, Lesia smiled and replied:

“Of course not, you have to have a little taste, otherwise you will be laughed at by others. Did you really just stuff the clothes I prepared for you into the cabinet without even looking at it? I know you don’t You will like the recently popular retro robe style clothing, so I have prepared your favorite black formal clothing for you. ”

Thinking of the venue for the dance, Shade asked worriedly:

“Will Dr. Schneider and Priest August appear at the manor tonight?”

“How could the doctor be there?”

Lecia asked suspiciously, and then said:

“As for the priests, I heard from my mother that the Eisberg family sent invitations to the Five Gods Church, but because this wedding was held at the Peace Church, the other four churches all skipped the banquet. Probably Someone accepted the invitation in a private capacity, but the priest Augustus would not come. Yesterday, Dorothy went to the doctor and wanted to contact the college to ask when the parchment she ordered would arrive. She happened to meet Austrian at the doctor’s place. Priest Gus. The priest is currently busy with the church’s financial statement audit at the end of the year and has no time to attend this kind of banquet that lasts until late at night.”

“This puts me at ease.”

Xia De hugged the cat and nodded.

“Don’t worry? Oh, I understand.”

Lecia naturally also thought of what happened in Lakeview Manor:

“How can it be that Tobesk is always unlucky? I don’t think you need to worry so much.”

The two returned to Shade’s house in a carriage. After returning home, Lecia exchanged with Dorothy again, allowing Dorothy to return to her own body. Shade didn’t know how the two girls allocated their time today, but he heard Dorothy complain that Lesia didn’t let her come back after changing her clothes:

“It’s a hassle to freshen up.”

Despite saying this, she still hummed and changed into the dress for attending the Lakeview Manor banquet. It was a lavender long dress. The style was relatively simple and it was indeed convenient for movement. Of course, the high heels were replaced by a pair of relatively short ones, and the hairstyle did not change much, except that the hair accessories changed into a diamond-encrusted butterfly shape.

It was already three o’clock in the afternoon when I got home, and by the time Dorothy had finished dressing up again, Mia’s nap had even ended. Without any further delay, the two got on the carriage at the corner of Saint Teresa Square and headed to the Lakeview Manor next to Lake Schluch.

After that kick in the midsummer night, Shade never came here again. After half a year, under the sky where the moon and the sun appeared at the same time, he saw the manor next to the lake again. Lots of emotion.

The scale of Princess Mona’s wedding dinner was no smaller than the outdoor party at Lake View Manor in the summer. Although it was early winter, the first snow had not yet arrived, so the temperature at night was still barely acceptable, so the banquet was also held indoors and outdoors at the same time.

When Shade first jumped off the carriage and saw the manor under the setting sun, large tents had been set up in the courtyard in front of the manor, and the tents were connected to each other by ropes hung with colorful flags. This banquet will be very lively, and there will be various activities in each tent.

According to the news Dorothy heard from Lecia, the royal family even asked the Prophets Association in advance about the weather conditions tonight and determined that tonight was one of the nights with the best weather in recent times.

“So does the Prophets Association know when it will snow?”

Xia De asked his female companion with a smile, and then said hello to the gentlemen walking by. Although Shade didn’t know most of them, a simple greeting was polite.

“Prophecy is not omnipotent. The Prophets Association does not often predict the weather.”

Dorothy said as she and Shad walked to the gate and stepped onto the red carpet paved on the walk. There are also flower petals on these carpets. Just from the decoration and dress of Lake View Manor that we have seen so far, the cost of this banquet will definitely not be less than 5,000 pounds.

In midsummer, under the moonlight, Xia De’s kick in the “divine overflow” state once left a moon mark on the footpath in the courtyard in front of the manor. After half a year, this mark has disappeared. It is said that it has Mr. Rendall, the thirteen-ring warlock of the Church of the Sun who decided to stay in Tobesk, used the power of sunlight to offset the power of moonlight.

When Shade followed the crowd and came to the place where “Mrs. Lasoya” died again, he still couldn’t help but sigh.

“What are you sighing for, Shade, follow me quickly.”

Dorothy urged from the front.

Now they have to go to the manor house first, present their gifts at the door, and exchange a few words with the groom and bride before they can enjoy the banquet.

“Shad, I’m going to meet up with my writer friends in a moment, and then accept the invitation of the two princesses to discuss literary topics. You can take a walk around the manor first, and then… ”

The blonde girl blushed slightly, the sun had not yet set, and a darts game seemed to be being prepared in the tent set up in the courtyard. Dorothy tried her best to suppress her trembling voice and spoke in a normal volume voice

“Her Royal Highness Lesiya has a handwritten copy of “Summer Night Collection”. Around eight o’clock, you may be invited to watch it together.”


Xia De said with a sullen face, nodding slightly to make this conversation sound flawless.

“Before that, you can take a look at the banquet. In addition to the ten o’clock Rhodes competition, there are also interesting games such as horse racing, fencing, darts, riddles, manor treasure hunts, etc….. .Oh, Your Highness also asked me to tell you that if Princess Agelina invites you to play together, please agree to her.”

Xia De, who was holding the cat, nodded slightly and curiously looked at the courtyard where many guests had come. In the tent in front of them, the band was preparing. This was not the kind of band that would play at a formal event or in an opera house, but a band wearing strange clothes and probably playing some folk songs.

“Yes, I will participate in these games. I want to prove my strength, wisdom and charm here.”

“Prove yourself? Are you preparing for the ceremony?”

Dorothy lowered her voice and asked curiously, Shade nodded slightly:

“So be it. Speaking of which, because I want to prove my charm, I want to dance with the most beautiful girl tonight. Dorothy, did we agree to dance together?”

“No, no, I’m not the prettiest girl tonight.”

Despite saying this, it can be seen that the blond writer is very satisfied with Shade’s question:

“The most beautiful girl tonight is of course the protagonist of this party, Lesia’s sister Mona Cavendish… Do you want to invite her to dance?”

She asked with a smile, then curiously observed Shade’s expression, and sure enough she saw Shade looking distressed.

According to Delarian tradition, at the dinner party on the night of the wedding, if a young gentleman who is not the groom invites the bride to dance, it can be directly regarded as a provocation to the groom. In the cold weapon age before the advent of the steam age, this was a bad provocation enough for the groom to launch a life-or-death duel.

Even though today’s era is more enlightened, no one would do such a thing. In particular, the bride is a princess of the royal family. If Shade dares to do this, even if he is an ace agent of MI6, Larus III will not let him go easily.

“I want to think of other ways.”

Xia De thought in his heart, but for the sake of the divinity of the “Lady of the Lake”, he would complete this task no matter what tonight.

While talking, the two finally arrived at the door of the Lakeview Manor. After delivering gifts, they officially entered the building.

The interior of the manor has also been renovated, and there is no trace of the previous owner, the Crown family.

Due to their connection with the cultists of [Mercury Blood] and [Lord of the Blood Feast], the Crown family has been wiped out of its title and has completely disappeared from the history of the Kingdom of Delarion. But that was a summer thing, and people may have mostly forgotten about it. After all, there are more interesting things happening in Tobesk every day.

Stepping into the renovated and resplendent hall, the groom and bride standing in the center holding wine glasses recognized Sha De at once. But the two parties only exchanged a few simple greetings. There were many guests coming tonight, and it was impossible for everyone to talk to the owner of the manor for a long time.

Shad didn’t say much, simply expressed his blessings, and then introduced his female companion to the Asbergs.

Mona Asberg must have known about the rumors between Shade and Miss Carina – it is impossible that no one in Tobesk’s aristocracy did not know this, but she still smiled and praised the beauty of the blonde writer. , and said jokingly:

“Miss Louisa, maybe you can use this party as a prototype for the story in “Hamilton’s Detective Stories.”

Considering the theme of Dorothy’s Detective Story, Shade didn’t think this was a very good idea.



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